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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

I frowned, I don't think I will ever get used to these creeps. I sighed, walking back to the building. I came back out with a black duffle bag and a sack of arrows, throwing it in the trunk I got into the car sitting in the passengers seat rather unhappily. I crossed my left leg over the right, looking out the window. "Ven." I muttered softly glancing at the two men. I cleared my throat, "My name I mean..." I stated like they wouldn't have understood I was saying my name and not randomly speaking someone else's.
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He stopped shouting and looked at her. "I'm sorry Dakota..." He hugged her, then kissed the the top of her head. "I didn't mean to yell... please don't cry..." He rocked back and forth, holding her. "It's okay Dakota... I'm not mad at you... don't cry anymore..." He wiped the tears from her face with his thumb. "Stop crying, now..." He sad again, in a warm, soft tone.
She sniffled, the tears stopped and she hugged him tight. 'So this is what the Apocalypse does to people. It makes them cautious, emotional, and afraid,' she thought to herself. "I-I won't. You just scared me... th-that's all..." her voice was still soft, but not wavering as much. She closed her eyes for a moment.
He smiled at her and said, "go to sleep... It's fine... Nothing can get you now, you're in my arms." Drake continued to rock her back and forth. "The zombies can't get here, the other things can't get here, other humans can't get here. Nothing that can harm you has the ability to get here right now... So go to sleep..." Long day... He thought to himself as he rocked.
Dakota smiled weakly as sleep overcame her. She quickly had fallen asleep in his arms, the rocking had made it easier to sleep also. Her arms fell down to his waist and rested on her hips in a slight hugging position. Her face was laid face the door while it rested on his chest; she had a small smile on her face as she rested.
He gave her a soft smile as she slept. "Night, Dakota..." He ran his fingers through her hair as she slept thinking about what was to come of the next day. Probably more blood... He thought to himself as he continued rocking. He looked back down at Dakota as she slept. She looked so adorable and innocent. The poor girl had been through so much in the last few days... And he was the only one who understood her pain. He made a mental promise that he'd put her life before his, and do anything he needs to make her survive... Even if it involved his death. He had found the person he wanted that cared about him... And his purpose to live again... It was Dakota...
Coyoty watched as Drake soothed Dakota's fear. She had no idea why she was just sitting there listening but what she did know was that she could relate.

"I watched my mother die at the hands of my father. I was tortured for ten years straight by that man and when I escaped I was and still am fighting to get away from him. In many ways I would not be surprised if he was to blame for these creatures killing us all. All of my family is dead," Coyoty paused. "They died before I even got to know them. Farubah had to help me escape my prison as she was the only family left still alive and even then it was only barely." Coyoty sighed pulling her knees up laying Farubsh on the pillow at the top of the bed. She sounded as if she was in pain still and washing her body. Coyoty laid down at last watching rDrake sit there.
He nodded to Coyoty. "We're all special, You know? We're all alive because we had these things happen to us... We're alive because our loved ones died... whether we like it or not..." He lied Dakota down in the bed and sat down next to Coyoty. "I had to loot my parents dead bodies to survive... then I had to kill them myself... when they became one of them... I watched my girlfriend get her head ripped off and eaten by one of those things..." His voice was shaky. "I wish they were still here too... but they can't be... and we need to accept that..."
Jax heard that last comment from Aleks and grinned. What a nice thing to say. At least it wasn't anything worse. He turned and looked at the two. "Alright, time to go." He revved the truck and drifted onto the road. He felt the adrenaline from back in the day. He was an undercover agent at a Russian arms dealer and he did weapon runs in the cold with worse conditions than this. He was having fun for the first time in forever.

He drifted from corner to corner hitting casual zombies here and there. "Hey Piggy, pig, pig piggy." He hummed to himself. He loved listening to Nine Inch Nails to himself. As he came to a stop to a road he whispered the final words of the song. "Nothing can stop me....now." He smiled and turned over to the new girl.

"So where to?" Jax showed his fun side, kind of. Now its all business. "Where is a good place to set up residence and take shelter." Somewhere with beds I hope. He looked around and scanned the area for threats while he waited for a response.
Coyoty blinked. A certain emotion she had not felt in a long time washed over her. Angrily when she tried to brush it off and it would not go away she scowled to herself.

"We have all made sacrifices to survive. Farubah had to go through a lot. She actually watched our whole family get massacred. We are-" the girl cut herself off mid-sentence realising she was not showing any kind of emotion. Sometimes she realised next, it was hard to live as the species you were born as. Coyoty looked at drake trying to force an emotion on her face. "Things in life are just unavoidable." Coyoty said and removed Farubah placing her just under Dakota's arm. She watched Farubah curl up to the girls chest and watched her fall deep into sleep by the beating of the girls heart.

"Do you sleep...?" She continued changing the subject. She knew as long as she had a significant amount of blood in her body sleep was not even possible. It was just how her body ran.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She wiped her mouth clean with the napkins that Jax had handed her, nearly gagging again on the taste that was now stuck in her mouth. He was laughing. Lyric rolled her eyes, cursing under her breath. When she had recovered he pulled her back in and they drove up to a building. Aleks and Jax jumped out of the car to scout the place out, she would've gone with them, but a broken leg kinda limits mobility. She was stupid for what she'd done back in the forest.

Going after lizard boy like that? What an idiot. So while they scoured the place for zombies she sat in the truck resting her eyes, oblivious to everything going on outside. When they opened the door and a red headed girl jumped in she almost punched her.

"Who the heck is that?"

Lyric turned around in her seat to get a better look at the girl. Green eyes, dark eyebrows, really red hair. You're classic Irish. She shmirked at the inside joke. "Ven." She said. "My name I mean." So that was her name? Huh.

"Lyric." She reached back and held out her hand, waiting for it to be shaken.

He shook his head. "I try sometimes. But, not only am I an Insomniac, but we are stuck in all this." He turned his gaze to Coyoty. "I'm glad you two came here..." He looked back down. "Yes.... as I was saying. I don't sleep... I'll act like I'll sleep, but I don't. I'll take an occasional nap during the day, when it's safe..." He rested his hand on the girl's leg. "Don't leave..." He muttered out.
Coyoty flicked her ears and tail upon being touched. "Eh-" she turned her head. In normal circumstances she would have blushed. But blush was that of signifying a beating heart. One of which she lacked. She lowered her grey eyes watching Farubah sleeping still to the heartbeat of the girl. She was now snuggled up close to the girl with her tail wrapped around her arm.

"I guess I am lucky than," said Coyoty and expanded one of her wings. She started to scan over it quickly deciding which feathers were good and which needed to be plucked. "I do not sleep either, unless I am very weak and that is rare. I do not need to because I have energy from the blood I drink," she said and plucked a single feather out of her wing twirling it in her fingers. "I has been way too long since the last time I slept and then I was rocked with nightmares about my father." She sighed exasperatedly and bit into her finger staining the snow coloured feather in a dark red. She then waved it through the air slightly and dried it with some of her elemental powers. This fast drying caused the feather to look as if it was coloured that way normally. She them held it out to Drake.

"This is my promise."
Dakota was into a deep sleep, too deep to even feel the small girl next to her; she only smiled slightly in her sleep. Her arm extended out, wrapping around Farubah's shoulders so she couldn't fall off of the bed. The girls tail brushed against Dakota, but she brushed off the feeling and remained asleep.
He took the feather and smiled. "You may have the power of what you are... But enough bites of those zombies and you'll turn into one... As well as I." He turned to Dakota. "Unlike us...she's a human... She'll be one in only one bite..." He looked at all of the people in his house, one by one. "We stick together now... We are a group..." He looked back at Coyoty and kept his gaze there. "I love all the people here... Dakota, you, Farubah... Even that bird. I may love you all in different ways, but we are together now... Whether we like it or not..."
Jax watched as the two females interact as he drove. Lyric almost punched the woman. Jax smirked and went back to the road. "She is helping us find a place. Also she had an arrow pointed to my head." He sighed and stopped the truck at a building. Why am I the one always getting aimed at? Jax looked at the two, seeing if they would kill each other if they went together. Well time to find out.

"Alright, since you two have the same thing of lets kill the man with a gun, I propose that you two go and scout the place and I will watch the truck and Lyric and possibly carry her in. Or I can drag one of you with me into this place and totally hate it. Plus if you two go together you can talk about how much I am an ass." He chuckled and got out of the car. Jax's humor towards himself is how he got so far in undercover missions. So maybe it would work here.

Jax went towards the passenger's seat and opened it. "Come on we need to get you some air smelly." He chuckled and held out his hand. Looking her in the eye and smiled at her. "Or do you want to stay in here all night?"
Coyoty nodded and smiled. "Any family is a family. We could all work together to keep Dakota still human... But I wonder, have you- forgive me for this but have you ever thought of changing her. Strengthening her blood compound. I am NOT saying you have to and I am not suggesting anything so don't attack me." It was a good offer, she would never put her curse on her worst enemy living like her was no better than living as a zombie.

"She is just a kid though, she has so much life to live and here she has to live it in this kind if fear and darkness every day. That is not living. I would do anything to make it so that she would never have to see another zombie again," said Coyoty admitting to the fact she hated this world. Any other day she would say she loved it because of the blood death and carnage but tonight death and blood was not funny to her.

"All I want is for the suffering of children to end. I want children but not in this world," she admitted under her breath and started her other wing.
He didn't say anything for a while. "Coyoty... Being a werewolf isn't a blessing..." He looked back at Dakota. "Unless she wants to be changed, I'm not gonna change her... I could never..."
"I would not wish mine upon her either. It is not all sunshine and rainbows over on this end. You know our race can actually go crazy because they miss their hearts beating and breathing...?" She questioned plucking a few bad feathers. "It is the reason we had the WAHA but sadly I was not able to go due to my predicament with my father." She grinned slightly remembering the first day Farubah saved her them talking about life on the outside. They had placed themselves high on the mountain with not a single fear and to her there you had to fly- that was it!

"Drake! I have the PERFECT place to go! When Farubah first met me she took me to this mountain and said that the not way to get into the massive cave up there was to fly or become a master at rock climbing... On the ceiling. We could move there. I have been there and we were never attacked while there.
"Coyoty... the zombies can't get us up there... but those new things..." He frowned and shook his head. "They can get us easier there than here. Have you gotten face to face with them? A blow to the head wont kill them. They don't have grains or heart. The only wat to take them down is head chopping off or electrocution... Guns aren't effective. At least here we cave the electric fence! Those things are mutations! They have wings, paws, extra limbs! They're an unstoppable force, Coyoty!"
" SHHHH!" Coyoty almost hissed gesturing to Dakota then she gestured to the door hopping off the bed slowly and walking to it. "Look," she said "those things are more intelligent than normal zombies. They have brains enough to know where we are and how they could get there. They could learn to dig underneath the fence crawl over it. I have fought plenty of those things and I can tell you. Having only two exits is a whole lot easier than the many you have. We could set up an electric fence over there. Wait- how if nothing is electricity anymore did you set one up?"

Coyoty was both amazed and confused at the art of this boy, not only had he managed to keep Dakota as safe as she could up till this point alive and even feeling safe. She knew that protecting someone else as well as yourself was hard. Ever since she left the facility where she had learned to fight creatures such as this she was protecting herself as well as Farubah. Sometimes it was more than she could handle. She knew this but at the same time every night where Farubah would collapse due to her rank she would sit up and make an oath she would keep Farubah alive. The girl was younger than Coyoty after all.
In the small argument they had, it made Dakota stir awake. "Huh?" She whispered, her voice very soft and calm. "W...What's... going on?" She looked at Farubah, she smiled and patted the girl's head gently before putting her arm back over the girl's shoulder. "Drake, are you alright?" She was a bit uneasy by the feeling of them arguing.
"Generators..." He said, locking eyes with Coyote. "And the gas is running out..." He said it in a pained voice. He hated to admit it, but the little safety they had was about to be gone... "He turned to Dakota. "Yeah.. I'm fine, sis. You can go back to sleep..."
"Generators. Clever. However you know that there are easier ways to make electricity from generators. There are the ones that run on just water and some that can run on fire. Both of those elements I have control over," Coyoty paused and walked over to Dakota. She smiled warmly at her and grabbed a blanket resting it over the girl.

"Do not worry. We were just speaking about some plans and things about how to deal with the creatures. Nothing to wake yourself up over." She tucked the blanket around the girl and smiled wider still watching Farubah turn her head ten her whole body curling up against the girl once more. Her movements had woken Farubah but she was happy to retrieve the warm body of someone that still had a beating heart. It was everything in their world. They were not attracted to humans for their heart because it pumped blood but rather the beat of that pump.
Dakota smiled at Coyoty warmly, nodding a 'thank you' and an 'okay'. She hugged Farubah as she fell asleep, the girl close to her. Before she fell fully asleep, she muttered a word she had not said in a long time, "Family." Dakota had basically passed out after saying that, a small, faint smile still on her face before it disappeared into a 'sleeping-face.'

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