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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Ven blushed darker as she slowly started to regain her full mental state though she didn't make any attempt to move away from Aleks. She listened to him sing a lullaby in another language. She watched him with utter fascination, the girl she had been fighting to keep hidden slowly peaking out. A smile came to her face at the sound of his voice singing a song she knew sense childhood. Her father used to sing it to her and her sister, Alli, before everything went to hell. The song, his voice, reminded her of home. She didn't know weather to laugh, cry, or kiss him. She blushed even darker at the thought. Great now I'm thinking like a peppy schoolgirl.

Ven watched Aleks a while longer, relaxing more in his lap.

"My Father used to sing that to me and my sister, before all of this happened." She said suddenly, her mind very capable of producing adequate thoughts....yet she found herself opening herself up, taking down the iron curtain around her heart.

And for him.

A mentally unstable boy she met during the worst times of her life.

Correction: A hot mentally unstable boy.

For a second she felt her heart pound even faster.

She was at the edge and she wondered....

would he be there to catch her or let her drown.
Aleks sang, and sang, and sang. He didn't stop, he didn't want to stop in fear of losing his composure as the lullaby was soothing his addled mind.

"My Father used to sing that to me and my sister, before all of this happened."

He abruptly stopped, looking down at Ven. A face of happiness, a face of sadness, and a face of uncertainty, watching him.

"Your dad-"


His words caught in his throat, his heart sinking into his stomach. To his right stood a girl with black and violet hair...Light.

"W-what are you doing?"

He responded in his mind, making sure Ven didn't think he was crazier than he already was.

I...I'm helping her...

"Why? She hasn't done anything for you. She doesn't even have the drive to live. Look at her...a girl with a troubled past."


He mentally yelled.

"Please Aleks...I thought you wanted to be with me...all you have to do is end this...for yourself, let these other people live out their lives until they die."

Aleks shut his eyes, his breathing quickening, and he focused.


A new voice entered the fray, a man in a pinstripe suit, fedora, hand in one pocket, he looked to have a certain air of confidence and fierce intelligence. Blink.

Blink nodded at him.

"Just make a choice."

I love you Light...I love you...I love you...always...I'll always love you...I promised to never abandon you...

Aleks opened his eyes, a small stream of tears sliding down his eyes.

But...I never was a man of promises.

Calm energy flowed throughout Aleks's body, he looked over, Light and Blink were gone.

Good choice.

He leaned his head against the wall. He felt weak.

"I love you Ven."

He said this almost inaudibly, it'd be hard for even Ven to hear what he had said.
Ven blinked, hoping she didn't hear what she thought she heard. Deciding that she didn't hear what she thought she heard, she stared up at Aleks. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked him sitting up slowly. She moved so she was facing him, her legs on either side of his as she inspected his face trying to decide if he was okay or not. She put her palm against his cheek wiping away some tears. She watched him for a response. He looked to be in conflict with himself, like he was remembering something that brought him a great deal of pain. Ven took a deep breath, coming to the conclusion that like herself, Aleks had a painful past he didn't like resurfacing. Ven smiled as he opened his eyes, "Come on, don't get all sappy on me." She teased him.
The weight from his lap was gone, she sat across from him, asking if he was okay. She wiped the tears from his face. Relief and despair flooded his mind, she didn't hear...or rather, she might be acting like she hadn't heard.

"Come on, don't get all sappy on me."

She sounded teasing. Alright then...it's time for a little fun.

He stood up from her blood puddle, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her up after him. His hand still on her arm, he lead them out of the hospital and into the city. He needed to let out his anger, and Ven was going to be a witness, he wanted to see how she would feel about what he wanted to keep hidden from the others. They were on their way to find a human.
"Aleks...where are we going?"

Ven asked a little concerned with the dark look flooding his face. She stumbled after him, trying figure out where he was taking her. She wasn't sure she should be walking after him with an injury. She looked frantically for Lyric or Jax to stop them, talk some sense into Aleks. She was getting dizzy just moving after him.

"I...don't think I should be moving...after losing blood." She muttered trying to plead with him to let her rest before taking her somewhere.
They had made it 10 steps after stepping out of the hospital building. Ven tried to calm and stop Aleks, he watched her stumble a bit, her head injury obviously interfering with her ability to walk. Thinking it over he walked her inside the hospital, handed her the rest of the gauze, and left her.

"I'll be back...use the gauze if you need help or get Lyric or Jax to help you, I won't be long."
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"What! Wait-...where are you going?" She asked reaching out to him as he left. She froze, the image of her father leaving suddenly fresh in her mind. She felt like she was going to faint, this wasn't good. She stumbled for words realizing that she was too late and he was already moving out the door. Ven tried to stand, to go after him but ended up falling back in her seat. She clenched her jaw, her eyes burning before she looked down at her lap.

Hopeless and Helpless as always I see..
He heard Ven frantically ask him as he left. Part of him didn't like leaving her but he needed this. She needed to know, if this would cost whatever kind of relationship they had, she needed to know.

The city was quiet during the day, the only sounds being his footsteps, the slight wind, a few birds. His senses were hyper-alert, ready to pick out and pursue some living being. His gun in hand, he strode down the middle of the street, rustling hit his ears and he looked to a convenience store. Almost eagerly he rushed to the small store and ran inside. Two bodies were on the ground, a man was rummaging through the store with one hand, the other seemed to be broken.


The man turned, a wild look in his eyes, he spoke, an Australian accent.

"W-who the hell are you?"

Aleks gave him a reassuring grin, dropping his gun and holding his hands in the air.

"Hey bud...calm down, I'm friendly."

"N-no you're not, stay the hell away!"

Aleks took a step towards him.

"Just calm down, I'm not gonna hurt ya."

The Australian stepped backwards.

"C'mon just don't hurt me!"

Another step forward.

"Shhh...what happened to your hand?"

A look of anger flashed across his face.

"This damn kid broke my hand! My partner that's dead over there shot him though."


"Huh...I know that guy, he's holed up in a nearby hospital, his name's Jax, I can take you there, and you can get some payback."

"Yeah...yeah that sounds real good."

Aleks beckoned him towards himself, the Australian complied, walking over to Aleks, who had bent down.

"Hey wha-"

A brick slammed into the side of his head, knocking him unconscious but not killing him. Aleks scooped him up, threw him over his shoulder, and made his way back to the hospital.
Wincing, Ven unraveled the bandage around her head. She stared into a piece of broken glass, touching the cut gingerly. Hissing threw her teeth she realized she was going to need stitches. Sighing, she set the glass down rummaging threw the first aid kit she pulled out rubbing alcohol and some floss. Breaking off a small piece of glass she dipped it in the rubbing alcohol before lifting the bottle up. She ripped it onto her cut, the cool liquid running down her face and stinging/burning her cut like no tomorrow.

"Motherfu-ouuuuch..." She cursed, banging her foot on the floor in pain. Ven took deep breaths, slowly threading her makeshift needle and three threw her wound. She sowed it as fast as she could, tying a not at the end before breaking it off with the glass.

"Thank god for med school." She muttered, wrapping the new bandage around her head tightly. She looked up just as she started putting things away, seeing Aleks. Ven stood, a little wobbly from the pain of stitching herself up. "Where were you!? I thought you-...." She stopped speaking noticing the uncontious man he was dragging in.
Aleks finally was back at the hospital, his shoulder was starting to ache from the man's weight.

"Where were you!? I thought you-...."

Ven was standing, a little unstable but standing. He looked around, Lyric and Jax were someplace else, they didn't need to see this, if they wanted, fine, but right now, they were gone.

He grinned at Ven.

"Got us a little trophy for us, now...if you're good, follow me, need to do this away from here...hate to get blood over this beautiful hospital."

Ven questioned a little confused and slightly creeped out. She followed him down the hall anyway, grabbing her bow and arrows as she passed them. She was starting to feel better at least but was no way a 100% yet. She also needed to see if she could find things to make more arrows...perhaps the gun shop down a eyes had some. She should bring it up to Jax. Shaking her side thoughts away she followed Aleks into a room.

"What's going on, Aleks?" She asked a little concerned.
Aleks lead Ven to a faraway room, away from Lyric and Jax. Along the way he heard Ven grab her bow and arrows, he should've been wary but he didn't mind it.

Stopping at a room he kicked it open, set the man against the wall, and walked over to Ven, closing the door behind her. He looked her directly in the eyes.

"Look...I need to know how you'll feel if I do something a bit...inhumane."

He said answering her question of what he was doing.
She stared at him, her face going back to it's stone cast it usually is. "You are worried about ME thinking something bad about you doing something inhumane?" She almost laughed. She had done things....she regretted to put it lightly. But, it was for her sister's survival. He had no idea how many eyeballs she dug out with a dirty spoon trying to get information on her sister. The worst part of it was that she knew what she was doing because she had done two years in medical school before all of this. Back when archery was just a hobby her dad made her invest in. Then again, Ven made people suffer for the sake of finding her sister alive and well. What was Aleks doing it for? Ven certainly wasn't putting up with any of it if it was just for shits and giggles..
Aleks smiled at Ven's poorly suppressed laughter and reached around her to pluck out 2 arrows from her collection. He walked to the Australian man, still unconscious.

Are you sure you should be doing this?

Ven needs to see this, she's deserved this at least...I'm not hiding this anymore.

He took one of the man's wrist, held up against the wall, over his head, and pressed an arrow against him palm. He nudged the man with his knee, eventually waking him.


The arrowhead was driven into his palm, Aleks pushed it in farther, the man screamed, Aleks kept going until his hand was effectively pinned to the wall.

"Now for the next one..."

He muttered quietly.
Ven stared, he wasn't serious...right? She watched him push the arrowhead through the man's palm. She stood still, her body frozen as he did the same to the other hand.

"Please! No! What do you want from me!?"

The man's cries rung in her ears, he sounded Australian...Australian. Her mind clicked and she took a step forward. Was he the one traveling with the Vamps who took Alli? She edged closer, trying to see if he had a spider shaped tattoo. Ven looked back to Aleks, why was he doing this? Was he trying to prove to her that he was dangerous, unstable, and completely untrustworthy. Because she thought that much was already established.

"Aleks." She stated calmly, watching him.
The second arrow was successfully pinning his other hand to the wall. The man was yelling and screaming, Aleks smiled, his back still turned to Ven.

"Now for the next order of business..."

Aleks retrieved the brick from his pack, waving it in front of the man's face.

"Look familiar?"

The man kept yelling.

"Let's see...wanna start with your knees, or feet?"


He stopped and turned.

Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

She watched Ven and Aleks for a moment, startled slightly when they left the room with an unconscious man. Their conversation was lost to the distance that they put between themselves, but the last word that she heard was something that made her stomach churn. "...inhumane." She hoped silently that Aleks wasn't about to do something he'd regret later. But instead of going after them like she should have, Lyric decided that she'd seen stranger things and turned around to face the wounded man before her. With her attention back on Jax's wound she focused solely on the task at hand, doing her best to ignore the screams from the other room. Yes he might be doing something...insane, but as far as she was concerned Aleks had reached crazy a long time ago.

Lyric frowned at the depth of the wound. She was right. It went down to the bone. That much was obvious. How much damage was done to the bone? She didn't know. Broken or not broken, she needed to get it sutured before an infection settled in.

"That's flattering, but seriously. It'll probably burn like no tomorrow."

Without waiting for him to respond, or take the gag she grabbed the bottle of peroxide and poured it onto the injury. The antiseptic fizzled on the open flesh. More screams erupted from somewhere else in the hospital. She ignored them. As soon as she was sure that it was as clean as she could get it, Lyric grabbed a pair of elongated metal tweezers in the shape of scissors. She brought them to the wound and then began to slowly plunge them into the bloody hole. It was a disgusting, grotesque process, but it was necessary. The tweezers tapped on something. Bone? They tapped again. No. It was the bullet. Her hand gently probed around until they had a decent grip on the deadly piece of ammo. Then she pulled them from the wound, and in their grasp was a small, round, blood covered object.

The next step would be to cleanse the now oozing hole in his shoulder. So she poured more of the peroxide into it and then waited. As soon as the fizzling had subsided she did it again. After repeating this four times Lyric grabbed the needle and medical thread. The thin silver point slipped through the skin on the edge of the wound. No time to look for any numbing paste, besides, Jax should be able to take it. So she continued to pull the skin closed. 15 stitches later the wound had been pulled tight. She tied it off and then sat back, releasing the breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding.


Ven watched him aware that he didn't seem like he was losing it.


It was a simple question but it had so many complicated answers. She watched him as if what he would say next put everything on the line. She moved towards the man with a confidence that only showed when she was fighting or getting "information". She knelt down before the man, tilting her head to the side as if inspecting an inanimate object. The man snarled, still having the sense to plead with her. Ven grabbed his chin, moving it roughly to the side looking for any sign of the tattoo she was looking for.

"Tsk. Unfortunately for you, you are not the Australian I am looking for." She stated standing with her arms crossed as she looked back at Aleks for his answer to her question.

"Why...why I'm doing this...I can't hide this anymore...yeah you know I'm crazy but you need to know that this is what I yearn for..."

Aleks was starting to speak quickly.

"Way before all this happened, I was in the company of bad people, with things that helped calm my nerves yeah...now since this whole apocalypse happened, I haven't had one single thing that's calmed me...to relieve myself...but this...I've realized that this helps...immensely, this takes my mind off of...everything!"

Aleks stopped to catch his breath. Watching her as she inspected the man for something.

"And if you don't like this...then I'm sorry but at least you know..."
Ven stayed quiet as she processed this information. She felt that this was morally twisted...though again she wasn't one to speak about morals. If she had to guess, she was thinking Mafia or crime of some sort. It was the only logical conclusion to why he felt like tourcher was calming. And then he lost some of his marbles.... She connected the dots as she watched him. Who would have thought she would be crushing on a guy who was more twisted than she was. The scary part was that she was seeing his twisted logic, if only slightly. This was his way of shooting off arrows at glass bottles.

"The only thing..." She mumbled watching as he tested the weight of the brick in his hands trying to decide where to hit.

"Cushing his knees would be excruciatingly painful, by the second kneecap he would be passing out from the pain if he has a low enough tolerance. The way he was shrieking when you pushed arrows threw his palms. If you fractured his shins however, he may last a little longer." Ven stated after a while of silence. Her small amount of medical background showing. "But that's just my thoughts. You're the one venting." Ven stated shrugging slightly. She couldn't believe she was letting him do this. What part of her told her this was right? There wasn't any. So why was she letting him? Ven let out a sigh moving towards the door.
Jax nodded, he wasn't too worried. When the peroxide first hit however, its been a while since he felt a burn like that. OH MY F*CKING GOD!

Jax screamed in agony. He gripped the chair hard and when the burning settled down he relaxed and breathed heavy. This happened before but when this hit it was raw. Damn that peroxide.

Jax laid over on the chair, wincing every time Lyric put the tweezers in the wound. "Well, its been a while since I have been through this. You enjoying this?" He chuckled through gritted teeth. God, this sucks. Now I am in the other position. He sighed in relief and in pain when the bullet fell out. He body fully relaxed as the body began to recover from the wound. Wait...I am going to need stitches..

Jax felt the needle go through his skin. He winced as she gently as she could thread the needle through the wound. "Guess we're even." He grinned and winced as the final stitches went through.

He sighed and turned around to face her, her hands with his blood. "Sorry about the mess. And thank you." His shoulder was in terrible condition, it hurt to move but he could still move it okay. He winced as he tried to move it. She looked concerned. Jax moved closer.

"You okay?" Jax looked her in the eye, hoping she would tell him.
"If you fractured his shins however, he may last a little longer."

Aleks turned, his back to Ven again, a wide smile on his face. He heard Ven move towards the door, he didn't stop her, only spoke.

"Thank you for understanding."

He knelt down, holding the brick with both hands over the man's shins. He winked at the Australian and brought it down hard.

A loud crack, blood, more screaming. Music to his ears. The next. A loud crack, blood, more screaming. The man was still conscious. He looked over his body, he was wearing a belt...nice. Aleks unbuckled the belt, snapped it once, making a satisfying crack, not as good as a whip but whatever.
Ven closed her eyes, clenching her jaw before walking out of the room and shutting the door. Her face was paler than usual as she stumbled back down the hall and into the lobby Jax and Lyric were at.

She noticed the two in their own little world, not wanting to disturb "quality time" she headed out to the truck. She climbed into the back seat, laying down on the leather seats. She knew she shouldn't fall asleep...she needed to get some fluid in her system and food. Her head pounded, her eyes closing even though she desperately tried to force herself to stay awake. She just hoped the blood loss wasn't enough to kill her and just enough to knock her out for a few hours while she recovered. A few hours away from Aleks's way of venting was fine by her..
Lyric Grace De Caste - Werewolf

"You okay?" He leaned closer.

She wanted to shake her head, tell him what was really bothering her but she didn't. That barrier that she had brought down last night went right back up. She bit the inside of her lip and shook her head, turning around in time to catch Ven leaving the building. Through the glass she watched as the kid hopped into the truck. Another blood curling scream erupted from down the hall, echoeing through the building. It made her hair stand on end. Whatever Aleks was doing to that man wasn't something she'd want to see.

Lyric stood up, and without saying another word, she jogged out the building. She was aggravated. Annoyed at the fact that whenever she was around Jax her emotions jumped all over the place. Her hands were clenched into fists as she approached the truck. She had no idea how good Aleks' bandaging skills were. That being said, Ven's head could be in worse shape than she thought. Lyric pulled the back door open, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. The kid was laying down, her head facing the open door.

"Hey kid. You okay? How's the head?"

It occurred to her that there was something going on between Aleks and Ven. The thought made her want to grin. But she didn't. Instead her face was blank

Dazed, Ven mumbled something about stitching it herself with floss. She was tired and honestly just want to sleep without hearing the man scream inside. Ven opened one green eye, squinting up at Lyric. "It'll be fine." She said, everything looking upside-down from the way she was laying. "Tell your boyfriend...I mean, Chief that I know of a gun store we can hit on the way out of the city. We should move soon if we want to get to a safer location..." She grumbled, laying her arm in front of her eyes.

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