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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"N-no... it's fine..." Drake was still a bit stunned from her sudden outburst. "I was really gonna kill myself though... I completely hurt you inside... which makes me hate myself... and an hour ago, I killed one of my friend's... after changing back into a human... I just couldn't take any more... And, to add on, my partner abandoned me, and left me here..." Drake held back tears. Yes, he cried, but not in front of people... especially not people he just met.
"I-I'm so sorry." She continued staring at him, suddenly, she felt extremely bad for him. He had it much worse than her; swiftly, she sat normally. "If you want to cry, it's okay." Her voice had grown softer and more child-like.
More tears formed in his eyes. "No! I won't cry in front of you!" Drake hides his head under his shirt, keeping it away from Dakota's eyes. "Not going to...!"
She sniffled once more then giggled at his reaction. "I won't mind. I don't judge people," she said softly, standing up and tugging at his shirt gently to encourage him.
"No!" His voice was shaking, and he was blushing a color red he hadn't blushed before. "I don't like to cry in front of people!" He pulled his shirt farther over his head.
"Soon enough you're going to have the entire shirt off just to cover your face," she mumbled quietly. "Drake, it's okay! Well... I won't pester you about it then." She walked over to her bed and sat down, obviously bummed out she had lost the small war. Dakota doesn't like to lose, but she lives with it; looking up, she noticed his stomach showing and giggled. 'Like I mumbled earlier...'
"W-what?" He noticed his stomach was showing. "Guagh!" He pulled his shirt back down, leaving his tear stained face open. His cheeks burned. "I don't want you to see me like this..." He looked down sadly.
She showed some sympathy, then had a slight idea. Grabbing a chip from her bag, she shoved it in front of his chest, below his face for him to see. "Chip? I guess it's like an apology. I don't mind if you cry in front of me, okay?"
Drake takes the chip from her hand and eats it. "So... how old are you...? 13... 14?" Drake had been wondering the whole time. He had heard about the thirteenth birthday thing... but he couldn't remember how long ago she said it was.
"Well, I'm 13. My birthday was roughly four days ago, the day before my mother's death and day of my father's. And how old are you?" She knew he seemed over 16.
"I may not look it, but I'm 19..." He smiled. "I would be in college right now..." Drake stopped forcing his smile and slumped his shoulders. "And I'd still have my family..."
"I'd be in 8th grade by now. But since the government decided it was okay to do this, were stuck in this... this... hell!" Amazed she had said it, she quickly covered her mouth. Blushing lightly, she removed her hands and folded them in her lap, innocently kicking her feet as it she hadn't said it.
Drake laughed. "We're in a zombie apocalypse... I dont think it matters if you say a few "bad words" Dakota." Drake looked down. Dakota was the only one who understood him so far...
"I wanted to be in the Army... fight for the little freedoms we had left..." Drake looked up again. "But then they went and did this!"
Her eyes widened a little before she spoke up. "I-I wanted to join the army as well, in place of my father." She scratched her white hair.
Drake smiled. "Well, I guess that's just one more thing we have in common!"He ate another chip, then layed down on his bed, keeping on his back.
She nodded a 'yes' before lying down on her back in the extra bed. She turned over so she was facing his bed, her legs slightly curled while her arms rested under her head; she pulled the blanket over her body yet stayed awake for just a little while longer.
"Goodnight, Dakota..."Drake rolled over and faced her bed, his eyes closed. He was exhausted. Drake yawned and stretched his arms over his head.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The old song was familiar, but she didn't let its purpose get to her. Instead the wolf shook off the cut on her cheek; happy that she had left a decent wound on his shoulder, but disappointed that he had been able to deflect her so easily. Lyric snarled at the green figure that was now swinging through the trees like the animal he was. She couldn't pinpoint his location so instead of dizzying herself with trying to she stood alert listening to where he sang from. Finally after a moment she lunged again into the trees, gripping a branch with her front paws. Just as she was about to fall Lyric shifted part way into her human form and was able to swing herself up into the tree. As soon as her footing was good, she jumped to the next branch, chasing after the creature. Somewhere int the back of her mind something told her that this was stupid, but anger was beginning to override her senses.

The next time she leapt, there was no branch for her to land on and she fell to the ground with an crack! She cried out in the pain that was shooting up her right leg. It was stupid. Completely and utterly stupid what she had done and now it had cost her this. Though the break would heal withing a matter of days it put her at a great disadvantage. Lyric shifted fully into the wolf form, holding the broken leg above the ground.

"What is it you hope to gain from eating me? Food? You can get that somewhere else much easier. Pleasure? Possibly. So why come after me?"

Her words had a venom in them that she couldn't describe. This cannibalistic lizard deserved every bit of the harshness in her tone. Though she had been stupid enough to break her own led, he had been what led her to doing it.

"You're psychotic."

A lone figure sat on top of a hill in a forest. Quiet, scanning and searching for any signs of life. Jax, with his coat covering his hands quietly scanned looking for any prey. He may not be a werewolf but the agency taught him how to hone his senses just a little bit higher. Clouds were forming and he was running low on food, his reserves were running low. "Damn it, I don't want canned food today." He muttered to himself. He talks to himself often, he has met a few people since the event and its all ended with them leaving or dead.

Jax heard scuffling in the trees. Interested, he grabbed his shotgun, and knife and took off his coat. He ran through the forest like a silent panther, remembering where the sounds were. He heard some more noises and instantly climbed up a tree and hid. Someone, or something is around here. He refused to let the forest get the best of him. The words sounded female but he couldn't tell.

The experienced agent climbed through trees and suddenly heard a crack close by. Cautiously, Jax climbed silently to the place and saw a form. It was a wolf, his heart began to race. He almost died to one but he was able to blind it and to be fair the wolf did a mistake that Jax to advantage of. But this one looks hurt. I could kill it with ease. Jax thought, he was hungry. Against my better judgement, I am just going to watch it for a little while. And my gut tells me she ins't alone

"You're psychotic." The wolf said, confirming Jax's suspicions. He crouched and kept scanning for the other threat. Quiet, scanning, like a few minutes before. Come on where are you?
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She stood there, fur on end and lip curled up in a snarl that could only be described as pure hatred. Her hind leg throbbed painfully with the effort it took to keep it the pressure off it. Normally she would have faught whatever it was in her human form but it had caught her off guard, and Lyric was defenseless. All of her weapons were back at the motel with Aleks and the truck. She wondered for a moment if he would come looking for her if she didn't return. The sun was up and shining through the leaves, hitting her coat and making it glimmer. She made a beautiful wolf. So instead of fighting it with her weapons she was left to fight in this form. It was the best option she had. This or hand to had combat...but then she'd be naked. And that was not something she'd let this beast see her as. She was about to search for him again when a new scen hit her. It was human.


Then she inhaled deeper. No. Not Aleks. He was probably back at the motel sleeping in his bed. Silently undisturbed by the battle going on here. This scent was different. It seemed that lizard boy had a friend to help him.

"You're cowardly. Two against one. How fair is that?"

Lyric took a step forward, wincing at the pain it caused her. She would never win this fight. Then it hit her. Lizard boy wanted a fun time. An idea was forming. He wanted a hunt. A hunt to remember. A hunt that would chalenge him. Well she wasn't about to give him what he wanted. Thoughts stirred in her mind, whirling, fixing themselfes into a plan. She was going to win.

"You know what?" Lyric called out into the treetops. "Here I am lizard boy. I'm weak. Injured. At my lowest. Why don't you and your friend just kill me now? I've got nothing left to live for." That last line may not have been true but it was believable.

She had lost much in the two years after WW3. Her family. Her friends. Her life. Rex. Carter. Two many of them had died. It pained her to think about it but she would have to if this plan of hers was to work out. A single tear rolled down her bowed head and onto the forest floor. Weakness. Emotion showed weakness, and she needed as much weakness right now as she could. Another tear came and then they stopped. She couldn't cry anymore. Not infront of them.

Jax looked at the desperate wolf, chuckling to himself. I am not against you, nor am I your comrade. I am merely a watcher. He thought to himself as he kept scanning for the other He climbed down at the words of the wolf and kept to the shadows. "Please, you don't know pain." He called in his gritty voice, trying to hold back the rage.

"I am not your enemy nor your comrade. I am just here to look. And it looks like you're not a threat to me at the moment." His hands tightening on the grip, feeling the other creature being closer. I got to draw out the human half of this one, maybe it will tell me in that form.

Jax sat quietly on the edge of the shadows watching the creature. "I know you have another half, show me it and I will do you no harm." The man said in his most persuasive form. Hoping she will follow. He put away the shotgun but had his hand on the knife, he could easily take her and whoever is out here out. The shadows are his friend, granted she can smell him, but sometimes scent can lead you wrong.

"Come on. If I wanted to kill you I would've done it already." Jax chuckled, knowing its true. But yet a part of him was hoping that maybe this one is his friend out here. That hole..that HE made. Jax shook his head in anger and looked at the creature.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Lyric felt the rage well up inside her. This man knew nothing. Nothing of the terrors that she had lived through. Nothing of the number of once innocents she had brutally murdered. Working as an agent had done nothing to prepare her for the trauma of loosing the ones she held dearest to her heart. Her attention was momentarilly turned to him and his words.

"Kill me? I'd like to see you try, Mr. I've got a gun and I know how to use it. You are nothing without a weapon. And Lizard man up there knows it."

Her hind leg burned in the agony that it caused her to do this but she did it anyways. The tan wolf placed her broken limb upon the ground and walked steadily over to the man in the shadows. She decided against her previous plan and decided on a new one. If he wasn't against of for her side then he was still her enemy.

"I will always be a threat." Her words were simple but carried a deeper meaning with them. One that she hoped he could read. The underlying message was simple; Help me and I'll be your ally. Hinder me and you'll have an enemy you wish you'd never made. He was partially right. She was not a threat to him as long as he helped her, and she could not defeat the lizard in the contidion she'd put herself in. This man was either the best thing to happen to her, or the worst.

Jax chuckled, "Oh I don't need a gun. I beat one of you with my hands." She is trying to give me an ultimatum, help me or regret it. Jax got out into the light and reveled his growing beard like a 5 o clock shadow and his hair lengthen and piercing blue eyes.

"We both know you are injured and can't beat me or this other this 'Lizard Man'." The man said and crouched in front of her, looking at her. "I don't like your wolf form. Turn back into human and I will come closer and I won't shoot you. Promise." This woman needs help and I am all she has. Jax felt in control, but he also felt vulnerable. This lizard creature was still lurking, and he is lowering his guard. Why am I doing this?

Jax couldn't stop, his survival, loneliness, and his life could change because of this. He could feel it, Or could it be that other person trying to trick me? He hated when his other side he refused to call by name came crawling back, appealing to him. He was always able to push it back, but he was compelled to try this time.

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