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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She glanced at Aleks in the backseat. He laid there passed out drunk, drooling all over the cushion. Lyric scrunched up her nose and reached back to slap him on the face. Men. They're all...idiots. Jax set his hand on her leg, a move in which she didn't approve of. She looked at him, glaring slightly, before moving his hand back to his own lap. "Could be worse. You could've died. How's the leg?" He sounded truly concerned about her. It'd been a while since anyone had sounded like that when they were talking to her.

"I'll live." He glanced over at her, repeatedly, during the ride seemingly checking on her health. "But we can't go back to the motel. Lizard boy could easily trace my scent back to it. We need to head to the one place he won't expect us to go. The City. Find a place to re-stock on food and medical supplies. I could really use some pain meds."

As if on cue her leg began to throb. She winced. Her brow furrowed slightly as she thought of everything that had happened int he last two days. She was deep in thought when they entered the city. At first it was just small buildings, and then skyscrapers seemed to loom above them, taunting them with their height. It was light out now, and the creatures aught to be hidden away in the forests and deserted buildings. As long as they kept to the light they'd all be fine.

The pain in her leg increased a notch as the enhanced healing kicked in. She gripped the seat, digging her fingernails into the fabric. Her stomach convulsed. The prey that she had caught the night before wasn't settling well with her stomach.

"Pull over!" Her stomach convulsed again. "PULL OVER!"

Instead of waiting for him to come to a stop, she flung the door open and wretched up everything in her stomach. The inside of her body felt like it had been ripped into a million pieces. She sat their hunched halfway out of the car, vomiting everything that she'd eaten plus some. When Lyric finally managed to pull herself back into the car the world seemed to spin around her.

"Oh god..."

Farubah took back shocked, that was the human she smelled. She sobbed rubbing her eyes slightly breaking down fully into a blast of tears and sorrow. There was only one reason she was sobbing, there just was no other way to heal Coyoty. She had gone too long without feeding she just needed blood that's all. Farubah was torn as well. She wanted to help Coyoty but there was just no way she could. She could also not have helped the fact that she was what she was.

At last she threw her hands up sobbing coming to a slow. "I wasn't going to hurt her!" She defended thickly. Upon throwing her arms up there were scars, all the way down them starting at the very wrists down straight through her elbow and fingering up to her unseen shoulders. She held fast closing her eyes. "I just needed help. It's not like we [italics]chose[/italics] this kind of life. She and I were born this way. Honestly she can wait a few days but her winds won't heal at all she will be weakened up until we get blood into her. She can't take mine at this point I'm not human enough," finished Farubah clearing up her tears wanting nothing more than to just be safe. Everyone pointed their guns at them. They have always been the target and now it was evident that they always would be.
He pulled out a pocket knife, then looked at the girl with tears in his eyes. "I'll do it... It's been long enough after a full moon that I have human enough blood to heal her... I'm a werewolf by the way..." He put the knife to the palm of his hand and slid a thin line across it, drawing more than enough blood. "What do I do now...?" He asked, biting his lip to keep from yelling out.
Jax drove for about 50 miles to the city. "Well okay then. Looks I am going to smell bad a little longer." He chuckled and drove. Aleks snoring in the back. Lyric just sitting there, trying not to move much. Jax took the silence as the time to think. The last day has changed a lot about him. He was out and driving and with two people. He was changing and he didn't like it. He thought about telling Lyric about the other person but he decided later. Too early to trust her with that. He still having some trust issues with people.

He heard Lyric yell pull over. All of sudden she opened the door and vomited all down the road. Normal people would freak out but Jax started laughing. "Well there another boy the lizard will find you now." He stopped on the side of the road and laughed for a good 5 minutes. He has seen worse and smelled worse.

"Well at least I am not the only one the smells. And please don't vomit on the jacket." He found a few napkins in the side dash and gave them to her. He was enjoying himself and feeling better. Isolation does that to a man. He leaned back in the chair and looked at her. "You feeling better? Or can I lay here for about 5 minutes while you puke your guts out?" He grinned and closed his eyes.
Aleks hit the wall, his head thrown back from whiplash. A fist was thrown into his gut, doubling him over, a knee came into view, his nose gushed blood. Powerful hands grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him into a water fountain. His hip collide with the metal with a force that he thought his hip broke. He cried out in pain, he looked around. The circle of students did nothing but watched.


A fist collided with the side of his face, he blacked out.

Lights filled his vision blinding him. Aleks sat up, he was shirtless. Bruises and cuts dotted his body and it took all his strength to stay sitting. Soft hands gently pushed him down, he looked over. It was...her.

A girl, white skin, black hair with violet undertones looked him over with a worried look on her face, but overall she felt relieved. Aleks gave her a weak smile, eyes half open.

"H-hey...what's up...Light..."

Light's eyes widened at Aleks's weak voice.

"Hey hey...shh...calm down and rest."

She paused, her eyes were shining...tears.

"You...you didn't have to do that for me..."

"And let those...guys mess with you? Ha...."

Aleks's eyes closed. Light looked at him with distress. She ran her hand over his face. Aleks opened his eyes again. Dead eyes met his. Her eyes...

Aleks sat up, his face stung like he had been slapped. He was in a truck. Someone was driving and Lyric was in the passenger seat. Lyric started yelling and she threw up. Thoughts of Light flooded Aleks's mind he panicked but didn't make noise, he gripped the back seats as hard as he could.
Jax heared stirring in the back and turned around. "Hey kid, Lyric dragged you back to the truck and we are in the city. And as you can tell she threw up." He chuckled and motioned him to sit down. If Aleks makes a move its going to be interesting. He is a disturbed man but nothing I can't handle.

Jax kept watching Lyric and Aleks. "You okay Aleks?" Jax got out of the car and got some air, his legs were asleep from driving and he kept an eye on Aleks. Don't make a move Jax was on full search and scan mode for the best place for them to lay low. Jax doesn't know where Lyric found this guy but he will live with him unless he got betrayed.

Jax found a building a few miles away and it looked like a good place to lay low. He wasn't sure. "Okay kids, time to go on a roadtrip." He pulled Lyric gently in and shut the door. Jax drove to the place. "Aleks, you want to scout out this building? I know you are dying to get out of the car." He smirked and got out, motioning Aleks to get out. "I will give you a gun. Just don't shoot me."
The moment he cut, the very second that the blade drew blood both Farubah's eyes and Coyoty's flashed their demon colours. Farubah closed her eyes and held her knees. The Snow White wolf sprang from her docile position on the bed towards Drake, Farubah also jumped grabbing the girl by her fur yanking her back with all her might laying her back down on the bed with her hand over the girls wolf jaw. "I know you're tiered," she whispered to the lashing and thrusting wolf. "I know you want his blood but you know you cannot I jest it correctly in this form. You have to be more civilised." Farubah had gotten straight through to Coyoty whom took her human form pushing Farubah aside quickly and scrambled to Drake. She bared her teeth at him.

Eight, there were eight fangs in her mouth four in the top set of her teeth and two at the bottom. Each hollow and ready for blood. She immediately sank all eight into his flesh. Around the cut and through the artery vein. Her hands were gripping his wrist and his hand, hard but not to hard enough to restrict blood flow. She drank until a thin blood trail went down her chin and at that point Farubah pulled her off. She looked at Drake hoping he was fine and sighed miserably. "I'm so sorry," said the girl seething in pain at that point.
The driver started talking, his conversation directed to Aleks. Aleks looked over but stayed quiet.

D-do you know him?


The driver drove until they stopped at a building, Aleks looked out the window. The area looked clear enough.

"Aleks, you want to scout out this building? I will give you a gun."

Aleks jumped out of the truck, walked over to the other side, walked to the man, and snatched a gun from the man's holster. He walked past him.


His voice was quiet but he thought he should at least introduce himself, this guy seemed friendly. Aleks walked into the building.

Once he was inside he leaned over a table, his head was pounding but he cleared it as best he could and proceeded to check the building.

Wood...everything was wood and metal. Furniture was flipped over, everything was picked clean. A few dead bodies in the corner but nothing else noteworthy.

Aleks made his way back outside.

"Clear enough."
Jax looked at Aleks. He seen people with different personalities before, but this is like a roller coaster. He walked to Aleks after the search and confronted him. "Look, don't snatch my gun from my hand," he snatched his gun back. "ever." He looked at him with cold eyes. He doesn't like his gun taken away like that.

"Thank you for checking it out. Do they have a generator? Or do we need to move on?" Jax was taking all of his self control. He needed to find a place with a generator and decent supplies. "Have any ideas?" He looked at Aleks, body tense and ready for anything. Don't make a move, I am not in the mood to start anything. I just want to find a place.
He slammed his fist into the girl's head, not trying to hurt her, but making her back off. "You said she'd drink the blood, not rip open my vein!" He held his hand over it before stumbling over to a medical kit and patching it up. "You need to get her under control..." He glared at the girl. He knew the thirst for blood... he'd had it before... he'd killed countless humans in werewolf form to get it. He sat down next to the girl and looked into her eyes. "I think we'll get along just fine..." She's hot. He hit himself in the head. Don't be mad at me for speaking what you ere thinking. He sighed.
"Move faster." I whispered to myself, pumping my legs as fast as they would allow me to go. The sound of a truck pulling up to the building across the street from the one I was occupying set me on edge. I knew I should have kept the generator off a little longer but I couldn't risk the dead coming in and finding me while I was still suffering from my morning daze. I jumped down a set of stairs, my bow drawn with an arrow notched and ready to fire. Slowly, I opened the door hoping not to alarm what looked to be two men standing outside. Both of them looked dangerous and armed. Calming my breathing I snuck around the otherside of the truck part of me praying that I'd be foolish enough to let them kill me. Slipping behind the one who looked to be in charge, I stood from my crouch reaching my full 5" 5' height. The arrow trained at the back of the man's head. "Don't. Move." I stated in a low voice as I pressed the arrow even closer to his head.
Coyoty's skull felt a spin as she scrambled away from Drake. She looked over the boy silently then licked her chin baring a set of teeth that looked nothing sharper than a normal humans. Sure each one was sharper than the average humans was but rather there were no fangs in her mouth.

"Each of us have different amounts of fangs," said Farubah caressing Coyoty's still visible wings. A single feather lay in front of Drake having fallen off in her struggle to survive. "None of us can control our primitive instincts when we are that hungry." Coyoty growled towards Farubah whom just shrugged. "You know it's true, don't pretend otherwise," she said and turned to Falen. The bird hopped off a chair he had settled on and flew to Farubah's arm walking up to her shoulder.

"Ah, thanks," said Coyoty at last after several moments of silence. "I am Coyoty and this is Farubah, my cousin. Oh, and the bird is Falan. He is more intelligent than he looks," said Coyoty wiping her face fully of blood. Drake's blood of a human with vague wolf in it courses through her body from her wrists to her ankles healing them in record timing. Coyoty then scratched her wrists slightly. They itched. Her feet were bare and she was in nothing more than a pair of jeans with a torn rocker t-shirt that slipped down her shoulder settling between her shoulder and arm. She blinked her grey coloured eyes and then turned her head smiling.

"We are technically vampires, well sort of, anyway Coyoty has wolf and four percent bird I her. She can fly and become a large wolf. I am a fox and I too have wings but I was never taught how to use them. Falen is my wings," said Farubah watching Coyoty's wolf ears and tail flick. "Thank you so much, we are in your debt."
He nodded. "I understand... and you may stay here as long as you please... just so long as you don't hurt Dakota..." His eyes widened when she mentioned them being vampires. "Sad news... You're sister isn't a vampire anymore... she drank my blood... a WEREWOLF's blood." Drake shook his head. "I wish I would have know that before you drank my juices..." He sighed again. "Too bad..."
Coyoty sighed closing her eyes almost disappointed. "Actually I still am and still will be-" she cut herself off. "Our blood is less susceptible to other peoples blood so no matter what you have in you the toxins in our blood will destroy that. Depending on your rank." Farubah blinked and turned her head away once more forcing Falen to restlessly leave her shoulder and fly around for a moment before circling back.

"Yeah, depending on the rank. So far we are the last of our race... I mean the Noctiuagus at least. They are like vampires but we draw an elixir you have in your blood that codes you to slow down cell production. In a way it's like we have cancer our body starts to deteriorate after long spans without blood. Also like cancer. But we don't and won't die from it... I mean us lower ranks. Coyoty over here can die if she starves herself, her body will eventually absorb every ounce of blood she has in her body starving for nutrients and elixirs in the blood. Coyoty is immune to you and I am because we have four fangs on the top of our set of teeth. We inject a harmless Nero toxin that causes the effect of your blood to become useless." Explained Farubah looking back at Drake, her eyes scanning around.

"We are nothing like vampires," Coyoty corrected her. "Vampires kill to kill, we kill because if we do not, on your planet with all the oxygen and warmth you have we would die." Coyoty leaned forward and grabbed Drake's hand with her own completely ice cold hand that felt lifeless without any kind of warmth. It almost seemed like Antarctica was warm.
His eyes locked on to there hands and he blushed. He yanked his hand back and apologized. "Uh.. sorry..." He nodded again. "So you're not vampires... good..." He sighed in relief. "I'd hate to have vampires living here... trying to kill me all the time." He was still blushing lightly. Her hand was cold... and he didn't like it...
Coyoty sighed. "It is sad but the truth. We cannot survive here. After all our ancestors grew up in another place... That lacked oxygen warmth and light. Vampires are way to overrated anyway. I have yet to meet one and to this day do not believe a real vampire actually exists. However if I do meet one I will be sure to repay you by attacking them and killing them. They are so much weaker than us anyway," finished Coyoty with a light smile.

"So we just stay here or what..?" Asked Farubah remembering the fact both she and Coyoty took the nature of their species to real life and slept during the day whilst staying up at night
He smiled at Coyoty, then turned to Farubah. "Oh, uh, yeah. Like I said earlier, you can stay here as long as you please, just so long as you don'y hurt Dakota here..."
"Uh," Farubah said. "I mean tonight," she finished biting the corner of her lip slightly. Falen had taken to an abandoned book shelf with the shelves falling off so he could watch his surroundings better.

"What she means is, since it is safer to sleep during the day we do we were looking at that old church by the square to rest but Falen had gotten hurt. He was attacked by one of those zombie things that hide in the dark. I killed it but I we could not stay there due to how I was hurt, quote frankly we usually hunt at night." The girls did not hunt for food like some would have thought. Instead they hunted nests of the creatures. They used their old school training to get better trackers equipment that was needed was often light weight and not bulky consisting of their noses eyes and instincts. They always hunted. If anything though they knew guarding would be their activity and if this was the case Coyoty would demand some cards.

"Do you guys sleep at night?" Asked Farubah just before Coyoty's ears perked up. They twitched flicking for a moment before she sped to the window there in only a seeming flash. "Perhaps we will not need to worry about tonight." She said and stepped away from the window bearing a pack of at least ten to fifteen zombies.

"If anything they do not like the smell of out blood, all they do is try to rid us of existence." Said Farubah pulling out her staff. Coyoty yanked Zephyr out morphing is normal dagger form into a large bow. She formed an arrow with her hand making a glowing blue line of energy. She pulled back on the string of the intricate shining black bow releasing the arrow through the window and into the night.

It found its home quickly at the head of one of the zombies making Coyoty jump. "HAZAHHH!" She yelled with glee. Finally got enough energy to do that!" She yelled again. Normally since her arrows were pieces of her energy and energy required having enough blood to suffice this mass-amount if energy needed. Farubah smiled just slightly and turned to Drake.

"Will you join us?" Asked Coyoty cutting her off before she could even speak winking at her cousin,
He stood up and grinned. "Oh... I would be honored." He looked from one girl to the next. "Let me get mo sword..." He handed his gun to Dakota and picked up his sword. He had a crazed look in his eyes. His wolf side was coming out... and he was enjoying every minute of it. "Let's go kill some zombies!"
"Don't. Move."

A threatening voice made itself heard from behind Aleks's new companion. Aleks took out his knife and pushed his new friend to the side. Stepping in his place only to find an arrow pointed right at his head, his knife jut inches away from the newcomer's body.

Aleks took a long look at this new person. Red hair, sticking green eyes, and pale white skin. She should've been intimidating but the girl was pretty short, he only felt a twinge of fear from the arrow aimed at his head. He gave an uneasy smile and held his hands up.


He said simply.
Farubah smiled crookedly and raced to the window opening it as Coyoty stripped her human form for that of her large white wolf and flew through the window- literally- she landed on a zombie cutting deeply into it with her claws. She then grabbed the zombie's head and tore it from its shoulders, but when she went to spring back a zombie grabbed her leg not hesitating and going straight to bite her.

Farubah, engaged in her own fight was trying to fend off a zombie holding her silver staff between her and the zombie laying flat on the ground. Her wings twitched and then she sprang up. Yanking her staff up and the zombie's body and then slashing across the zombie making it fall to the ground in segments. She huffed but was taken a back by another zombie attacking her she started her fight with this one smacking it to keep it at bay. It relentlessly attacked her even as she tried to ward it off.
Drake jumped from the window as well, cutting off the zombie that was about to bit Coyoty's head off. "Stupid thing..." He turned around and sliced two more's head off, before grabbing one by the little hair on it's head and ripping it's skull from it's body. "You alright there Coyoty?" He asked, turning only his head to her.
Dakota watched from the window for a moment before grabbing her AK-47 and putting down Drake's Uzi. She returned to the window, put the silencer back on the gun and aimed for the zombies. She shot many in the head. One had traveled close to Drake, it's mouth ready to bite his arm at least twice and get a good meal; Dakota, quick to engage, saw this and shot it's head. The bullet missed Drake's shoulder by a hair's length as it contacted the zombie square in the center of it's forehead. She smiled at Drake, her gaze shifting to the two girls if they needed help Drake could not get to in time.
At the point in which he asked Coyoty was already tearing into another zombie's skull tearing him to pieces preventing it from attacking her cousin. Being addressed she whirled around springing just above drake taking down another zombie.


The rotting flesh and blood of the zombies started to fill the air making it smell like a decaying corpse. The trio kept fighting on though each contributing to lessing the pack of vicious creatures and while attacking them Coyoty could not help but think about the fact they were like any other misunderstood creature, starving... For acceptance a life- a zombie yanked her back biting squarely into her flesh forcing her thoughts from her head. She closed her eyes in pain but continued onward taking her human form and grabbing the zombie yanking him and herself upwards towards the sky. She spun then yanked it up further grabbing his neck and then flashed straight for the ground. It hit the ground first levelling out Coyoty landing fight after him pressing all her force not oh tearing off its head but the shoulders as well. She the. Walked back to Drake with a huge smile.

"I am good, thanks." She winked as a zombie was hurtled towards them by Farubah. Coyoy turns around as fast as she could stabbing the zombie with a long sword throwing him to the ground where Farubah ended his life.
A zombie bit him in the shoulder. He growled and stabbed it in the forehead. He then saw more beasts coming from farther away. The had no eyes, but still could see. The screeched and hollered as the lumbered toward us. "Those aren't zombies..." He grabbed both the girls hands and yanked them after him, pulling them inside. "It's not good out here anymore... we need to get inside..."

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