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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Smirking darkly, each side of his split tongue gliding over his canines as Mal heard the shrieking alarms, already knowing that the hordes of the undead they had seen just a moment ago would be attracted to the noise. Cracking his knuckles, Mals fingernails extended into sharp talons as he calmly walked past Carter.

" If he rigged all this, he likely gave them an entry point we cannot access. Let me give that a try."

Shoving his fist through the metal grating in the front window, Mal chuckled darkly as the metal caging tore into his flesh, the glass behind it erupting into shards, his knuckles unscathed due to thick callouses he had formed before the bombs. Bending his arm at the elbow, he tore the grating clean out of the wall, the bolts that had held it in rattling to the ground. Removing the tore metal cage from his arm, the wounds already healing, Mal turned to his new human companion, his voice regaining the double toned, cold, quality it had before, his breath fogging in front of his mouth.

"Get to the van. I'll hold the dead at bay until you can get up there."

He knew the moment the window had shattered, allowing a burst of fresh air in, that the killer was nearby. Two things gave them away: In order to set all of this off, with all nearby cellular and radio towers down, they must be close, and their unique scent was in the air, although only a thin wisp of it.

Turning back to the window, Mal smirked, excited for a challenge.

"By the way, names Malik, but you can call me Mal."

Leaping through the window frame Mal locked in on the first of the undead, and immediately began sprinting towards it, ripping the windshield wiper off a nearby shrieking car. In an instant he was behind the zombie, the windshield wiper buried through its throat and halfway into the asphalt, pinning it to the road. Turning slowly, Mal stomped down on the things head, silencing it forever before unleashing an inhuman battle cry.
"Mal huh? I'm Carter. That's James. Nice to meet you." Carter nodded his head and began hobbling through the window. It hurt his leg bad, but he wasn't going to stay inside the store. He used his cane to walk over to the van as fast as he could. I'm his free hand, he held his revolver. Firing off shots every so often, he was trying to cover James and Mal. He jumped in the back of the van, but felt a hand grab his foot. Zombie. "Shit! No!" He pulled his gun on it, but before he could fire it slung him out, and he dropped the revolver.

Carter crawled for the gun, but the zombie jumped on top of him and began biting into his armor. "F***!" He yelled out, swatting wildly at the thing. He smacked it on its body a couple of times, bit nothing prevailed. Finally, adrenaline kicked in and he slammed the zombie into a piece of broken glass still stuck to the window. The piece broke off easily, but now the zombie had a piece of glass in its chest. It got up but tripped over itself, attempting to get used to this newfound problem. Carter stumbled for the gun, and pointed and fired. It was dead. He finally jumped into the car, and James jumped into the driver seat again.

"Mal! Let's go! Get in!"
Cotton heard the shrieks of alarms,

He stood upon the roof directly across the street from the office building. He heard the symphony of footsteps as the dead from nearby abandoned houses began their trek to the new source of food. He sighed to himself... that sick, sick man seems to have found new puppets to torment.

Craven adjusted his monocular, it seemed Cotton had heard the alarms and sirens as well. Craven himself was tucked inside a ruined liquor store right next to the office. Cotton and Elroy's decorating was impressive. Only they would disguise their presence by making everything look like a meaningless savage den. He could've ended Cotton right then and their, but he'd traded his sniper rifle to a traveling merchant for some cash. He'd have to buy a better one next time he got to a reputable trader.

Silently, he snuck out the liquor store and made his way to the entrance to the underground parking lot. He wanted to know what Cotton and Elroy were doing in this place specifically, he knew that Cotton wouldn't just pick a place at random. He entered and silently made his way through the building.

Elroy's Wolf heard the noise as well, leading him to turn from the pile of corpses he had made in front of a demolished supermarket. A little bit of each race, along with a couple zombies. Elroy's wolf snarled at the sound, he knew it would attract his prey from the hunting grounds. Just as he pondered whether he should cease the incessant noise two trucks sped down a nearby street. They stopped in front of the parking lot of the supermarket and the doors opened. Two groups of geared-up Shade claws ran out and set up a perimeter around one side of Elroy's wolf. Shade claws, they were starting to get more dangerous than the bloody Fangs. Not only where they better geared and better trained, they had various bases around the city and three times as many troops.

"Elroy," yelled one of the Shade claws "We know you and the old man are looking for it! That thing belongs to us and you **** well know it!"

Elroy's wolf snarled.

"Cotton's nothing without you and you're muscle" another said "So we're putting you down."

Elroy tilted his head and growled.

Three Shade claws knelt and raised their weapons.

And fired...

They bombarded his position, bullet rounds of all sizes demolished the ground he was at.

And when it was finally over...

Elroy was gone.

"The fu-?" one of them said before a shopping cart sailed into him and crushed his ribcage on the spot.

"He's moving!" a Shade claw yelled as the others scrambled to find him

Elroy leapt from a light post to a street light and then fell down onto one of the trucks, the occupants were liquidized as the weight crushed the ceiling inward.

Shotgun rounds dug into his flesh, he jumped off the roof and crushed the guilty Shade claw as another leaped into the back of the other truck.

Elroy was about to turn to find out what he was doing when another Shade claw leapt on his back and tried to bury a hatchet into him. Elroy grabbed his wrist and crushed it before swinging him in the air and throwing him into another Shade claw.

He heard the sounds of machinery and turned to see that the Shade claw in the back of the truck had assembled a mobile Minigun in the back of the truck, another was feeding bullets into it.

Elroy's wolf snarled before dashing towards the buildings across the street as rounds began mulching the ground at his heels.

The other Shade claw got behind the wheel and they sped after him.

Elroy climbed the building as the Minigun carved a gash into it. He leaped off onto another building as the Mnigum operator struggled to get him in his sights.

And the chase continued down the streets.
Hands trembling as the black in his eyes begins to trail into the green in small tendrils making their way inwards, Mal feels the only craving stronger than any blood thirst tearing at his core, fogging his mind as more undead came around the corner, practically a wave of them, all stumbling over each other. Mal wanted them all at his feet, shreds of flesh hanging from his claws, wearing their blood as a trophy. In that moment, he stood between rationality, fleeing towards the van, and his raw hunger to inflict true, and final death on those that had taken so much.

Finally, in what was probably a mere second or two but felt like an eternity, rationality won, and Mal turned, sprinting towards the van and leaping into it so quickly that as he hit the inside wall, the opposite sides wheels nearly came off the ground, as he snarled in his two toned voice,

"Mal." James said, looking at his pupils, and the odd look on his face, "Mal, look at me." James said, more forcefully this time. He could see Mal's pupils were huge, far larger than normal human pupils could go.

"Mal, I don't know how much you know about vampirism, but you're almost in a blood rage. I saw you hesitate there, near the zombies, before you got in here. You wanted to rip them to shreds, didn't you? You didn't even want their blood, you just wanted them torn apart? I've felt that. Heck, I've given in. But you can't. Not while Carter's here. I won't be able to stop you, I can see by your strength you're almost certainly first-generation. You have to surpress it, clam down, deep breaths, happy place, whatever works. But you have to calm down, right now, or you'll probably kill Carter." James explained, his seriousness temporarily coming out of the fog of his vampiric madness.
"Mal! You need to calm yourself. Listen to James. I don't really want to die." Carter held his hands up, trying to settle Malik down. James had talked about him going into a "blood rage" or whatever. He could see the terror and evil in those eyes. It wasn't Mal's fault. It was the mutation. The van swerved and turned, avoiding the zombies so it didn't break.

Carter suddenly heard gunfire and what sounded to be a building exploding. He turned suddenly to see a truck with a Minigun strapped on the back. Another man was beside the gunner, and was holding an assault rifle. Pointed at the van. "HOLY SHIT LOOK WHERE YOU-"

Ratatatatatatatatata! The assault rifle fired bullets into the van, tearing through metal and windows. "F***! Ram him!"
What started as a soft chuckle in his core slowly bubbled up his throat, leaving his lips as an insane cackle as Mal rose to his feet and crouched near the back of the van, like an Olympic sprinter, staring at the man with the assault rifle through the windshield. Glancing at Carter and James, a smug, thin lipped grin stretching across his face as his voice grew deeper, more raspy and carnal.

"I got this, although, if I were you James, I'd listen to Carter and ram those f***ers as hard as possible."

Crouched, head down, face covered by his hair, Mal took a deep breath, walking the thin line between sanity and everyone in this car dying, before looking back up, straight through the windshield, and into the assault rifle bearing thugs eyes, every muscle in his body coiled as tight as steel, hoping they'd pick up on his plan, and be smart enough not to question it.
James burst through the windshield, running faster than a speeding car. He had gotten shot in his left hand, but that was healing quickly now. He caught up to the truck that was attacking them.

"RAM THEM? F*** THAT!" Screamed James, grinning like a madman as he reached up, and tore the head off of the man with the assault rifle. Blood and such spewed all over his comrade on the less manoeuvrable minigun, and he back away from James in fear.

James grabbed the assault rifle from him, and bent it beyond repair, throwing it to the ground. The man who had been holding it was terrified now. He had had a military background, but even that would never prepare him for fighting an incredibly strong, insane vampire.

"Now," Said James, still a huge grin on his face, thinking about what he could do to this man if he wanted, "Mind telling me who you are?"

(I suggest choco speaks for him, as it was his idea to have them attack us)
That was it. The line between sanity and everyone in that car dying had been crossed. Snarling, infuriated, Mal sprung through the windshield, through the air, not even touching the ground, so great was the force that he pounced with, on top of the truck, tearing a small square open, and killing the driver in such a way that his body would go limp, and the car would slowly roll to a stop in the straight stretch of road they were on.

Slowly rising, and turning to face James, any trace of green, and white, anything but black in his eyes was gone. They were two pits of darkness into his soul, which was now as cold and hollow as the breath that left his lips, fogging before his face. Hopping down from the top of the truck, into the trucks bed, with the flick of his wrists he tore the minigun out of its mount and tossed it onto the road behind him.

Ripping the human out of James grasp, Mal held him by the throat in the air as he kicked James off the back of the truck, leaping through the air behind him and landing with one foot firmly planted on James chest, while he used his one free hand to bring the van, which James had left without a driver, to a stop. The van had already slowed significantly, so hopefully the impact wouldn't hard Carter, who was still inside the van, too much.

Then, his cold, black eyes turned to James, as he completely ignored the human, sputtering, crying and writhing in his other hand, having already released his bladder.

"You would have just killed Carter. He would be dead right now if I wasn't here."

Pressing down harder and harder, Mal wanted to add James to the vampire body count. He had slain many before, and they were sane, just feeding on those he happened to be protecting. This one was mad, and put them all at risk.

Instead Mal lifted his foot off of James' chest, and turned to face the whimpering thug. At this point, the green had begun returning to his pupils, but his voice was still thick with rage and bloodlust.

"You've seen what I can do. Now you will answer all questions, and maybe I won't drain you dry."
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Carter flew side to side in the van, hearing the sound of screaming and crying outside. "F*****kkk." He said to himself, quietly trying to process what happened, as he lay on the ground. James had jumped though the windshield of the van, leaving him still in the backseat. That was when the van came to a lurching stop, and Carter had been flown into the sides of the van. As he slowly pulled himself up, grabbing his revolver along the way, he slid open the doors and fell out. His cane had hopelessly broken into shards on the ground. Luckily, Carter could still walk, but it hurt extremely horribly. He limped over to where the truck was, and eyed the sight.

Mal had James by the throat, with one-hand on a screaming man who was yelling something about Shade Claws. "Holy shit. Malik. Think about what you're doing here. You can't do this." Carter held his hands up to indicate he wasn't threatening him in any way. He held the revolver by the barrel also. "We can't kill our own. No matter what they've done, it just isn't worth it." That was when the negotiation by the trucks that were suddenly pulling up again. "Come on, give us a break." He muttered under his breath, then immediately dove under the truck and hid.
Mal quickly reassessed the situation. Two new trucks had arrived, those inside of them not yet visible. Both trucks had been plated with scrap metal, providing extra armor, so it was safe to assume those inside were also well armed. The balance of power had changed, and if he had remained in his blood rage, Mal new he could die, so he did the only logical thing. Shaking off as much of the nearly overwhelming hunger for the death of his foes as he could, Mal helped James to his feet, regretting that he did not have the time to apologize, before bolting towards the truck where Carter was hiding, dropping down to slide complete underneath it.

Turning to Carter, Mal brushed his hair out of his face, voice now back to its normal tone.

"What now? We don't exactly have a safe position from which to observe them, so I'd decide quickly."
Elroy looked down at the street brawl about to take place, he was thankful that those idiots in the van had been dumb enough to drive a speeding van through ShadeClaw territory.

Then again, his wolf had raced through it without caring whatsoever. Maybe he'd talk to him about camouflaging their presence later. The problem with humans was that they weren't as predictable as the natural order of the animal kingdom. His wolf seems to forget that humans don't all have a specific daily routine like animals.

The wind rustled his fur as his wolf leaned over the side of the building, itching to leap into the fray and start tearing into bodies. Elroy knew that the two new trucks had Hunter squads in them. Basically the ShadeClaw combatants that were specifically trained to be on par with the more supernatural enemies.

He heard that the Hunter ShadeClaws even had several first generations mounted up in their hub.

Now Elroy knew that this just made them deadlier, not immortal. They could still be killed like any other human, albeit with a much larger amount of effort compared to the regular grunts.

Elroy knew that they'd been sent to catch him, only way they could've responded quick enough.

These unlucky ***holes just seem to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The ShadeClaw grunt was still blubbering like a baby, glancing from the spot the unlucky ones had taken cover to the surrounding rooftops. Looks like he's trying to decide which people he should be more afraid of.

The bloodthirsty werewolf whose position he didn't know of.

Or the guys from the van whose position he definitely knew of.

Lying next to him was the inactive minigun.

Elroy wanted that so badly.

Stealth had never been his strong suit. So insurmountable brute force had been his only option.

He'd seen that minigun eat through concrete.

He wanted that so badly.

Alas, it seemed the thing had been irreparably jammed when the operator had yanked on it in an attempt to aim towards the vampires.

It was beyond useless, only a practiced and experienced gunsmith could wrench the bullet out of the gears without damaging the main body of the weapon.

Elroy cursed as his wolf did a double take of the situation.

Elroy's wolf recognized the Hunters, a formidable foe indeed.

They could have the human and the vampires, there was no reason to waste energy brawling with them over nothing.

As they watched the first truck's door unlatched, the heavy plating making a creaking noise as two ShadeClaw Hunters stepped out. Their dark purple uniforms gave no light reflection as the sun hit them.

The eyes on their masks gave an eerie green glow as they kept them aimed towards the hostiles' hiding location.

Elroy knew that several of the Hunters had been Spec Ops. Hardcore military fiends amped up by over-excessive training and kill mottos.

The grunt wiped his nose on his sleeve and scrambled over to them, pleading to be escorted out of there immediately.

The truck's doors closed and it backed up to the other truck. One of the Hunters grabbed the grunt and asked him something. The grunt blurted something to him and the Hunter tossed him away before pulling out a radio and speaking into it.

All the while they other one was silently glaring at the hiding position of the others.

Then the music.

"Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are."

The first Hunter spun towards the sound with his machine-gun ready.

A humanoid was walking down the street towards them. It seemed to have had its arms lobbed off and a loud cassette player strapped to its torso.

Its entire lower jaw was missing and it looked like it had been severely starved from the look of its ribs being clearly visible through its wretched skin.

"Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky."

It stumbled towards the Hunters with a glazed expression on its face.

The armed Hunter nodded to the glaring Hunter, who nodded back and pulled his machinegun from his back.

The armed Hunter walked up to the stumbling and emancipated humanoid before whipping out an AP Pistol and firing half a dozen rounds into its skull.

He tore off the cassette and a note fell from it, the Hunter scooped up the note as he tossed the Cassette away and read it.

After several seconds he crumpled the note and threw it to the ground as well.

He then put a bullet into the cassette player and silenced the music before walking back towards the trucks.

He twirled his finger, and the other Hunter systematically gunned down the grunt.

They both reentered their truck before tossing some tear gas out and speeding off.

**** it, the need to have that Minigun was too strong for him.

The tricks hadn't gone seven yards before Elroy's wolf leaped down to the battered truck, tore off the minigun and then leaped away.

"Enough risks, need to get back to base."

A true warrior is just as good as his weaponry. We must grow our armory!

Elroy inwardly sighed as his wolf sped off, come to think of it... some of those other combatants looked familiar.

His wolf ignored the thought and continued speeding off with the weapon.

Craven had gone through several floors.

All of them infested with the dead.

Seems Cotton is still keeping his home as deadly as possible.

Craven had had to sneak by and use his hunting knife as much as possible. He didn't want the entire building after him and he still didn't know whether Elroy was lurking about or not.

He made it to a floor that seemed actually clean, he'd bet one of his eyes this was where Cotton was taking up residence. He snuck around.

Cotton had a bunch of the cubicles taken down and their contents were missing.

Leaving a large spacious room with a single desk in the bare center.

Craven swallowed and walked over to it.

Spread out on it were images, images of the railroad system throughout the city.

He knew it, these guys must be after it too.

Why was he surprised?

Anyone who'd ever heard of it was trying to get it.

He knew a lot of people who died trying.

Currently he was certain that the ShadeClaws were after it.

The Fangs were too, but they were a lot more easily distracted.

And now Cotton and Elroy.

He had suspicions that... that he was after it too.

But nobody really understood anything he did.

It was like every ***hole I the city decided to fight for the same god**** thing at once.

Craven sighed, then noticed an end table pressed up against the large window.

He walked to it, lying on top was a pair of binoculars.

He pulled out his monocular and took position next to the end table before holding it up to his eye.

Looking through it, he had a perfect view of one the railroad tracks at the edge of town.

Getting a sudden thought, he looked down to the building Cotton was on.

And stifled a gasp.

There was nothing there but a large piece of cardboard with a half-***ed smiley face drawn on it in marker.

He heard a sickeningly familiar chuckle behind him, and spun around.

Only to catch a glimpse of the Cotton's Bandages before his cane bashed into the side of Craven's head.

Craven went down from the sheer force put behind the swing.

The world faded to black as he heard Cotton laugh.

"Oh I love visitors, especially familiar ones. Good to see you again Craven."

And then Craven passed out.
"There's your answer." Carter slowly crawled out from under the truck, looking at the ensuing carnage. Trucks ramming into each other, then crashing into buildings after that figure had fallen from the sky. He just crashed into one and tore off the gun, then immediately soared back into the sky. The truck drivers seemed a bit surprised, and most had crashed. One truck managed to drive off and away, just sputtering by. As he helped himself up by the truck, he began thinking about the nursery rhyme that had come piling through this ruckus. Carter began heading for the body, jawless and armless, now laying dead on the ground. On the side of one of the buildings, was a crumpled up piece of paper. Carter gulped, and picked it up.

"Three blind mice. Three blind mice.

See how they run. See how they run.

They ran after the one who tried to be nice.

Who cut off their heads with a carving knife,

Did you ever see such a sight in your life,

As three blind mice?"

Slowly emerging from beneath the car, Mal looked down at his hands, his claws still elongated and his fingertips shaking to slightly for the human eye to notice. It'd been far too long since he had fed on fresh blood. The blood from the neko's heart was nearly useless by the time he had gotten to it, and his strength was waning. The battle that had occurred mere moments before could have gone very differently had he been at his full strength, and perhaps he would have been of more use. But as he approached Carter, the corpses littered about held no appeal. He needed something fresh. And he didn't know how he was going to get it.

"They toy with us further. It's growing old. But that figure that appeared before could be of value to us."

Walking over to the truck that previously held the minigun, Mal took a deep breath through his nostrils, picking up the creatures scent, although choosing not to reveal its identity to Carter. The human, after his previous encounters, may be wary of that particular species.

"The way he moved seemed to indicate that he was gathering resources that would be of value to one planning a large scale attack, for instance, the way he went for the gun, completely ignoring everything else here, including the very real threat to his well being."

Turning back to Carter, Mal ran a hand through his hair, trying to distract disguise his shakes. "We should track him. But carefully. He may not be alone and we do not yet know his intentions."
Craven hissed as another nail was driven into another one of his eyes.


He was suspended by a metal frame, tied up and hanging just over the edge of the roof. Just within arm's reach.

"Now my friend," said Cotton as he walked over to a tray and plucked another nail from it "Which establishment did they go to next?"


Cotton sighed "I know, I'm just doing it for fun now."

Another eye was pierced by the nail. Craven had to stop himself from screeching.

" You know, it's funny." Cotton said "You used to be the one who always said it never existed."

Craven snorted "Oh please, with what HE did at the power station last year, I'm surprised everyone doesn't know about it."

"The gangs have ways. Besides, you should know how much people don't like talking about HIM."

"Even with all that power, they've got no chance of taking it from the Conducter."

"Don't place bets just yet, the Conducter may have the power and strength. But his time will come."

"HE'S not even able to touch the Conducter, so HE'S not going to get it, you're not getting your hands on it, and the ShadeClaws sure as **** aren't getting it."

Their speech was interrupted by a loud thud. Cotton turned to see Elroy's wolf walking towards them.

"Human! You shall fix this machine immediately!!!" He bellowed as it dumped a battered minigun at Cotton's feet.

He then turned to Craven and snarled "You tried to kill my host!"

"Well" Craven hissed "no offense, but your human's an ***hole."

"Pals, there's no need to argue." Cotton intervened before pointing down the road "besides, I may need your assistance dear wolf."

Elroy's wolf followed his finger and snarled, in the distance was a ShadeClaw van heading towards the train station.

"We don't need them alerting the Thinkers in the area."

Kelly's wolf groaned, he'd love for nothing more than to cave in the man's face. But Thinkers were one of the three deadliest things in this city. The other two being ShadeClaw Hunters and HIM. His host would be in danger if they got more interested in this place.

Elroy's wolf glared at Cotton before leaping down making off in the van's direction.

"Congratulations Craven, it appears I'm going to have to cut our chat short." Cotton said before picking a sedative up off the tray.

Elroy's wolf kept pace with the van as helped he leaped across rooftops to follow it. He had to stop them before they reached the station. The Thinkers kept surveillance on those places tighter than any other gang in the city.

He jumped down next to a bent street lamp and wrapped his arms around it before wrenching it out of the ground. He raised it like a javelin and took aim.

He tossed.

It broke through the back doors of the van. The driver must have been hit, because the van slowed to a stop as Elroy's wolf approached. The side door slid open and a single ShadeClaw stepped out.

From the clothing, Elroy's wolf could tell it was a Hunter. He licked his jaws.

They were said to be fearless, that they spent every breathing second trying to kill their enemy no matter how fruitless it seemed.

When the Hunter finished situating himself he turned to see the largest werewolf he'd ever seen staring him down.

A split second passed as the werewolf's eyes burrowed into the eye holes on the Hunter's mask.

And then the Hunter whipped up his SMG in a flash and pulled the trigger.

The wolf felt several bullets imbed themselves in in the side of his skull before he swung his fist, smashed it into the weapon and crushed it into the side of the van, shattering the Hunter's arm along the way.

Without missing a beat, a large blade slid out the tip of the Hunter's boot and he swung it upward.

The blade dug straight through wolf's body.

The wolf wrenched it's body to the side, sending the Hunter flying. As the blade left, a small fountain of blood spewed from the clean cut hole in the wolf's body.

The Hunter quickly got back to his feet as he whipped out a large handgun with his good arm.

"No mercy for you." The Hunter stated before firing.

The round tore through the wolf's shoulder and tore most of it off as it passed.

The wolf leaped out of the way of next round before speeding towards the Hunter. The Hunter slid to the side as the wolf's claws dug into the pavement.

Before he could fire another round, the wolf swung his good arm into his stomach and sent him flying.

The wolf growled before pouncing on the Hunter and sending his fist into the side of his head.

The Hunter went still, but he continued breathing. The wolf had made sure to hold back, enough to render him unconscious. His shoulder slowly healed as he hefted the Hunter onto his good shoulder and began making his way back to the office building.

He knew the Thinkers would be investigating the gunshots soon
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(So sorry it took me so long to post, I've been busy with a few other roleplays and general life problems.)

"Right, right. Tracking him. The strange thing is that he didn't leave us a clue this time. I think he's pissed." Carter was slightly amused that the serial killer was angry with them, that means they were one step closer to finding him out. He then began to much more closely inspect the body laying on the ground. It did have something engraved inside of it. "Keep On Looking!"

Carter looked down the foggy road, which hid the city and other creatures quite nicely. His leg hurt like hell, and now that he didn't have a cane anymore he had no idea how he was going to walk any further. Carter suddenly realized that there was something strapped to the front of the body. He grabbed the light and weak thing and pushed it over, to suddenly realize that there was a crutch and another note taped onto the thing. The note was a picture of a smiley face, and it said "Sorry about your leg."

Who was this guy? And why did he want Carter?!
Normally, if a 13-year-old girl heard screams of men, she'd be terrified. But no, no-- this wasn't any average teenage girl. She was a different one. The girl's footsteps were light, as light as she could be with combat boots. Peering her head to the side of the building, she saw a man look like he was about to limp.

She contemplated whether she would help him or not. She decided to do so. Swiftly running past him to create a diversion, so he'd look backwards, she swerved to face him, a couple feet in front of him. Suppressing a slightly smug smirk, she raised her revolver in her strong, but small hands.

"You." She beckoned firmly. The cobra inside of her hissed lightly at her slightly immature stupidity that was about to commence.

"Hands up, and I won't shoot." She added, swampy brown eyes narrowed slightly. They gave off that kind of look where she just couldn't be mad at anyone, but was trying hard to be firm before she could laugh or something of that matter.

Her hand didn't shift off the holster, holding the gun in a steady aim right in between his eyes. The gun was tipped upward a bit because of her small height. She didn't look a day over 13.
Observing the newcomer, Mal chuckled lightly. After the firefight they were just involved in, the child seemed to pose no threat. It was only when he inhaled through his nose, ready to sigh, that he realized this was no ordinary child. Quickly, Mal appeared between the two of them, staring down the barrel.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to kill him. We are traveling together and while I can not consume your blood, its stench leaking through your skin, that certainly doesn't mean I can't drain every last drop onto this asphalt. But I'd hate for it to come to that. And you know that. Which is why I have the odd feeling that whether or not we put our hands up, you won't shoot."

Smirking, Mal slowly raised his hands, palms facing the newcomer, whose eyes contained experience far beyond their age. "But I will regardless, and recommend Carter does as well. As a sign of peace."
She paused for a moment, golden eyes flicking back and forth as if she were reading them. She simply put the gun back in its holster. She wouldn't be needing it for a while. She managed to catch a whiff of the air and recognized him as a vampire.

"Hi, I'm Khan." She said simply. And a smile curved on her lips. She held out a hand for a greeting. Khan was one of those people in this kind of world who only had one shred left of hope for it, and tried to be a bit optimistic about other things.
Carter was taken back by the small girl who had walked up and pointed a gun at him. Mal had taken point and told Carter to raise his hands up. Carter had raised his eyebrow from behind his visor, but did as he was told and brought his hands up. He was getting held up by a little girl. After fighting 4 goddamn werewolves, he was going to get held up by a little girl. ****.

That was when the girl suddenly dropped the gun and held out a hand. Ok, what? "Hi, I'm Khan." Carter slowly brought his hands down, and looked at the hand. His mind shrugged and he shook the hand. "Carter."
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Her hand was unusually cold, and felt leathery and scaly, but her skin was just normal looking. The outside air hadn't affected her body heat, but there was venom and cold blood running through her veins. To beings other than humans they could sense she was different from the usually mutations, and they were from to not take her blood. She shook his hand back, with an unusually firm grip, as if it were jaws clamping onto prey, but it wasn't enough to hurt someone.

She pulled away from his hand, the cold feeling leaving.

"So, you're not dangerous or anything, right?" She asked, cocking a dark brow. She looked clean, other than the blood stain on the hem of her worn olive green cargo shorts. Other than that, it looked, and smelt like she had showered or cleansed herself in a way.
Carter brought his hand back and looked at the little girl. He was a bit puzzled. How had this girl survived for so long without anybody else? She looked like she was alone. She didn't look like a "mutant." She had asked them if they were dangerous. Them?! She's the one who just held some people up! Carter nudged that thought away and responded. "It depends on what you call dangerous."
She shook her head, and waved her hand, as if she were wiping away the previous statement. She stopped doing that action and looked at Carter, and then at Mal. Then straight forward. She found it hard to make eye contact with people, and she shoved her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

"Never mind that," She said. Her piercing golden eyes flickered around the whole area, as if she were assessing it for something. "Is there more of you? I've never seen others around that haven't tried t-- I haven't seen any others." She stated quickly, covering up the part about people trying to kill her.
"Right. But, anyways, you don't seem to be the little girl type. So I'll tell you what we're doing, in exchange for the same information from you. Sound good?" Carter then kneeled down to get on the small girl's level. "So, what are you doing out here in the city?"
She nodded at his remark in complete understanding after she deciphered and thought of what she would have to do for him. For someone this age she was a clever one. Se had to be, she had to hide herself during full moons, and keep herself from getting killed by analyzing situations.

He kneeled. She was forced to look him in the eye no matter how uncomfortable it was. "Someone robbed me blind. I needed supplies." She said. If you looked closely, her lips were dry, and her stature was strong, but bony.

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