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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Dakota worriedly looked at the eyeless creatures. "D-Drake... What are those things?" The 13-year-old was obviously frightened by their appearance; she shook off the feeling and helped the girls to her bed. "Let me treat the bite marks," she was speaking to the one whom gotten bit. She grabbed gauze and wrapped it around the bite mark slightly tight, so it wouldn't bleed out. Then, she tended to Drake's shoulder, doing the same. "You okay?"
Jax didn't have the response he was looking for. Instead he was thrown to the ground and Aleks ran. Cursing under his breath, he pulled out his Beretta and took aim. When he turned around he saw a girl, no younger than 20 has a bow directed and arrow directed at his companion.

"Don't shoot or you will be on the floor." Jax said as he got on one leg and had the handgun pointed to her head. Great another person, but we could use her. I don't want to kill her. Jax got closer. He pointed to the truck.

"I got a wolf in there, who isn't afraid to kill either. So drop it and we can talk." Jax's body was tense, ready to shoot. Please comply. I have no reason to shoot you. He got closer and nodded at Aleks, telling him that he has this.
He hugged Dakota. "I'm fine... Don't go out there without me... ever!" He took the necklace from her pocket and wrapped it around her neck, clipping it at the end. "Remember what I told you..." He nodded to her. "Thanks for fixing my shoulder..."
She nodded and smiled. "I shot a couple from the window. I never left the house!" She grinned again and looked at the two girls and the bird. "You three okay?"
Coyoty's grey eyes were wide. "I think we have to go," she said holding fox formed and shaking Farubah. "Yes, we defiantly cannot stay here, they will tear us to pieces and the house to get to us." Falen was flapping around screeching at the danger that was getting ever so nearer to the groups hideout.

"We cannot fight those, those are too strong, too intelligent to be able to fight them whilst expecting to survive," Coyoty had brushed up against a few here and there and they had taken her energy, time and regeneration for a spin. She was always weekend for days after their attacks. She had never seen there to be so many.

{be back soon! Don't go to far without me!!!}
Dakota nodded. "Okay, be safe." She watched them closely next to Drake. 'Oh who am I kidding, why don't I just say he's my brother. He's near to it,' she thought to herself.
Narrowing my eyes at the boy, I tightened my hold on my weapon. I clenched my jaw slightly, my eyes flickering down to the weapon in his hand. "What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed, wanting them to get as far away as possible. I had a system. They were interrupting the system. Not that it mattered much. His smile was unnerving, so was the fact that he randomly gave his name to the person with the arrow pointed at his head. I frowned in slight confusion, deciding to ignore the questions surfacing in my mind. 
Anger flared in me, my eyes snapping to the one with the gun pointed at me. A small smirk twitched on the corners of my mouth, looking between the two cooly. There was no way I was doing anything that guy said. "Why would I want to talk to you?" I retorted, my eyebrow quirking slightly in question. I had no way out of this and I was pretty sure he knew it too. I was just stalling, something I was a master at.
He smiled at her and tilted his head. "You're tough, you know that?" He hugged her again. "If those girls ever touch you... ever... you tell me, ok?" He kept hugging her. He loved this girl... with all his heart.She was like a little sister to him. "I love you Dakota... and I don't want to see you get hurt..."
"What are we doing here...what are we doing here...what are we doing here?"

Aleks lowered his arms and walked away, turned, and looked in the girl's eyes.

"Why...we're here for what everyone else wants! Shelter! Food! Water! Safety!"

Aleks walked closer to the girl, speaking in a hushed voice.

"Now now now...you want to know what we're doing here but the thing is..."

Aleks began circling her.

"You see...the thing is you're in the same place as us right? Right! So what...are...you...doing...here? Huh? Ponder that, yeah?"

Aleks came back to stand in front of the girl, looking at his friend to the side, gesturing for him to lower his gun.
Dakota flinched at the word love, "L-Love?" she mumbled. She then grinned again at him and hugged him back. "I love you too, big brother!" She smiled then her eyes widened, 'I just called him... big brother. It didn't even feel weird to say it!'
"Okay...you're a bit weird." I muttered, not meaning to speak my thoughts again. "The reason I am here does not concern you." I mumbled, looking at the other one who was still pointing the gun at me. I scoffed slightly at him, guns were so nosy, attracted so much attention. Whatever factor of intimidation I managed to muster seemed to completely vanish as I cautiously lowered my weapon not taking my eyes off of the two. "If you're looking for shelter...you're looking in the wrong building. That one has a basement. Lot's of dead go in there just before dawn." I stated still eyeing the two like they were going to turn around and shoot me. The tall one was a bit scary, I couldn't tell if he was a deranged human or something else. Either way, I didn't trust them.
He smiled and stood up. "Did you just say 'big brother...'?" He smiled even bigger. Yes, he was sure that was what she had said. "Well alright, 'sis'." He smiled as big and as bright as he could.
Dakota grinned a grin that was bigger than she could imagine. "I guess even in the apocalypse you can have fun and laugh!" She giggled, the zombies couldn't get through the electric fence unless it was a huge crowd of them.
He raised an eyebrow. "So you're joking, and don't think of me as a brother?" He felt a bit disappointed by this. Drake frowned and sat on the bed, resting his chin on his hands.
"Drake, silly, of course I think of you as a brother! You've protected me since I came here, I even said it out loud without hesitation." Dakota smiled at Drake and hugged him tightly, to prove she wasn't lying.
"Ah...my dear stranger. Weird is certainly better than the norm isn't it? That's the reason we're alive yes? Because all the normal people couldn't pull themselves together and survive! We are weird. We are survivors."

The girl lowered her bow, Aleks sighed in relief. She said the building wasn't safe.

Great...more driving.

If it means you get to live longer then take the chance.


Aleks started.

"Where do you suggest we go if this place isn't safe? Got any plans?"

He hgged her back. "Alright. Now, about those girls? Do you think they're safe and we should let them stay here? I don't want them to hurt you..." He frowned.
"No, they said it wasn't safe. The zombies could invade the house, especially the smarter ones." She frowned along with him, worry in her eyes. "If that happens, we could both die, including them." The thought made her shiver, so she sat down her her bed and wrapped a blanket around her.
Jax held his gun until she lowered the bow. "Ah I knew I would have it my way. Because guns are too easy and loud." Jax got up on both feet and looked at her. Okay, this building is a no go. Weird? Hmm, never thought that. But we are still alive aren't we? He motioned for the girl to come in the truck.

"If its not safe then come on. We need to get on the move." He opened the truck and motioned them inside. "We are not going to harm you. Right Aleks?" Jax pulled out his knife and sheathed it. "See? I don't use guns much. But I know how to use them." He smirked and looked around. This girl, well it is the city so I expected more life here. But she is just a teen. Jax chuckled and sat down in the seat. "You coming? Its better strength in numbers." He looked at Aleks and pondered the change again. Just like at the forest, one minute he is cold and quick. Next he is talking in metaphors and acting like a sociopath. He sighed and waited for them to join him and Lyric.
He sighed. "Dakota... you're lucky... this is as safe as it gets. If you wouldn't have found me... those things would've killed you..." He looked down, trying to keep from crying. "I know from experience Dakota... what it's like to lose someone you care about..." A few tears slipped from his eyes as he remembered Sky.
Dakota felt honored to see him cry, she had practically begged him to show her so she could comfort him. "I... I-I do too, Drake. Remember?" She was referring to her back story of her father and mother.
He looked up at her. "Dakota... I was nine when my parents died..." He was sobbing now. "I had to survive on my own against these things for ten years! You don't understand what that's like! And then, when you finally find someone who cares about you, they DIE!" He was screaming at the girl, and he didn't even realize it. "Everybody I loved got taken from me! You have no idea what it's like!"
I glared at the two, was I really going to join them? Biting my lip I nodded slowly. "We only have two hours at best before the dead wake. I cleared a building last night. It's realitively safe as long as you don't make too much noise." I stated bluntly. "Otherwise...I'll get my pack." I continued looking at the one with the gun. Funny how he seemed to think he was the best thing ever. He looked 7 years older than me tops. Even then I bet he thought I was a child. I slung my bow across my shoulder taking a quick glance at the sun starting to set.
Dakota was shocked, yes, she didn't know what it was like at a young age to lose your parents. But she did watch her father leave for the army at the age of 5. She technically lost one parent at 5; then actually lost her father on her birthday and mother two days after. He was yelling at her without noticing, she had tears fall down her face. "O-Okay, I don't know fully. J-Just stop yelling.... at me," her voice wavered and got much softer. She looked down at her feet innocently, sniffling.
Aleks cheered inwardly when the girl decided to join them.

"Another point for the weird ones."

Aleks climbed into the backseats of the truck, while passing by the girl he said in her ear, not quieting his voice.

"You'll get used to him...I haven't but...yeah you'll get used to him.

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