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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Behind you you hear me "VEN!!!" i rush over and you knowtice a knife and two poles are sticking out if me "I sould of never left!! What happened?!?!??"
A loud voice screamed through the silence, startling Aleks, almost spilling his water on her face. He looked up to see the Dark person, instantly he felt angry as he glared daggers at him.

"Should of never left? WHERE THE F*CK WERE YOU!?"

He involuntarily yelled the last part, not caring if he attracted something.
" I was trying to secure the visinity and make her somthing but oh the fu*k well!!!!!!!!!!" i pull one of the poles out " FU*K!"
Aleks gently laid Ven down, setting her head down on the floor and standing up, his body shaking, fists balled.

"Secure the vicinity? Really? Because they sure made it to us! Great. Damn. Job."

He had to pause, taking slow breaths, trying to regain his composure. He looked back to the limp body laying on the floor.

"She fell...got punctured by some wood."
Can he see the wound...can he see the wound...

Aleks paced back and forth, hands on the back of his head, he was calming down, at least he hoped he was.

"Doesn't matter...look at it if you want."
Aleks watched Dark as he removed the bandaging, inspecting the wound. He honestly didn't know what to make of this guy, he wanted so bad to punch him like he wanted to punch Jax, he just didn't know why.

He went off about how the bandaging skills were shoddy, what caught his attention was the mention of it being infected, almost immediately he was crouching by Ven, looking at her wound.

"Infected? What the hell does that mean? You can fix that right?"

He was speaking quickly, starting to panic."
" Yes... dont worry..." i pull some isatrople alcohol and a few sanitized gauze from my pack and with a quick scrape and pore its done i pull out some iodine and pour it in the wound and put a clean gauze on " there..." i wince in pain as i remember my own wounds "S*it!" i pull the knife and other pole out "AGGGHHHH!!!!!"
Aleks watched quietly as the wound was re-cleaned and re-bandaged. As he was working on the wound, Aleks couldn't help but notice the long scar running down the side of her body as Dark had to lift her shirt.


Must've been one hell of an animal attack.

Another cry of pain came from beside him, Dark this time, he had pulled out a pole and knife that was sticking out from his body. He didn't feel much for him, only nodding at him, acknowledging his ability to stay sturdy.

"What happened there?"
(im a little insulted dafizh but okay.)

The big scary jax person had just offered to take Xian on some sort of monster hunt after a some lost cause.

"really, i look like the one you want to take with you to get this lyric?"

"maybe he wants to kill you, away from the others; your dead weight, worse than ven."

Xian pondered this, he might as well go with him, jax looked skilled enough to keep him alive if he wanted to

before he could reply someone else started inspecting his work. he started standing straight, rather proud.

"who did this shi*y job"


"thought so..."

"sh*tty?!?" Xian was surprisingly outraged. ran over to where Dark was treating the wound. "could you tie all those knots in time?"

he grabbed one, stuck his thumb under it, and slid it looser and tighter.

"jax! i'm comin' with you, im not staying here to have my good work insulted!"

he ran off into the darkness jax just left in.

"You have no medical training! you probably did just do a shitty job, your'e failure probably caused her to bleed out!" Krystia seemed to pause in his head. "but the knots were good. remember zian, you have other (useless) skills..."

Xian ran until he found jax kindly waiting for him.

"You work best alone? good. i won't be much help." Xian smiled, raising his new gun.

"you have two shots, and no clips. shut up boy."

"so who is lyric then?"
Jax kind of felt down that the kid came with him. He didn't want another kid down or dead. He sighed and continued to walk down the hallway, flashlight up. He didn't know how to respond. This kid was kind of..mad he thought. Or really disturbed and traumatized. He gave him the rest of his gummy worms. "First off, stay behind me. I don't want you to get hurt." He continued to walk.

"So who is Lyric then?" Xian asked. And Jax's heart sped up. He stopped for a minute, thinking about the last few days with Lyric. How they spent time to get to know each other. How he helped her and then how she fixed his shoulder and how they slept together. He smiled in the dark.

"Someone I cared about." Jax said quietly. He continued to walk, feeling his heart slow down. He felt happy thinking about it. He lead the way down the hallway, ready for anything. His shoulder pain faded and he gave Xian a bottle of water. He wanted to help this kid get through this.

"Come on kid. Lets go. One more question. Are you good with a knife?" He said as he crouched to his level, looking at him with determined eyes.
"not fighting with knives, but i can do the spinning tricks with butterfly knives."

as much as jax was tall,Xian was a little insulted by the kneeling. and people kept calling him kid.

"aah, there treating you like their child. kid."

the water was duly accepted, after a quick swill in the mouth, to prepare his body for water absorption.

"i'm not a fighter, you might have guessed."
Victor walked through the city, looking for a solid place to lay his head. He had been travelling for almost two weeks straight without a haven to draw breath. He was beat and felt downtrodden. He just wanted a moment to himself and maybe then he could move on. Even then, this city didn't seem so friendly as he noticed a few zombies being roused by his movement. At first, Victor was safe because there were only a few of them and they posed no real threat, but as the groans echoed throughout then the hordes grew.

Victor began dodging the grabby hands of these zombies. He didn't want to fire his guns for fear that the sounds would bring the attention of something worse. For now, he could handle zombies or at least he hoped he could. Victor kept searching for a safe house of some sort, something that withstand these brainless jerks. A museum caught his eye with its high windows and few entry points. There was one window that he could get to by climbing a box truck and making a leap. It was now or never as the horde of zombies began to grow.

Holding both guns as tightly as possible, Victor began jumping from platform to platform to gain height and to the top of the box truck. The distance from the box truck to the window was about five feet across, definitely doable. Victor gritted his teeth and flew into the window. The window shattered against his weight and he fell through, hitting the wall in with the full force of his body.

Victor began to laugh at the absurdity of doing all of this just to avoid a few zombies.
He was walking through an endless plain, no direction, no help, only the feeling of being lost. That's what he felt as he sat quietly, brooding and daydreaming. There wasn't much to do now that Jax and the kid left, Dark was tending to his own wounds and Aleks was left unoccupied and feeling helpless, Ven's fall and his own willingness to let go was slowly destroying his mind, he'd just have to pull through.

His only comfort was doing his best to take care of Ven as she lay unconscious, giving her water, he didn't know if he was helping or hurting but he kept it up periodically. The loud sound of glass shattering reverberated throughout the museum, the sound hadn't come the way Jax had left which meant someone or something was here. Slowly and anxiously, Aleks crept through the hallways, rounding corners and jumping past doorways until he came to the source. Shards of glass lay on the ground, off the the side was a figure, it sounded as if it was laughing. Cautiously Aleks took baby steps, his left hand hovering over the handle of his knife that was tucked away in his belt.
"Aagh! glass smashing behind us!"

Xian slipped his gun out of his bag and started waving his gun side to side. pointing vaguely down the corridor. he stood close to jax, feeling the heat from his body. a bit too close, but jax had the manner of one who could protect people.

"a new opponent for hercules!"

"f*ck off Krystia" he muttered.
Victor's ears perked up as he felt someone creeping closer to him. His guns were already in his hands and he quickly raised them towards the man walking towards him.

"Whoa there, hombre. I mean to no harm, just passing through."

Through his half-mask, Victor eyed the hands to see if he should be worried about anything. He guessed that there were probably weapons close at the very least so he raised his hands and guns in the air peacefully.

"Look, I'm just trying to find a place to crash. It's been a while since I've seen other people who aren't trying to kill each other. How about we make with the nicey-nice? Do you have anything to trade or new info?"
Next thing he knew he was staring down the barrels of two guns...again. As quickly as he could, the knife was secured in his hand, legs tightened and ready to lunge, his eyes narrowed. He'd probably get gunned down but he wasn't dying without getting at least a cut in. Relief flooded through his mind as the newcomer stepped closer to Aleks, this just improved his chances of stabbing him.

"Whoa there, hombre. I mean to no harm, just passing through."

His posture returned to a non-aggressive stance though he still kept his knife ready.

The hell did he just call me?

I think he said hombre.

As the adrenaline left his body, Aleks got a better look at the man, his half-mask caught his attention and held it. It was interesting, he didn't know why he wore it, no use for vigilantes nowadays.

"New info? What are you expecting? That the government isn't in ruins and is giving out updates on how they're containing the situation? And that depends...what do you have to trade?"

He couldn't help his tone, her way of greeting strangers really was rubbing off on him.
"New info? What are you expecting? That the government isn't in ruins and is giving out updates on how they're containing the situation? And that depends...what do you have to trade?"

Victor chuckled at the sarcasm oozing from this man's mouth.

"Now, look. I'm not expecting that there was some miracle in the last couple of days, but I haven't talked to anyone in a while. I don't know if there was news of places to go, to avoid. Or hell if the holy pope just flew out of Zues' ass. Comprende? Now about trading..."

Victor holstered one gun while still holding the other in the air, even if this played out fairly Victor wanted to make sure he could draw his gun if the need arose. With his free hand, Victor reached into a pouch on his belt and revealed some yellow cake-like snacks.

"Do you remember Twinkies? I have three here..."

Victor studied to see if this would gather a reaction or if he was just barking up the wrong tree.
Jax turned. "Quiet. We can't be yelling, guns blazing." He tugged on the little man's arm and lead him. Away from the sound. Deeper into the museum. He killed two more dead and turned towards the little man. He was disturbed, but not Aleks' disturbed. He is passive. He hugged the wall and looked towards the corner. Not sure if he could go with me here. He may be better off with the rest of the group. He turned towards the kid. He knelt to get lower in the shadows and to hide his shoulder pain from his face.

"Hey, if you want you can go back. I am going deeper into this place. And I don't need someone getting hurt while I am down here." He kept his gun trained on the hallway. Plus the more people near that sound the better. "If you go back, you just have to be quiet." He didn't want the noise to attract the unknown person or thing to Jax or Xian. If anything Xian if he could outflank the new threat. If he tried.
Aleks managed to keep a straight face but smiled to himself when he heard the Pope and Zeus comment. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad and if he was, Aleks wouldn't be losing any sleep if he had to send him packing with a few wounds. One of the man's arm moved, eyes tracked it immediately to see the man holstering a gun, his other kept in the air. Flashes of yellow, memories flooded, and a mouth watered. The sweet and soft taste and textures of the sponge cakes sounded delightful after what he had to eat since the world had gone to hell. Aleks couldn't form a correct sentence, a habit he was starting to form, a habit that he was starting to hate.

"Twi- Twinkies...you really have...oh...whoa...t-those are real? No...no they aren't, wait, yeah...they are real..."

Almost too eagerly he dug a a few bottles of water, a few bullets, some canned and packaged food, and some medical supplies.

What are you doing? Those are for your so called, friends. Including Ven...who's survival depends on you.

Aleks visibly paused, restraint and deep thought showing on his face.

You're right...wait is she really depending on me to live?

I don't know, I just needed to convince you.

Wha- thanks....I guess.

Aleks looked to the masked man.

"Um...I can only give you a bottle of water...gotta save the rest."

He hoped Jax and Lyric had scavenged some more water.
(you realize my character is 17 right? he's just a coward.)

"who is it hercules killed? some giant evil beast? good luck."

"right then, good i'll just do what i'm best at"

Xian ran off silently, he ran shifting his weight from heel to toe, so the impact never made any noise. other than floorboards creaking he disappeared like a shadow. following the sound of voices until he reached a corner to peak round, glass playing with the light, shimmering like a diamond carpet. the two of them were talking. more imporantly he smelled twinkies!

he aproached slowly and unarmed.

"you got food eh?"

"yes! food! were not gonna' die!"
Victor noticed the usual reaction of drool from anyone who laid eyes on the Twinkies as this guy poured through his pack with a lot of supplies. Victor wasn't really in the "need" department when it came to supplies, but he could play it cool. Ammo and food was always nice, but then there was sudden change. The man didn't want to offer the supplies he pulled out, but only offered a bottle of water. Victor just laughed.

"You see this here is our modern equivalent of gold. Chocolate and sweets are fucking hard to come by nowadays, let alone anything this processed. I can't even consider that trade. But hell it looks like you have more than enough for yourself, I'm guessing there are more around...?"

Victor let that last sentence hang as he placed the Twinkies back into his pouch. Now this was becoming even more dangerous since he didn't know how many of them there were or ultimately what they were.

"You got food, eh?"

Victor heard a voice come from behind him. Startled, he pulled out the holstered gun and aimed one of each gun at both of the these new "friends." He didn't want to start a fight, but Victor seriously had no idea what to expect. There were probably more of them around. Not really wanting to put a trusting foot forward, Victor's fingers began their squeeze just in case he needed to get a few rounds off.

With a grin, "Looks like I may have picked the wrong place. Now we can do this in a human, civilized way or we can do it in the fun way. It's up to you two."
The yellow cakes disappeared back into the man's pouch, a feeling of loss and relief came with it. Saddened because he wasn't getting Twinkies but relief that he wasn't giving out any if the supplies that Ven was apparently depending on. Aleks grew wary as the man mentioned the others, looked like he was catching on. His violent instincts were kicking in again, he might not have the best intentions. Another voice came out, recognizing the voice of the kid he sighed.

I swear...if he screws this up.

To his surprise, the man took his guns, pointing them at himself and the kid. The knife and pistol was in Aleks's hands, sharp and loaded.

"You remember how to aim right?"

The question was directed to the kid.

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