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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Even from the fan unit he could hear her giggling, the sound was foreign at this point and it made his stomach churn. He continued watching her, lightly shaking from laughter, how she turned to him, hair flowing with her as she turned, her face contorting into a pout.

"Am I that boring?"

His facial expression changed, turning from a look of tease and panic into a look of apology and uncertainty. He had fallen for it but he recovered as quickly as he could.

"Yeah you're that boring."
She put a hand to her heart, doing her best to look wounded. "Oh dear Sir thou words cut deep unto thus heart of mine." She mused, surprised that she even managed to remember some older terms like 'thou' and 'thus'. Ven leaned back against the ledge, her acting backfiring when she had to move her hair from whipping in her face.

That's Attractive.

She looked at him with a slight smile, ignoring her sarcastic thoughts, knowing he wasn't serious about her being boring.
Aleks chuckled, his eyes gleaming with admiration as she put on a show of theatrics. She used old-world words, ones that he never bothered using, ones that he's never really heard. She leaned against the ledge, looking cool when she got blindsided by her hair. Aleks jumped off the fan unit. He started speaking before he could think about what he was doing.

"You want to have a little spar?"
Ven watched him get up suddenly, his question taking her a moment to connect.

"Sure, if you don't mind me beating you."

She stated more confident then what she felt. Hand to hand combat was not something she was precisely good at.
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Aleks beamed at Ven as she agreed to the spar. At least he'd have some kind of entertainment. He got into a fighting position, shuffling closer to Ven. He threw a feint to her face, she dodged anyways, he nodded. Good reflexes so far, though she seemed a bit uncertain, not as skilled he assumed.

"Let's see that fire you had in ya."

He stepped to her getting in close, startling her and kicked at her left knee, buckling her but not much more than that, he backed up.
I fell to my knee, scraping it slightly against the gravel. My eyebrow twitched at the new hole in my jeans. Standing, I glared at him a little annoyed. Fine, if he had to take it out on my jeans he was going down. I got in a fighting position, gesturing him with my index finger to come at me. There was no way I was losing this now. Watching him shuffle towards me, I dodged another blow to my face. I grabbed his wrist before he could pull back and pulled him towards me. Stepping out of the way I watched him stumble, but not fall to the ground.

"That was for my precious jeans." I stated amused.
Ven have him a dirty look as she noticed a new hole on her jeans, what made this all worth it was that she got into her own fighting position. Looks like he was going to get a good fight. She beckoned him over, he obliged, throwing another punch, she dodged it but grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward while she sidestepped. He stumbled but did not fall, this gravel was going to be fun regarding footing.

"That was for my precious jeans."

Ah. This was because of the pants. Aleks got back into a fighting position. He lashed out with a fake kick, grabbing Ven by the arm and twisting it behind her back and pushing her hand towards her neck, effectively putting her in a hammerlock. He leaned in to her ear.

"C'mon...show me you wear the pants."
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She felt his breath hit the side of her cheek. Ven shivered, leaning back into his chest so that her arm wouldn't hurt as much when she moved.

He was doubting her ability to fight hand to hand...well, if he wanted to pick up a bow and try to out match her then he was in for a rude awaking. She may not be the best fighter, but she was quick on her feet. Not that in this position, as distracting as it was, was going to make her ability to dodge fairly well useful.

A smirk crawled it's way onto her lips, turning her head so she could kind of look at him. She winked ignoring the look of confusion on his face as she suddenly brought her leg behind his, rendering him off balance enough to turn and push him to the floor. She straddled him, placing her hands on his chest to keep him pinned down.

"What was that about pants?" She questioned in an amused tone.
He refrained from pushing in the lock he had her in, instead opting to just keep constant pressure on her shoulder and arm. Her back rested against his chest, he thought back to the first time this had happened, making him slightly relax his grip. Ven took advantage by turning to face Aleks, only a quarter of her face was visible but he could still see her eye. She winked, making Aleks loosen his grip even more.

She likes it...kinky.

Shut up Blink.

Before he knew it, his legs were swept from under him and Ven now made her home on top of him, hands pinning him down.

"What was that about pants?"

With an evil thought, Aleks navigated his hand to the hole in her jeans, carefully hooking it with two fingers and pulling down on it. The hole widened by a centimeter, he hoped Ven knew what was happening.

"Alright hey...you win."
Ven felt his fingers slip into the hole omg her jeans. His fingers touching her knee, she looked down at him her eyes widening a fraction when she heated the sickening sound of fabric ripping. He had opened the hole even more. She scowled disapproving of the bigger hole in her pants.

"Alright hey...you win."

His voice brought her eyes back up to him. He looked amused with a glint of something in his eye that she couldn't quite place.


Annoyance laced her voice as she leaned down her face inches from his.

"Are the devil." She concluded, fisting her hands in his shirt slightly.
Ven definitely heard the ripping, her eyes widening and making an unpleasant face. She looked in his eyes, obviously seeing the dark humor in his eyes.


Do it.

What? What am I doing?

Do it.


Ven's venom-laced voice cut through the air and through his thoughts. She leaned in close, her face a mere few inches away.

"Are the devil."

His shirt was getting caught in her balled up fists, she was either getting genuinely angry or she was just annoyed but knowing.

Now would be a good time.

Aleks had no idea how she felt, he never was good at reading emotions when they regarded anger but he went along with Blink's motives.

He stretched his neck forward as far as he could while pinned down and have her a quick peck on the cheek, dropping his head back down onto the gravel, an impish grin in his face.

That...that was what you were talking about right?

Luckily for you...yeah.
Ven looked at him annoyed, watching as he leaned up and kissed her cheek. She froze for a moment, feeling his lips rest against her cheek. Shocked, her hands let go of his shirt. Her face became dark red as she stared down at him. Her heart sputtered, her brain stopped working for a moment.

It took her a long moment of staring at that smug grin of his to register what had happened. She was at a loss for words, pretty sure her face matched her hair. Suddenly she was off him, her butt on the gravel ground as she stared at him. She couldn't compute, her hand lifted itself to her cheek. She could still feel his lips on her skin, a long with the soft spark that happened when he did so.


Oh stop sputtering like an idiot.

She ignored the voice in her head still watching him with a shocked expression.
Aleks studied her face, gauging whether he'd get a punch in the face, instead Ven just blushed as red as he's ever seen, perks of being pale he guessed. His shirt was released from their prisons and Ven was off of him, sitting on the gravel, opposite from Aleks who sat up and looked at her.

She looked lost or at the very least, shocked. They sat, across from each other, watching in silence. The silence was starting to become maddening so he got up and walked over to the door, grasping the doorknob, turning and yanking at the knob, pushing on the door, the sudden urge to get away from Ven creeping on him.
She sat stunned for a moment longer before getting up after him. She picked up her bow and arrows, moving towards him. "Um..." She muttered, still blushing. Her heart felt like it was going to fly right out of her chest. She took an arrow out of the quiver, hitting a button on the side. She placed it in the side of the door, taking his hand softly a pulling him away. She smiled at him a little, suddenly feeling like a little school girl sitting beside her crush. "That was my last one." She said softly, hearing the soft explosion before the door popped off it's hinges clattering to the ground with a loud thud.
He started yanking on the knob harder, panic filled his chest, he seriously needed to get some time alone or something.

What the hell was I thinking. Why did you make me do that?

Your panic makes for a nice booster shot.

What? Nevermind.

All of the sudden, Ven was beside him, placing an arrow into the side of the door, a distinctive click from the arrow, definitely didn't know what that was. He watched on with curiosity, until a small hand latched onto his, he let Ven drag him away, catching her smiling at him like a teenage girl. A small pop and the door swung open. Huh...

"That was my last one."

He let out a low whistle.

"Impressive...guess we should start packing."
She nodded, "Yeah." She muttered. Following him down the stairs.

Ven placed as much as she could in a black bag, sending side ways glances at Aleks as he carried the last few things to the car. She smiled zipping the last bag. She carried it to the car, putting it in and watching Aleks shut the trunk.
The two spent time packing supplies and such into the truck, it was the same process, gather supplies into bags, walk out, stuff it in the truck, rinse and repeat. Every so often they cast glances without the other knowing, a cycle of discreet teenage love it seemed.

Ven pushed the last bag into the trunk, Aleks shut it. Stretching his back he looked at the sky, the plane turning orange and pink. They'd have to leave tomorrow if they wanted to be safe.

"What a day...anyways...this was fun...um...I think I'm gonna...find Jax and wait for him to wake up...so I'm just gonna sit next to him and watch...creepily, yeah. I'll see ya around."

He found himself babbling again, hating that he'd done that three times now he needed to be around a guy. He excused himself and walked inside the hospital to find Jax but he called out before leaving.

"Oh and uh...Ven, hope you had fun...stay safe."
Ven raised her eyebrow as she watched him go back inside. "Okay...that was weird." She looked around, where was Lyric? Grabbing her quiver she headed off down the street. In the general direction she last saw Lyric go. Prepared for any sign of an attack she walked down the darkening street knowing that this was very foolish and stupid but she couldn't leave Lyric if she was in trouble. She went up the stairs to a museum hoping that she was in there.
Jax didn't sleep well. He was restless, he felt weak. He woke with a start. He stood up, wincing in pain. He stretched and tried to work his shoulder. It feels a little better. He was just telling himself that to help block the pain. He put on his jacket and walked outside looking around. How long was I out? He felt...Uneasy. Lyric was MIA, Aleks and Ven were doing God knows what and Jax was injured. He didn't know where to look, but this gunshop sounded a good idea. He wondered where the gear was. Right, Ven said something about packing. He slowly walked to the truck and touched the window and wincing in pain.

"Oh, there is my stuff." He said quietly. He turned and feeling exposed walked back into the hospital, trying to get some answers.
Aleks had to nitpick through his memories, trying to remember where Lyric had left Jax, but to no avail he settled on doing a quick run through of the first floor, opening doors, taking quick peeks. Rinse and repeat. Huh...seemed like Jax was missing. Then again he might've gone out adventuring with Lyric, the two seemed to have something going on between them, hell maybe they were in an alley behind the hospital.

Giving up he returned to the lobby to have a nap or something, only to almost collide with Jax. He looked beat up and tired but still standing.

Tough guy.

"What's up man..."
Walking down the road he sighs "still no one..." seeing movement out of the corner of his eye he stops "hello?..." he calls out only to find out it was no one
Jax slowly walked towards the beds. "Nothing much, just trying to get back on my feet." Jax was tired and in a lot of pain. He slowly felt his vision are fading away. Oh god, I can't go. He slowly fell and luckily hitting the bed. The bed rolled into the wall, but Jax didn't feel it. His mind was flying from memories to thoughts of Lyric. And if Aleks and Ven will be okay. He was lost and felt that he was out of control, he couldn't control this. I need help.. He instantly turned to Lyric in his mind. Why? Why is she more important than the others? He didn't know yet but he is getting to a conclusion. He slowly fell asleep, the pain and confusion taking him under.
"Nothing much, just trying to get back on my feet."

With his slumped shoulders, glossy eyes, labored breathing, and his distant look, he looked nowhere near his usual smug self. His eyes were starting to close and fell over, Aleks didn't do anything as he saw the bed Jax was about to land on. He let Jax rest on the bed, sliding and colliding with the the wall, body and bed jerking slightly on impact. Jax's breathing slowly returned to a steady rhythm, yep...he fell asleep, there wasn't really much to do so Aleks sat against the wall opposite of the bed.
Ven paused, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the near darkness of the building.

This. Is the worst idea you ever had, Vennie.

She ignored the small voice, keeping her bow drawn and her senses on high alert. She needed to find Lyric, truth be told she was extremely worried about her. Jax looked like shit and Lyric was probably the only one who could get him back to a 100%. Biting her bottom lip, Ven thought for a split moment how Aleks would probably murder her himself when he found out how stupid she was to do this.


Ven whispered knowing better then to yell in a place like this.

Shut up stupid. Do you want to die?

There it was again, that single little annoying voice that popped into her head every time. Distinguishable from her own thoughts yet it sounded like a younger version of her. She decided it was her conscience just coming back to haunt her.

Carrying up the steps she was a little uneasy about how her feet crunched under the rocky marble of the museum. Pausing, she reached down to pick up a CD, it was dirty and had some scratches on it but it looked like something to listen to. Without a moment's hesitation she slipped it into her pocket. There was a set of foot prints heading up that she figured she would follow having to go slow because it was so dark. Something moved in the shadows and she felt herself freeze, a momentary wave of panic rushed through her. Ven kept moving, slow and steady with her footing. She wasn't about to make anything come after her because she was too impatient enough to go slow. If she got killed, she swore she would come back from the grave just to kick Lyric's a*s. A small screeching sound caused her to stop completely, her eyes moving towards a dead crawling on the ground towards her.


She didn't need to be told twice, but taking off even further into the darkness with the screeching one behind her probably wasn't her best plan. Turning, she spotted the silhouette of the escalators and pushed her legs to get her there before the thing was on top of her. Jumping onto the black rubber side, Ven positioned her self towards the charging monster. The squeaking of rubber on rubber resonated throughout the building as she slid down the side of the contraption. Pulling her bow tight, Ven let out a breath before releasing the arrow from her grasp. She barely had time to watch in satisfaction as the creature rolled down the stairs, a black arrow sunk into the front of it's skull.

She jumped, landing on the ground below smoothly. Hoping there weren't more. She only had a dozen arrows left, not including the ones she customized.

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