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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

A jerk. That's exactly what he was. Of all the humans she had to come across it had to be him. A screwed up, psychotic, idiot. She tensed slightly at the wolves comment, but relaxed as he went on, motioning to some imaginary friend. She was about to turn and walk away but then he started talking about Rex, accusing her of being a crappy owner. She felt her body tense up again, but this time out of anger. Slowly she turned around to face him. Normally Lyric was better about controlling her temper, but there was just something about him that made her so angry! "So which is it?" He continued, oblivious to her increasing agitation. "Actually scratch that, I still wanna know you name!" Aleks paused, looking at her with a mix of curiosity and seriousness. "Who...and what are you?"

"You know curiosity killed the cat." She said, folding her arms across her chest, trying to keep herself from shaking.

Aleks had to be the most annoying, man she had ever met. And that's saying something when she's spent half of her life undercover for men that should be sentenced to death. Lyric's anger was boiling in her stomach like the pit of a volcano about to erupt.

His words rang in her mind. "Who...and what are you." Almost like he knew she was different. Lyric felt herself become warmer, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her face. She fought to control it, fought hard to keep herself in this form, but she couldn't. Not when he had pi**ed her off this bad. Geeze... Two years away from humanity does stuff to a girl.

It happened instantaneously. One moment she was standing before him, glaring so hard she thought her eyes might pop out, and the next moment she was standing before as a wolf. A larger than normal, height of a human, wolf. Suddenly a deep throaty growl erupted from her throat, vibrating around them in the air.

Aleks noticed that the girl was trying to keep from shaking. He raised an eyebrow and was about to say something when a wolf appeared before him letting it's cry be heard around the world. The wolf had a beautiful coat of fur, calculating eyes as if it was simulating 100 ways it could kill Aleks, under the fur tightened muscles made themselves prominent giving an already dangerous wolf an even more dangerous look.

Aleks paled, a look of fear and surprise placed themselves on his face. The voice spoke up in an alarmed tone.

Christ! Calm it down before the dead come running over!

"Okay okay okay okay um, whatever your name is...just quiet down and uh...don't do anything rash right now okay? S-sorry...I'm sorry, I didn't have much self control and please just stop this."

Blink! Know how to I don't know...knock a wolf out?

Just kill it! Shoot it!

I can't do that! If it wants to try and kill me then yeah I'll shoot it but not now!

You're a damn fool!

This isn't gonna end up like...like her...we just need to think.

Then give up! Maybe it'll take surrender...yeah just be ready to act in case it doesn't comply.

Aleks closed his eyes, took a shaky breath and slowly fell to one knee legs tightened in case he had to do what he knew best. Run. He took his pistol and threw it at the wolf's feet/paws, but he kept his hand firmly around the handle of his knife not willing to give it up.
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Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She notice the look of fear on his face and smiled inwardly. Finally, she'd scared him as much as he'd annoyed her. "Stop what? Scaring the crap out of you? Ha! No way." In this form her voice was slightly different, more melodic. The tan, brown wolf advanced on the man, growling all the louder. It was then that he took out his gun and tossed it at her feet. She looked up at him incredulously. He'd just given up his best weapon of defense. Lyric took a moment to inhale the scent of the area. The air was clear for at least a square quarter mile. No creatures in the area, at least not yet.

"Stupider than I thought." She muttered.

Lyric ceased to growl, but stood aggressively in front of him. Her tail was held straight in the air, ears forward, and lip curled in a silent snarl. The wind blew at them, ruffling his hair, and pulling at her tan-ish fur. This form wasn't her strongest, that came with the full moon, but it was much more powerfully than her as a human. A silence had settled between them, a silence that she finally broke."

"My name is Lyric Grace De Caste."

Her name rolled off her canine tongue like a river, vibrating softly with the accent that the words called for.

"And I was a Human." She said, answering his previous questions; "Who...and what are you?"

Her clothes lay in shreds at her feet, and with them her torn up boots and weapons. She cursed inwardly.

"Stupider than I thought."

The words reached his ears as Aleks slowly rose, senses hyper-alert.

He looked at the pile of torn clothing on the ground and back to the wolf that was staring him down.

"Lyric Grace De Caste...that's...a nice name." Aleks started to choose his words carefully still a bit shaken. Not from the sudden transformation but from her words.

"And I was a human."


So something turned her into that.

But what could?

Doesn't matter, hopefully you've learned your lesson and you'll be more cautious in the future.

Aleks had crouched down, head resting on his knees, hands gripping the back of his head, thinking, trying to figure out this...person. His interest has been piqued and he wanted to know more.

Transitioning from a crouch into a casual sit-down, one leg stretched out, the other bent, his arm resting on the knee.

"Maybe...maybe this didn't start out right...we should...you know...try this again or if you don't want to...we could...just talk unless you have other things to do...places to go, but hey! If you don't have anything better to do then I guess...I'm always here...wait no I mea-"

Alright shut up, you're making yourself look like a fool. You sound desperate for God's sake.

Alright then I'll ju-

"What happened to you?" Aleks asked before finishing his thought. He sighed to himself hoping he didn't make the wrong move again.
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Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The anger from earlier seemed to be subsiding, and she was able to relax slightly, only slightly, in his presence. Instead it was replaced by humor. She found his nervous babble oddly amusing to her sensitive canine ears. Lyric also found herself rolling her eyes as he went on. Digging an ever deeper hole for himself. The thought brought back a memory. A memory that she quickly pushed down, not daring to think about it... Suddenly she snapped back to reality, startled by his question, but also saddened by the pain it brought to her. Lyric physically winced at his words, whining slightly, and then shifting uncomfortably.

"Um...I'd really like to er, change. So uh, I'll be right back. "

Her voice showed the awkwardness of the statement, and to escape any more unwanted questions she turned to pad behind the back of the truck. "If I catch you peeking..." She called over her shoulder, letting the words trailed off, giving him a chance to imagine what she was going to say next. Lyric crouched down behind the gate of the H3T, and painlessly shifted back into a human. She looked over the top of the truck to see if he was looking. She couldn't quite make out his figure, so she wouldn't have been able to tell either way. Then as quickly as she could, Lyric pulled the tailgate down to grab the stash of clothes she always kept back there. The night was rather chilly, so it was convenient that the bundle of clothes consisted of a blue laced bra and underwear, a cute tank top and a pair of denim jeans. As soon as the clothes were pulled down over her body, Lyric stood and walked over to where he was standing. She was barefoot, and jacket less, but seemed to be warm. Perks of being a freak...

"Er, sorry."

His earlier question had caught her off guard, and she'd used shifting to escape answering it. The sudden mood swing must have seemed weird to him, but it kind of came with being what she was. Aggressive and hard one minute, embarrassed and speechless the next.

"But, uh, yeah, your right. I think we got off on the wrong hand."

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As Lyric passed Aleks to change he couldn't help but steal a glance at her backside.

Real classy man.

It's been a lonely apocalypse...

Sensing the sadness behind his thoughts made Blink try and be nicer to his only companion.

Well you had me yeah?

Yeah I did...

It's a shame that she never made it through this...

Stop! Don't...don't talk about her. She's dead and I couldn't do anything!

You know it wasn't your fault, you couldn't have done anything.

Please don't talk about it.

Look you can't ju-

Lyric interrupted Aleks and his thoughts, walking over to him wearing a tank top and jeans.

"But, uh, yeah, your right. I think we got off on the wrong hand."

Her words ripped Aleks's lingering gaze and forced him to look her in the face.

"Oh yeah...no doubt." He started awkwardly.


"Aleks." He pointed to his head. "And this is uh...Blink."

What do I say now?

Just switch topics to her I guess.

Aleks gestured to Lyric. "And you?"
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

As he motioned towards his head she furrowed her brow, looking at him confused for a moment. Then it clicked. The we. He'd said we, not I. Blink must have been the other part of the we. "And you?" She looked up at him, momentarily dazed by her own thoughts.

"Lyric." She said simply. Not in the mood to repeat her full name.

Her mouth opened again as if she was about to speak, but her words were cut off by an agonizing howl. The sound made her tremble, for it came from inside her truck.


Lyric jogged over to the truck, pulling open the back door. Her companion lay exactly where she left him, only he was breathing harder, as if breathing was becoming more and more difficult to do. The Belgian Malinois looked up at her with those big brown eyes. The same brown eyes that had convinced her to save him almost two years ago. The same brown eyes that had stuck by her the entire time after that. Those adorable brown eyes...

"Hey bo-"

She choked on the words. The dog whimpered at the strangled sound of her voice. Trying to rise to his feet. Immediately she pressed him back down. He was in so much pain, and now, in the light she could see the extent of his wounds. Horrible gashes ran down his entire body. No bandage would be able to fix this. No antiseptic would be able to keep him clean. She'd be wasting precious medicine on something un-savable...and he only be in pain for that much longer. There was only one ting she could do for him. Only one thing that would help him. He wouldn't ever make it, the wounds...they were to extensive. Lyric gently eased her arms under his body, shh-ing him when he yelped. She turned and walked a few yards away from the vehicle, not bothering to close the door. Rex wasn't entirely heavy, but he wasn't all that light either.

As she set him down, Lyric whispered to him. Telling the canine what a good boy he'd been. And when she stood up he managed to wag his tail, thumping it weakly on the ground. Tears threatened to well up, but she pushed them down.

"I'll be right back boy. Stay here." It wasn't like he was going to move

Lyric walked steadily over to where she'd left her weapons; on the ground. She crouched down, scooping them up in her arms and then throwing all of them back into the truck. At least all of them except the Glock 22. The gun remained in her had as she made her way back to Rex. When she got to him, Lyric bent down in front of him, earning a slight wag of his tail.

"You're such a good boy. You know that? Yes you are. Yes you are." More wags. She leaned over his wound free face and kissed the middle of it, right between his eyes, and right above his nose.


Lyric stood up, backed away, took aim, and fired.

Aleks waited patiently for Lyric to say her piece when the dog cried out. Lyric jogged to her truck, leaving Aleks where he was.

Aleks looked on in silence feeling shameful of his earlier remarks about the dog.

He watched as Lyric set the dog down on the ground.

No tears.

Tough girl.

Aleks took a few steps closer and saw the long cuts that ran throughout his whole body. Aleks folded his arms and just stood there, face grim. The night air seemed to grow colder, distant screams rang out from the buildings in the distance, a leaf smacked him in the face.

You should...do something, help her or something.

She needs to be alone for this.

Lyric kissed the dog.

That's it.


Aleks ducked his head on instinct but quickly recovered.



Aleks cautiously approached Lyric, stopping at her side. He placed his hand lightly on her shoulder in an effort to comfort her.

"If...if you need anything..." Was all he said as he retreated back several feet.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The gun went off. Her heart lurched at the sound, but she told herself that it was for the best. She told herself that she had put him out of his misery, but even so, she felt a gaping hole open up in her heart. As a kid Lyric had always wanted a dog, a big canine with brown eyes, and now that she had gotten her wish it was ripped away from her by the claws of a dead one... Again tears stung at her eyes, threatening to pour down her cheeks, but she wouldn't let them. She held them back with all the will that she had. Lyric wouldn't let herself cry in front of Aleks, not right now.

A coppery taste filled her mouth, and she realized that she'd been biting her lip. Biting it so hard she'd left a cut on her lower lip. Yet she hadn't felt it, not really. Her body was still numb with the shock of the last few hours. In her mind she went through a mental list of events.

Number one; Rex was attacked by some strange pack of creatures

Number two; There were a new type of zombie, a more dangerous, deadly species.

Number three; She'd met a man named Aleks, who seemed to have a voice in his head.

Number four; Rex had been killed...by her own hand.

Aleks had come up beside her, resting a hand on her shoulder. Normally if would have been awkward, but the effort to make her feel better was nice. Though she didn't show it Lyric was more than grateful that they'd come across each other. "If...if you need anything..." His words trailed off, but she got the idea. Lyric stood there, arms across her chest, gun dangling from her right hand, staring out into the darkness. Then suddenly her body went rigid. A horrible rotting flesh scent flooded her lungs. The dead ones.

"We need to leave." She looked over at him with steady eyes. "You got any place to stay?"

Aleks stood away from Lyric, his hands buried in his pockets, looking up at the moon. His body trembled lightly and he felt like vomiting. He hadn't had anything to calm his nerves since before the apocalypse happened, normally he could keep his nerves in control but when things took a turn for the worse he never was good at controlling himself, usually turning to Blink for help.

Hey hey hey hey hey peaceful thoughts. Peaceful thoughts. Think about...think about how you killed those bullies. The fear on their faces when they realized what you were going to do.

Aleks allowed himself a small smirk.

That was a nice moment for sure.

Their yelling, three gunshots, three stabs, blood spattered on the walls, coating his clothes and face. Warm, scarlet liquid was brought to his tongue, slowly but only to savor the taste.

Finally feeling at ease he looked back to Lyric who looked at him.

"We need to leave. You got any place to stay?"

A place to stay? Look at you. She thinks you have some kinda safehouse?

What about the uh...sewers? No that's stupid. Hospital? Generic. Apartment building?

Yeah. Last time you checked it was clear. It's just that the building is in the city. Risky.

Aleks spoke up.

"Unless you have some kind of place in the forest I can only think of the city."
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Some kind of place in the forest. Not likely. The city? It wasn't the smartest idea, but it could work. They'd need to find someplace to stay, a secure building with more than one exit. As she pondered their options a low grumble sounded from her stomach. It had to have been at least 14 hours since she'd last eaten. So while she continued to think Lyric popped the granola bar she just grabbed from the door of the truck into her mouth. Then, glancing at Aleks, she tossed one to him. The taste of berries and sugary granola filled her mouth, and she soon realized how hungry she actually was. The thing was, no human food could subdue the hunger that seemed to be growing in the pit of her stomach. Lyric needed to hunt.

"I can't be in the city tonight."

She couldn't hunt in the city, there was almost a zero chance of catching anything. Plus it would be an extra danger to them. The dead seemed to stick more to the cities than the countryside.

"There's a motel on the edge of the city. Looked clear enough. I say we head there."

Then it struck her that Aleks hadn't even said anything about coming with her. He could have decided that she was a total psychopath and that he wanted as much to do with her as she wanted to do with zombies. So she turned to him, hair whipping in the wind and onto her face. After pulling the loose strands behind her ear Lyric asked.

"Do you even plan on coming with me?"

She motioned at the H3T to her right. It shined in the moonlight, casting a strange orange glow on the ground around it. If he did decide to go with her then they'd have to take the truck. The back door on the drivers side was still open from when she took Rex out. Inside the cab the light was still on, illumination everything from the bottom of the water tower to where they stood. Even from here the scent of Rex's body made her want to scream. Lyric moved away from where the dead dog lay, walking closer to the truck.

The granola bar danced at the tips of Aleks's fingers for a full two seconds before he caught it. He took a bite of the treat.

"There's a motel on the edge of the city. Looked clear enough. I say we head there."

Why couldn't you think of that?

Shut up.

Then Lyric asked Aleks if he was coming with her.

Aleks smiled. Somebody's offering their company! A potential partnership. Someone to watch his back! A million thoughts raced through his mind, the majority of them positive, the remaining others foretold several bad endings, endings that ended with blood.

Alright boy, calm down and answer her question.

The smile disappeared and was replaced with a look determination and stifled energy.

"If you'll have us then yeah, we'll go.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf


She felt her face pull upward in a smile. It seemed like forever since Lyric had seen another human being, and now that she knew that there were others, it was like a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The scent of the dead peaked abruptly; warning her that it was time to leave. After closing the back gate, and slamming the other door, she motioned for Aleks to get in. Before she slipped into the car herself she glanced around the area, searching for any movement in the shadows of the darkness. Nothing. Shaking her head Lyric pulled open the driver side door, climbed inside, and the pulled the door close. Without warning a creature lunged from out of nowhere and landed on the hood of the truck. Its miry tongue whipped back and forth across the windshield, leaving a trail of white slime. Lyric repressed the urge to puke, turning the key in the ignition. The vehicle roared to life, and shot forward as her foot slammed down on the gas pedal.

They raced out from underneath the water tower, pulling a hard right at the first intersection they came across. Instead of leading them directly to the motel she drove the block and came up behind them. Going about 65, Lyric flew towards the group of demonic creatures, bowling into the lot of them. This time when she came to the intersection she took the left and sped down the road, slowing only once she was sure they hadn't been able to follow. Instead of turning the headlights on and risking the attention of others, she flicked her glasses down over her eyes and clicked on the NV setting.

Once again the world lit up in a green hue, revealing to her a piece of rubble strewn out into the road. She swerved, missing it only by inches. By memory she knew the road would continue for about nine miles before they would have to turn off into the motel parking lot. She and Rex had stayed there a few days ago. The thought of her dead companion drew a tear to her eye. Before it grew any larger she lifted her hand to her face and wiped her eye from under her glasses, quickly pushing the memory down.

"So," She started, glancing over at Aleks, "How are you with a gun?"

The question was meant to fill up the awkward silence that had settled between them, but she found herself interested in learning more about him. He was the first person that she had come across in two years. Two years of loneliness, and now she had found what she'd been looking for. So it was easy for her to ask questions, especially when she had so many of them.

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Aleks climbed in the truck and was about the say something when one of the monsters landed on the good of the truck. Aleks jumped in his seat hitting his head on the roof almost having a heart attack from the sudden appearance. Then the truck started forward.

Aleks gripped the side of his seat, knuckles turning white as the truck raced through the streets and took sharp turns. When he thought the ride couldn't get anymore sickening the truck powered through a mob of those monsters.

Having fun?

Um...little bit.

The voice chuckled at his obvious unease.

After the seemingly hellish ride the truck started to slow, allowing Aleks to finally relax.

"So. How are you with a gun?"

The question ripped Aleks away from his thoughts and he had to think about this question. He was still inconsistent with his skills concerning firearms.

"Well." He started, "I'm not the best but I'm good enough to keep myself alive for this long. More accustomed to more...physical situations...guess it just comes naturally when you spend time with less than respectable people..."

Aleks looked out the window at an imaginary bird flying through the air.

"You seem like you know what you're doing. Had a job concerning guns before all this?"
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"You could say that." In truth she had had a job concerning all weapons before everything happened. "Guns, knives, physical combat, et cetera. Any weapon works."

She shrugged in the seat, not thinking much of it. Lyric had been trained since childhood how to use a gun, whether it be a sniper, hand gun, or a shot gun. Their use came easy to her. Then she thought about what it must be like to be unable to use a gun properly. Terrible. A thought popped into her head. One that made her smile.

"I could teach you. How to shoot, throw a knife, self defense, whatever you want. My field of work kinda covered it all."

Though Aleks couldn't see it she winked at him, as if to hint to him what she'd been before it all went down. Lyric accelerated slightly, increasing her previous speed of 65 to 70, loving the hum of the truck as it rolled swiftly over the pavement. The city began to grow smaller in the distance they had put between it and themselves. The tension that had built up in her body released as she sighed, letting her head rest back on the head rest. Driving was one of the best ways to relieve stress.

Aleks was still looking out the window when the offer of being trained was brought up. An offer that made him curious.

Learning how to be consistent with guns and how to defend himself sounded appealing but self defense against a raving monster...didn't sound necessary but if he ever ran into a hostile person then yeah, the work to learn would be worth it.

"This all sounds good but the knife bit...I shouldn't need any help with that." Aleks pulled his knife from his belt and threw it up. The knife twisted once and was caught by the handle. One moment the knife was in his hand, the next it was pressed against Lyric's neck, the serrated side. He just rested it on her neck, not hard enough to leave a mark just to let her feel the cool metal of the blade. Deciding against putting his knife back Aleks pressed it into her neck, still not hard enough to leave a mark. Aleks grinned a cheeky grin. Hopefully the message was clear enough.....

Attaching the knife back to his belt he tapped his gun and chewed on his lip thoughtfully.

"Yeah...learning something new sounds fun."
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The first thing I notice when I wake is the lack of those creatures shreiking, and the second is the pain in my leg. Its not horrible, but its enough to make me groan. I had a hunch that I had pulled the tendons behind my knee.

Not good. Means I cant run as quickly...im stuck on all fours till it heals.

Opening my eyes and looking around, I realise that im in some sort of coffee shop.

No, a dining plaza...in a mall? Theres an mall? How did I get here?

I shake my heD to rid myself of the last of my drowsiness, and everything comes back to me.

I had been tossing my makeshift javilins at the horrific creatures for nigh thirty minutes, only using them when they got close, and moving from tree to tree each time, to avoid these inteligent creatures from dracking me down by their fallen brood mates. It was simple enough, but id underestimated them. Being surrounded by the much stronger scent of their rotting dead, the still living monsters had managed to surround me.

And while I ran, one had managed to...

I looked down at my wounded leg, realizing that it wasnt sprained...

It was gone from the knee down. I had gnawed it off myself to prevent infection, once I had managed to slither in here. But something was off. I dont remember having left my knee...I couldnt reach far enough to keep it. Which meant-

"Well shit..." I laugh, throwing my head back with relife and wonder. The damn thing was growing back. Slowly but surely "Guess I really am more lizard than snake." I figured it would be back to normal within two weeks or so.

Guess id better get some food.

I hoist myself up and fall forward into a one legged quat almost immediately. This...could prove difficult.

Glancing around, I spot a directory and crawl forward, feeling like some retarded caveman. I wasnt used to doing his anymore. My instincts had dulled around the humans. And wolf...things.

Hopefully there was some medical supply shop. It was a longshot, but theres always a chance, right?


"Looks like im stuck like this." Its just as well, I think as I strart to climb, albeit somewhat more clumsily, out the window. Ill never survive if I dont get back in the game.im not human anymore, not governed by thier rules, not held back by thier morals and silly inhibitions for cooked meat. If I had accepted this sooner I wouldnt have lost my leg.

No human friends. Wolves and other halves are pushing it. Everything but the dead is prey, or a means to survival.

And with that in mind, I take off in a three legged sprint over the rooftops towards the human/wolfy scent of life.

I mean...technically its not cannibalism...right?
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The knife felt cool against her bare neck, pressing lightly on her skin. She raised her brow and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Lyric didn't flinch at his movements, instead she watched him carefully as he tossed the knife into the air. Aleks had the steady hands of a man that had dealt with knives before; unlike so many of the unskilled agents she had come across in the field. It wasn't often that she came across someone who could defend himself with anything other than self defense. The motel appeared on their right and she turned into the parking lot, pulling up under the awning at the front door. It was She turned the key; pulled it out of the ignition and then hooked it onto her belt loop.

"This is it."

The motel was fancy, not like any of the ratty old buildings that you come across in little towns. It had a golden brown roof with silver lining, and the outside was covered in various colored bricks. To add to the effect, some of the plants that were planted around the building had started to get out of hand, winding up the walls and across the top. Honestly it looked kind of enchanted. Lyric looked over at Aleks, searching his face for something. She didn't know exactly what she was looking for, only that she needed to see it. After a moment she realized she'd been staring and turned away abruptly. Her hand shoved the door open and she hopped down onto the black pavement. It had to be around midnight. She closed the door behind her and walked into the building.

The front desk was made of mahogany. As were the various tables scattered around the front area. There was a cooking kitchen behind a door to her left, so she headed there first. The door swung open with almost little effort. Inside everything was silver and tile. The floor, the rows of stoves. Everything. Another door to her right was marked pantry. Rows and rows of food stood before her now. Cereal, Coffee bags, Bagels, Granola bars, Pancake mix, and dozens of boxes of Doughnuts and Muffins. Looks like they were having breakfast for dinner. She grabbed a thing of bagels, doughnuts and muffins, cereal, and a bag of coffee. When she returned to the kitchen, Lyric brought the coffee bag over to the coffee maker she'd seen when she came in. It was battery powered. The last time she'd stared here it worked, and lucky for her, it worked again this time too.

As soon as the coffee was brewing she made her way back out to the front area. Lyric sat down at one of the tables, exhausted by the whole day. She set the muffins, doughnuts, cereal, and bagels down on the table and then lay her head on her hands, blinking away the tears that had started to well up in her eyes. Rex's death was really getting to her. Nothing could ever get under her skin like this. Nothing but her deceased companion.

Aleks scanned the motel as the truck came to a halt. The motel looked nice enough, even the plants worked nicely.

Man never wins eh?

Aleks was still studying the motel when he heard a short, quick rustle coming from the person to his side. He looked over but Lyric was already inside the building. Aleks stepped out of the truck and made his way inside.

The front desk caught his eye immediately. It was a large desk, reddish-brown and smooth, able to run his finger over the wood without many obstructions. He hopped over the desk and went to work searching for something, anything. He slammed his hand down, nothing.

Aleks prepared for a double check when the kitchen doors opened and Lyric came out, sitting at a table, head in her hands. Aleks took the chair opposite from her and just sat, taking in his companion, as much as he could see with her head down.

He snatched a bagel and took a small bite.

"What's bothering you?"
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She looked up across the table at the man eating a bagel and frowned deeply. He seemed so...so easy going. Like everything in the world came at him in slow motion. "What's bothering you?" He'd asked, as if there wasn't anything too bother her. Ha! Well lets see; the world was in shambles, her dog just died, for the past two years she'd seen no other life on the east coast besides him. It was infuriating to her how he could talk like everything was fine. Then again it might jut be her grief clouding whatever it was that was truly bothering her. Lyric's thoughts were interrupted as her stomach clenched in a spasm of hunger. All of this food wasn't going to keep the agonizing feeling away. She would need to hunt within the next few hours.

"Nothing I'm fine, but I do need to leave. Don't worry though. I'll be back in the morning."

Instead of awaiting his response she stood and left, striding out the front door without another word. As soon as she was outside the anger that had been building up subsided. Cool air rushed into her lungs, calming nerves that had been jumpy all night. Then moving to stand out of eyesight, Lyric stripped down to nothing but her bare skin. Goosebumps traveled over her body and then...she was on all fours, shaking her silky tan fur. The seven foot wolf leapt into the air, snarling with the delight that it gave her to shift, and then raced off into the grassy woodland behind the motel. Her long legs carried her swiftly through the forest, soaring over fallen trees, and throwing up fallen leaves. It felt amazing to run freely as a wolf .

Lyric continued like this, slowing only slightly to conserve her energy, for a long while. Running. Faster and Faster. Trees whipped past her in a blur, leaves flew up in a frenzy. Her speed unmatched by any other creature. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as if to will her to run even more. Who knows how much time passed in her mad dash through the forest? Lyric lost track of time, not seeming to care anymore. Finally, after what felt like forever, when her legs felt as is they might collapse in on themselves she stopped. The cream colored wolf heaved a heavy hearted sigh; allowing herself to rest for a moment. By now she was sure to be at least five miles away from the motel.

It felt good to get away from all the madness, to be able to hunt in peace, without having to look over her shoulder ever moment of her life. As soon as her body had recovered she straightened up to scent the area. So far there was nothing. Well, that's not totally true. There were nests of squirrels scattered all around her. Burrows of rabbits beneath her paws. Logs full of tiny rodents. But none of which would make a decent meal. So she set off at a quick pace, not running but not walking. Sort of like a jog but in wolf form. Call it a trot if you will. For a few more minutes there was nothing, and then she caught it. The smell of a cougar. Its pulse already seemed to thrum in her ears. The meat in which it carried made her mouth water with the anticipation of a kill.

This was it. She lowered her massive body to the ground and stalked towards the scent. As soon as it was in her sights Lyric lunged, soaring straight at the animal with her jaws open. The life died from its eyes and the creature went limp in her muzzle. She let the body fall to the ground before devouring the meat on its body. Soon all that remained were the blood red bones of what was once a cougar. To her relief the hunger in her stomach dissipated. Lyric smiled a wolfish grin and then laid herself down on the forest floor. Closing her eyes to rest once again.

When I reach the edge of the forest, I cant help the excitement that rushes through me. Whoever was out here, they were alone. Perhaps not an easy kill, but much easier than if theyd been in a group. And in the forest, they wouldn't be as on guard. All who came here were the hunters.

I climb up into the trees, feelin a bit more secure in my footig with the branches to grab on and sniff out the were. Female... not too old...

I flick my tongue out again and smell cougar. Dead cougar. She was either carrying food or had a ful belly. More for me either way.

It didnt take me too long to spot her, asleep on the forest floor. Well didt that just ruin the fun...

I draped myself on the branch directly above her. Id let her sleep, get herself in prime condition.

And then the hunt would be on.
"Nothing I'm fine, but I do need to leave. Don't worry though. I'll be back in the morning." Was all she said as she pushed the front doors open and left Aleks alone.

Though Lyric was gone he said aloud.

"Don't let that dog be the reason you die...don't let him hound you after death."

Finishing his bagel Aleks went to explore the motel.

The bathroom door swung open and hit the wall beside it causing a loud bang, he didn't care. It was clear save for a few bloodstains. He checked the next. Clear.

Next he wanted to check the rooms. The first four rooms were trashed but held nothing of value. A low rumble emitted from Aleks's stomach.

Should've grabbed some more bagels.

I just want to make sure this place is safe.

And for who? The voice inquired but his tone hinted that he knew something about Aleks.

Safe for...for me, who else?

Right...I'm sure this is all for you...and only you.

Aleks shook his head to clear the voice, he didn't feel like discussing this with Blink.

The fifth door swung open. Aleks went through his newly formed routine. Checked under the bed. Nothing. Dressers. Nothing. Suitcases. Nothing. Then he went to check the personal bathrooms. Tub. Nothing. Sink. Nothing. Toilet. Nothing. Medicine cabinet. Finally...something good.

It was unusual but he wasn't going to complain about the various bottles of alcohol that lined the shelves. It had been so long...so long dealing with everything. With these...he wouldn't have any nightmares about the horrors he's seen, not that he was sure that alcohol would prevent nightmares.

Two hours later Aleks stumbled out of the motel and to Lyric's truck. He retrieved her shotgun from the back and went back inside. He picked up a chair and set it down in front of the doors so that he would be the first thing anybody or thing would see when they walked through those doors. Then he sat, with the shotgun aimed at the door and waited for his new companion to come back. Whatever came through those doors that weren't Lyric, they'd get blasted right back out the doors. Of course in his state, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't shoot Lyric when she came back.
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Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Her slumber was deep and long, filling her exhausted body with energy that it had long needed. When she woke the sun was just poking through the trees. The wolf rose to her massive paws and stretched them out in front of her. She was about to head back when the scent of reptile overwhelmed her. Someone had been watching her sleep. The thought sent goosebumps down her spine. The forest wasn't as safe as she had thought it to be. A deep growl resonated from her throat and echoed slightly through the forest. She tensed up, preparing to spring at whatever it was that was out there.

"I know you're there. Reveal yourself." Her words had venom laced thoroughly throughout the statement.

The tips of her four inch claws sank into the loose dirt beneath her paws. Her lip had risen over her gums revealing a set of deadly fangs protruding from her massive jaws. She began gaze out into the forest, searching for the creature. Once she was unable to locate it, Lyric looked upward, momentarily startled by what she saw. Another snarl was released into the air, this time focused towards it.

"You were watching me." It was a statement, not a question. A statement that infuriated her to the point of true anger.

She bunched her muscles together and leapt upward, gripping the branch and pulling it out from beneath it. Lyric spit the wood to the ground and rolled her shoulders, preparing for a fight. This wasn't a mountain lion or a dead one. This was much much worse. She'd have to use everything available to her in order to win this battle.

I had leapt from the tree branch before her claws had even connected with it and skidded to a halt on the forest floor, my claws scarring the compacted, grassy terrain in five jagged lines. Ohhh she was feisty. So much life in this one. I flickered my tongue out with a satisfied growl. I could smell her anger. Time to play.

"Easy there wolfy..." my chest thrums with a soft, rapid cackle. "Cant blame a guy for admiring something so lovely." Slowly, very slowly, I circle around her, assessing every possible angle of escape, how to either stop her, or catch up to her. Im at a disadvantage because of my leg, but I am still faster, and far more agile. And I, unlike her, was not afraid. "I bet you taste delicious." Again I flicker my tongue at her, this time in amslightly more suggestive manner, letting her draw her own conclusions from my double entendres. If she though I was after her for anything less than her life, there was a slim chance she wouldnt fight as hard. Slim. But still a chance.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She followed the serpent with her eyes, parting her lips to inhale his scent through her mouth. Disgusting. It smelled of rotting flesh, similar to the dead ones. The creature circled her, but Lyric wasn't about to let it gain the advantage by scouting out her weaknesses. So instead of allowing it to circle her she leapt in front of the thing, advancing on it with her muzzle open. If he came any closer she'd rip his head off, slicing through his tough reptilian skin with her razor-like fangs.

"I can't say the same about you."

She bunched her muscles, once again preparing to lunge. He was faster, more agile, but she had the upper hand when it came to brute strength. I'm not afraid of him. I am not afraid of him. She repeated this in her mind but she knew it was a lie. Lyric was afraid of him, but she had a right to be. No matter what the radiation had done to her she was still part human. Able to love, able to grieve, able to be courageous, and able to be afraid. But it was fear that mad her brave. For though this creature before her made her want to run, she wouldn't. She wouldn't cower and hide. No. She would fight him until the threat he possessed no longer existed.

"I'm going to have to apologize now for the outcome of this. For it will not end well for you lizard."

The word tasted bitter on her canine tongue. He was the most repulsive thing she had come across, much more so than the newly advanced things that roamed the city. Thinking about them brought up memories of Rex, fueling the adrenaline rush that had come upon her. Anger began to replace her fear, and without warning she lunged, aiming to sink her fangs into his neck.


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