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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Jax felt her warmth. It had the best feeling in a long time. He felt the isolation disappear. Jax wrap his arms around her and didn't want to let go. Jax didn't want her to leave, he needed her. He looked at her and she moved away and moved the covers. When she asked him if he would stay with her, he felt the warmth coming back.

"I would love to." He crawled into the bed and he looked at her in the eye. "I am not going anywhere." Jax smiled and wrapped his hands around her. Jax was not going to leave this group, if anything for Lyric's sake. He will protect and help Lyic. "I don't regret saving you and Aleks." He chuckled and removed his gun and threw it next to the harness. "Thanks for letting me stay here." He was feeling complete, and the isolation was fading away.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"Saved us?" She teased, "I doubt that you saved us. From where I was standing, everything was under control."

A grin spread across her face, widening into a smile. He was...charming to say the least. Arrogant? Possibly. Annoying? At times. But Charming all the same. His hands found their way around her, and she felt a tingle at the base of her spine. Again she tensed, but then relaxed into his hold, turning so that their faces were separated by a few mere inches. Their breath mingled, eyes locking with one another. Lyric hadn't felt this content since...since the day everything went down. A frown replaced the smile that had been sitting on her face, but before he could ask she wiped it off her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "About having to kill the one you loved."

Lyric set her hand on his, massaging the skin on its back with her thumb. When had she suddenly taken this giant leap of faith for a stranger? Had it been when she'd realized that he understood what she'd been through? Or had it been before that. When he caught her maybe? Two years of searching didn't just conclude with a guy like him crawling into the bed with her. Something had to have changed in her heart. Not one day had passed and already she had shared with him what no one else knew. Loneliness works wonders on relationships... It was an odd thought but...true.

After a while her thoughts began to blur together in an attempt to fall asleep. If he had said something it was lost to her exhausted subconsciousness, for she was once again drifting off peacefully. Only this time, no nightmares resurfaced.

"I don't know, you were looked desperate. But hey we are both here." He smiled and noticed the frown but didn't say anything. He felt like they both said enough.

Jax nodded. "I can't say its okay. But thank you." He felt their breathing come together their eyes studying each other. He felt her massaging his hand and he massaged her waist. He never thought he would tell her everything, maybe the isolation made him easier to jump into this. He smiled and laid his head on top of hers and whispered into her ear. "Good night Lyric, I will see you in the morning." He didn't know what made him this way, but he was happy. He didn't think he would be laying down with a woman so soon. Something happened, was it in the forest? Maybe, but he wasn't sure what tomorrow will hold, but as long as he had Lyric here, he would be happy.
Screams. Wailing. Ripping. Crying. Gunshots. These were the sounds that Aleks woke up to, thankfully they died down as the population declined. He climbed out of his makeshift home on the roof of an apartment building, shielding his eyes from the dying light.

He should've been scavenging during the day but he functioned best at night, his mind was at it's clearest once he had a full day's worth of rest. After making sure his knife was clipped securely to his belt he set off, he had to be extra careful as his knife was the only source of defense he had.

The old iron creaked and groaned under his weight as he climbed down the fire escape, taking slow steps down the stairs and careful motions down the ladders. Reaching the ground he walked into the streets, chose a direction he hadn't gone and jogged...and jogged...and jogged, eventually stopping at a house.

A police cruiser was parked in front, a dead man hanging out from the driver's side, door ripped from the cruiser, his head was missing. Aleks nervously approached the corpse, patting the man down as best he could since the body was on it's side. The right side of his hip was in the air, belt, holster, and pistol still in place. Feeling safer, Aleks grabbed the pistol, checked it's ammo count, full magazine, nothing else. Next was the house.

Aleks stood at the door, the retreating sun casting long shadows across the yard.


He quickly and quietly pushed the door open, pistol raised. Empty, the house was empty, furniture strewn about, darkness consumed the inside, no working lights. After checking the entire first story he proceeded to check the second story, the wooden stairs creaking user his feet. The door at the end of the hall caught his attention immediately.

Probably the master bedroom.

Best place to start looking?


Aleks bypassed every other door in favor of the master bedroom. This new voice was relatively new and he didn't know what to make of this "Blink" person. Whoever he was he's proved himself a valuable asset concerning Aleks's survival.

He reached the bedroom, wrapped his hand around the knob, turned but came short.



He started but the knob turned by itself, swinging open to reveal three men...dirty and malnourished. They were all familiar. The man who opened the door was the first to speak.

"H-hey! Aleks? Holy crap it's really you! I-it's me! Chris!"

Time slowed. Aleks's blood started boiling. Flashes of memory hit Aleks like a truck. Flashes of school, flashes of fights, flashes of her. He snapped.

An elbow smashed Chris's nose, blood gushed and he recoiled in pain.

"What the f-"

A bullet embedded itself into his forehead and he fell back, lifeless.

The other two men stared in horror.

"I...I want to play a game with you guys...for old times sake ya know? I'm gonna give you guys time to run...if you don't...I shoot you. If you try to leave the house then you die...if you're still alive when I go through the rest of the ammo I have...12 bullets to be exact...then you guys get to live."

He stepped to the side, the door wide open. One of the bullies ran out the door, his partner staying where he was. To make sure the runner didn't leave the house he stayed on his heels, shooting the man who stayed in the head as he left. He yelled at the lone man he chased. They passed the front door, Aleks locked it. They passed the back door, Aleks locked it. The idiots had boarded the windows so there was no escape that way, he was trapped. Aleks stopped chasing him and waited 3 seconds, giving the bully time to hide. Aleks kicked over a chair with force. The memories of the bullies driving him over the edge.


Aleks loudly stomped through the house. He knocked over a vase.


He punched a hole in a wall.


He fired two rounds into the ceiling.


He walked into the dining room, flipping over a wooden table.


Rapid thumping resonated above him. He started up the stairs, grabbing a cane from an umbrella rack, throwing it at the top of the stairs, making a loud impact.


Aleks looked to the right...a door was in the process of closing, he stormed over. Kicking the door open, catching the bully by surprise causing him to fall backwards. His face was a mask of terror. Aleks raised his gun.

10 shots rang out from the house.

Aleks woke with a start. Gasping he stood up, he couldn't sleep anymore. Making sure his weapons were ready he left the room and back to the lobby. In the lobby he took a seat on the ground, no words to Ven, and waited for the sun to rise.

Kat looked at the broken and bent market door. No way. There's no possible way that this market could be untouched. It's exterior was broken down, the paint no longer visible under the thick coat of grime. But it was food. And Kat was tired of hunting the rats that crawled out of the sewer at night. She glanced to the left, then to the right. Nothing. Kat leapt down from her perch in the cottonwood tree. She hit the ground, then started running. Kat paused at the door. She tilted her nose and sniffed. The same dead aroma that had filled the air was in this store. What were you expecting, the smell of sage and lemongrass? Kat growled and stalked into the store. The interior was in worse shape than the exterior. Everything was in a huge pile on the floor, dimly lighted by the dirt coated skylight. Kat padded softly to what looked to be a can of tuna, and changed back into a Neko.

Neko: She picked up the tuna and put it into the black pack that hung from her back. All of the other useful foodstuffs went in there too. She was just bending to pick up a battered bag of beef jerky, when she heard the sound.


Kat's icy blue eyes widened, and she took of like a rocket into the bright day. She found the nearest tree and sprang up it like a demon. At the top, she glanced down. They hadn't followed her. Obviously. Kat sighed in relief, and opened her bag. She carefully took out the goods she had collected and arranged them on the thick branch. Six cans of tuna, four bags of beef jerky, one bag of chips, and five sports drinks. Ooooh! And one, tiny, battered, sorry looking bag of skittles. Kat put everything back in her bag, and jumped to the ground. She cast a nervous look at the store, and walked carefully down the street. Kat soon found the tree she was looking for, a huge cottonwood in the city park, bordering the forest. She climbed up it to a spot where a branch against the tree trunk made a perfect spot to sit. She unloaded her goods and put them into a little hollow.
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Jax woke up 7 hours later. He felt recharged. He looked down at Lyric, who was still in his arms. He smiled and gently got up, light breaking through the windows.

Time to go to work. He took his pistol and left a note.

Lyric, went off to look for supplies. If you need me you know how to find me. I'll see you later.


He told Aleks and Ven his objectives and walked into the city, not leaving too far.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

Light glimmered onto the outside of her eyelids, shining in from the far window. The sudden burst of brightness woke her from a hard nights sleep. She opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the new lighting. Jax was still there beside her, but they had moved durring the night and now she had her back pressed up against him, their hands entertwined by her stomach. A fluttery feeling churned in her stomach, a feeling that she quickly surpressed. She knew that it was time to get up but instead she succumed to exhaustion and found herself sleeping once again.

The next time she woke up he was gone. A note had been left for her to read. After scanning the words she decided to get up. She placed her feet onto the ground, stood up and stretched her arms into the air. The room had a calm, serene feeling to it. And for once she could almost imagine that everything was okay. Well...besides the fact that they were sleeping in a Hospital.

She frowned. Jax was out looking for supplies, but both Ven and Aleks were missing. So without making any noise, she picked up the harness, strapped it over her chest, and headed downstairs into the lobby. Aleks looked un-rested, despite a whole nights sleep, and his eyes looked far away. The frown on her face deepened.

"Hey." Lyric moved to sit down beside him. She wasn't bery good at the whole friend thing, but she could still give it her best shot. "Still up for those lessons?"Aleks was the first person she'd met in two years, it kinda made him her best friend, well, at least to some extent. Yeah he could take care of himself, but sometimes knowing how to use a knife and shoot a gun aren't very usefull when you don't have either of them.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon, morning was coming soon. He had been sitting for about 3 hours, waiting, letting the sounds of his first murders haunt him, this was the first time he had thought about them, he felt disgusted with himself but he also felt a sense of pride and addiction to the rage he had taken on. The anger felt soothing but he couldn't show it in front of the group.

These thoughts continued until the sun was shining and he was interrupted by Lyric who sat down next to him.

"Still up for those lessons?"

Aleks looked at her. She looked well rested and a bit...content? Satisfied? Happy? He shook his head, something happened overnight but he decided to not dwell on it.

"Lessons...oh...if you feel like putting up with me then yeah, actually let's do this!"

Mid-sentence Aleks switched to a more enthusiastic tone, if his "friend" was happy he'd make an effort to not bring her down.
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Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

There was still something in his eyes. Something sad, angry even, but if he agreed to train with her then she'd gladly teach. "C'mon then." Lyric figured that she'd show him the basics and then take him out for target practice. They made their way down the hall, stopping at a door labeled "STAIRS." An amused smile found its way onto her face as she pushed the door open. Then all at once she took off pounding up the stairs with the speed and agility of someone who had trained for years. She continued upward, step after step, level after level until they reached another door marked "ROOF." Her legs felt great! When she was in highschool, Track had been her favorite sport. Guess it stuck with her. Lyric stepped out onto the roof, welcoming the warm rays of sunchine. This is where they would train.

She pulled the Glock from her hip and pointed it at Aleks, mindful of the expression on his face. A small laugh bubbled up from her stomach as she slipped the gun back into its holster. What had her in such a great mood? Shaking the giddiness in her hear, Lyric beconed the man over.

"We'll start with firearms. You said that you know enough to survive? Okay then show me how you would hold this." She handed over the postol, stepping off to the side out of the way of its barrel.

Ven stayed quiet, staring off into space. She was wrapped up with her thoughts she barely noticed Aleks sitting there beside her for three hours. She tilted her head down, eyes fluttering closed. She had been awake the entire night. A total of 52 hours with no sleep and it was starting to get to her. Her breath slowed slightly, falling into a peaceful rythem. Her bow slid from her fingers, her head falling to the side and slamming on a near by cider block. Ven was completely drained and barely cared where her head landed. Her face relaxed, making her look a little younger then what she appeared to be usually. A small pool of blood oozed from her forehead, her mind fading to black before she could do anything. The rest of her body went limp, a useless heap of flesh and bone. ((Okay all fixed :) ))
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Aleks followed her through hallways until they came across a door that signified that stairs were behind it. Lyric pushed the door and immediately took off in a fast ascent, leaving Aleks still at the door in shock.


He muttered as he started his climb to the top. Almost 10 minutes later he was at a door that signified the roof. Pushing it open he had to shield his eyes from the blinding rays of light. Once his eyes adjusted, he lowered his arm to find Lyric pointing her handgun at him.

NO NO NO, she figured you out, she knows the kind of person you are! KILL HER. KILL HER.

Instead she laughed and handed her gun over, telling Aleks to show her how he held it.

I-it's alright...

Aleks rested three fingers on the front of the grip, his thumb circling it and meeting his middle finger, his index finer resting on the trigger guard.

"Uh...good enough?"
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"Uh...good enough?" He asked, earning a frown. No. Not even close. His arms seemed to be rigid, his legs were much too close together, and his hands were wobbling slightly. Though his hands were wrapped around its handle correctly, the rest of his stance was a mess.

"No not really." She shook her head slightly sighing. This would take longer than she had originally thought. "Aleks, shooting a gun isn't just about your hands, its about you stomach, your arms, your legs, you eyes. Everything. Keep tension here," Her hand poked his stomach gently. "It sturdys you body so that you aren't wobbling all over the place. Keep you legs shoulder length apart to maintain your ballance. As for your arms, don't tighten up, relax them, but don't let them sag. Shaking in you hands is only something that can be rid of by practicing."

Lyric watched him expectantly, waiting for him to make his corrections.

Aleks sat through the the entire correction process, trying his best to not give entirely out of impatience. After being poked, prodded, and instructed he started again.

He tightened his stomach, hoping it would keep his body steady. His legs moved to the side, adding more space between them. Then he slightly relaxed his arms but keeping them rather straight, reminiscent of how someone would hold a golf club. His hands still shook slightly but he hoped this was good enough. Hoping this would prevent another lecture.
Cat: Kat padded slowly down the street. And why did you decide to leave your perfect tree? She gritted her teeth and kept moving. Stupid tree. Stupid zombie. Stupid life! Kat suddenly smelled something. It smelled like something else... Or, better yet, someone else. Kat was tired of being alone. She quickened her pace, and stopped before a huge building. Kat narrowed her eyes at the interior, and, seeing nothing, crept to the entrance. The entrance used to be grand. An Acedemy. Or a Museum. Or a Hospital. Kat slunk quietly in, her paws padding silently on the tiled floor. Kat looked up, and saw, way above her, a huge domed skylight. It let a glimmer of light in, illuminating the dusty interior. Upon a pedestal before her, there perched a huge collection of bones. A skeleton of a dinosaur. Definitely a Museum. Kat padded up a spiral staircase, until, 10 floors up, she came to an office that's battered sign read Director's Office. Perfect. She pushed the door open, and walked inside. There was a desk covered with paper, and old computer, and other bits and pieces of artifacts that you would expect to find in a museum.

Human: Kat put her bag down on the chair by the desk, then stepped out into the museum again. She walked up the staircase until she got to the roof exit. Kat walked onto the roof and stared out over the city. The wind blew her long black hair across her face. She looked at an open manhole cover that was over a sewer. Down in it, her eyes could perceive the moving of ghastly creatures. All across the city there were signs of them. Everywhere. This is the world you live in, Kat. This is where you will live, fight, and die.
Jax walked down a few blocks looting cars and being weary of people. If only I could find a place where there is some decent food. Granted he had half a duffel bag full of food and other items, he felt like it wasn't enough.

Jax walked for about a mile and saw a convience store and nodded. This could work. He picked the lock and crept in, he was surprised by the amount of items in here. "Hell yeah." He said with victory.

Jax easily looted most of it and carried the rest in a backpack. He dropped all of his non essential gear in that room Lyric and him shared. Just then he heard a thud and turned. 3 people armed with weapons was there.

"We knew someone would come eventually." One said in an Australian accent. Great an Aussie. Jax sighed and looked at them.

"What do you want?" Jax said with annoyance, he wasn't in the mood for this.

"We want your stuff and your weapons." The one on the far right side said with a heavy southern accent. Well at least they are not all Aussies. Jax felt his body tense rest for any action.

"Not in your life." Jax said with anger. He dropped the bag and reached for his knife, but the Southerner rushed him. Jax sidestepped him and grabbed his leg and broke it. The Southerner screamed at him as he wiggled on the floor.

"Now, are we done?" Jax looked annoyed. They all rushed him, Jax threw his knife into the one in the far left and the Aussie came at him with a knife. Jax blocked the first blow then broke his hand. The Aussie screamed and fell to the floor. Jax walked to the duffel bag and backpack and picked them up.

"We're done." He said and started to walk out when he heard the crack of a gun and his right shoulder blade instantly lit up in pain. He fell to his knee and turned around and looked. It was the Southerner. He yelled and took out his gun and killed him. The Aussie was terrified. Jax looked at him and limped out of the convenience store, pulling the knife out of the dead unknowns guy and started to slowly walk back to the hospital. Angered by the recklessness of his actions.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

His stance was better, tighter, but it wasn't perfect. Lyric opened her mouth to criticize when a shot rang out in the distance. Her brow furrowed. Someone else was here in the city? Possibly, but not likely. A zombie? No. It couldn't have been Ven, or Aleks, so...? Then she realized something...something that made her stomach sink into her toes. Jax. He'd gone out to search for supplies and he'd taken his weapons with him. She snatched the pistol from his hands and took off.

"Oh Cr-"

The door closed behind her before the curse could be finished, rushing down several flights of stairs. When she got to the lobby her breath caught in her throat. Ven lay unconscious on the floor, her head resting in her own pool of crimson blood.

"Kid! Kid! Hey, what happened? Are you okay?"

Lyric inhaled, forcing herself to calm down, and slowly her heart heart stopped racing. She grabbed hold of the girl's shoulder's shaking her gently. Ven had a pulse. She was alive. There was blood on the cinder block to her right, and she realized suddenly what had happened.

"Geeze kid. Next time let someone else take watch. Aleks, help get her head bandaged!"

She left, rushing out the door. The gunshot had come from the east, and Lyric intended to find its source. Her legs pumped beneath her and all the years of training came back to her. The agent in her resurfaced and was sprinting down 5th Avenue. She was going s fast that when she rounded the street corner she nearly crashed into him. Jax! Relief coursed through her. He was alive. Her arms flung around him, but it wasn't until the blood stained onto her shirt that she realized he wasn't so fine.

"What the heck?"

Aleks was in the process of bracing himself for another session of criticism when a gunshot disrupted the quiet day. His mind immediately went to Jax, he had told him what he was doing but Aleks didn't object or didn't offer to come with, if Jax ended up dying then that death was on his hands. A little surge of panic surfaced and he moved to go down the stairs, Lyric was already gone.


To make the descent faster he jumped down the flights, vaulted over railings down to the next level, powering through the door, and sprinting down the halls. He arrived at the lobby to see Ven slumped over, a puddle of blood that seemed to have been caused from a cut on her forehead.

Nothing mattered. Jax didn't matter. Lyric didn't matter. She didn't matter.

Ven had fallen over, splitting her forehead on a cinder block, what made Aleks sick was that he could've prevented it...she would've fallen over in himself if he hadn't gone to the roof. Lyric told him to bandage her and left for the gunshot. He quickly rummaged through his bag of supplies to find a small roll of gauze...it'd do for now. He gently picked up her head, wiping the blood from her head, coating his hands in her blood. He sat down in her puddle of blood, resting her head on his lap and began to wrap her head with the gauze. Sitting in silence and blood he came up with a thought. He started to quietly sing an Afrikaans lullaby he had learned long before the apocalypse.

"Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet staan stil

Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet staan stil, Goeie môre, my vrou, hier's 'n soentjie vir jou, Goeie môre, my man, daar is koffie in die kan."

(( I had to. I was too tempted. ))
Jax felt Lyric rush into him. Ow. But oh well. He felt better and looked at Lyric. "I am fine, just 3 people tried to jump me. I broke one's hand, I broke the other's leg then killed the last one by throwing my knife. Then the bastard who's leg was broken shot me in the shoulder." Jax shook his head. The supplies were getting heavy.

"Here take these. I can make it on my own. Oh and I shot the one who shot me." Jax gave her the supplies and looked at her smiling. It was great that Lyric came and got him. He was almost there but he felt lightheaded.

"The bullet is still in and thanks for coming." He smiled and pulled her closer. "I ain't going anywhere." He looked at her and walked with slow, but determined steps into the hospital.
Neko: Kat sighed and walked down the stairs back to the office. The once bright-seeming light filtering through the skylight dome seemed dim compared to the outside. Kat looked at her recently acquired foodstuffs, and estimated it to be enough for five days. She then proceeded to dump out the rest of the contents of the backpack. A small flashlight, a box of matches, plenty of bullets, two small pistols, some rope, and a large knife. This, and whatever else she could find, was what Kat had been living on for a long time. But that's about to change. Kat grinned and got up. A major part of the reason she had chose the museum was because of the huge, seemingly untouched supermarket just down the block. Kat got up, putting the knife into her tall black boots, the ammunition on the belt on her waist, the pistols in their holster, and the flashlight hanging from her belt. She left the matches and everything else. Kat bounded down the stairs, slowing as she approached the door. She walked out into the bright daylight, and dashed to the supermarket. She threw herself against the closed doors, surprising herself as they stayed shut. The lock would have rotted. Kat threw herself against the door with a great force, and they creaked slowly open. She inhaled deeply, and smelled the smell of something living. Her icy blue eyes widened. Could someone else be in there? She walked in cautiously, switching on her flashlight. She scanned the aisles. Wait... There's nothing. Well not nothing, but very few foods and other useful items.

Suddenly, a great weight slammed into her, knocking Kat down. She felt her head hit the tile floor, and felt a pain. Kat shined her flashlight on the weight that was on her chest, squeezing the air out of her lungs. It illuminated a boy of about nineteen, with mousy brown hair and wire rimmed glasses. He glared at her, and placing his hands around her neck, started to suffocate her. Kat gasped, and slowly, with shaking hands, drew the pistol from it's holster. She aimed it at his forehead and shot. He fell off, his eyes rolled up into his skull. Kat started to sob, dropping the pistol and sprinting back to the museum. He was alive. But he tried to kill you. No better than the zombies. No. He was better. Because he wasn't undead. Kat ran into the office and closed the door, collapsing into a ball on the floor.
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I watch silently, following the commotion with a smirk on my face, as a child watches ants with a magnifying glass in hand, waiting for the right moment to burn them all, one by one. They were all so entertaining, especially that Jax creature, I completely forgot my hunger. Well...not completely. But it seemed as if humanoids were off the menu for the moment. Just as well...one thing I minutely missed from before all this? Dinner and a show. And I felt like I was watching Faust from the balcony of a Michelin star restaurant.
Neko: Kat smacked her palm across her forhead. It took you days to find that pistol. Go back. Kat knew that tomorrow she needed to go back into that supermarket and salvage everything. It looked like she was setting up base camp in the museum. Go Now. Go Now. No. But you left the door open. What if the creatures venture into the supermarket tonight? Kat knew that she should do that. But looking at the lengthening shadows, she decided to wait for morning. Yeah, it would suck to get caught in there at night. You're right, Kat. She took off the ammunition belt, the one pistol remaining, and the knife. She laid them on the cabinet in the museum, and walked downstairs to the main lobby. Make sure you close that door. Kat pushed the doors closed, then laid everything that lay close to her against them. A desk, a bench, three chairs, a giant stuffed horse, and a huge bone. Now bar the lower level windows. Kat looked around. There were no lower level windows. The all were on the floors above the first. That's odd. Kat shrugged and walked back up the staircase to the office. In the office, there was one window, around as tall as Kat. She opened it slowly, and peered down the museum's stony wall. Hmm. Glad you brought the rope. Kat smiled and walked back to the cabinet, where she pulled out the rope. She let it hang down from the window. There was a five foot drop from the end of the rope to the ground. Not too bad. Kat pulled the rope up again. I wonder if anyone knows we're here. I wonder if there's anyone left. Kat shook her head. Someone's left. Someone who we don't know about. At least I'm not alone. At least I have you, voice. Kat remembered that scent that she had been tracking the other night, near the hospital. She hadn't stuck around to see if anyone else was there. She felt that she should've. After seeing that boy, though he tried to kill her, she realized she was tired of being alone. But then again, the reason that she hadn't followed the scent was because it smelled so... wolfy. Kat supposed, that if there were Nekos, there were probably werewolves and all sorts of other things as well. Kat shook her head and closed the window. Now lock you're door. She locked the office door, and pushed a leather chair against it for safety. When the chair was gone, Kat noticed that a black bearskin stretched across the floor. Perfect. She stretched out on the fur, and curled into a ball, while doing so turning into a cat.
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"God you're so reckless!"

The adrenaline from before suddenly washed away, and with it the fear of what might have happened. She shoved him gently on the center of his chest, grinning as she did so. Lyric grabbed the supplies and swung them over her shoulder. Then she used her other arm to support the man's weight. The bullet had gone in through the back of his arm, and by the look of it, his shoulder blade had probably been hit. Ouch. Getting it out wasn't going to be very pleasant. As they came to the front of the medical center Lyric made a mental note to check out the strange scent that seemed to be lingering around this building.

They made their way to the hospital, slipping into the front lobby. Aleks was on the floor, cradling Ven and singing an old Lullaby in a language she was very familiar with. The song was about a husband and wife, greeting each other with a kiss and coffee. It was a sweet thought. To be able to wake up and have coffee with the ones you love. But it reminded her too much of the times she'd spent with Daemon and Sage. She cleared her head and focused on the task at hand. The kid's head would be fine, but she would probably have a concussion afterwords. As for Jax, they needed to get the bullet out and sterilize the wound. Lyric helped him over to a chair.

"Stay here."

She turned and walked down the hall, turning into one of the rooms marked "SUPPLY CLOSET." Once inside she searched through the bins until she came across a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. Then she continued searching for bandages and medical equipment. When Lyric came from the room her arms were full of a variety of different supplies. She set them down on the table next to his chair and then looked up at him.

"This is going to hurt, but I need you to bear with me." She had been trained in the field of medical emergencies and knew a great deal about bullet wounds. "Pull your shirt up and turn around."

"I know I am. But its fun." He chuckled and held her close around the waist.

Jax sat down, feeling lightheaded. Jax watched Lyric, he wasn't worried about infection or death. He sighed and nodded. He sat up, tried not to be too hasty and lifted up his shirt revealing small tribal tattoos and a wound on his shoulder. He sat down and looked at her and smilied. "It won't hurt that bad. Cause I trust you." And Jax touched her waist assuring that statement.
Ven let out a groan, her head was killing her. She knew she was laying against something soft, it was almost as if she had been laid on a pillow. A warm pillow she realized after a moment, her thoughts coming back to her. She slid her eyes open slowly, dazed and surprised to see Aleks hovering over her. Worry stained his features and she was suddenly very confused as to why he looked like that. Absently, she reached up and patted his cheek still a little loopy from blood loss and getting knocked out.

"H-Hey, what's with the long face?" She asked like nothing was wrong. She shifted in his arms slightly, her green eyes staring up at him. She never realized how cute he was until she looked at him up close. It made her heart thud faster for a moment and blood rush to her cheeks.
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The doors swung open, Jax and Lyric walked through, Jax looked injured but not too badly, relief swept through his body. He watched them for a bit before turning his attention back to Ven. He didn't know if it was weird but Ven's unconscious face looked very...soothing and serene, if she woke up she might be weirded out...not that that would stop Aleks.

He continued this until her eyes fluttered open, giving him wide eyes. Instantly Aleks became nervous, thinking she'd find this weird or push him away. Instead she patted his cheek, weakly and unsteadily but still able to make Aleks happy.

"H-Hey, what's with the long face?"

She sounded oblivious, causing him to frown, though it quickly dissipated once she made herself comfortable, squirming in his arms. Taking another glance he met her eyes. Those striking green eyes.

Not sure what to do he just sat still, giving Ven her rest, continuing his quiet lullaby, looking upwards to avoid her gaze, hoping she hadn't noticed his blush.

"Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet staan stil

Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet, Jan Pierewiet staan stil, Goeie môre, my vrou, hier's 'n soentjie vir jou, Goeie môre, my man, daar is koffie in die kan."

All the while he idly stroked her hair, without thought of if she'd like it.

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