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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

She almost tripped again, throwing him a disbelieving look. "You thought I was 19!? I'm almost 21!" She chuckled, shaking her head. It was hard trying not to laugh at him. She smirked at him, giving him a sideways look of amusement.

"No, I wasn't bitter. More so a little confused and annoyed. I thought you were thinking I was like 17." She smiled, still in her happy mood. She wondered for a second how old he was. She guessed it didn't really matter considering old world morals were pretty much down the drain. Ven looked at him, taking in his even more shaggy and shorter black and blue hair. Reaching up, she messed with the jagged tips. It looked like he tried cutting his hair himself.

"I'll have to fix this for you." She muttered, an after thought that she didn't quite realize she said out loud.
Ven slightly stumbled again, the look of surprise on her face apparent. Instead of breaking out a scowl she smiled, in turn, making Aleks smile.

Almost 21...about a six year gap. It's not that bad right?

Eh. Could be worse.

Aleks looked at Ven, who was giving him sideways glances, looking back ahead whenever she was caught. It almost seemed like a stupid game they had come up with out of the blue. She was smiling, more than he had the pleasure of witnessing since he met her.

Snap out of it you lovesick puppy!

Jolting awake, his grip tightened on his pistol, warily moving his head from side to side and up to the ceiling. A protective instinct took hold of his mind, one he had only felt once before now. Fingers met his sloppily cut hair, only going so far as to muss with the tips, his black and blue hair rising with her fingertips, then falling back into place as they slipped.

"I'll have to fix this for you."

"I was bored...and mister shadows was asleep!"

He said the last part a little louder, hoping Jax could hear him, guess Ven's loud way of doing things were rubbing off on him.
Jax walked along, shoulder hurting. But he lead the two deeper into the museum. They were distracted by a bow and arrow. So Jax just secured the perimeter and checked for anymore supplies. Nothing really of value. His shoulder ached. He took a gummy bear in comfort. Its better than nothing. He listened to them two talk and he learned that Ven was almost 21 and Aleks was a guy who caught the love bug. He could tell, because he hate to admit but he may have it. He chuckled and carried on. He knelt down and looked foreword into the darkness. Feeling exposed.

He heard Aleks comment and just chuckled. "Very funny. Are you a stand up comedian?" He turned and walked foreword to Aleks and looked at him. "Better than a barber." He laughed and turned back staring into the darkness.
Aleks enjoyed a few more moments with Ven. He felt alive and genuinely happy. For the first time since before the world went to crap, this was a feeling he loved, this was his high, he savored every moment with Ven.

"Very funny. Are you a stand up comedian?"

His head snapped up from the small girl he was looking at, Jax made himself visible again.

"Better than a barber."

With that he laughed and walked off. Aleks smirked at his back, his eyes boring into the back of his head.

"One day we'll get to settle that fight..."

He muttered mostly to himself, he wasn't forgetting their little bout in the forest anytime soon.

A new voice came up, it sounded as if it was behind them. Whirling around, Aleks brought his gun ready, keeping it level with his hip. He couldn't help himself, he nearly screamed.

"Why the- who are you! Why does everyone feel the need to sneak up on people!? Please for the love of- just...who are you?!"
The voice goes to behind Aleks " And that would do what? And realy?... mister shadows?... "
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Ven turned, her face going back to a blank position. "Dark, please try not to give all my friends heart attacks. They may actually shoot you." She mused, looking at the boy shrouded by shadows. Ven was really having a fun time listening to Aleks and Jax bicker, but Darks appearance made the whole thing a little...less enjoyable. She reached for Aleks's hand and slowly placed her hand over the one that was holding the gun. She forced him to lower it, her eyes remaining on his face the entire time.

"He won't hurt us, for now at least." She stated softly, before her demeanor grew cold again as she looked to Dark.

"I was wondering where you disappeared to." She grumbled, looking at the boy in slight annoyance.
Xian paced through the open streets, tip toeing in fear. dodging between rotting cars, he spots a piece of academic interest.

"a museum zian!"

fully aware that it was a voice in his head he responded too, in his head.

its pronounced Christian! stupid girl!

nonetheless a museum could spark some academic interest from him. he walked up the steps between the tall pillars, hearing the crunch as his feet left footprints in the broken glass. the cavernous entry room loomed around him, lights out. he jingled in his pockets, he dropped a quarter or two in the donation box. which had long since been opened by some fool who thought money could have use now. he listened as the clink of the money echoed through the building, if anything inside wasn't human, they'd know he was here now. (if anything inside wasn't human, he'd be dead soon anyway!)

he started leering through corridors, gently studying the exhibits but keeping a constant ear out. Xian hears what he believed to be talking.

Krystia? is that you?

"weren't me, your not hearing things yet."

he approached the sounds, and leaned carefully round the corner, nothing, but the sounds are louder still. to the left, leers round this corner, keeping your back to a wall had become second nature now. the speaking was probably just round the corner, he fished through his shoulder-bag, and leaned the mirror-on-a-stick (patent pending) round the corner, spotting the characters.

"another girl!"

their stealing the exhibits!

(well thats me in, my posts will be shorter from now on, i always have an extra long one to introduce my character.)
The grip on his gun tightened, his knuckles turning white. Dark. That was Dark. He didn't bother trying to find this person, his experiences with people that hid in shadows never went well, even if he was right behind him. He felt a small hand lay itself onto his gun hand, pushing it down to his side, not in a commanding way but with enough force to move it without resistance. Reluctantly he secured the pistol in his belt, looking at Ven as he did so.

"For his sake, he won't hurt any of us."

He said coldly, sticking by Ven's side, assuming a non-aggressive stance, arms folded against his chest.
Ven smiled, holding back a laugh at his defensive posture. She shifted both bows on her shoulder, ignoring the weight of the two weapons. Her eyes flickered to movement in the corner, the new bow instantly in her hands with an arrow notched between her fingers. She drew her elbow back, eyes set on the target. Her once thrilled mood shattered,

"If you don't step out, I swear I will put this arrow between your eyes." She stated cooly, ignoring the startled look she was getting from Aleks.

"Now would be a good time to grab the gun from my waste band, Aleks." She whispered only for him to hear. She knew well that she couldn't use the weapon so why would she even need it?
Xian added up the pro's and con's, the corridor behind him was long and straight. she'd plant an arrow in his back anyway. he shifted his weight, stepping out with his hands in the air. he was shaking again, never stopped getting a thrill from life-or-death situations.

"calm down ladies, calm down... i'm unarmed."

"nice knowing you zian"
Before he knew it, the sound of stretched string reached his ears, Ven had drawn a bow. He looked where the arrow was pointed, eyes alert, confusion masked his features.

"Now would be a good time to grab the gun from my waste band, Aleks."

Her voice came out hushed and breathy. He looked at the gun, tucked away in her waistband. Waistband...weird thoughts crept into his mind, only forcing him to rip his gaze and thoughts away, quickly grabbing the gun and flipping off the safety. A young looking boy came out from hiding, hands in the air. Aleks, once again, brought his gun at hip level and aimed at the boy's stomach.


He had to stifle his rage about that.

he desperately tried to think of his next words, he had rehearsed this kind of meeting dozens of times. but the adrenalin had wiped his mind clean. and the voice in his head wasn't helping.

"zian you fool! thats a man!"

the first thing that came into his mind, which he said as he thought.

"would...you...like some...peeeaaacheees?"

"smooth zian...smooth"
Ven's eyes studied the kid carefully, trying not to shudder at the mere touch of Aleks's fingers on her skin as he grabbed the gun from her.

She kept the arrow pointed at the kid's face. She couldn't help but grin when he called Aleks a girl.

"I think Aleks is a bit too masculine to be a girl. Though, he'd probably be the only girl I'd go lesbian for." She joked, a little of her humor coming back to her.

She watched him in confusion for a long moment, did he just offer them peaches?

Her eyes watched in speculation, food did seem like a really good thing but she didn't know if she wanted to risk it. The boy looked even more unstable than Aleks, and that's saying something. She lowered her bow to the boy's heart, analyzing him yet again.

Ooooo he's cute, too bad he isn't older.

Ven gagged mentally, a sickening look coming to her face.

That...is just gross...

"No. I don't want poisonous peaches. I would prefer to keep living. I have people to find, a father to shoot. It's a really long list in all honesty." She stated, narrowing her eyes once again becoming serous.
"look at us joking at Alek's expense. if we could just put down the big scary weapons. you have better things than me to waste your arrows on."

Xian didn't like the sickened face. but was nothing worse than insulted at the poisonous peaches comment.

"what a brilliant idea!"

"poisonous peaches! how dare you, look!"

he motioned as quickly as he dared into his bag, plunging his hand at a snails after the peaches.

"your moving too fast you fool! she'll kill us!"
Out of the sudden movement, Ven released her arrow before she could stop herself, luckily for him she managed to through her trajectory off. The arrow slammed into the concrete by his feet, nicking it slightly.

"Move slower, or next time I'll have him put a bullet in you."

She growled, glaring at the kid. He had some guts, she would give him that. But, it wasn't enough to keep her from being cautious. The sound of rustling and slight hissing behind her caught her attention. Her eyes moved to the darkness, her body going ridged. That..didn't sound good at all. She just prayed that Jax had found Lyric or this would get bloody fast.
His pistol immediately lowered, his stance going back to his usual posture, that lesbian comment really caught him off guard. His mind was still racing when the offer of peaches came up, the boy dug through something, an arrow flew from her bow, sounds from the shadows emitted, he was sick of these damn shadows. He put his hand on Ven's bow, forcing it down, he hissed in her ear.

"Don't worry about the kid. Look at him! But these shadows...we need to hurry. It. Up. We either leave or fight. Your choice."

Involuntarily he whipped out his knife, keeping it secure in his right hand. He slowly rotated, watching for any sign of monsters.
"you have no idea how much you're shaking!"

Xian was. he felt one shot from urinating.

"i get the feeling were getting off on the wrong foot, i mean, i like being alive. feels good."

"how the hell you getting us out of this one? you insisted on coming here!"

"you seem like sensible people. look i'll just come over there hands above my head, don't bring 'em down 'till your satisfied im unarmed. hows that sound?"

"so instead of getting us killed you want us robbed!"

Ven glanced at Aleks, knowing he was right. Ignoring the kid, she followed Aleks's gaze, the hissing grew louder.

"We can't leave Jax or Lyric." Her sense of loyalty was causing her to stay put. She knew he wasn't going to see it that way though, she turned taking a small knife out of her boot. She used it as an arrow, pulling the string back before releasing. The whipping sound of the tension being released filled her ears, followed by the sound of a loud thud. She had hit a fire extinguisher, the smoke blowing out in dangerous amounts. It looked like it was snowing inside the building around them. White foam stuck to everything around them enabling them to see the creatures a little bit better. Ven took something from her pocket, cracked it before throwing it in front of her. The red flair illuminated the darkness even more. She was fighting, she was going to wait for Jax to retrieve Lyric. If Aleks didn't like it then he could leave without her. He wouldn't be dragging her out unless he had a body bag with him...or he picked her up. She dispelled the thought firing an arrow this time into a Dead, hitting it in between the eyes with amazing accuracy.
An explosion of foam, a red glare, a dead monster, Ven was fighting. Aleks nodded, storming off towards the boy who just appeared, breaking off into a sprint and jamming his knife into the top of a monster's head.

"I hope you got a weapon."

He directed his statement to the boy, panting a little heavily.


He got blindsided and landed on his stomach, a monster on his back, his pistol clattered off to the boy's feet. The hot breath on his neck was getting closer.
"good they've forgotten about us! we can get out of here!"

Xian could speak out loud under the sound of fire extinguisher, he also partly hoped the archer would overhear him.

"but the archer girls hot Krystia! she was going for the peaches you saw it."

"im not getting involved in this."

Xian hid back round the corner, like the coward he was. but searched his bag for an ad-hoc weapon. A can of peaches! perfect.

He lobbed the peaches as hard as he could at the monster, realising that was pointless he dived for the gun, pulled the trigger firing a richochet off the wall next to it. he pulled the trigger again. nothing. he cocked the pistol, planting hot lead into the beast. he was laying on the floor still.

"you need arms training!"
Yeah...the end to his chapter was coming, he would've embraced it but something in his mind wanted him to stay alive, he started trying to turn himself when a gunshot rang out, the wailing above him stopped, the monster fell on his back, dead. Breathing out a sigh of relief, he pushed the monster off and got to his feet, looking at the kid. He looked at him with thoughts of nailing him to a cross and whipping him to thoughts of giving him a hug.

"You...goddamn...coward...but, thanks. Just...stick with me for now...or you can go off and risk dying. Keep the gun."

Aleks pulled out the gun he had before grabbing Ven's gun and went to work, trying his best to protect the kid and to protect Ven, thoughts of self-preservation were gone, he just wanted the two safe.
Xian just used a weapon to kill something! it was all heroics now.

clutching his wrist with his left arm, he drew a bead on one of the beasts. cocked the gun.

waiting for one to catch his new companions off guard, so he could kill one dramatically...his chance came.

pumping lead into Alek's would-be assassin

"your Hercules now aren't you!"

"Those are my pulling-peaches, i'll be Hercules if i have to!"

"you said that out loud"

Ven whirled, about to put an arrow in the beast when she saw the bullet enter it. She watched it fall off of him though her heart still clenched in fear.

She couldn't loose him too.

Distracted, she hit the floor she was confused for a moment before the jaws snapping at her face made her come to reality. Holding it off of her, she took the arrow in her hand, jamming it into it's head. It stopped moving and she pushed it off of her, scrambling for her weapon just as another one charged. She fumbled with her old bow, the string had snapped. She barely had time to jam it into the Dead's mouth before it bit down on her shoulder. It clawed at her, ripping her clothes as it desperately tried to get at her. Ven's quiver had scattered across the dirty floor, far enough that she couldn't reach it. Clenching her jaw, she brought her foot up to the things chest. Pushing her foot, she struggled to lift the beast off of her. Letting out a frustrated noise, she twisted throwing it off her with the bow clenched in it's bloody jaws. Grabbing her new bow, she took a hold of an arrow and fired it.

The golden arrow zipped past Xian and slammed into the one about to jump at him. She didn't have time to address the one she had thrown off her and was quickly knocked off her feet again. Her body slid across the ground from force of the impact. She wedged her knife into it's brain before her body started to fall. She hadn't noticed the giant hole further off down the hallway, but she sure as hell noticed it now. A single pale hand clamped around a rusted iron pole. She looked down seeing nothing but darkness. Her grip started slipping, fear and panic raged through her. This, if she survived. Was going in her top ten most stupid things she had ever done.

Right after number 1; Drinking 1/2 a bottle of whiskey before the apocalypse hit.
Arrows and bullets flew through the air, bodies were hitting the ground and into crumpled heaps, the kid was yelling now, about being Hercules or something. Aleks whirled around.

"Stop with the theatrics! Just kill!"

He fired off a round into a creature that had crept up behind him, it slumped over. Another jumped at him him beside him, getting his hand in time, the monster threw itself onto his knife, it sinking into it's chest. It flailed and screamed, eventually silenced by a gunshot.

Nothing was around for now...where was Ven...crap. He saw her just in time to slide down a hole.


He sprinted to the hole, stopping just in time to avoid tumbling down the hole himself. Ven was hanging by a rusty pole, her face contorted in fear, making him kneel down and grab her wrist. His fingertips brushed her skin, Aleks got on his stomach, grabbing hold of her wrist.

"Alright...alright...just...just let go, I'll pull you up..."

I hope.

Desperation and loneliness filled his body, she wasn't going to die and he wasn't going to die without her.

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