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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

{aghhhhh, can anyone tell me where I can jump in and role play? It seems I'm not doing so well. I have two free characters both female...}
Dakota mentally face-palmed, 'Of course.' She then giggled softly, smiling up at Drake. "That certainly cleared my mind before it was fried from trying to figure it out! Thanks, Drake!" Dakota faced him with a bright smile. 'I've never trusted someone so much in a long time, I haven't smiled this big since I last saw my dad, and I certainly haven't laughed so much since I saw him either,' she thought to herself, 'he's like an older brother to me...'
He smiled goofily. "No problemo, Dakota!" He sat down on the chair in the living room. "I just wish we had power here, ya know? Then we could see without candles..." He smiled bigger. "And we could play video games!"
She stared at him then lit up like a light bulb at the word Video Games. "Video games? I love video games! I used to play them a lot at home when I was bored." She grinned at him, fixing her white, tie-died hair away from her eyes.
He smiled and laughed. "Want to know something? A secret I've never told anybody else...?" He smiled bigger at her. He couldn't wait to tell her, for he knew it would make her super happy and excited.
"Only if you're comfortable telling me." She grinned at him, knowing he'd tell her anyway. She waited patiently for his secret.
I have a 3DS... From years ago... That hasn't lost power and is fully charged!" He squealed happily, then threw his hands over his mouth. "I've gotta stop doing that!"
She nearly fell over from laughing at his squeal. "Wh....whe...where?" She said while trying to catch her breath. "We... can take turns!"
He blushed darkly, then picked her up. "Quit laughing, SQUIRT!" He threw her on the bed, laughing his head off. "I can't tell you until you stop laughing!
"O-Okay!" She caught her breath and slowly stopped. She then giggled for a moment at his comment and waited for him to tell her the location of the DS.
Coyoty folded her wings curving them just slightly to almost nearly crash into a tall tree. "Holy ***" said a girl clawing up Coyoty's shoulder as if trying to get away from something. Horror flashed in her brown eyes as she struggled. Coyoty held onto her before jumping off the tree flapping her huge wings once then twice and curved them once more landing in front of a large abandoned building. "Why!?" Screamed the girl Coyoty was holding. "Put me down!" She continued. Sighing the girl set the other down just in time as a wild hawk came flapping down flying straight into the building. "You fly so recklessly!" Screamed the girl watching the hawk. She unlike Coyoty whom had Snow White thigh length hair had dark tawny brown hair almost matching her eyes perfectly. Both girls had wildly curly hair that was wind-swept into odd positions.

"Quit complaining Farubah," answered Coyoty smacking the dark haired girl on the back of the head lightly. "If it wasn't for you landing straight on that nest as would not have had to fly so..." She paused and threw up her hands making air quotation marks "recklessly" Farubah flashed her eyes red and crossed her arms.

"Oh su-" the girl's comeback was halted by screeches of pain. Coyoty's grey colourless eyes went red. No sooner had she done this than a large scythe formed in her hands. Farubah's eyes flashed dark red and then back to brown she yanking out a large staff. "Falen is hurt," returns the girl to Coyoty whom had actually disappeared. "Uuuuugh! Why DO YOU DO THAT!!!? Every time!" Hollered Farubah and stripped her human form taking that of a fox with black fur and silver tips.

She raced into the building jumping in just as Coyoty- wolf formed- was smacked against a pillar with a large human-ish thing growling at her. "Jesus Christ their everywhere!" Whispered Farubah navigating through the endless pile of rubble that laid before her. Scared and heart pounding she went straight for Coyoty. The Snow White wolf pushed off the pillar using her huge matching wings to do so and attacked the creature once more sinking her teeth and claws into its flesh.

Farubah's ears flicked as she heard something. Blood spill fills the air and started to pool to the floor. "These things bleed?" She wondered not recognising the blood smell. She was swept away before she could think by Coyoty's full forced white body coming at her. She changed into a human jams quickly flicked out her brownish black wings bending them in such a way to block air. Coyoty hollered as they came to a stop and Farubah saw why. The wolf girls four paws had been grappled into one bloody mess. It stained her fur and the floor. Farubah, outraged grabbed the girls gun-morphed weapon and started shooting with her eyes tightly closed.

"GAH!" She was lifted by her throat districting airflow she did not need. The greater in front of her sniffed her and growled at her too. "Ah- og," she choked words out. "You don't like the smell of our blood. Well here! Farubah still having the gun in hand shot Coyoty's chain causing her to spring up immediately and grab the chain yawning it straight through the creature who had attacked them. Farubah stabbed the creature when it started to fall back and rode it like a skateboard to her bird whom had fallen straight out of the air by net.

Farubah's brown eyes glanced over the scene in horror. The whole building moaned and cracked sending dust splatters everywhere. The girl was silent forcing her eyes to readjust here and there until she saw something fatal. The pillar Coyoty had smashed into had cracked through the base and was the only supporter left.

Next there was wining.

Not your normal wolf in pain whimper but something that sounded more human. Like a scream in terror, an almost human scream. It continued wracking the air in enough sorrow to melt a heart completely. "Oh my god! Coyoty!" Cursed Farubah racing to get cousins age. She frantically threw her hands over the girls body searching for the pain centre. Before to long she realised what it was. The grapple had cut deeply into her paws, deep enough to expose bone. Knowing her cousin all too well Farubah knew she had not fed in who knew how long, the wounds would not heal without blood. Farubah just realised Coyoty saw no human had to die for her.

She struggled but lifted screaming and still moaning Coyoty pulling her blade out. "Coyoty, I know your tiered and in pain but could you please change Zephyr into a horse or something get us out of here and to help!?" She begged caressing the girls pale lifeless face. "Please Coyoty, you have to do this! You cannot just keep surviving off my blood! It's killing you!" Farubah glanced at Falen whom had at this point struggled free from his net by himself. Suddenly a blue flair stroke upwards and formed into a large snow coloured horse. It had blue down it's back as well as the tips of its mane and tail. "Oh thank you!!!" Farubah mounted the horse and placed Coyoty on it in front of her cradling the girl. Then she sent a command.

"Zephyr, find the first human you can sense! Falen scout over the land! Let's go!"

With that the two animals set off hurtling towards a forest taking into the now creeping darkness. It would not be long now before night, and more danger enveloped them. Farubah held onto Coyoty and what little life she harvested. She was moaning though and that meant life- until the moans stopped and darkness eventually did wrap them up like a cruel blanket.

Zephyr slowed snorting and huffing more. Farubah worried glanced around quickly. Finally Zephyr slowed to a quiet trot the only thing making noise was his breathing. Farubah worried. Her brown eyes welled up in tears as she forced Coyoty to stay awake. It wasn't until a small house with a small flickering light in the window did Zephyr pick up again. He was slower this time but managed to get to the door just as Coyoty had stopped moaning and closed her eyes. Farubah stumbled off the horse watching him disappear Ito thin air before racing to the door knocking on it frantically. "Hello!?" She called, fear soaked through her skin settling on her chilled already bones. She frantically raced to he window and tapped on that while Falen pecked at the door. She could hear people talking about video games and could even smell the humans. "Hey!" She called again seeing at last a shadow cast accords the window. Someone please help!!! Farubah hollered again tears streaming down her face.

{Ah... The drama. @Elionza and @Gabe Drako thought I would jump in... Sorry if I am intruding in your role play. I'm kinda tiered of waiting.... }
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The jacket at her paws was large enough to fall down past her waist, making it big enough to cover everything. Lyric knew it was stupid for her to fear revealing herself to men, but... Back when she was still living with her family, a man grabbed her on the way home from school. He took her away, did stuff to her. She was gone for almost a week, a week of torture and things that she doesn't dare mention. When the FBI finally found her, she claimed not to remember a thing, but it was a lie. It was something that had imprinted itself onto her mind, always there, always lurking in her thoughts. Shaking the memory she bent down and picked it up between her jaws. It was made of dark leather, long sleeves that cuffed at the end, and a fuzzy inside. His jacket didn't look so bad. The smell on the other hand was...not so great.

"Mahn, you gotta take uh shouer." Her words were mumbled through a mouthful of leather.

The wolf scrunched up her nose in disgust and then turned around to shift back. It was painless, swift and quiet. One moment the world around her was from a low point of view, the next it was normal. Pain shot up her broken leg, coursing through her body. The pressure that shifting had put on it, as well as standing on in human form had taken a toll on her. Lyric cried out in pain, falling to her one good knee. The jacket fell from her hand and onto the ground next to her. She reached out and grabbed it, quickly slipping her arms through the holes. She stayed there for a moment, resting on one knee, balancing herself with her other hands. The pain hadn't gone away yet, but she needed to get back to the truck.

She placed her good foot on the ground beneath her and, heaved herself up once more. Only she didn't stay that way. Suddenly the ground was coming at her, and she was falling again.

"Well.... Alright Dakota. The video game is-" his sentence was interrupted by some shout and bangs from downstairs. The shouts sounded tearfilled and pained. "Dakota, hold on a second..." Drake rushed to the door and opened it. He didn't even bother to ask who it was... The girl screaming made him feel terrible.
Farubah shot a terrorised look towards the boy frantically scrambling back to where Coyoty was. She had propped herself against the cabin eyes tight still moaning in pain. The girl frantically picked her up.

"Please!" She cried tears down her face, "My cousin," she started but cut herself off realising the person in front of her was nothing but a pure innocent human. In this day and age it was almost impossible to find someone innocent but she knew he had to be even as he had probably killed hundred maybe even a couple thousand creatures. She hoped that though this was the case a bullet wound would not be in her future. They did nothing to her but pissed her off. Afraid of what to do she stood there horrified look on her face and tears in her eyes searching for the proper words.

Having nothing better to do Falen flew into the house flapping crazily until Coyoty had lost every ounce of her energy and returned to her normal form of a Snow White wolf. Her wings started to show and lay limp in Farubah's arms. The girl glanced over her cousin shocked. All she could muster in that silence was one word.

He stared at her for a second, then ran out in a panic. His wolf side came in handy at this point, as he put his arms at her sides. Drake lifted bot the girls up and dashed inside. "You d'on't just stand out there! What are you thinking?!" He placed them on the bed and took in a deep breath. "Good lord!"
Dakota quickly reacted, rushing to her backpack for her medical kit and racing to Drake and the two girls. "Are they okay? I brought the medical kit." The 13 year old girl opened the kit and got out the needed supplies: bandage, gauze, ointment, ETC. She set them down near Drake, ready to help him fix up the paw.
Drake was shaking. "Dakota... We're not letting anybody die today..." His face had turned dark and cold. "These girls aren't dying..." That's all he could say... Is that nobody was gong to die. "Were gonna save them..."
"Yessir." A simple statement to most, but it meant that Dakota would do anything to save them. She quickly took some gauze and wrapped it tightly above the cut, cutting off the blood flow just slightly. Then, she handed the girl/wolf some painkillers, so she could edge the hook out.
Jax sighed. Not looking over he replied "Well, I don't have a shower everywhere I go." He chuckled and turned around seeing her trying to stand up only to starting falling. He got up and caught her, looking down at her. Their eyes had the same color, he felt her heart racing through his palm. Well then. This wasn't what I had in mind.

Jax took a minute to study the girl. She had a pretty face, she was warm. She was fit, he could even tell through the small opening through the jacket. Her hair fell in the right places, she was nice looking. Jax somehow felt something change in him. But he tossed the feeling aside and held her there for a minute. "Sorry if I smell bad." He showed a small smile and helped her up. Holding her by the waist he watched her.

"Can I let go or do I need to watch you like a newborn?" Jax said, enjoying himself. He wasn't alone, maybe this was the change they both wanted. Maybe, just maybe he found his way out of hell with this woman. At that hopeful and naive thinking, he let himself genuinely smile for the first time in 5 months.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

They stood there for a moment, she in his arms, he looking down at her with gorgeous blue eyes. He has dark that's just long enough to fall neatly over his eyes. Jax's face was angular, with sharp edges. It made him look dangerous, but not so much scary. "Sorry if I smell bad." He smiled. It was real smile. Not one of those fake 'I wish I could be anywhere but here' smiles. A real genuine smile. Lyric was aware on every level of his hands around her waist. She felt his fingertips gently grasp the jacket, steadying her with strong muscles. "Can I let you go or do I need to watch you like a newborn?" She frowned at him, but her eyes were shining with amusement.

"I'm not as weak as you think I am." She muttered, balancing herself. "But I can't very well walk on one leg, now can I?"

Lyric would need help getting back to the truck in her human form. Any pressure on the broken bone caused agonizing pain to shoot up her body. He still had his hands on her waist, but she hadn't made any move to push him away. Then again that could be just because she needed his support. She reached down and zipped up the jacket. "C'mon. We should be getting back. Aleks isn't in very good...er, shape." She began to limp back, leaning on his shoulder for support. Each step was agonizing. Though she could count on him to steady her, Lyric continued to have trouble.

"This is great. Here I am with a broken leg. In a world filled with the living dead" Her teeth ground against each other in frustration. The truck loomed ahead of them, and, as they walked, something occurred to her.

"Do you know how do drive?"

She stared at him as the wind blew her hair into her eyes. Strands of blond whisked across her cheeks, tickling the bare skin. It would be extremely troubling if he didn't even know how to use a car.

"Huff, Puff, Huff, Puff... pat, pat, pat, pat.... Eeeeer-eeeer-eeer"

That is the sound of a boy running on the street, while pushing his run down harley davidson.

"Auuugh.... uuughh. ARRRRR ARRR"

And that. Is the sound of zombies hungry for the flesh of that very same boy.

"Oh crap why me why me WHY DID I RUN OUT OF GAS!??!" He ran down the streets, passing by several buildings. He had run for more miles and was getting tired. He finally decided to just pick a place. He kicked his cycle by the curb. And dived through the window of apartment complex.

"Umm... is anybody in here?!?!"
Jax chuckled, carrying all the gear on his right and Lyric on his left. "Nah, too complicated." He held Lyric close so she would get as much pressure off her leg. "Of course I can drive. Hell I used to race cars." That was a fun experience. They trudge along the forest and car was in sight.

"This is great. Here I am with a broken leg. In a world filled with the living dead" she said. Jax turned and looked at her again with her hair fluttering in the wind and caught her looking at him with her eyes. She looks genuinely concerned. She'll be fine. Jax gently put Lyric in the front passenger seat and put the equipment in the very back compartment and looked around. Taking one last glimpse back the place and sat down next to Lyric and touched her leg.

"Could be worse. You could've died. How's the leg?" He looked at her and turned the key, the H3T roared to life and Jax like a professional driver drove it backwards and drifted back onto the road and going towards town. He looked at Lyric every so often to make sure she didn't freak out. But also Jax liked looking at her. He loneliness was going away and he was getting excited. Or was that Jaximus, either way he would let this overtake him for the short time he was here somewhat alone with her.

Jax turned away, "Where is the place?" Casually driving into town looking around for anyone as a threat.
Coyoty wined slightly her chest not moving but her eyes open and blinking. Farubah curled up grabbing her knees tears still staining her eyes and face. "I can- I can't save her," she whispered reminding herself yet again that there was not enough human content in her blood to accelerate healing.

Coyoty laid incapable of taking the pain killers. Taking those as she knew would do nothing for her and for her all they would do is act like sugar pills. Plus she had no oesophagus to swallow with.

"She can't take meds," breathed Farubah gathering herself together just as her massive hawk friend landed on the bed frame. "Our... Type," she started up once more "we don't have orang and like normal humans, we don't breathe and we more importantly cannot swallow. We have no beating hearts any kind of first aid will not help the stage she is in," once she finished tears came to her eyes again. She caressed fur. "She needs human blood," it came chocked choppy and half breathed. "She cannot survive without it but she always tries to go as long as she could." Coyoty grunted and bared her teeth but let them face. Her massive size of a wolf was tall enough to at least envelope a human male at 200cm exactly. She was weak and she didn't like her cousin telling her business to everyone.

Farubah looked up at Dakota and Drake. "No human has to die. We have self control," insisted the girl not sure who was human and who was not anymore. Her senses were clouded with smells of her salty tears as well as Coyoty's blood. Her arms and legs were throbbing- burning- with the touch of her blood, she at her rank, her blood, it was toxic to any other person of their kind and left terrible results. Farubah endured the pain keeping silent from mentioning it while in the presence of Coyoty. Truth was she had to be strong for Coyoty. No one else was there for her but Farubah and she had made a promise never to leave her ever again.

Falen started to turn his head flapping his wings slightly as he hopped on the bed. He hopped over Coyoty clipping her making her jump up and just narrowly missing the birds bones as he flapped away to get from her. Coyoty collapsed after that scaring Farubah. She knew Coyoty was getting to her feeding instinct. "We have to get some blood in her soon," she warned knowing that when in this state attacking didn't require energy. It just happened.
Drake pulled out his gun and pointed it at the girl. "You are NOT going to touch this girl!" He wrapped one arm around Dakota's stomach. "We'll try and help... but you're not going to hurt her!" He was torn. He wanted to save the girl... he really did... but he wasn't going to let her hurt Dakota. "You are going to either tell me how to heal her another way, leave, or I'll kill you both..." He let a single tear fall from his eye as the flashbacks of Cruz came. "I'm not afraid to kill things that aren't zombies anymore..."

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