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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

I burst into the medical center, slamming the door shut and baring it just as scraps and screams hit the door behind my. My heart hammered in my ears as I sank slowly to the floor. "That was close." I whispered, looking down at the dirty floor. My breathing slowed slightly, allowing me to hoist myself up. I looked around the poorly light lobby, ignoring Jax and Lyric who were off in their own little worlds.

Maneuvering down one of the dark corridors, I kept adjusting my bow forcing myself to stay awake. All of the All-Nighters I pulled looking for her probably didn't increase my chances of being alert. My feet shuffled toward a room, pausing when I saw one of the doors open. Poking my head in, it took my eyes a second to adjust to the near darkness.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Ven ignored the outstretched hand, kinda reminding her of herself. She rolled her eyes at the ignorant girl before turning to Jax. He seemed deep in thought. Something that he did often. Lyric studied him, dark features, easy eyes. Not to bad looking. She found herself staring again and looked away from him, gazing out the tinted window. Aleks and the kid left to scout out the building, leaving her to do nothing but wait...again. Being crippled sucks. When they returned she watched from the car as Jax and Aleks talked, going on about something she didn't bother to pay attention to. What she did pay attention to was when the kid started sprinting back down road, heading towards the Hospital, a look of pure terror plastered on her face. Lyric opened the door and with Jax's help she limped into the medical center. "That was close." Ven said, probably talking to herself

"No kidding." She replied sarcastically.

They began to make their way down one of the halls. Of course, naturally everything was nearly pitch black due to the lack of electricity. She lowered the sunglasses down over her eyes, clicking on the night vision. Once again everything lit up in a green hue. They came upon a room, the door open. Ven peered inside. Lyric could already smell his just recently intoxicated scent; Aleks was in there. She was limped towards the room but just before they got there something stirred in the shadows. God! How come she hadn't smelled it before? It began to creep towards them, hissing something that she couldn't make out. Its read eyes gleamed like fire in the darkness.

"Get back!" Lyric moved to push the kid out of the way but the monster had already lunged.

Everything was suddenly transfixed into slow motion. She lunged into the air, shifting mid-flight, and then crashing into the zombie. Suddenly they were a blur of swift movements rolling down the hallway. The nasty creature ripped at her chest with its dagger-like claws, but it wasn't prepared to face off with an eight foot canine. Her broken leg throbbed painfully, but it wasn't nearly as excruciating as before. It didn't prohibit any of her natural movements. Lyric grabbed hold of its head with her jaws and yanked back. The disgusting ball of rotting flesh and bone came off with little effort. Its body fell limply onto the hallway floor. She spat the skull onto the ground at her feet, growling at the dead creature.

"Thought you swept the building?"

Her wolfy tone was accusatory, but she knew that it had been an honest mistake. Its not like she had smelled it before the creature had showed up. The giant wolf shook her head. It couldn't have been her sense of smell, because it was working fine right now. As for her broken leg, it was in pain, but now it was bearable. It's amazing what hyper-healing can do for a person.

She glanced down at the tile covered ground, scowling in her wolf form. Again her clothes lay in a heap on the floor. And with them her sunglasses. Those were the only things that hadn't been broken when she'd shifted. Normally she would have shot it, but all of her weapons remained in the truck. How ironic?

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Through the sleepy coma he was in the process of falling into, distant screaming rang through his ears, he dismissed it first but it persisted, eventually he got frustrated and woke up, sitting up easily...wait. He looked around, she was gone. He looked over to the door, the total darkness slowly leaving his vision, at least letting him see the room. A head popped from the side.

"Come in...whoever."

He called out groggily, his newfound gun in his right hand.
I fell back, my eyes widening as I rolled to my knees arrow aimed at the undead's head. I froze completely, staring at the wolf in front of me. I didn't know who to shoot, where to shoot. It was like that night all over again. My hand trembled, my body moving back out of terror. Not of the zombie...but of the girl. I stifled the need to scream, my throat constricting. My eyes became unfocused, watching the wolf finish the zombie...but not watching at the same time. I sat frozen in that position, my brain barely registering the fact that I had dropped my bow with a harsh clank. The arrow, clattering to the ground beside it. I moved my feet, a final desperation to get away. My back hit the sold wall, my escape.....

Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

The panic on her face, the terror, the fear. It was enough to make her feel like the monster that Ven saw her as now. She physically flinched, before walking over to the girl, limping slightly as she did so. Lyric decided that in order to gain this girls trust she would have to do it like this. The giant wolf lowered itself to the ground, crawling forward. She whimpered, looking up at her with piercing blue eyes that struck out on her face. Her ears and tail remained low, and she continued to crawl until she was at the kid's feet. Even though the canine was practically laying down she still came up to the girl's midsection.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you Red. Promise." The nickname was a joke on her fire-like hair.

She pressed her wet nose gently against Ven's hand, trying desperately to get the girl to calm down. For some unknown reason Lyric felt an urge to befriend the stupid kid, being as she was the first girl she'd met face to face with in a long time. Her broken leg throbbed, but unlike before, she could stand on it now. Geeze, healing was a piece of cake. With her good leg she kicked the arrow out of the girls reach, just an extra precaution in case she decide that Lyric was a big bad wolf after all.

My throat dried even more. My hand feeling her soft fur. I trembled lightly. It wasn't that I was scared of her as a person...I was terrorfied of her as a werewolf. I shook even more, unable to move. A wetness soaked my cheeks and it took me a moment to realize that I was crying. "I....I.." I struggled to chock out the words. I scrunched back to the wall even more. "M....my...." I couldn't compute. My tears falling harder but still scliently.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"Not all of us are bad guys you know."

Lyric said before standing up right, towering over the girl completely. Us. She was referring to the humans that had been affected by the radiation but hadn't been turned like the others. Well she didn't have any clothes, so, again, her only option was Jax's coat. The wolf scowled inwardly before limping over to where the man stood. She yanked his coat from his back, looking at him apologetically with her eyes. The leather was sour in her mouth, but then again it might have been the taste of the dead one's blood. She shook the disturbing thought form her head and limped down the hall, taking a left so that she was out of sight. Lyric shifted back, almost crying out again at the painful strain that it put on her leg. Then, once she regained her balance, she slipped on the jacked at zipped it up.

Using the wall, she walked/hopped back to where everyone stood. Jax outside the door, Aleks in the room, and Ven pressed up fearfully against the wall. She frowned at them. Something had happened to the kid. Just seeing a wolf couldn't have terrified her that severely. Looks like Ven had run into a werewolf before they'd met her. She felt a pang of sadness for the girl. Lyric made her way to where she stood, slowly taking the kid's hands in her own.

"The wolf, it's still me. So next time don't freak out."

Normally she wasn't so...nice, but something about Ven's fear reminded her of someone she knew once. The though stirred an unwanted memory and she wrestled with it until it was suppressed.

"Aleks, you okay?"

Her friend looked terrible. She made her way into the room before crouching down in front of him, balancing on her good leg letting the broken leg balance her weight out without any pressure. Lyric slapped him. It was unnecessary, but she felt that he needed it. Besides, the man had drooled all over her backseat.

"You're drunken butt stained my backseat." Her words were sharp but they were laced with humor. She smiled at him. A real smile. A smile that not even he had seen before. A smile that reached her eyes. No teeth showing, but a beautiful, flawless smile all the less.

"Get some sleep. You look like crap." Then she looked around. "We all do."

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Aleks listened as best he could since he was tired and had just seen her. He heard some kind of fight, loud clattering, silence, shuffling feet, then talking. Nothing else happened. He was about to go back to sleep when somebody made their way inside the room. Aleks squinted.

"Is that you L-"

Another stinging sensation burned itself into his face. He looked at his assailant and couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment.

"You're drunken butt stained my backseat."

"And you're hairy butt left me alone."

He retorted.

She smiled, looked genuine but he didn't pay much attention to it.

She told him to get sleep, he had no complaints. Lyric left the room and Aleks laid back down.

"Looked like that hurt."

She was back, but Aleks tried to ignore her, he turned over to his side.

"You're just gonna ignore me?"

Aleks covered his ears and fell asleep.
I bit my lip, a nervous habit I developed during all the stressful situations I had been in. I looked down at the ground, my hair falling into my face perfectly hiding my expression form everyone else. I blindly felt for an object, something I could occupy my hands with. The only object I could grasp was my bow with no arrow. My tears hit the floor as I started to unstrung and restring my bow, desperate to calm down anyway possible.

A sob escaped my lips, the tremors my body was going through died down slightly as I repeated the comforting motion of unstringing and restringing the bow.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Lyric stood up and limped over to the far side of the room, laying herself down on one of the hospital beds. This whole place smelled of sterilizer and alchol. She scrunched up her nose in disgust, but decided that this was better than outside. Her eyes began to grow heavy, every once and a while she'd feel them flutter closed but then she'd jerk herself back awake. The exhaustion was overwhelming, but she wouldn't let herself succumb to sleep. Not yet. She heard the girl outside...crying. It wasn't the pleasant kind either. Wracking sobs hit her body, and though she couldn't see Ven, Lyric could hear her.

She thought about drifting off into unconsciousness, but that would just be downright cold. Sighing, she rolled herself out of bed and limped out of the room. Darkness had fallen, that much was clear, but if the kid kept crying the way she was, something was bound to hear her.


It was rather awkward. Lyric was sitting there, half naked, with only a jacket to protect her skin. No underwear, nothing.

"Er...sorry if I, uh, scared you." Obviously she wasn't very good at apologies. "But I did kinda save your life."

I looked up at Lyric, nodding slightly. "N-not...y-your fault..." I whispered out, glaring at her slightly as she said she saved my life. What did she save? A chunk of flesh and bones out on a never ending quest to find her kidnapped/ possibly dead family? I was alone in this bitter world and always would be. I sobered more at that thought, the sobs dying to sniffles. "Just go back to bed. I'm fine." I muttered quietly, not planning on sleeping anyway. I couldn't sleep. Not if it meant I had to hear my sisters cries and screams. At that moment I kind of wished she let me die. It would have been easier than trying to deal with the pain of half of you missing.

My hands stopped messing with the bow string as I have her a slightly cold gaze. "I'm fine." I stated a little more assertive this time. My eyes went back to my bow, concentrating on keeping my body still which it was obviously refusing to do.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Fine huh? The kid didn't look fine. But if she wanted to keep watch then hey! More rest for her. Lyric shrugged, but instead of heading into the room she turned and began to limp down the hall. All of her weapons were in the truck. She was not about to go to sleep without a single weapon at her side. So she walked up to the front entrance, opening the door and stepping out into the night. It was eerily quiet. The kind of quiet that you found in a horror movie, just before the main character dies. Shaking the feeling of being watched, Lyric walked across the street to the truck, pulling open the passengers door as quietly as she could. She reached under the seat and pulled out her extra pair of boots and a wad of clothes. She pulled off the jacket and slipped on the clothes. Then she pulled the boots onto each foot. All of her weapons were in the backseat, lying on the floor. That was exactly where she'd left them before Rex died.

Her heart lurched painfully at the thought of her dead companion. Again she pushed the memory down, burying all of the emotions she'd had with the dog down with the thought. She pulled the weapon harness over her head and strapped it around her waist. It crossed like an X in on her back, and came down aw two straps over her chest. Lyric picked up her two shot guns and placed them in the holsters on her back. Then she grabbed the D.E. and Glock and slipped them into into their places on her hips. Next she pulled out the throwing knives and slid all three of them into the sheaths on the straps on her chest. A knife in each boot, and then a dagger on her belt loop.

There. Now that she was fully equipped Lyric headed back into the Hospital, closing the door quietly behind her. Ven had covered her while she was getting the stuff she needed, but more of the undead had showed up. So now before any more decided to jump out at her, she barricaded the door, pushing a large lobby desk in front of the two doors.

"They'll be gone by morning. Next time let me do my thing. You just wasted about 15 arrows. I'm not as weak as I look." That much was obvious. The werewolf had just moved a lobby desk.

Darkness, wasn't something she found very cozy. So as she walked down the dark corridors, Lyric found herself glancing over her shoulder frequently. Then for the first time she realized that her leg was no longer bothering her...like, at all. Yes! Lyric was back. A sheepish grin encompassed her face and she must have looked like a fool. Walking down the hall smiling like an idiot. She motioned for Ven to stand guard.

"If you need anything just wake me up. I'll take over your shift."

Then she walked into the room and unstrapped the harness. Yeah it was stupid to have put it on just to take it off but it'd been a while since she'd worn it. She set it under the sheets as she laid herself onto the not-so-comfy hospital bed. For the first time in what felt like forever, she drifted off into sleep.

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I stood, following after her. My bow clenched in my hand, arrows in the other. Standing by the door, I drew the arrow back at the sight of movement, I released a long breath. The arrow slipped between my fingers, wizzing by her head. The arrow missing her by an inch. The arrow head slamming directly into the head of an undead crawling out behind her. It was killed instantly, but I didn't have time to gloat as I quickly reloaded with renewed speed and accuracy. I let out another shot, shooting the other guys buddy.

'This is stupid. I'm wasting arrows. Let her fend for herself, she's one of /them/. They took Abi, Vamps gave you that scar as a reminder...Werewolves left you with a promise.'

Despite my thoughts I continued to shoot off arrows, calmly watching her back as she gathered what she needed. More and more were coming and I was running out of arrows. 
I shrugged, "Didn't waste what I can get in the morning." I mumbled, taking guard as she gestured. I let out a puff of breath running my fingers through my hair. Maybe Lyric wasn't so bad. She did save my life..even if it scared the crud out of me. Clenching my jaw I stared at the ceiling starting to prepare myself for a long night.

It was really quiet, besides the scratching at the front door. It was as peaceful as it could get. I leaned my cheek on my fist, humming softly to myself.

"My brain is flaming...

I don't know which way to go...


Your kisses lift me higher, like a sweet song of a choir, you light my morning skies...burning love."

I sang softly to myself, I missed my record player. I missed Elvis blasting through the house in the afternoon. I missed....everything.
Jax somehow slept through the whole commotion. He woke up from the hood of the truck surprised he left undisturbed through it all. He saw the jacket that he gave Lyric and put it back on. Feeling complete again he walked to where Ven was keeping watch, she looked different. Like something had happened. He sat next to the kid and looked out with her, scanning. "You okay kid?" He said with warmness in his eyes. He didn't want the kid traumatized. Lets hope she makes it.

"If you want to, I can keep watch." Jax said, he didn't mind. He slept a good 3 hours and felt alert. He tried to wonder what happened, Lyric and Aleks were sleeping and Ven looked like she seen something. What the hell happened?
I shook my head slightly. "No. I got this..and I'm fine." I mumbled, looking back at him. It was nice of him to be concerned, but I didn't need that right now. I just wanted my absolute solitude. "Go ahead and relax. I can manage." I stated a little stronger this time, my eyes focused back on the doors. My fingers played with on of my arrows, finding myself unusually calm for having such a traumatic experience. I spent months hiding myself from a pack determined to hunt me down and rip me apart after I killed one of their own. Apparently the term 'self-defense' means nothing to people anymore. Rolling my shoulders, I swept the invading memories out of my head, still watching the metal doors for any signs of break in.
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Jax looked at Ven and nodded and patted her shoulder. He understood that she wanted to be alone. "Okay, I'll be here if you need anything."

He turned and walked into the building and laid down on a hospital bed. <b> I can't sleep. </b> Jax was restless, angered by this he got up and walked to where Lyric slept. He sat down in a chair and studied her. She had her weapons laying next to her and seemed to be sleeping well. Jax smiled and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. He was fighting with his emotions, plus he thought Lyric was interesting. He sighed and sat down, waiting for her to wake up.
I nodded slightly, watching him walk off into the other room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts in errie darkness. I didn't know if I was becoming paranoid, but I kept swearing that I was seeing things. Shaking it off, I kept watch by myself for the remainder of the night.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She was running. Sprinting down the road, her bare feet bleeding against the solid asphalt. Tears threatened to pour from her eyes. Fear, worry, disparity, love, longing, guilt. All of them seemed to be at war with each other, wrenching around in her heart; pulling, tugging, trying to win. Emotions that she couldn't understand. Emotions that she hadn't been able to process. No. This couldn't be happening. They couldn't have been turned. The image of a fleshy monster with bulging veins and red drool hanging from its yellowed teeth began to teeter its way into her mind. But she wouldn't let it. She wouldn't let it get to her thoughts. Lyric ran, heading towards the house at the end of the street. They would be fine. They would be fine. The house loomed above her now. She stood in the front yard, coughing, trying to regain her breath. A 3 mile sprint; from where she'd started running to this house.

Her mind seemed slow to catch up with her, her stomach churning as she stumbled up the stairs. "Sage! Daemon!" She slammed the front door shut behind her calling into the eerily quiet house.
No. No! NO! They had to be here. Lyric threw her fist at the wall, feeling the bones shatter on impact, earning a cry of pain from her lips. She sank to her knees, that nauseous feeling had returned from before. "Sage..." She whispered. "Daemon..." Then she heard it. No smelt it rather. Rotting flesh. Daemon! A tall, lean, muscular creature stepped out from in the shadows. It snarled at her like an animal. Whatever that thing was, it wasn't Daemon anymore. She raised her gun, waiting for the thing to come towards her, but it didn't. The creature stared, watching her with red eyes. "Mommy?" A small child peaked out from behind the corner, looking at the woman with puffy red eyes. "M-mommy? Is that you." The girl's eyes were glowing with happiness, and a small, scared smile, played at the child's lips. "Sage?"

Lyric's voice cracked. It was her. Her daughter, right there. Then...something happened. She started convulsing, foaming at the mouth. "Sage? Sage what's wr-" Her daughter slumped against the wall and then fell to the ground. "No!" Lyric looked up, realizing what had happened. Daemon had killed her. She hadn't even been paying attention to the blood dripping from her neck. Daemon had bitten her, ending the child's life before it had even started. He had...killed his own child. Her child. Their child. She lifted her gun, aimed at his head, and fired. He wasn't Daemon, and if the man she loved was in there then he'd thank her. Sage began to stand, staggering to her feet. But...she couldn't bring herself to do it. Lyric couldn't kill her. Not again. Deep down she knew that the sweet girl she'd known wasn't there anymore, but she couldn't. Lyric lowered her gun and the girl lunged. Her small force knocked the woman to the ground, and then all at once the child's snarling stopped. A knife protruded through the top of her skull, and at the handle was the hand of her mother.


She burst upright, instinctively throwing her fist at the figure beside her; Jax. Then realizing what she'd done Lyric pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her head on the her knees. Her lungs felt dry and her face was damp with tears that she had shed during the dream. The clothes she had put on were soaked with sweat and stuck to her body like glue. She struggled to get her heart rate down and control her breathing. It happened...a lot. Always the same dream. Always the same people. She would never learn to live with the horror of what had happened that night.

"Sorry." Her voice was much steadier, calmer than she felt. "About punching you."

Jax felt the punch. It hurt, but it didn't shatter any bones. Ouch. Well at least it didn't break any bones. Jax sat down next to her and looked at her with his blue eyes. She was sweating and her face shined with tears. Jax could only think of one thing it could have been.

"Nightmare?" Jax said, not worrying about the punch. He touched her arm, he didn't care if he was going to get punched. Jax just wanted Lyric to know that he has been there as well. And he is here for her to talk to.

"I know how that feels." Jax said quietly, looking at her with warm eyes. While on the inside he was fighting every single instinct to tell her everything and fight back tears. It has been a long time but the pain is like an open wound.

"You can talk to me always." He said quietly. "I will be here." With that he removed his hand and sat there quietly and looked down at his forearm tattoo. Memories, more like demons.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"You can talk to me always. I will be here." He said in a hushed voice, nearly whispering. Everyone had been through some tough crap, she of all people understood that, but...it had been her daughter. After a moment her heart rate slowed and her hard breathing eased off. Lyric knew she'd been holding this in for two long, and that someone needed to know. So she looked over at his face, locking gazes with his blue(?) eyes.

"I had been under cover for four years, trying to uncover a man that had been smuggling nukes out of the country. My contact with the agency was cut and everything crashed. When I got out of there and headed back to the city everything was in ruins. So I stayed the night in a cottage. The next day I headed out in search for my family. They had lived in the city but the agency and I had made a deal. If anything ever went wrong they'd be moved to a safer location. So that's where I went. The location was a house at the end of a subdivision. but three miles before I got there my car died, and then I was hoarded by the dead. This place was supposed to be free of infection, but the government hadn't been able to do that. So I ran. A dead sprint for three mile. When I finally got to the house and found them," Tears were streaming down her face now, "He'd already been turned. But before I could put him out of his misery he...he turned Sage. He killed our daughter. So I shot him, but I couldn't kill her. So when she attacked I-" She couldn't even say it. "She was four years old. Her life hadn't even began and I ended it."

Jax sat there listening. Nodding along the way. A agent? Like me? Interesting. Jax heard of an undercover agent but never knew who it was. So this was it. Lyric was like him combat wise. She knew how to adapt, to survive.

Jax sat there listening. When Lyric started to tear up, he wrapped his arms around her and kept listening. After she was done, Jax said quietly "I'm sorry that happened to you. To kill the ones you love, it's hard believe me," his grip tightened and he clogged his eyes "I know it." Jax and her shared a similar path, and he was willing to help her through her pain some way. No one deserved that.

“Have you ever heard of duality? A different personality?" Jax said as he held Lyric, he felt Lyric should know about him. She had a right to know him as well.
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Coyoty took an unneeded breath in. She was sitting beside Dakota running her fingers softly through her hair humming a German lullaby. It was called "all the pretty little horses" but the point was not to say the words but rather to hum the beat. It was always good to hum- even to older children- it was supposed to give them security and since Coyoty was unsure what happened to Dakota's parents she assumed something terrible, she felt the right to hum like a mother.

Coyoty had not even gotten to know her mother before she was taken. The worst part of it all was the fact that she had actually watched her mother die at the hands of none other than her father. Farubah had to tell her all of the family down to her siblings. It was tragic for her. A memory she would have to live with for probably the rest of existence.

In the end she felt sorrow. She at the end of all this war and fighting beasts would probably have to hide once again. Their species was not yet quite regarded closely with humans. They did not trust them, hated the sheer fact that they even existed let alone survived off human blood. Coyoty knew she would have to keep it that way for at least forever. Hopefully she wondered and hoped that she would have someone to spend it with. Farubah was a good person and all. But she was young yet. She had seen way too much which placed her in a state of disarray.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She felt...weak. Like showing her past to someone had revealed something to him that he shouldn't have seen. When his arm wrapped around her she tensed, preparing for a wrong move, surprised when he did nothing more. Eventually Lyric relaxed, easing into his side, allowing herself to be comforted. The moment only lasted for a short while. “Have you ever heard of duality? A different personality?" She pulled herself away from his grip, looking at his eyes. A dual personality. Yes. It was something she had become deeply acquainted with. Most of the thugs she came across during her missions were different. Almost as if their personality had split right down the middle of good and bad. She lifted her hand to her cheek, hastily wiping the tears from her face. Never. Lyric wasn't one to break down, and she wasn't going to start now. She inhaled, holding it for a moment, and then exhaled, letting her emotions roll out with the released breath. Jax wasn't someone that she wanted to cry in front of. Up went the hard exterior that she surrounded herself with. Closing over her heart as she responded.

"Yes. I know of it."

He was kind, much more so than the arrogant, stab-worthy man she'd met in the forest. It was this sudden change that had brought down her emotional barrier. So long had it been since someone had made her feel the way she felt now. Her heart fluttered slightly at the sight of his eyes. Beating faster when his dark hair fell onto his face. But no. She couldn't let herself get close to this man. Anything could happen in a world full of the dead. Lyric pushed her self away from him, widening the distance. Deep down she felt like a jerk, but it was for the best.

Jax didn't fight her pulling away. Well its time. He sighed and looked at her, he let Jaximus take over.

Jaximus looked at her, "5 years ago. I was Jaximus Atlas, one of the best agents. I did everything. Reconnaissance, infiltration, hostage rescues, and deep undercover work. No failures, and very little killing. Because I refused to kill. You probably never heard of me, because I kept to myself and was anonymous." He looked at her with eyes, and closed his eyes, then opened them and looked at her.

"I became Jax, the agent that did everything the agency threw at him with no fear. I did drug busts, warlord assassinations, hostage ex-filtration and reconnaissance. I did it all, for the lies of the government. I did it for my people. I thought I could do it all. But then, I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop the virus from spreading." Jax stopped, opened his eyes again and sighed.

"I came home and the one I loved was infected, I tied her up. She told me too, we talked for days. Reliving everything we had. By the 8th day, she was worse. And I had to..." Jaximus had tears in his eyes, "I had to take the life of one of my own. I had to kill the one I loved with my hands." Jaximus wept for 5 minutes. Trying to recover, but Jax took over.

"I came in, Jax. I decided that no one should harm that man again. I helped Jaximus get over it. I am the one that did all the work. I know how to be the one, be the survivalist. I used to have no attachment, I used to not care. Just survive and kill or be killed. But Jaximus has rubbed off on me. I am forming bonds, and its hard to stay who I am. I helped Jaximus bury the body of his love and I thought he died. But he came back a few days ago. Its been hard trying to focus. Because of..things." Jax closed his eyes and looked at Lyric again, he didn't expect her to come closer. He didn't know, he was alone. He didn't take Lyric pulling away closer.

"I hope you understand, and I don't regret saving you guys." He sat down on the bed and looked at his tattoo. "I am not a killer, I don't betray. I am not a monster like people like to believe. I kill because I have to. To survive." He looked at Lyric with his blue eyes hoping she would understand.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

It was something in his eyes. The look that he gave her, a sad, pleading, gaze that melted the coldness from her heart. Without thinking Lyric moved and wrapped her arms around him, pulling the man into a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder, letting her embrace warm him. Being what she was, temperature was never a problem, but she realized that for a human the Hospital was chilly, cold even. Jax, Jaximus, whoever it was that she was hugging, this man had a good, pure soul. A kind heart. She need that right now. She needed someone would wouldn't die on her like everyone else. Lyric needed someone like him.

A long moment passed before she finally released him from the hug. When she did her eyes gleamed with teary wetness, but none fell from her eyes. In all the time she'd spent alone, Lyric hadn't even begun to think of what it might be like to feel something again. And now that it may be happening, she was beginning to fear what would come out of it. The bed felt colder now that she had heard his story and before she could go against it, she asked.

"Will you-" She paused not sure how to put this, "Will you stay with me? For tonight?"

Lyric needed to have someone beside her tonight, out of fear that when she woke up all of this would have been just a dream. Before he could respond she folded the covers down, slipped the weapons harness beneath the bed and moved to where there was just enough room for another person to lay.


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