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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Having shown how useful he was, he opened jax's hand and put the tablet in it. then he went for a sit down, held up the teddy, he moved it around. he wasn't playing with it, it was giving the voice in his head a body.

the teddy glared at him. "your running out of time zian. listen to her, she'll get her memory back any moment. we need a new plan." the teddy turned, staring at jax, then the new guy.

"this is the most coherent group we have ever seen. not a single love triangle to exploit. it looks like two couples working together. they're well equipped and jax must be ex-military."

Xian responded, accidentally mouthing his response. "there's no way to use them."

"eat all their food, run. they will be forced to split up to find food or gang together and starve."

i still couldn't fight any of them, i could just about beat aleks. the others are too strong and we don't know who lyric is.

"just ask, you asked about her before."

still sat, and still holding the teddy the conversation broke up and he said loudly to jax. "when i asked who lyric was, you said you cared about her, yes?" pause. "why cared, why did you say it in past tense? are you going after a corpse or an ex? or both?"

upon hearing the response the teddy, beckons Xian to talk to it again.

"it is vitally important that jax thinks were harmless, he has to think your a useless child. he could kill us in a moment. we have to wait."

Krystia, giggled. "you never know, maybe you might start to like them...or even not want them dead?"

What a strange thing for her to say...

he slipped the teddy into his shoulder bag. he had to inspect their car further, he followed aleks and ven. just enjoy it, he thought, just be patient. then you can have jax's nice coat. don't listen to Krystia, show whats left of your honor.

he giggled a little. "honor?"
"Give me one reason why I should let you stay."

"Come with me. I need to find someone. Someone close to me. And I could use someone watching my back."

Victor thought about his options. He could try to just find another place nearby or he could help the guy out. He knew that this group was already a little off; the scrawny kid wasn't all the way there and the girl seemed like she was having issues of her own. Victor could afford a little work to stay the night.

"Alright, a little tit for tat. I'll help you and I get to crash here. I'll be out of the way, just looking for a warm spot."

With his free hand, Victor gestured towards the rest of the museum. "After you."

"As I said, name's Victor. Who are you and who we looking for?"
Jax held the ground. He nodded. "Fine. You can stay." He lead Victor down the hallway. Half a mind not to tell him his name. But what harm could it do.

"Jax." He said. He pulled out his pistol and continued to lead Victor. He didn't want to tell him about Lyric, but he was going to have to or this would end very badly. He sighed and turned around to face him. "We are looking for someone named Lyric. She is..." He stopped for a minute. "She is a very close friend to me. And she adventured in here by herself. No idea where she is at. Keep an eye out for a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes." And don't touch her, she may hurt you as well as I. He thought to himself. He chuckled at the thought and continued.

"So. Whats your story?" He said, he looked like the only one other than him that wasn't pissed off and disturbed. Maybe he could talk to this guy. See whats going on in his head.
Kat sniffed in the musty aroma of the museum. No dead scent. Good. They didn't get in here. Of course. Kat had made sure of that last night. She quietly opened the door, and peered downstairs. The huge pile of stuff was still shoved in front of the door. Kat smiled and cracked open a can of tuna. Now that you know that others are out there, go look. No. Kat wouldn't go outside again. For a long time. Until next week. She sighed, looking at the sorry looking pile of food. That's not going to last you a very long time. And you aren't going to go into that store again, are you? No. Kat wasn't. Go. Go tomorrow. Go find others. Kat scowled, and threw the can into the small trash can in the corner of the room. Whatever. She walked up the staircase, until she came to the roof. Kat leaned on the railing, staring off into the distance.
(a bit over the top but my guys jumpy anyway.)

Xian inspected the car, nice wheels, nice colour, motorbikes are cool. he was just inspecting a dent when a figure caught his eye. a humanoid figure on the roof.


he waved. having learnt that was the best way of identifying intelligent creatures. he smiled too, when it reacted.

(i hate instant other character spotting but oh well...)
Kat looked to the ground. A moving object caught her eye. Is that... Someone else? Kat waved back at it, and darted back into the museum. She ran into her room, picked up her one remaining pistol, and slid down the rope that hung from her window. She hit the ground, and padded silently to the side of the museum where she saw the figure. It was still there. It looked human.

"Uh... Hi?" She said, her voice rusty with disuse. Kat clicked safety off on her gun, just in case it was unfriendly. Like that other guy.
"Back." Ven mumbled, grabbing Aleks by the collar and dragging him into the back seat with her before shutting the door quietly. She wasn't paying attention to the position they were in, too busy letting her eyes follow the kid. She pointed to him, "I don't like that kid. There's something creepy with him." She stated bluntly before moving her eyes back to Aleks. Their faces really close from when he landed on top of her.

Face burning, she felt a weird sense of deja vu, only she felt like the last time she was on top. With her face matching her hair, all words and logical thought died in her throat. He was a lot more handsome up close, again another thought that she felt like she had already.
Xian approached her, as per usual, with hands in the air. he did with the incredibly gentle steady pace he used every greeting.

"im Xian,-pronounced christian"

"and im the head voice..."

she looked odd, something was off.

"her muscles." she said knowingly. "their wrong"

he had to say it, you look odd. you look odd. you look odd.

"you look...nice"

"smooth as ever!"

(Xian has hygiene isssues, so he'd smell very different to a normal human. i.e. clean!)
"you look...nice."

Kat snorted. Of course she didn't look nice. She'd been trying to survive. Not to stay nice. The sound of a rock falling broke Kat out of her reverie.

"So do you." She said, most definitely not telling the truth.

"I'm Katerina. People normally just call me Kat. Or they used to." Back when there were people to actually talk with. Kat supposed that Xian was relatively okay, so she lowered her gun. But still held on to it.
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(wen i said hygiene issues i meant he washes compulsively, although i should of made that more clear)

"good, that defused quickly."

now he had to remember to ask to go in the bag, before doing so, so much work this meeting business.

"i'm going to put my hand in this shoulder bag to get something. don't blow my brains out. please."

"ask her why her muscles are wrong"

scurvy! rickets! radiation poisoning! its rude to ask. are you jealous?

he slow as he possibly could, lowered his hand into the bag, with the other hand in the air.

"this happens far too often zian."
(Oh sorry)

"I'm going to put my hand in this shoulder bag to get something. Don't blow my brains out. Please."

Kat rolled her eyes.

"I won't."

Why is he looking at you're muscles? I bet he's sizing you up. I bet he's like that other guy. Shoot him! Shoot him now! Kat put the gun in her pocket. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

"So..... Are there others?" Kat asked
"not that i'm actually friends with, but there's a whole group of people staying here. one of them ex-military"

he decided that because that made sense, it was true now. he pulled his hand out of the bag, with a can of peaches.

"their still in date, for a few more years."

"ask her about her f*cking body!"

She was never going to shut up about it.

"your muscles look, wrong" he reeled in fear of her response.
Aleks nodded.

"Right...looks like I'm taking the fr-"

He never got to finish his sentence as something pulled on his shirt and pulling him into the truck, causing him to land positioned on top of Ven.

"Or we'll both take the back....."

He couldn't handle this, he'd never been stuck in a situation like this, he didn't know what to do or what to expect. To his relief she pointed a finger out the window. Following her finger he saw the kid, he guessed he was following them.

"Yeah...he's not the best guy...a bit loopy but who isn't nowadays. We should just keep an eye on him for now."

He turned his head back, finally noticing how close they were...and that he was on top of her. Her eyes looked like a cat that had been chasing a laser pointer, alert, curious, and intrigued. As the silence grew, so did his anxiety, causing Aleks to quickly sit up, the roof of the truck barely scraping his head. He let out a nervous chuckle.

He sat upright, back against the car door, legs stretched wherever there was space.

"So...how are you feeling about all this?"

That's a terrible question.

I'm nervous! I don't know how to do this!

Get intimate.

Um...I don't think I should do that now.

I guess...but you gotta do it later.
Kat raised one eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" She asked, raising one arm to examine a muscle.

Seemed fine. Shoot him now. He asked you a possibly offensive question. Shoot him! Shut up! Kat inwardly hissed. Okay, be stupid. Just don't tell him about the fact that you can turn into a cat. And I don't think he's noticed you're ears. Or your tail. Idiot. Of course Kat wouldn't tell a complete stranger about the fact she was a Neko. Duh. Unless he noticed. Kat made sure to keep her tail behind her.
"your musculature is off. look at the triceps, they're the wrong shape."

Xian was if anything more scared than her, maybe she was a very humanoid ghoul? that could speak. and be offended. and he had no weapons! admitting that this would be an interesting way to die. he leaned against the wall, and fell into a sitting position.

"now about the peaches?"

"she doesn't look too bad for a freak of nature..."

Xian had the sliest smile imaginable, the voice in his head was lesbian!

"aah, f*ck off!" the voice growled. "i just said she didn't look bad!"
"Sorry that my musculature is the wrong shape. I haven't really cared until recently."

Kat glared at him, but left the gun in her pocket. She crouched on the cement. I think that he think's you're going to shoot him. Yeah. He kinda does. So shoot him! Geez, would you shut up? Kat wondered if he had a "voice". Bet he does. Bet it's telling him to kill you. Kill him. Now.

Kat glanced up at the sky. Darkening quickly.

"You know, I would love to finish this conversation. But I think we might have some unwanted company soon if we stay out here."
Xian followed her gaze to the sky. spotting the rope to a window above.

"and you plan on going up there?"

he pointed up at the window.

"because that's the right idea, an acquaintance of mine is clearing the building now."

"unwanted company..."

Xian tried to hide his ridiculous grin.

your priceless.

"i called her a freak of nature! and you did too!"
"Then let's go." Kat turned and walked towards the rope, pulling herself up it, kicking off the building with her feet. She swung into the window. Kat looked around the room, and double checked the door to make sure it was locked. Not a lot of reassurance. She quickly put all of her stuff into one of the office drawers, so that it wouldn't be visible to other people. Like Xian, or this acquaintance. Kat settled into the big, leather chair behind the office desk, waiting for Xian
she did not have to wait long, contrary to popular belief Xian is not truly useless. he kicked up the wall, clearing the first story without touching the rope. then, he ran and absailed up the rest, popping up in the window as she turned round to sit down. he balanced perilously on the windowsill, and stepped down, as if he just came through an unfortunately sized door.

(if your tail is out he spotted it coming after you. i'll wait for your confirmation first)
(yes the tail was)

Kat turned in the chair, surprised to see Xian so quickly. He's fast. That mean's he's dangerous. That mean's you shoot him. Kat turned on the portable that sat on the desk, illuminating the small dark space with light.
Ven bit her lip, sitting up and moving to the opposite car door. Her legs crossing so that there was more room for his longer legs. She thought about his question for a moment, this was all new yet it wasn't at the same time.

"I don't know...it's hard to explain. Things are trickling back...but it's just memories of times when things....weren't like this." She sighed, looking back up at him as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"I have this one memory that keeps replaying..." She glances out the window trying to figure out if she should tell him or not.

"Fireworks are going off, there are a bunch of people. ...the Fourth of July I think is what it was called, and I'm standing on a pier hosting this little girl up on my shoulders though I know I'm too little and too young to do it." She stopped, a smile coming to her face as she looked back at him. The vivid memory softening her features, before it was gone and she looked back down at her hands. Almost looking as if she had lost something, a slight feeling of hurt settled in causing her to frown a little.
"shes one of those half animal- half human crossbreeds!"

Xian pondered whether 'crossbreeds' was the right word. the sight of the portable amazed him. she has elecricity? from where?

" thats why your muscles were wrong, your half cat!"

"whats on the screen i haven't seen one on for years!"

he dived round the desk, to see the screen. and then turned.

"theres an acquaintance!"
Kat's icy blue eyes widened, and she jumped up, pulling out the gun.

"Kat. Who are you."

Kat didn't know where to look. Xian, or the stranger. She settled on the stranger.

Shoot Xian. No, shoot the other one. No, shoot them both! Just shoot


Kat didn't pull the trigger. How did Xian know.

I always told you to keep your tail tucked in. Stupid. Stupid.

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