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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"you could put a bullet in him, im after the twinkies!" Xian winked at victor. he wasn't good at fights but a temporary truce gave him opportunity to run. then he turned to aleks.

"we need to all just calm down, there are better things than him to use your ammo on"

"did you just sell out aleks? its like jo all over again!"

he had no gun in his hand, he just leaned backwards and forwards, waiting for someone to make the next move.
Her eyes snapped open, oxygen rushed into her lungs causing her body to arch up slightly. The sudden darkness made her confused, she couldn't tell suddenly if she was awake or still asleep. She felt her eyes adjust and what she saw wasn't pretty. Filth scattered everywhere, dried blood caked to her skin and refusing to let go. A grotesque body like human curled in the door frame, bullet holes with blood oozing from it. Her breathing became rapid as she stood with her back pressed tightly to the wall.

"Oh shit..." She whispered, fumbling around for her footing. Grabbing a nearby bow and some arrows, she trembled as she looked around. She didn't know where she was....she didn't know who she was. Furrowing her eyebrows she tried to think but came up with nothing. Blinking, she moved slowly towards the door using the wall to anchor herself. What was going on? Why did this place look like something out of 'The Walking Dead'? Moving a little quicker, she found herself tripping over something soft, her body landing on the cold unforgiving ground. Twisting to see what she had fell over, her eyes widened even more. Another twisted body lay before her with an arrow jammed through it's eye socket. A scream ripped itself from her before she could stop it. Her voice echoing and bouncing off the walls like a fun house.
Aleks looked at the kid in alarm and disbelief. There he was, passive and smug. Aleks forgot about the man with the guns, he only focused on the kid, he was yelling now.

"You little pissant! What the hell's wrong with you?"

Familiar rage boiled his blood, flaming the insides of his body, red specked his vision. He took a step towards him...another...another...shouldered his way past Victor...almost there...an arms length away...a scream...a familiar scream...a feminine scream. Everything faded...and he ran, down the winding halls and around corners until he found himself at the gift store, a few feet away from the entrance was the prone form of Ven.

"Um...are you...okay?"
"better be rid of him, he was never good at diplomacy"

Xian giggled, surprised the boy had expected loyalty from him an hour after they met. he licked his lips, stepping backwards slowly. he had no chance of reaching the gun before he was shot, so he planned on running.

"about the food?"

"yes food! why are you walking backwards! you'd need to be close to kill him!" Xian rolled his eyes.
Confusion was just the start of what Victor was feeling. He did not know what the hell was going on. It seemed like these two were together but then it seemed like they didn't trust each other no more than he trusted them. Victor guessed that this came was held together with little more than spit and prayer. Of course, Victor had no idea how many others were part of this group. From the look of supplies the first guy had, there were definitely more people than these two.

A scream echoed through the halls and Victor saw the first man run off towards the noise. Since Victor was still looking for a roof over his head, he thought he would find out how safe this museum actually was. The scrawny one that snuck behind Victor was still there asking about the food again. Victor huffed in disbelief that this one would ignore the signs of something dangerous in the building.

Still not trusting this waif of a man, Victor held a gun towards him as he moved past and chased the first guy to the sound of the scream. He may need to kill some more ghouls to keep this place safe for himself.
all this running about, it was so unnecessary, the screaming was definitely the archer girl waking up to see it wasn't a dream. there was nothing for him here in this room, he looked out of the window for a bit. at their lovely car. pulled an only 6 year out of date cereal-bar from his bag. this had been one exciting day, 4 weeks without a soul and now a gang and a chap in a gimp mask. both incredibly accommodating. he walked quietly after them.

"do you not want their food? the nice clothes off their backs? get after them, the vigilante's gonna die soon!"

not the darkest of Krystia's comments.
"Who are you!? What am I doing here!?" She snapped, pointing the arrow at the mans heart. Something familiar about him nagged at her but she ignored it. Her eyes going wide when she noticed the man was armed. She pulled the bow string tighter, trying to calm her shaking nerves. "Answer me!" She snapped getting pissed off with his vacant expression.
More confusion than concern filled his mind. Was she playing with him? Some kind of bad joke? Studying Ven's face he found genuine emotions, she really didn't know him...at least that's why he thought. An arrow was pointed at him causing him to drop his weapons and hold his hands at chest level, palms outward.

"I'm...uh...Aleks...you're friend? You hit your head or something?"

He was becoming concerned about her mental stability now, there was no hint that she was playing a joke and so he did the only thing he felt was right. He took a tentative step forward, hands still in the air.

"And I'm...you came here on your own...to find Lyric. C'mon...don't play with me right now."
Ven stared at him, her bow string going lack a little. An image shifted in her mind that caused her to stand with her arrow still pointing at him. If she hit her head...then maybe that was why she couldn't remember anything. "Who is Lyric? What's going on? Don't. .....Don't come near me." She stuttered, stepping back slightly. She was confused entirely, something inside her wanted to get closer to him, wanted to run into his arms. She fought back the strange feeling. He was still coming towards her and she was still backing away. "Why....why does everything look like this?" She croaked out, staring at him with wide eyes.
Happy thoughts...his conscious faded into an endless expanse of emptiness, for a while he found himself staring into an abyss of space...minus the stars. It was totally empty, nothing was in view, not even his own hands as he tried to hold them to his face. This was a place of serene grace.

Aleks was back to reality, feeling patient enough to deal with the situation. All he had to do now was to keep this demeanor.

"Alright...first let's slow down with the questions."

He felt stupid but he played along.

"Lyric is, like me, a friend of yours."

Disobeying he took one step closer, hands twitching, his body tensed in case of an arrow attack.

"Why....why does everything look like this?"

Aleks stopped, hands lowering and dangling at his sides, she lost it and now she's gone, he felt guilty.

"Um...t- there was uh...an accident and basically the world's gone to shit...you aren't messing with me right?"

Panic and worry laced his voice as the seriousness of this predicament became clear.
She scoffed, "Listen, bub, I don't even know my name so how the hell could I be messing with you?" She snapped, feeling her back touch a wall. Her body froze, watching him move towards her. She felt her hands begin to shake, the arrow tip wavering from his heart to his shoulder and back again.

"The world..." She trailed off, staring at him before looking back to the dead mutant bodies on the floor. It started to click, that would be why she looked like this. That would explain why he looked the way he did. She suddenly wished she could take a nice hot shower or wake up and find this was all a dream she'd like to forget. Her attention snapped back to him as he was close enough that the tip of her arrow was pressed to his chest. She swallowed, not really wanting to shoot him. She didn't want to kill someone. It wasn't in her to do it. She gave him a shaky smile, "If...this...all is real then what about...my family?" She paused, staring hard at him like he held all the answers to everything she ever wanted to know.

"Did I have family?" She questioned, so so so confused. She felt like she knew this, like everything was right there just out of her reach. It infuriated her to think that she may never have anything but a few stupid images of an older man and a younger girl. One image stood out among all of them meshed together. That image was the reason she didn't shoot the man in front of her...

He was holding her in his arms on the floor of what looked to be a hospital and he seemed...happy.
A small sting and a droplet of blood, he couldn't see it but he felt the crimson liquid run down his chest, soothing him. Taking a small step back, he noticed the bow waver, the wielder obviously losing her nerve on shooting him. He rested a hand on the tip of the arrow, wanting to push it downwards when she gave him a fragile smile. Through all this unexpected drama, he saw hope in her eyes...a chance to help whatever was happening. But was he going to take that chance? All of Ven's past could be erased, all her past hardships gone, but then Aleks would be swept away along with her troubles. A brief moment of indecision, broken by a question of family.

The question stumped him, Ven had never told him about her family.

"Yeah...you did. We all had family..."

Aleks pushed her bow down, looking at her lost look.

"Tell me...who are you? And what else do you remember?"

He needed to know how much work he'd have to put in for this new problem.
She blinked, "I....I can't recall. It's all a blur of images....someone named Alli...and someone named Jim or Jimmy..something like that. But, I can't....remember anything." Her eyebrows furrowed once again as she completely lowered her bow knowing he wasn't going to hurt her. She bit her lip, giving him another perplexed look.

"I know your face....I know I do. But, I can't comprehend why or who you are." She said softly, a hint of hurt escaping into her voice. She felt some deeper connection to him, some sort of pull that was getting through the blockage.
Jax continued to walk down into the hallway. Frustrated he turned and walked back to the group. But when he almost got there he heard yelling and screaming and took cover. He turned and saw a new man. And Ven was up. She looked confused. Oh great, what happened? Lets find out. He breathed heavy and turned the corner.

"So, who are you and you okay Ven?" He said calmly. His pistol trained on the man's head. He walked closer and kept his gaze on the man and asked. "She okay Aleks?" He was ready to pounce on the man if he tried anything sudden.
Xian stepped under the bullets potential flight path, round the new guy.

"the archer girls lost her memory... you could tell her anything."

Xian actually put some thought to this, rather than full on denying it. but in the end he realized he knew too little about the people around her, and they would react badly to him feeding her false information.

"you could just whisper it... just a little white lie..."

Xian conceded, if he got close enough he would, else he'd keep to the program.


he walked a steady approach towards her, staying just enough to right of aleks such that she could see him fully, but still felt there was an escape route. like you would with a scared dog. he stood just behind aleks.

"dont worry about me, i'm just an acquaintance."Xian put a little stress on acquaintance, remembering everyone else could hear him. but darted his eyes about a little to look like he was lying. " i never carry a weapon so i won't hurt you."

"WHAT!?! acquaintance? give her the teddy bear we can still repair this. you need to get in close."

Xian wondered how ridiculous that would look, but they would see he was just trying to comfort her in a weird way. he was wearing a cartoon dinosaur t-shirt. it better they think he is a nice kind of mad.

"with a lost childhood complex..."

he put his hand slowly into his shoulder bag, finding the teddy bear.

"when i'm goddamn terrified and confused... i just... well talk to him" raises the bear out of the bag. flicks his finger to make it wave.

"that's better, its weird but comforting. now just get to her ear!"

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When Victor arrived to the sound of the scream, he was relieved that it wasn't an outright attack just some girl having a panic attack. The problem was another man was introduced to the scenario. While the first man was attempting to comfort the girl, the new guy had a gun trained on Victor. Of course, there was the scrawny guy but that guy seemed to be missing the mark on a few things. Victor still had his guns drawn but the situation was snowballing. He could deal with the one, probably two people; but now there was at least four people that he's run into. There could be a whole lot more lurking in the dark hallways along with any other ghouls.

Victor contemplated this and slid one gun in the holster.

While still with one gun drawn, Victor raised an open hand, "Maybe, we all got off on the wrong foot. I can get jumpy sometimes. Especially when running from zombies and then having guys sneak up on you when you trying to trade."

Victor eyed the situation, still ready to react if need be. He continued, "Look, my name's Victor. I'm just looking for a place to crash for the night. I can move on tomorrow or whatever. I just don't want to shoot anyone that I don't have to."

With those last works, Victor raised the gun into the air and slipped his finger off the trigger.
Ven's heart rate sped up, there were too many people in her comfort zone. It seemed like everyone was talking over each other. She turned away from Aleks, bow raised and arrow pointing towards everyone in the room besides Aleks. "If everyone. Doesn't shut. The fuck up. Right now. I will put an arrow in of you." She hissed, her head pounding. Wave after wave of images. She deduced that she must be this 'Ven' the tall one addressed her as. She wondered what it stood for for a split second but ignored it. The kid with the teddy bear was creeping her out, the older one with the gun seemed to hold authority, and the Victor guy was....interesting. She noted, forest green eyes glaring between everyone who stared at her. They all looked surprised by her sudden out burst.
"why the f*ck did you think that would work?"

Xian stepped back again, the opportunity was lost, for now. he just had to be patient, and for once Krystia agreed with him. he turned round, and the tension of the whole situation returned to him. the presence of guns being held up drove his heart rate up again. until a gun was pointed at him, he was safe. the surprised silence gave him an opportunity to voice himself. he jammed his hand in his bag again.

"lets all play a game!" he glared at the gun-armed people. then ven. "first person to put their guns/bow down. gets a water filtration tablet!"

he waited tentatively for a reaction, holding up a tablet.
Ven glared at the kid.

"No. How about you shut up."

She stated coldly, directing her gaze to everyone else. Her anger and frustration with the situation boiling over.

She raised her arrow to the tall one and then over to the Victor person once again.

"Now, I'll ask again. What is going on and who are you people?" She stated threw clenched teeth. The images were getting stronger now. She felt as if she were standing in a storm with wave after wave crashing over her. No matter what she tried she couldn't reach the top.
Alli, some Jim guy, and his own face. Three different people, all vaguely remained in the sudden memory wipe. Aleks only nodded, trying to figure out how this bizarre situation was going to be remedied.

Something about her voice made it clear that she could very easily break down whether it be in rage or utter fear, and Aleks felt some responsibility to keep this dam from bursting, he wasn't confident in least that he could try and jog her memory...maybe Jax could help? He seemed to know what he was doing. Victor couldn't be trusted yet and the kid...was something else. About to try something else, he was interrupted by the arrival of the devil himself, Jax. Pistol out and ready to fire.

He questioned Victor and Aleks, who had walked to Jax, wanting to be quieter with the situation.

"Ven's uh...lost her memory?"

Trying to figure out what to ask of Jax he could just hear the kid talking to Ven, saying he was someone she knew, it taking it's toll on Aleks, him having to repress the urge to hurt him, for his help back with Victor and now for trying to plant lies.

Looking back at Ven, he saw the her drawing her bow and keeping the arrow trained on everyone. She was using a cold and aggressive attitude, preferring to keep everyone away at arrow length, angrily demanding answers.

Yet with the weapons and threats flying about, Aleks stepped between the bow and everyone else. He had to make a decision...keep her past troubles away...or reach out and plunge her into insanity once again...to share it like they once did...together. He spoke to her in a hushed voice.

"Stop. Listen...look at me and remember...anything...anything at all. You'll get answers, but I just need...this."

Apprehension took control of his voice...his eyes were searching, but also pleading. He had his own dam to hold up.
Ven's eyes flickered to Aleks, her resolve to shoot everyone around her melting away instantly. She lowered her weapon, staring back into his eyes. Her headache burst and for a moment, she remembered everything. Her eyes widened in realization before the headache quickly slammed into her once again. She dropped the arrow, holding her hand to her head. Everything she thought she remembered was just....gone all over again. Her jaw tightened as she looked at him. Trust. Something she knew she didn't give out easily memory or not. Was something he had earned from her. Even if she wasn't completely sure who she was or where they were. She was sure that she trusted the man before her unconditionally. With a slightly painful nod she backed off lowering her the bow the rest of the way.

((Sorry I'm on so later than usual I was in the ER))
Jax kept his gun trained on the man. He could probably take this guy. He chuckled and walked foreword. I don't trust this guy, this guy actually looks dangerous. He didn't want this to end in a shoot out. So he put his gun away, but kept his knife at the ready. "Give me one reason why I should let you stay." He was trying to get the motives out. Plus he didn't want another guy here unless he really needed it. Because he was 2 people down, one missing and the other is kind of a pacifist. He sighed and observed his surroundings. Trying to think of a solution. Thinking of the only option he sighed.

"Come with me. I need to find someone. Someone close to me. And I could use someone watching my back." He said hoping he would accept. He didn't feel like getting into a fight, mainly because of his shoulder. The pain came back and Ven was in no shape to be here, Aleks needed to get her out of this place and fast.
He got what he wanted, the two held their gazes on each other, one searching, the other filled with sudden realization. Her eyes widened, showing extensive knowledge of her past. A little flame ignited in his heart, he saw his old friend in those eyes, still alive and still kicking, struggling to get free...only to be replaced by the same emptiness soon after.


You got something. You just keep this up and we could get this.

The mini wipe came with a headache apparently as Ven held her head in a hand. Aleks raised a hand to do something to help, he didn't know how, but he wanted to, instead he kept his arms awkwardly to his sides. He just wanted to be extra careful while handling this.

Eventually it subsided and she looked at him again, this time her eyes were different. Filled with something that made Aleks's stomach churn and his heart flutter.

I guess you're pretty good at this. Should've been a therapist or something before this all happened.

Aleks noted what Jax was saying, trying to lead this Victor character away. Still looking for Lyric.

Turning back, he shot a tired smile to Ven.

"You should rest...or something...I'm not too good at this."
She shook her head, looking at him.

"Y-Yeah....I....need fresh air."

Ven started walking towards the exit without the realization that it was pretty much nighttime. Then again, she couldn't remember why she had the gut feeling to fear the night. Walking out, she ran her fingers through her hair taking a deep breath. Her bow clutched in her hand, moving towards the car she hoped it was unlocked.
Aleks walked alongside Ven, slightly behind her as they made their way to the exit. She moved out into the streets as if she didn't have a care in the world that it was nighttime. Aleks scolded himself, he had forgotten to warn Ven about the whole zombie apocalypse thing. As the two made their way to Lyric's truck Aleks whispered to Ven, eyes scanning their surroundings.

"Hey uh...I forgot to tell you but those dead things from the gift store...they like to hunt during the night so we should stay as quiet as possible."

He said, opening the back door and gesturing to Ven.

"Front or back?"

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