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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

I quickly used my one leg to propell me forward, pushing off from the tree, and swung my arm out, slashing at the she wolfs cheek just in time to propel her trejectory towards my shoulder rather than my throat. This gave me the chance to veer off, her deadly teeth only just grazing my arm before I spring up against the tree, claws lockin into the living wood and holding me in place. I offer her a smirk before dissapearing into the trees above and move about, spreading my scent and the sound of the trees around for confusion. An old song from long gone tv program comes to me. It was lame even to my ears, but it served my purpose.

My voice echoes through the forest, bouncing off the many trees and completely displacing my roaming location.

"Hmhmhmhm...bad girl bad girl, whacha gonna do..." my voice is low, deep, and taunting as

I watch you spin and snarl inthe wrong direction and I can iust taste the prime ribs im going to glean off your bones. "Whacha gonna do when I come for you?"
I wake up suddenly. "I must have fallen asleep... Wasn't I running?" I didn't really care. I stood up and ran back the other way, towards my apartment. I remembered killing him... "I'm sorry Cruz..." I muttered to myself as I was running.
Dakota suddenly jerked awake from her rest. She rubbed her eyes quickly and looked around, regaining memory she knew where she was; an abandoned barn she had ran for after she took supplies from the market. Rising from the makeshift bed, she set her hair back, threw on her backpack and headphones, and quietly walked to a ladder to the top of the barn. Upon making her way up, she peered down to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, then shook her head and walked to the small opening. 'All clear outside...' she thought to herself, peering down as to make an escape safely; closing her eyes for a moment, she climbed back down the ladder and out of the barn, walking carefully for the nearest city before sundown.
As soon as I made it to my house, I ran inside, trying to get away from the new mutants. "I really hop another person comes by... I don't want to be alone here..."
Dakota took a small rest, panting after running a little ways. Looking up after catching her breath, she spots an apartment; to make sure it's safe, she turns her ear to it and listens for moans or groans. 'Nothing... interesting. It'll do for now.' she thought as she begun to walk carefully toward it, cautiously. Preparing her AK-47, she held it up high and knocked on every door before coming to the last one, checking for survivors. Quietly and patiently she awaits a response, if given any.
I jumped when I heard the knocking, instantly pulling out my Uzi. "Pal... Is that you...?" I crept toward the door, but I didn't open it. "I thought you left..." I was worried. What if it wasn't him, and it was a scavenger, or maybe a raider?
'A s-survivor?! Pal? Did he... lose someone? Never mind that, I have to remain calm.' Quickly going over what she would say, she spoke up, "No, sorry to disappoint you. I was checking for survivors..." The 13 year-old looked down at her feet, then turned around to check if she was being watched. Quickly turning back, she spoke once more. "If I'm not a bother, could I come in? I have supplies and weapons," quickly thinking over what she said she came back with another comment to assure she wasn't being rude, "d-don't get the wrong idea! I won't hurt you!"
"Oh god... You sound young..." He opened the door and let her in. "Are you okay? You don't seem ok... Stupid me! It's an apocalypse, nobody's ok!" He looked down, embarrassed. "Sorry for rambling on... I'm Drake." He looked up again, staring at the girls face. She looked to be somewhere around the age of 14, maybe younger.
She softly giggled at his rambling, stepping inside. "Well, I guess you could say I'm okay. Anyway, I'm Dakota." She smiled to reassure him that she was quite fine. "I've been surviving on my own for a little over three days."
"Well, I'm here now! And I'll protect you no matter what!" Drake realized how crazy he must have sounded. "Heh. That was a bit straight-forward... Nice to meet you Dakota. There's an extra room next to mine that has a couch, or an extra bed in my room. You choose where you sleep. Keep in mind... I snore..." Drake chuckled to himself as he put away his Uzi. "Sorry for calling you Pal... I just thought you might have been my friend..."
Thinking for a moment, she makes up her mind of where she wishes to rest, then giggling at his second-to-last remark. "Not a problem, Drake." Realizing her AK-47 was still raised, she quickly lowered it, a light blush covering her cheeks due to her mistake. Shaking the thought off, she told him of where she wanted to rest. "I wouldn't mind the snoring, besides, it'd be better if we stuck together, right? So... I'll take the extra bed in your room, that way we know where the other is."
Drake smiled happily. The girl seemed nice... And he had an odd urge to want to protect her... "Got it! Do you want me to go get you some clothes? I know of some in the next room over. Because I don't have any female wear here." Drake blushed. He felt like an idiot. Of course he wouldn't! He was just talking to talk, as usual! "I could set up your bed and things while I'm at it!" He smiled warmly at the girl.
"Some new clothes would be nice, yes. Oh, I can handle the bed myself!" She smiled at him, 'He's trustworthy, no need for me to worry.' She giggled at his blush before shrugging her backpack off her shoulders and into her left hand while the AK-47 rested in her right. "Nice place, for an apartment. Not that it's a bad thing!" She quickly removed her headphones and placed them into her army backpack. It rested on top of her HK USP, Pocket Knife, and Hunting Knife. She had a medical kit at the bottom and a bit of food near the top.
"Alright, I'll go get the clothes... Be safe..." Drake left the room. This girl seems like a little sister to you. "Ugh. Be quiet." Drake told the wolf inside his head. Just pointing out the obvious... "I know... It's fine... Just go away for now..." The talking in his head stopped. Drake walked into the next room and gathered up some clothes, before seeing a small glimmer in the corner. Drake went to investigate and found that it was a golden heart necklace... Real gold... "Oh god! This would be worth so much in trading!" He remembered the girl and blushed. Drake shoved the necklace into his pocket and left the room, heading back to his own.
She nodded as he left, walking towards his, no their bedroom, setting down her things by the extra bed. Dakota yawned softly, opening her bag to retrieve two small bags of potato chips, she set one on Drake's bed and kept one for herself, plopping down on her bed. She opened the bag and calmly ate before pushing her hair back out of her eyes.
Drake walked in and stood beside her, grabbing her hand and opening it. He put his hand to hers and slid the necklace into her palm. He closed her hand and smiled. "A little reminder that I'll always protect you!" Drake leaned against the wall, pulling his foot up.
Tensing up at the sudden action, she bit her lip as the necklace hit her palm; the sudden cold sent a shiver up her arm before she relaxed. "Th-Thank you." After a small paused she added, "Oh, I left some chips on your bed if you're hungry."
Drake yipped. "D-did you say chips...? I haven't had those in forever!" Drake ran over to his bed and saw the bag. He ran back over to Dakota and hugged her. "Yay! Thank you so much!" Drake realized what he was doing and let go. "Oops... I get a little too happy sometimes... hehe..." He opened the bag and ate a chip, chills running down his spine in goodness.
Eyes suddenly wide from being hugged, 'I-I haven't been hugged in a long time... Before dad left, so...8 years.' She relaxed again when he let go and smiles reassuringly. Though the memories clouded her vision, she remained as calm as possible. "It's okay. I found the chips in the market I raided; my house is pretty secluded... so the market is only used by 5 people, at least."
"Why are you here if you have a house...?" Drake blinked and stepped back. "Raider...?" He pulled out his Uzi, but didn't point it up. Shoot her. "SHUT UP! SHES JUST A GIRL!" Drake took another step back, and asked again. "Raider...?!"
"N-No! I had found out my f-father died on my 13th birthday. He was in World War III; when I heard a zombie groan, I grabbed his AK-47 and shot it through the head," taking a breath to calm down, she continues, "It kept moving so I worked it's head off with my hunting knife. Sadly, while doing that, another had ran straight passed me and tackled my mother. It mauled her so quickly, I hardly had time to react; I worked it's head off and wept over her chest then killed her before she could turn." She closed her eyes, remembering for a moment. "Realizing the death of her, I couldn't stay at home with her death on my hands. I ran to the market nearby, got supplies I needed and ran for a barn. I rested there until morning and found this place." Staring at him, tears threatening to stream down her face from the sad story. "I-If I were a raid-er, you'd be d-d-dead by now!" She didn't even reach for her weapon, if he shot her here and now, she'd be with her family, but she'd also be leaving him alone.
Drake felt terrible. He pulled the gun up to his own head. "I'm a jerk..." He said, his hand quivering. "Sorry I accused you of being a raider... And I can't tell you how bad i feel about your parents... Mine died when i was the same age you were..." Drake moved his finger to the trigger. "I can't live with myself now... I accused such a nice, innocent girl of trying to kill me and take my stuff... when she just didn't want to be around her dead parents..." Drake pushed the barrel into his skull harder, and made a small sound, that sounded like a little girl.
Dakota quickly reacted, twisting his wrist and hand back in one motion as she yanked the Uzi from his grasp, throwing it on her bed. "I'm okay, no need to off yourself. Please, Drake, calm down." She though for a second then did the unexpected from her, which even surprised her; Dakota hugged Drake, arms wrapped around his waist with her head pressed into his stomach. The tears had gotten tired of waiting and slowly dripped down her face, she sniffled and closed her eyes.
Drake's eyes widened, and he slowly rubbed her back. "I-It's ok..." Drake hugged her back. "I won't die... or try to anymore... I promise..." He didn't mind the crying... he often did it himself when nobody was around. "You don't have to leave any time soon... you're safe here..."
Dakota only hugged him tighter before releasing him a moment later, swiping the tears from her eyes, she then placed his Uzi on his bed and sat on her own. She pulled her knees to her chest and crossed her arms over her knees to rest her head on them, staring at the boy. "I-It was a small miss--understanding," she sniffled softly, "I'm sorry if I hurt your wrist from that."

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