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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

jumps up quickly and grabs Cruz by the neck. "I don't want to hear it!" Punches Cruz in face and drops him onto floor.
I fall on my back and spit. I breath deeply desperately trying to keep my cool. "Perhaps you are both right." I say softly. "Maybe El Cruzador is wasting his time." I laugh between coughs. "El Cruzador cannot help those who insist on become immortal degenerate beasts." I slowly look up at the bat. "El Cruzador cannot teach someone to train their beasts if they cannot even muster the will to restrain it." My eyes widen and I push the bat. I loudly exhale as I pull on Donovan's arm and pull him forward pushing him off balance. I use to opportunity to leap from the window, onto the Sedan outside. This time I manage to fall relatively unharmed.
Jumps from window and lands on back. Sticks sword deeply into shoulder. 
Pulls sword out of shoulder, and has crazed look in eyes. "You aren't going anywhere, Taco!" 
Exactly, I was planning on getting along after this day, but the stuff he says makes me want to rip him to pieces
I screech in pain. "¡Hijo de !". My eye sight dulls as I desperately try to hold onto the last of life. I try to keep my breathing controlled while attempting to rally my body to work. Before me flashes my family, those who I've helped and all that I worked for. All of it, gone because of these crazed beasts and their urges. My breath slowly leaves my lungs as I struggle my hardest to keep consciousness. Unfortunately begin thrown out a window onto shards of glass, being punched in the face slammed against the ground, jumping out a window, begin stabbed with a sword deeply through the shoulder and finally having my chest and throat stabbed are too much for a man. It's simply too much. A small trail of blood leaves my mouth. I try to regain my breath however as my throats been stabbed it's pointless. I collapse. I mutter "Dios perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen." My eyes slowly close and the last my life life lingers within my body. Without serious medical help I've really go no chance. I close my eyes and try to keep myself alive for as long as I can, fighting with any ounce of willpower to not rest.
Shakes head and regains sanity. "Wh-what happened?" Looks at Cruz. "We need to help him!" Picks up Cruz and runs back into apartment. "Thank The Lord I know medical training!"
Elbows in stomach, taking away breath. Spins around and punches in face. Pulls out Uzi and points at head. "Who the hell are you?" I ask calmly
Naomi Sutskoi heard commotion. It wasn't the sort of commotion she'd expect from the undead, no, this was more lively. Humanly voices. She smelled a dog. Werewolf. Intruders.

She HATED Werewolves.

With a groan, she blinked away the bits of slumber still lingering in her eyes and jolted to a seated position, noting the splintered wood being eaten away before her eyes. The broken down apartment she had slipped into was decaying... fast. With a gentle shake of her head, she gathered her long hair into a bundle, twisting it into a horribly messy ponytail, and softly leaped to her feet, avoiding creaks and moans of the ancient floor.

"Out of my f****** way! I have to cauterize those wounds!"

She froze at the sound of the voice, turning her head for a better hearing point. It was close. Wounds? So one of the strangers had to be hurt. There was no doubt a quarrel occurring outside. Better to avoid it.

She drew out her sword in precaution, kneading the firm handle, taking comfort in the glint of the polished blade. Her daggers hung closely to her thighs, like a blanket. Everything was secure, just the way she liked it.

She listened and waited.
Stares down at cruz and horror washes over me like a wave.

"...this....this is my fault...." backs away slowly. "I im sorry...I..." takes off running, as all the emotions building up inside me start to burn into anger and self loathing at what I had let myself become. My eyes burn with fury and I race towards the one place where I would feel any assemblance of comfort. The old private park, with all the trees. Id seen it on my hunt, and it reminded me of the wood that had been my home for all those years.

I knew onde I got there, I could let myself shut down, embrace my animal without the corruption of humanity to twist its instincts...without having to feel the regret.
**This involves everyone who's still partaking in the roleplay. Any questions, and feel free to ask.**

As Eliana stumbled back from where she had fallen, she could hear something coming from where she'd just run from- The forest. The place no one dared to go anymore, because as if things weren't already unknown enough, even stranger things were there. Suddenly she heard the same deep voice in her head, sending chills down her spine.You should've stayed home, little girl. Your mother would've missed you. Too bad your father never got to see how precious you turned out to be. What a shame you had to leave. Images flashed through her mind, rather.. Morbid pictures of a far too familiar looking woman who had the same stark white hair and green eyes- But she could hardly stay focused on the resemblances. Instead she was horrified to see what had been done to the woman, and quickly felt her stomach clench and drop from these images. At the same time that a sudden darkness had come over the entire area, she screamed a loud, shrill, and pierce scream. Similar to a rolling cloud along the ground, everything suddenly went black. There were no lights from the sky nor from anything else for that matter. Sudden fear, pain, and confusion was sent to anyone and everyone caught within this sudden darkness, which had instantly seeped into all buildings and rooms- There was no safe place to hide now. And as if to further react to this happening, there were suddenly more shrill, and pierce screams, but they weren't human. They weren't from anything close to human. New creatures came from the forest though of course no one would be able to see, yet. These creatures were much like the ones out and about at night usually, except, well.. They were smarter. They had developed a language among themselves, and knew more instinctively how to kill. These creatures walked on four limbs, never standing on two alone for a balance factor. Their mouths were no longer.. Really mouths, and their teeth were more like fangs. As if the current creatures of the night had devolved further away from being anything close to humans, their mouths were split into an X, able to open in quite a horrendous way. These creatures couldn't infect, but they killed for the sake of killing. They could be killed with a shot to the chest- For their brain wasn't in their heads but rather their chests. They had no eyes and moved with the ability of echolocation and sensing vibrations, along with astounding hearing and quite level smelling abilities. Running rather fast due to four legs, which were a mix of a hand/palm looking piece, however sharp claw like nails were involved.

These new, and advanced creatures audibly spread throughout any place in the vicinity, already searching for prey.. Though it'd be quite hard to fight with the black, almost smog like cloud evading all sight and inducing fear, though it was slowly fading. (Visibility will return in an hour, at least.)

Naturally they will foster the infectious creatures like children, and try to teach them their intelligent ways.
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I shudder violently as my senses are overwrought with something foreign, something my animal side had never felt before. Fear.

The scent of a predator, a pure predator, an animal who kills against the laws of nature.

Before, humans had been the only thing like that.

But now...we were to reap what we had sewn.

The screams...oh god the screams that begin to erupt in the pitch darkness rock my very core.

All excitement from running with zombies was gone.

No longer a snake in the grass, I felt like a mouse caught in a trap.

And all I could do was climb higher, and curl up in fright.
My wolf side tingles. Something isn't right...

Something with the intelligence level as a human...

But, it was cold...

It didn't seem to want flesh...

This wasn't a zombie... or a human...

No, this was something different

Something much more terrible...

The screams that the things let out were terrible...

They curdled my blood...

These were the new coming race

And they would teach the zombies...

And they would be unstoppable...

Dashes off toward Donnovan.
Its been a good ten minutes and thankfully none of the creatures had come near my tree. But I know thats not going to last.

It is with great difficulty that I gather up what little common sense I can muster the this haze of terror and start inspecting the tree branches, looking for the right lengths and thicknesses. I find about five within arms length, and pull my only knife from its sheath on my belt, thankful that I never lost it after all these years; and start hacking away at them, quietly as I can.

It was time to make use of my javelin toss.
In the Horizon there is what seems to be sparks and whipping sounds with what seems to be like something is drawing them away. -Crack- the Fear that permeated the air seems to be suspended momentarily. -Crack- as another flash of light apears with the cracks of what seems like a whip. -Crack- as this scene plays out for those who can see alittle it seems like a firefly is crackling and dancing while creature attempt to control it's movement. The cracks are sometimes followed by the occasional scream of shear pain and agony, this figure that even when focused on from some of the flashes, looks like something that crawled out of a swamp. With the swiftness of a coursing river, and as mysterious as the Dark side of the moon, you see this pile of mud and leaves, and what seems like vines dance for the enjoyment of all those around. "WHY WONT YOU DROP!?!" a Voice shrills out while the Flashes continue to dance and the occasional body drop.
On top of her tree, Kat could see the whole block. And the zombies coming closer. She curled up into a ball and hoped, prayed, that maybe, just maybe they wouldn't sense her. She heard groaning and felt pushing at the tree. Oh, see now what you've got us into! We were perfectly fine until you decided that you just had to visit Rosemary's grave. The cat inside her said. Shut up. She mentally rebuked herself. She uncoiled, and felt claws sliding out of their sheathes on her hands. As a cat, Katerina could creep along one of the slimmer branches and jump onto another, higher structure. The water tower. She crept along the branch, and sprang agilely into the air. She landed with a skid on the water tower. Kat quickly dove inside the structure. It had a huge hole in the bottom of it, and all the water had been drained out.

An all too familiar word. One of them had passed away. Just who were these people? With a frown, she snaked around the interior of the building, feeling along the cracks and holes of the walls. She had to move, but where? What was the point of all this traveling? Where did she intend to go? It was as though she were simply breathing, surviving. What was this thing they called... living? Was she in actuality, dead?

There was suddenly a terrible, terrible feeling clenching in her gut. Something horrible. Something... starving. What... were these creatures?

With a huff, she lightly leaped up along a rickety staircase, avoiding splinters, and soared up through a hole in the roof. It was there she caught a better look at one of the intruders from the earlier fight. He was... drawing a knife. Was he planning to cut away at a branch? For what reason...

The scent of decay overwhelmed her. There was no point in giving in to her curiosity. She sheathed her sword, squatted (praying the man in the tree hadn't taken too much consideration in investigating who she was), and drew out a single dagger. It was then she noticed the Werewolf dashing towards the tree. She clenched her teeth.
"I wake up in this forsaken place with no hope. Even though I'm immortal, I can't stand seeing hopeless people die in front of me. Everyday, I can hear the screams of people who dies slowly and suddenly change into those horrid beings."

"My only goal is to survive, and that's what I'm gonna do..."

"Sora! Sora!!!"

Sora heard a voice screaming beside him.


Sora got back to his senses and sees his partner, Eve screaming beside him to get Sora back to his senses.

"What are you staring at nothing right now?! We've been foound by hordes of zombies. In any minute, they'll be close to us now!" Eve exclaimed towards Sora looking at his blank face that seems to be staring into nothingness...

Noises can be heard from the outside and they also heard rough screechings from the other exit.

Sora readies his dual handguns...

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{HA!!!! Found it!!! Now onto role playing!}

Takeru sat high watching the sun start to take to the horizon. The scape before him started painting itself in yellows pinks and oranges. It was the most beautiful thing he had seen since all of this chaos had begun. Every evening he would climb the water tower and sit up here watching the sun set. A soft breeze blew through the area and the boy picked up a scent neither zombie nor human. Blinking his huge brown eyes he turned his head just in time to see the tail of what he could only assume by scent that belonged to that of a cat. He blinked and returned for a moment watching the sun set. Then he slowly rose.

His weight was that of not a normal human being, he was light skinned and enjoyed evenings and nights. His hair consisted of various brown and black straight strands gelled into one specific style. He was thin but filled his cloths well. Tall but not to tall, not like others he had met. He wore himself well in the way of being expressionless.

He approached the water tower door.

Obviously too large to enter the same way the cat had he blinked and prayed he would not scare the cat off. Bravely he opened the door.

"Hello?" He called with a melancholy voice. His tones were laced with kindness and somehow as if he cared which he did greatly in this day and age he could not afford not to be. He pushed open the door further and stepped in. Any normal water tower would have a shelf for pumping out the water, however when Takeru stepped into the water tower he wound up falling straight down into the darkness.

Fear rose. Not for himself though but rather for that of the small prying cat that might be potentially down there. His eyes flashed slightly in a shade of crimson and he turned on his heals taking to the side of the water tower hoping he did not hit the cat.

It took only seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but he looked up. His eyes were still a crimson colour when he looked down around the water tower. His eyes searched for that cat using the light he had picked up from being what he was.

"Hello?" He called seeing nothing.

{sorry! If you read this before I edited it.}

This post is directed @Chelsea Griffin
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Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The truck lurched forward as her foot slammed down on the gas pedal, accelerating to about 85. Then suddenly thre was a loud repetative THUMP-ing noise to the right of the car. When it became obvious that whatever it was that was making that noise wasn't going to go away she hit the brakes. A dark, slinking figure flew forward off the top of her car and into the beam of her headlights. The creature was lake nothing she'd ever seen. Lyric cursed under her breath, staring at the un-natural beast before her. It stood about forty feet from the front end of her car, staring at her with two horrific crimson eyes. Rex shifted uneasily in the seat next to her, growling slightly as he did so.

"Shh. Not now boy."

He went silent, but his body was rigid. The dog wasn't stupid. He knew when there was danger, but he also knew when and when not to fight. Right now was a 'when not'. Then, as quickly as it had come the thing left. But the image of the creature stuck firmly in her mind. Whatever it was, she felt that it would be more dangerous than any of the other zombie-like beings she had come across in other cities. Lyric knew that if she was going to find a place to rest she should probably do it now. So without another thoght she drove the Hummer up to a broken down water tower(The same one that the two others are in), parking as quietly as she could beneath it. She switched off the headlights. As to not attract any unwanted visitors.

Though even if she did attract any of them, she'd be safe. All of her windows were reinforced with steel barriers that she had happened to come upon at a military encampment in North Carolina. The sides of her tires were equipped with metal spikes, proturding out of the rims. It felt safe enough for her to recline her chair and rest her eyes. Beside her Rex began to whine, kneading the seat with his paws. Oh great. Lyric had seen enough apocaliptic movies to know that whenever you went outside during the night, someone was going to get killed.

"C'mon boy. You're not about to pee in my car."

She flicked down her sunglasses, pressing the button right above the right lense. The dark world lit up around her in a green hugh. Night Vision. Even a werewolf such as she couldn't see in the pitch black. Rex jumped over the arm rest and out the driverside door. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, giving the dog a puppish look. Lyric rolled her eyes at the canine, waiting for him to do his buisness. The Malinois lowered his head to the ground sniffing. A sudden growl mad her jump. She turned, expecting it to be Rex, but what she saw, was deffinately not Rex. Fifty yards away stood a whole pack of those horrible creatures she had encountered before. Never before had they grouped together in packs. So why were they now? Rex stalked forward; his lip curled back into a snarl.

"Rex! No!"

The sudden sound of her words caused them to suddenly rush at him.

"Rex! Rex Come!"

But he didn't move.


He looked back at her whining slightly, but before he could come back the beats were upon him.


Lyric took off toward the hoard of them, pulling out her knives as she ran. She pulled back her arm strategically threw each of the three blades into the heads of three monsters. Nothing happened to them. It didn't even seem to slow them down. Now that she was closer, Lyric could tell that the pack was made up of only five or six of them. Two of them were crouched over something...it was Rex. Anger flooded her veins and her fist flew at one of the creatures, knocking it sideways and onto the pavement. Their attention was no longer on her dog, but on her instead. Just they way she wanted it. The Glock 22 in her holster was suddenly in her hands, and as if on instinct she fired, but not at the head, at their hearts. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. They each dropped dead onto the pavement. She found herself counting the bodies. Only five. She could have sworn that there were six. Then as if to answer her question a monster leapt at her from out of nowhere. BANG! It fell to the fround on top of one of the others. Lyric removed her three knives from their heads and then jogged over to Rex. The faithful canine was laying a few yards away from the pile of bodies.

"You stupid dog."

The words weren't harsh. They were soft and full of sadness. Tears threatned to well up in her eyes, but she pushed them back down. He looked up at her with those big brown eyes, and she almost melted right there.

"Don't look at me like that you moron."

Lyric slipped her hands under his body lifting the injured canine up into the air. She carried him over to the car, placing him gently in the backseat. He whimpered as his body was set onto the cussion, making her wince. Lyric turned back around to pull her door closed, and lock the car. She sat in silence, listening to the labored breathin of her companion. He'd been imune to whatever the radiation had done to the other infected dogs but never had he been bitten. A tear escaped her eye making her want to scream out in frustration, but she wouldn't. So instead Lyric sat there quietly...

The streets in front of Aleks were starting to become blurs in the night. Three shadows raced after him, letting their screams be heard in the dead of night.

Turn around and kill those things! Those screams are gonna attract more and you know what'll happen? You'll die!

I'm not stupid Blink! If I turn around to shoot they'll bowl me over!

Then duck into an alley, should slow them down right?

Nodding in agreement Aleks turned into an alley to his left, the monsters following.


It was too late to back out now. Using his momentum, Aleks coiled his legs and vaulted over the dumpster, grabbing a lid and pulling it up with him, hit the ground, spun with his gun raised. A loud thump hit the raised lid causing it to close and trap a monster in the dumpster. The remaining two leapt over the dumpster, arms outstretched, ready to tear apart their prey.


The first two bullets connected with one of the monster's neck and forehead causing it to spin in midair and land in a heap, not dead but it wasn't moving anytime soon. The last two bullets flew into the third monster's open mouth, breaking through the back of it's head falling to the ground.

They're still not dead.

Breathing deeply, Aleks pulled his hunting knife from his belt and went to work, severing the heads from bodies.

Once the last head was separated the dumpster lid flew towards Aleks knocking him on his back. Through a dazed vision he saw the monster climb out of the dumpster and jump at him.


Obeying the voice, Aleks held his knife up in front of him, his eyes closed. The screaming stopped and a weight pressed on his body. Carefully opening his eyes he saw the monster, the area between the eyes was impaled.

Nice nice...now get up, I bet it stinks, we need to go. Now.

Attaching his knife to his belt with shaky hands he asked the voice.

Where to?

We sh-

Six gunshots rang in the distance.

Sounds like people...we're going that way.

Aleks then began his trek to find the source of the gunshots.

15 minutes later Aleks ended up at a water tower.

Hey Blink...it looks clear.


What? Where?

Near the water tower.

Huh? Oh.

What're you waiting for? Check it out!

Aleks approached the truck slowly, alert for movement, his hand hovering above his pistol that rested on his hip, fingering the safety.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

A horrible musky odor drifted into the cab of the car, making her scrunch her nose up in disgust. Her first thought was that it was the worst smell she had ever come upon, but her second thought was that it was the smell of a human. A human! It was the smell of a human! That meant she wasn't alone after all. Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst free. This is what she'd been searching for. After two years she had finally found the one thing she'd spent 730 days looking for.

But then an awful thought hit her. What happened when whoever it was that she smelled came at her with intentions that weren't so great? Lyric could easily defend her self, being an agent an all, but what would that mean for him? She shook the thought away before clicking on the Night Vision. Her windows were tinted, so whoever it was that was approaching her Hummer couldn't see through them in this darkness.

However, Lyric could just make out the figure of a person. He stood about twenty feet from the passenger's side of the car. She figured that it'd be a better idea to get out of the truck now, before he got any closer. Just as she was about to open the door, Rex let out a loud shrill howl of pain. The sound made her wince.

"It's now or never." She muttered sarcastically to herself.

Lyric shoved the door open, jumped out, and then quickly slammed it shut. The inside light went off as the door closed. Her NV glasses allowed her to see the man perfectly. He had long dark hair, looked to be in his late twenties, and stood at about 6'0.

"Who are you?"

Her voice was low and laced thoroughly with a threat, but it was still loud enough to carry across the space between them. She could see the gun on his hip, sagging slightly in its holster, probably taken from some dead man on the streets. His hand seemed to hover over it, but she doubted that he was a very good shot. Then again you never know. Lyric slowly drew the Glock from her hip, not taking aim, but preparing to if necessary.

"Who are you?" She repeated in the same tone as before.

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Aleks jumped back a few inches from the sudden burst of movement.

"Who are you?"

The question rang through his ears but instead of answering right away he bent down, placing his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths and looking at the ground.

Blink...I-it's a person! An honest to whatever deity is out there person!

Yeah and you can't trust it!

It? No no no...it's...it's a girl.

No, it's not a girl. Look past your dull senses! That isn't a regular human.

Aleks looked up and at the girl's face.

White skin and...hey is her hair blonde?

I think so.

She has some nice eyes...

FOCUS! Maybe you can get the drop on her...kill her...take the truck...you'd be safe yeah?

"So we kill her, kill the dog I heard, and take the truck, yeah that could work."

Silence filled the air until Aleks realized he had spoken that last sentence aloud. Out of frustration he stood up and stretched his back, resting his hands on the back of his head, letting a string of obscenities flow into the cool night air. Aleks started to pace back and forth seemingly arguing with himself.

After an awkward and heated 5 mintues Aleks suddenly whirled around, took brisk steps until he was 2 paces away from the girl and held out his hand. His head was tilted to the right revealing his left eye which had a glint of either genuine friendliness or mischief. It always seemed fun to let people guess for themselves what his eyes showed.

A wide smile was plastered on his face.

"Aleks. And who would you be?" He said.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

As the man started towards her she slipped the gun back into its spot on her hip. "So we kill her, kill the dog I heard, and take the truck, yeah that could work." Those had been the exact words to come from his lips. Her mouth quirked up at the corner in amusement. She'd like to see him try. He stopped about four feet in front of her and held out his hand, "Aleks." So that was his name? "And who would you be." Lyric glared at him before slapping his extended hand away from her.

"The one you were going to try to kill."

Her tone was harsh and bitter. She felt the urge to shift right then and there, but subdued it subtly. Lyric took a moment to ponder his words, thinking about the way he'd said them. We. He hadn't said I, he'd said we. So there was more than just him? But then where was his companion? She looked around but was unable to see or smell anyone other than he himself. So why had he said we? Unable to come up with an explanation she lifted her glasses so that they rested on her head and looked him in the eyes. Aleks was close enough to where she could see him clearly. He had streaks of blue in his black hair, and his eyes were a marvelous brown. Her own facial features were deftly different. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, as well as gray/blue eyes that seemed to glimmer in the moonlight.

"You said we, not I, we. But there's no one else with you. So why did you say we?"

She didn't explain how she knew that there was no one else with him, only that there wasn't. If he knew what she was, or what she could do he would have a pretty darn good reason to kill her. If they were the other way around and she found out that he could what she did, then yeah, she'd want him dead and away from her. So no. She wasn't even going to mention it.

Aleks dropped his smile and stared hard into the girl's eyes as he rubbed his rejected hand.

"A bit rude to not introduce yourself isn't it? What, you raised by wolves or something? Honestly..." He said.

So how do you want to play this out?

Well she noticed you said we and not I you idiot.

Would you like to be revealed?

Your call.

Aleks took a few steps back and threw his arms outward as if he was welcoming the girl into his arms. The moonlight illuminated his figure as he made a grand reveal.

"Why it's Blink!" He said as if it was common knowledge.

He then skipped past the girl and stopped at the truck trying to peer inside.

"Ya know that dog didn't sound too good. That tells me that you're either a bad owner...or that dog's on his or her's death bed."

He bent down to pick up a small stick from the ground and flung it at the girl.

"So which is it? Actually scratch that, I still wanna know your name!"

Careful boy...tensions can run high...some quicker than others.

Aleks slowly quelled his excitement and looked at the girl again a look of seriousness and curiosity on his eyes.

"Who...and what are you?"

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