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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Aleks got to thinking about how old Ven really was...19 years old? That'd be an eight year gap...old world morals be damned right? Things like age differences didn't matter much anymore...he hoped.

Never pegged you to be that kinda guy, thinking thoughts like that.

Yeah well...gangs don't exist anymore...I'm free to think like that.

Good point.

"I forgot to turn the safety off."

Aleks stopped, remembering he had asked the question.

Forgot to turn the safety off...amateur...

"Heh...you're bound to make mistakes when you're new at something. I remember pulling a gun on somebody...had the safety still on and got the shit beat outta me. Don't worry about it, just make sure to remember next time, it might be the end of ya."

Aleks winked.

I don't think the part about her death was necessary. Otherwise that was a nice sentiment...

"So you find anything...Lyric maybe?"
Jax woke up in a blur. "What the hell..?" He woke up on his back in the truck. Son of a.. He tried to get up but his shoulder was hurting. He sat there, frustrated and alone. He turned over and grabbed his bag, put on his jacket and dark clothing and grabbed his pistol and knife. He wasn't going to stay open for anybody. I got to find the others. If anything they probably dragged him off. He slowly crawled out of the truck and looked over. It was a museum of some sort. He saw two people in the entrance, but he wasn't going to get caught. Not again. He crept along the side of the truck and bolted to the wall and into the shadows.

"I need to find a backway in." He whispered to himself. He hugged the wall towards the back and saw a door. He crept in and walked in the shadows, waiting for anything and everything. Jax's shoulder is burning but he blocked the pain. He couldn't afford to be weak. Not now.
Silence. Silence was what he got, though Ven did look embarrassed or at the very least annoyed. Aleks may not know anything about relationships concerning women but he knew when they needed time alone. Backing away he went to explore the museum, taking looks at dusty displays, rooting around for supplies. Quiet rustling to his side, he snapped his head towards the noise...must've been nothing. In a weird way to confirm that there was nothing, he dug a gummy worm from the package Ven had given him, and threw one at the shadows.....nothing.

He resumed his looting.
Ven rolled her eyes, was he thinking she was 18 or something? She didn't think he was any older than 25 at best maybe.

She crinkled her nose at his comment. "I've never fired a gun before, I prefer arrows." She stated, looking back at him not knowing what to make about the end part of his comment. She watched him walk away and shrugged slightly, moving back to the gift shop to see if she could find something to use for upgrades on her arrows.
Jax hugged the walls and crawled onto the vent grating. His shoulder yelling in pain as he ascended. Calm down, Its not that bad. You've been in worse. Jax crept through the grating and saw Ven entering the gift shop it looks like. He'll be better off up here until the time comes. He got on own knee and let his eyes adjust to the environment. This was his element. They had gummy worms. Probably are not going to share them either. He chuckled quietly and continued scanning. He saw Aleks through a gummy worm into the dark.

He wasted a gummy worm. Sadness.
He shook his head and got out his pistol, not feeling to secure. He crawled farther on and decided to stretch. He got up and felt a sharp pain. He winced but struggled through. He felt it pop and he instantly felt better. Jax got on one knee again and continued to observe the two separating. "That is a bad idea." He said quietly to himself.
A noise clattered from behind Ven, she turned bow raised and arrow notched.


Stop calling out people's names, baka.

Puzzled, Ven tried to figure out what the hell baka meant as she surveyed the surrounding area. They should probably find Lyric soon or they all might end up dead. That little fire Dark had started wasn't going to last them very long. She knew the dead made their home in here. A sudden sickening feeling spread through her. She needed to find Aleks and quickly. If they stayed separate it could mean the death of one or all.

Ven walked slowly from the gift shop, bow still raised and ready to fire.
Jax crept beside the gift shop. He saw the fear cross Ven's eyes. He laughed quietly as the got closer to a service ladder. He crawled from the grate and put his gun away. He shoulder was burning in pain. But he had to show no pain from this. He took a deep breath and said, "You feeling better kid?" He turned on his tactical light from his pistol and showed it to his face. Confirming it was him.

"The look on your face was priceless." He chuckled and walked closer. Now to get some answers. He crouched. He didn't seem amused despite his tone. He was confused on where they were and why did they drag his body. He was angry, but he also thought it was for good reason that the threw his body into the truck, despite his shoulder just being fixed and him weak. Anger kept him up, but also his burning desire to find out what the hell happened.

"So tell me. Why the hell did you throw me into the truck without me knowing?" He looked at Ven, hoping she would give him an answer. If she didn't then Aleks will. One way or another.
Another empty drawer and another silent curse. Oh how he wanted to just slam the drawer closed, the front desk held nothing of value except for a business card or two. Chewing slowly on another gummy worm, he walked into a side room, it was a large box shaped room, paintings and sculptures lined the walls and center of the room. Every painting was dinosaur based, whether it be herds of dinosaurs or prehistoric landscapes. Replica dinosaur skeletons were held up by metallic stands and roped off.

Having enough of the dinosaur room, Aleks walked back to his starting area and up the stairs, looking back down from the railing.

Another sound from the shadows. Movement along the walls. He peered hard into the shadows, failing to see anything, frowning he stuffed another gummy into his mouth.

You see anything Blink?

Eh...not anything in the vicinity but there's gotta be something deeper in the museum.

Looks like we aren't going deeper then.

Glancing at the fire from the railing, he wondered. Did Ven make that?
Ven let out a short scream before she could stop herself.


She snapped in German, her heart racing from the fear he just put her through. It took her a moment before she could stop cursing him out in her mind.

"Aleks did that. I don't know why either of you are here. I went out to look for Lyric. I managed to track her here, but I can't find her. It's possible she's up the stairs but it's too dark to go up without a light source. I also know, dead have made their home in here and I'm running out of arrows. And fire." Ven growled threw gritted teeth. She really wanted to kick him at that moment.

She was seething and had no clue how to defuse.
Jax looked at her, he didn't care how pissed off she was. He was dragged against his will to an unknown place. But he wasn't mad at Ven. Granted the scare was a little.."Overkill." But hey, when you were dragged wouldn't you feel a little pissed? Jax walked up to her and touched her shoulder. "I'm sorry I scared you. But I am not going to hurt you. Come on lets go find Aleks." He walked away, turning on his tactical light again and leading the way. The pain in his shoulder creeping back up again. He had to block it but it took more time than last time.

"Do you have any gummy worms left? Cause I am kinda hungry." Truth be told, he really liked gummy worms. And he hoped she had some, or he would be very sad. I swear if there is none left, I am breaking someone's hand. He chuckled at his thought and stopped to let Ven take the lead.
"Here, schwanz."

She shoved a package of gummy worms in his hand. People usually looked at her weird when she would get so mad she would curse in German. But, just because she was Scottish didn't mean that she couldn't learn other languages. Well, that was before the world went in the crapper. Ven walked up the stairs, seeing Aleks she calmed down slightly and relaxed a little more.

"Hey, you, did you find anything?" She asked in a much calmer tone then how she had addressed Jax.
Aleks nervously crept along the railing, his previous demeanor replaced by anxiety. His fingers slid across the safety obstacles, his other hand balled up in a fist, no weapon for some stupid reason. The shadows were getting to him, he wanted out but he had to make the best of his time here.

"Hey, you, did you find anything?"

Aleks spun around, a wild look in his eyes, replaced by calmness as soon as he recognized Ven and Jax, thankfully they hadn't seen the look in his eyes, that or they just didn't want to press the issue.

"Heh...I found a load of moving shadows...some dinosaurs...business cards...nothing much really. And I see you're up and about Jax...welcome back. You two find anything?"
Jax repressed every single notion to not punch Aleks right in the mouth. Instead he took a deep breath and looked at Aleks in the dark. "Why the hell did you drag away?" He was calm about it. Even though every fiber in his being wanted to hit Aleks right in the mouth. Good thing they were in the dark. Or else it could get ugly. He tried breathing and he calmed down.

"Didn't find much." He said a few minutes later after checking his shoulder and calming down. Still seething. But what can you do? Jax decided to just get over it and at least he isn't dead.
Ven stared at him with all seriousness. It wasn't just her then? The shadows were moving. That, or she was being affected by his insanity. "More candy." She stated simply before looking around. "You haven't seen Dark right?" She asked them both though suddenly aware that neither of the boys had met the demon. Which she felt oddly weird. She surpessed the eurge to plead insanity. Ven hoped she wasn't losing it, to be honest that was the last thing she needed. If she held any hope for finding Ali she couldn't afford to let herself go.
"Why I dragged you out into the city...well, hm...I got lonely. All our stuff was packed and ready to go. We were leaving soon anyways and before you go off about letting your shoulder heal...sorry."

He knew Jax was going to scold him on this one, Aleks wasn't going to mention anything about Lyric for the sake of not getting punched in the face by her possibly sensitive boyfriend/super agent.

Aleks looked to Ven. Dark...as in this museum was dark as shit? Or by her context it was a name. He hadn't seen anybody else, maybe this Dark person was the moving shadows...maybe he was some pet monster Ven decided to keep.

"Nope...no Dark."
Jax looked at Ven. Dark? Who the hell is Dark? He instantly got tense and looked around. Shining his light in the shadows. He was calm, he was more concerned for the other two. He kept his eye on the two and crept into the darkness. Instantly not caring about the whole dragging him against his will thing. "Look Aleks, its cool. Just don't ever do it again." He said as he walked closer and tried to keep an eye on everything not as easy as you think.

"Who or what is Dark?" He said as he kept an eye on the shadows.
Ven was at a loss for words. "I almost shot him. He gave me a gun I don't know how to use and he....saved my life?" She posed it as a question, turning her head towards the fire. It's fuel was the body of a dead. He was here. She wasn't hallucinating that at least. She rubbed the back of her neck looking back over to Aleks. If she didn't know better she'd think he looked jealous. Which was most likely the dim lighting playing with her eyes. She shook her head again, "Anyway, we should probably go find Lyric." She stated heading into the darkness.
Jax lead the way. Nodded at Ven's suggestion. This..creature or person gave Ven who apparently has no gun training or handling gave her a gun. Well looks like she is going to learn how to use one. "We need to be careful." Lyric can take care of herself. Jax had the task of keeping the group together alive and be able to survive here. He was tired and hungry. He took a mouthful of gummies and ate them. He was starting to get frustrated. This sucks. We need to get out of here. He didn't want to leave Lyric, but he knows she is tough. These two, are going crazy in the dark. This will be difficult but he can manage. He will see this through, or die trying. Might as well, I was dragged here. He shined his light in the few rooms and kept going.

"Be on the look out for supplies." He said calmly as he grabbed some more ammo from another room. Trying to get all he can into his pockets.
Jax passed Aleks and melded back into the shadows. The child inside had awoken for a second, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I'm totally dragging him out again."

The child faded, replaced by his usual personality.

"Right...next time I'll just leave you by yourself...injured...during the night."

He listened to Ven talk about this Dark character, giving her the gun and saving her life. Huh...he didn't know how to feel. He wanted to find this Dark person and shake his hand for protecting Ven but he also wanted to deck him in the face out of pure frustration and confusion. Shaking his head, he followed the sound of Jax's voice, keeping his eyes open for supplies.
Ven tagged along, keeping her bow ready though aimed at the floor instead of Aleks's back. Not paying attention, she stumbled slightly, face planting into his back. She rubbed her nose looking at him. "Sorry." She grumbled, paying more so attention to how much his back fricken hurt. She wondered if it was made out of concrete, but shook the thoughts away.

Passing him, she looked inside a display case. A gasp escaped her, she took the butt of her bow and slammed it threw the glass. She looked like a kid on Christmas the way her face lit up.
Quiet footsteps, light breathing, quiet clanks of their weapons, shifting of the shadows, the noises were being made but Aleks didn't pay much attention. It felt like someone was pushing on his eardrums, the deafening silence was painful, constant ringing could be heard.

The package of gummy worms crinkled as he dug out the last one, pooping it into his mouth and throwing the package to the side. Shuffling of feet as if someone tripped, a hard object hit his back.


He lightly choked on his gummy but managing to keep the noise level to a minimum.

"Don't worry about it...sorry for uh...having a hard back."

He looked back, Ven was rubbing her nose, looked painful. He turned his gaze forward, Ven pushed her way past him, leaving him alone in the back of the trio. He had to stay focused. Another few minutes of terrible silence and the sound of glass shattering cut through the air like a knife. Once again he looked to Ven who was staring into a display case, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Really...you just aren't a quiet person. What'd you find?"

He asked, trying to lean over and get a look.
A set of arrows and a bow glimmered in the near darkness. A long dagger was laid out beside the two. Ven grabbed the arrows, pressing her thumb to the point slightly making it bleed a little. She smiled, "They're sharp."

She had to keep her voice down to try and contain her excitement. She started shoving the arrows in her quiver before picking the bow up. She inspected it, looking at him a elated grin on her face.

This was the icing on the cake and she couldn't be happier.

So, a bow and a few arrows make you happier than finding your sister or being around Aleks?

You really know how to just spoil my mood don't you?

That's what I'm here for, to deliver the unpleasant news and witty one-liners.

Ven looked back to the bow, turning it over in her hands.
He watched Ven grab the items from the display case. Slender sticks with pointed tips and a long, sleek, and curved object were what she grabbed. Bow and arrows. She pressed an arrow against her finger, breaking skin, crimson blood leaking from the puncture wound. Ven looked at Aleks, delight written all over her face.

Nice to know how happy she gets around bows and arrows.

Ha. You can't even make her that happy.


He watched her turn over the bow in her hands, running her fingers along the bow, eyes scanning the weapon.

"We should keep moving...wouldn't want to get ambushed by some monster."
She looked over at him, her head tilted to the side slightly as she processed his words.

"Alright." She mused softly, slinging the bow on her back and sticking the dagger down her boot. She stayed next to Aleks as they walked through the darkness looking for Lyric.

Ven glanced over at Aleks every so often as they walked, "So, how old do you think I am?" She asked suddenly, going back to their previous conversation. She figured with all the racket downstairs any dead or living with a pair of working ears could hear them. Letting out a small sigh, Ven glanced at his hand before looking away scolding herself for thinking cheesy thoughts.
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With the looks of a happy child and tilted head, Ven really gave off a younger vibe, as if she wasn't a person beaten down by the apocalypse...all because of some bow and arrows. He almost felt bitter.

Resuming their search, Ven had taken up position next to Aleks, much to his amusement though he didn't say anything. He pulled his pistol from his belt, feeling the comfortable feeling of the familiar weight in his left hand, flipping off the safety, (unlike someone else).

"So, how old do you think I am?"

Huh...weird time for a question like that.

Well the silence between you two is maddening, some small talk would ease your nerves...and mine.

"Well...I'd say you're 19. You still bitter about before?"

He remembered the glare she had given him earlier regarding her age.

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