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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Another bottle slammed into the ground, shards of glass flew everywhere, landing among the other glass shards from past bottles. Rays of sun beamed into his eyes, almost blinding him.

Sh-she's still not...back.

It's only early morning, just give her some more time.

Screw that.

Aleks shot up from the chair and stumbled towards the unlocked truck sitting in the lot.

Hah! No use lockin' crap up in an apocalypse.

Aleks pulled the door open and climbed into the driver seat.

This isn't your smartest idea...


Aleks pulled out of the motel and out of the city.

She wants to hunt, she can't hunt in the city yeah?


Through his blurred vision he was able to get the truck out of the city without hitting anything. Eventually he came to a stop and walked into the forest. Aimlessly. 15 minutes later he heard conversation, definitely not friendly conversation. He followed the voices seeing a wolf talking to the trees.

Wait...that wasn't right.

Wolves don't talk...

Wait...why would it be talking to trees?

Wait! That wolf is Lyric! I think.....

Aleks stepped out from behind a tree, tripped over a root, and fell on his face.

Nice one...

Soooo tired.
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Jax turned and saw a man fall on his face and pulled out his gun. Great, a drunk tired man. But drunken rage is hard to combat. So


"Stay on the ground." He ordered. This man changed up things, he may not be a threat now but if he wakes up fully he could be. Jax thought about killing him. But decided against it. He found two people he can kill with ease, WHAT IS HOLDING ME BACK? Jax was getting angry, not about the people. At himself for everything, he is getting slow. The other one must be trying to stop him.

Jax sighed and stood over the man, gun trained on him. "Who are you? Tell me now or else." He said in a calm, grit voice. "I don't want to kill today." He kind of hoped he would just lay here, willing to comply. This new variable but his control at risk, he hates this.
"Who are you? Tell me now or else."

Aleks sat up upon hearing the voice only to stare down the barrel of his gun. He gave a tired, confused smile.

"My uh...name is..."

Aleks made a face, trying to remember his name.

It's Aleks...

"Oh! My name's Aleks, and you?"

He said, reaching out and nudging the man's gun to the side. He scanned the man towering over him...seemed friendly enough.
Jax felt rage going over him, no one ever just NUDGES his gun away. But he kept his cool. He didn't like this Aleks guy.

"Its Jax." The man said as he held out his hand, he wasn't afraid if he tried to make a move, Krav Maga training helped him in self defense. "If you do anything funny, I won't hesitate." He looks tired, and somewhat confused. Drunkness can do that to you. He gave a quiet chuckle, he remembered when she got drunk when they were younger. STOP THAT.

He looked over at the wolf, not attacking. Well in her state, Jax didn't expect much. "Still not in your human form I see." He smirked and kept scanning the trees for the lizard creature.
"Human form? What are y-.....oh! Lyric?"

Aleks looked over at the wolf and waved, looking back to the Jax guy.

"Don't mind her, she can get...uh...feisty...BUT! Just wait till she gets outta wolf form man, it...is...a...nice sight my friend. I mean...actually...no...little help


Aleks took the man's hand and pulled himself up, almost falling right back over. He noticed Jax was looking at the trees.

"Ya know...wolfy over there...was looking at the trees and now you are...something up there?"
Dakota groggily raised herself from the spare bed, peering over at Drake before watching the door and listening closely for any of the "Street Walkers", as she's come to name them. Hearing nothing, she became rather suspicious; 'It's been quiet ever since I arrived, and still now? What the hell is going on outside? Where are the "Street Walkers"?' she though to herself. Grabbing her AK-47, she silently walked to the door, cracked it open, and peered outside. "Street Walkers" had completely avoided to apartment, they went around, but never to it. This made Dakota think much more than she would've liked; she walked back to the bed, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, some lizard creature." Jax looked over at Lyric. Really interested now for her human form. He didn't mind feisty people. Lyric sounds like him. This is the person he wanted.

"So Aleks, when did you meet this person?" Piquing his curiosity. He never wanted anybody to stay around for long, but he wanted to get to know Lyric. I don't know about Aleks. But I will try to trust. Trust is hard, and he can never truly trust anybody. And top of all that these people may have resources. "I am a guy that knows how to kill. There is a lot that you don't need to know about me. Just know that I am willing to help. But don't betray me. I won't hesitate to do what is necessary."

Jax retreated into the shadows, scanning, waiting. Watching both Lyric and Aleks.
"Huh...when did I meet wolfy...hm...somewhere last night actually..."

Aleks wanted to continue on about Lyric but this Jax guy started rambling on about how he could kill and how nobody should know things about him or something along the lines of that and then something about betrayal and even more killing...he thought.

Aleks turned to Jax to ask him something but he was gone. Aleks looked around, though for no reason, in his current state he wouldn't be able to see Jax if he was next to him hiding against a tree, facing Aleks.
This guy is truly something. But I don't know how he acts when not tired or drunk. Jax has been around enough drunks back in the day. Lyric he didn't know if she drinks a lot. "So you look puzzled while you are getting on your buzz." He called while in the shadows. He sat in the shadows and look at tattoo swirl on his arm. And sighed. "You got a question? I can read your body and face movements even when drunk."

He may seem relax, but he was tense. Worried, they weren't alone. And he knew it. Aleks was drunk and tired, and there was something about him. Something strange. He checked the gun and and his knife while in the shadows, waiting on the tired man's reply.

I give, fine. I will let you out for a little bit. But when it happens, let me back in. Jaximus looked around and let a warm smile take a hold while in the shadows. He was the warm side of the two. No one has seen it in forever, and he is glad Aleks couldn't see it. Feels good to be back for a little bit, I needed to get out for a little bit. Jaximus looked and sighed, this is the hell he left. But these two sparked life back into him. And Jax didn't like it. He knew it. But they had an understanding, and Jax truly cared for his other half, that is why he stepped in. To protect him, his friend, his brother, himself. "So...This is it." Jaximus whispered under his breath.
Aleks's eyes lit up ad he spoke up excitedly.

"Question...yes! I have a question! And it's for you friend..."

Aleks pulled out his pistol and aimed it right at Jax, during their conversation he had been carefully pinpointing Jax's position in the shadows according to his voice.

"What the hell were you doing around her?"

Aleks nodded towards the wolf in the background. His voice became low and controlled.

"I'm gonna ask once more, what...were...you...doing?"
LET ME IN! Jax came back and with reflexs pulled out his shotgun. "Don't you do it punk. And as for her, I didn't do shit. You think you could take me?" Little did Aleks know, shadows was his friend. Jax was angry, but he had to be calm. He had to try words, but if he had to he could pounce. The drunk was a ruse, this guy was a killer. This is the true person he was worried.

"Its the Lizard creature, I just stumbled across her. So you wanna try at me?" Shotgun trained on his upper half, he wasn't looking to kill, just to disarm and tie him. He can't rush him, he doesn't know how accurate he is and his jacket was back in his camp. He had to find a way to get at him.

He threw a rock towards the left and walked to the right. This is basic stuff. He stopped looking at Aleks so he wouldn't feel watched. He climbed up a tree. "Can you find me now friend? Or do I need to give you another hint?" He threw a few branches and climbed the other way. He wasn't ready to pounce. Especially Lyric close.
Something crashed to his right, Aleks ignored it. He heard the crackle of branches as they were being thrown, he ignored them.

"Can you find me now friend? Or do I need to give you another hint?"

Aleks smirked.

"I'm doing fine friend, I need no help."

Then Aleks remembered he still had Lyric's shotgun slung over his shoulder, his eyes lit up with genuine excitement. Aleks fired the shotgun, a loud boom reverberating through the forest, lighting up the forest for a split-second. He saw him.

In the trees eh?

He fired the shotgun again and quickly fired with his pistol at Jax with the aid of the light generated from the shotgun's burst. He saw the bullet hit above Jax's head. He cursed. If only he was better at handling guns, but this was the best he could do.
"I'm doing fine friend, I need no help" The man replied.

Hmm, strange. All of a sudden he saw him pull out a shotgun and fire it. Shit. Not good. He shot at his spot, Jax went wide eyed as he felt the heat from the second blast and when he missed the first one and the pistol shots it was time to strike.

Immediately after the last bullet was fired Jax jumped, firing blindly not even attempting to hit to distract him. As soon as he fell he dropped his shotgun and rushed him. He grabbed the Aleks shotgun and threw it next to his. Now for the pistol. He did a feint and went to grab the pistol. "Tell me, what can you do? Show me." He said in a dark voice and smirked. This is it.
Jax had taken his guns and he had challenged Aleks.

"Tell me, what can you do? Show me."

Aleks pulled his hunting knife from his belt. Aleks wasn't looking for death strikes, just fun now.

Alright boy...remember everything I taught you.

Ye- wait...I'm self taught...


Aleks went for a practice jab, easily dodged. Two practice jabs, easily dodged. A jab to his stomach and pulling it upwards instead of back.

"Almost got ya chin there."

Aleks wanted to get serious now. He whirled around, the knife becoming an extension of his arm, diagonal slashes, horizontal slashes, vertical slashes, quick jabs, strong but slow jabs, then...there it was.

Aleks became a whirlwind of knives and feet. Knives came from seemingly nowhere, Jax still being able to dodge, but when the knife was dodged, a foot lashed out, taking him from surprise.
Jax was surprised, Aleks kept and went jokingly but he kept up. His Krav Maga keeping up but still rusty from not having practice. He still had his combat knife and he was about to ready to go on the offensive. Okay after this onslaught I will- Jax's thinking was cut short and he fell with a sweep, cursing himself for being so open. He caught himself and went a grab at the leg, barely dodging the knife coming down, and caught Aleks leg before backpedaling away. "Well, well. For once I get to go all out." He pulled out his Ka-Bar knife and motioned for him to get up and come at him.

Jax, never ever in his life had to go on the offensive. And he wasn't starting now, he believed in the old saying 'best defense is a best offense'. Saved him many times out in the field, but he may have to go on the offensive soon, against his better judgement to retain this man. He was taught to be mindful and play defensive until he figured out his weakness, then strike with such deadly precision with nonlethal or lethal blows. Naturally non lethal was harder, Jax didn't want to kill the man. But if he had to, he would cross the line and hurt him.

"Come on." he said in a dark, amusing tone. As if he was enjoying himself, which he was. He never got to practice and this guy, even though got the best of him the first round, is just an amateur. Gifted, but not trained enough. By his standards at least.
Aleks dusted himself off from the trip up.

"Come on."

It was the way Jax had said it that started another fire inside Aleks, one that made him want fight without restraint.

Aleks went in again, Jax's tone was getting to him, he put all his strength in his swings and jabs, he was tiring quickly. Aleks started to take deeper breaths in the middle of their fight, he was having a hard time keeping up now, sweat coated his body. He was starting to see doubles. He went for a jab at a fake Jax, he shook his head.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Jesus boy, you just attacked the open air!

I...thought...I just saw him there...

He was to your left!

Yeah I knew that...

Doesn't seem like it...
Jax's tactic was working, Aleks body was glistening with sweat. He was breathing heavy, and he swung wildly to the left. He sighed and backed away. Few cuts in his right hand from blocking, and a cut on his cheek but nothing really serious. He grabbed his hand and looked at him, "Listen, you have talent. I am not your enemy. I am not going to kill you. I can help you survive. If you'll stop trying to kill me." He grabbed the knife and pushed him away.

He studied the knife, interesting choice. He saw his blood on it and cleaned it with his sleeve. "You got talent. I commend you." He said with approval, he threw the knife at Aleks feet. "This alone should tell you that I am not your enemy. I want to help you." I don't want to kill a man so young.

Are you getting soft Jax? Jaximus mocked Jax's mercy. No, I am not. He could be valuable to making us survive and what could you have done? Nothing, so shut up. He hated talking that way to him but he had to. He walked over to Aleks and gave his hand out. "Want me to teach you? And be allies?" Jax, felt alive and hopeful. This guy is crazy, but he is just a man that can be helped. And he will try to help him survive. Because he believes in survival of the fittest and he can help him become strong.
Aleks was relieved that Jax had grabbed him, making him stop. He stretched his back and let out a long moan. He heard the offer about being taught survival skills. He barely registered his words, his mind was swimming but he still laughed at the offer .

"No...no, I've gotten this far without training, next time I'm close to death...well...I think I've spent more than enough time in the apocalypse."

Aleks sat down on the forest floor and looked back up at Jax.

"By the way...I never said anything about trying to kill you."

With that, Aleks fell backwards, drifting off into deep slumber.
Jax sat in the shadows, for once in a while was saddened. He didn't think that would go the way it did but oh well. "....Okay then." He turned around and sat in the shadows again, felt different. As he watched Aleks and Lyric he was tired and exhausted. But he had to stay awake. He stayed up and thought about everything that had happened. Fine, come on out. I need some sleep anyway.

Jaximus looked around and sighed, "This man is different. Strange, but harmless." Jaximus looked around, saying that its best time to get to high ground, climb a tree and settled in, watching the two with cautious and curious eyes.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"You're both morons." She muttered loud enough for the two of them to hear her words. Instead of intervening on their fight she stood and watched, amused at their idioc fighting. Then when it was over she almost laughed. It was stupid but watching a drunken man and another man go hand to hand in combat was halarious.

Lyric wasn't about to let Aleks sleep out here in the forest with some lizard man lurking who knows where. The wolf walked over to his drunken body and grabbed up a mouthfull of shirt. She dragged him over to the truck, visibly wincing with each step. Pain coursed through her whole body but she continued to pulled him up to the passengers side. After laying him down by the wheel she limped back into the forest. Whoever this man was he was skilled in combat. There was no telling where he came from, or if he was on there side or not.

"Two options; stay out here and find out whatever it is thats in theese woods, or drive us back."

She couldn't drive in her wolf form and there weren't any clothes here for her to where so she wasn't about to shift. Aleks was out cold, so he couldn't get them back. Lyric was exhausted, barely able to stand on three legs. The wolf looked into the shadows, blue eyes glimmering in the sunlight.

"So which is it?"

This guy wasn't helpless that was for sure, but something told her that he wasn't any better than she was. Wheither he be an enemy or an ally, she needed his help. The burnt orang H3T stood at the edge of the forest, and at the tire laid Aleks. She could almost bite him right now. Coming out her drunk? Unprepared? He could have wrecked her ride. Either way she was going to have to pick that bone later. Right now they needed to leave.

{Okay I'm sick of waiting...}

Takeru shoved his hands in his pockets unable to shake what he had seen. For someone as dark and sinful as he, he hated watching people get into battles and get hurt. He strode around for a moment upset at what he had seen but turned when he saw someone in the shadows no less up a tree. He found this odd because normally he would be the one in the darkest depths of shadows. His eyes were amazing and he was able to see in any kind of darkness. Pitch black, dark, light, it did not matter. He decided to walk over to the boy.

"You know, if you were hiding I can see you plain as day," said Takeru just below the tree. He blinked his brown eyes and realised as the sun was up that his eyes flashed red more often. He needed blood but somehow refused to kill the renaming humans. Knowing it would kill him eventually, he still stayed away from blood.
Drake woke up and looked at Dakota, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Good morning..." He rolled off of his bed, hitting the ground with a thud. "Oof!" He stood up and saw the look on Dakotas face. "You alright?" He walked over to her and picked her up, then placed her on the bed. "Tell me what's wrong..." He sat down next to her on the bed.
Jax came back and looked at Lyric. "First, I need to get back to my place to get my stuff." Jax turned and walked back into the forest. "Come on." He hoped Lyric attempted to follow. "If you follow me I will give you some clothing, since you are scared to change back and get off that knee."

He lead onto the top of the hill, and dropped both shotguns, and threw his coat towards Lyric. "Here it will do for now." Jax looked over the forest, then proceeded to pack for the trip. He picked up his Beretta and holstered it. "You done yet?" Jax has seen women before but he will be respectful and not look.
Dakota batted her eyelids a few times to blink away the sight and gain back her memory. "Th-They completely ski-pped the apart--ment..." her voice wavered, she was still slightly dumbfounded. "H-How?" she mumbled. She turned to face Drake, eyes still slightly wide; she set her AK-47 down behind her while she peered at the door once more before returning her gaze back to Drake. "It's... weird."
"Electric fence!" Drake smiled at Dakota. "They don't get anywhere near here with that out there!" He laughed. "Don't gotta be scared Dakota!" He rubbed her head.

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