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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Actually you've never really told me much about your past...maybe little snippets here and there but nothing major."

There they sat, alone and on opposite sides of each other, this had happened a lot more than once, to be honest this could be considered their special little hobby. No matter what, this always seemed to be the outcome at the end of every interaction, not that he was complaining.

For a long while he stared at her, again, something that was starting to feel like a hobby. She pulled out a CD, something that almost looked foreign at this point in time, and studied herself, drinking in the details of her features.

Eventually she settled on avoiding looking at him, he could only guess that she found his staring odd.

"So how do you feel about Jax?"

It seemed like an innocent question but he needed to make sure that she would end up fine with the original group of four, though their wolfish friend would take some work.
Ven looked back at Aleks, shrugging slightly. "He seems pretty cool." She smirked slightly, "I wonder if calling him Chief would piss him off. He just seems kind of like the leader." She mused twirling the CD on her palm. Another wave of deja vu struck her.

"I've called him that before haven't I?" She questioned to herself looking over at Aleks again. She was starting to remember more as they talked but it was a slow process that was infuriating her. She leaned towards him, her eyes analyzing his face for the hundredth time. She felt something click in her head, images that weren't so blurry returned. Fragments of memory pieced themselves together, small amounts of things coming back to her. Ven continued to stare at him finding this key to digging up certain things that her brain had blocked behind that massive ocean. It was like she could see the surface taunting her and she only had to break through somehow.
Alright...good, this is good. Jax is in the green zone.

And now we gotta work on Girl Who Cried Wolf.

Hey...that's a good nickname man.

"I wonder if calling him Chief would piss him off. I've called him that before haven't I?"

Great! Slowly but surely they were getting somewhere. Yeah he had no earthly idea on how to treat amnesia but he was managing...just by sitting and attempting to make small talk. Something clicked on Ven's face causing her to lean forward, returning the favor of staring at the person across from her, making her partner shift uncomfortably.

Yep...so that's how people feel when they're stared at.

"Find something?"
Ven blinked slightly, "Uh...I uh....yeah." she stated dumbfounded before shaking it off. She leaned back, looking out the window. She had a question she was dying to ask him....she just...had no idea if this was the time or place.

Go for it Venni!

Ven paused, glancing at Aleks he obviously hadn't heard the voice that just spoke to her....what did she call it? Her conscious?

Biting her lip she didn't know weather or not to tell him that she was remembering a lot faster and a lot more than she was letting on. Ven closed her eyes taking a deep breath before spitting out her question.

"Aleks....would you mind answering something for me?"

She questioned opening her eyes again. She may not remember most things. But she remembered the important things.

Like how much she liked him.
Aleks felt satisfied but managed to now show it. He actually found a way to have Ven stammer like an idiot...a feeling he's gone through plenty of times before. Sadly she averted her gaze, staring out the window once again, taking the face he was looking at, away.

For whatever reason she returned to staring at him, she looked nervous? Concerned? Guilty? Whatever it was she seemed torn.

"Aleks....would you mind answering something for me?"

Aleks sat up straighter, completely taken by surprise, a million thoughts ran through his mind, what could this question be?

What his favorite food was? If he preferred dogs over cats? If he had a favorite superhero? Was he a bank robber in his past life? Is she blonde instead of a redhead? Is Jax his lover? Did he secretly have secret powers? Was he involved in the Manhattan Project? If he was interested in romantic comedies? If he ever experienced PTSD?

It's just a simple question...it won't be anything of...that severity.


"Okay...go ahead."
i snicker " you seem worried there Aleks" i wisper to him 
I disappear into the darkness " Lets see... I need some new sherukins... I need to fix my dagger... and i need food... great" i growl
Ven looked down at the CD in her hands.

She held her breath, before looking up at him. The question turning over and over in her mind.

" You don't know anything about me...nor I you...so why do you like me?"

The thought left her lips and she averted her gaze from him once again. She didn't understand why she was so nervous about all this. Ven was sure she was going to get a stupid response or silence but she wanted to know. No, she really needed to know.

Timidly, she looked back up at him.

Maybe....this was a bad idea.
Well nevermind then...that's pretty severe.

Yeah...I'd say so.

For a while he stayed silent, watching Ven for a reaction. A thought came to mind. Usually she never would have asked a question, now that she lost her memory, she's finally decided to be "sappy".

All it took was losing her memory...

Don't be glum my friend, at least she's alive and well...as well as one can be when suffering from amnesia that is.

"Well...you're a good person...as far as I know...you were a pretty sarcastic person from what I remember, that's always a plus, but more importantly...my whole life I've been treated like either shit...or someone that always needs to be watched...like I can't be trusted by myself...feels like pity sometimes. And here you are, acting like I'm a person...you remind me of someone I once knew..."

The last thought slipped his mind and formed into words, that momentary mention of Light had hurt him once again, a nostalgic sting.

He looked at her, she seemed a bit scared of whatever was happening...or at the very least, nervous. He couldn't blame her, he was feeling the same way, he always felt this way. Now he had to...for the same reason, he wanted to know.

"And I'm assuming you have some reason...why?"
Ven paused, soaking in his answer. It made sense to her in some strange way. She didn't realize that she treated him any different then how someone else would. She saw him as just another guy trying to survive. The attraction between them wasn't something that she had completely thought out as a factor.

Ven bit her lip, looking back up at him.

"I trust you..."

She whispered, searching his face for any sign of emotion.
Aleks patiently waited for a reaction, she looked to be contemplating what he had just said. A part of him was scared that this would change her view about him as a person. The other side held complete faith that this wouldn't change anything, paranoia was something that came with the apocalypse, hated but also needed. After a little longer she looked back to Aleks and gave her answer in a whisper.

"I trust you..."

Aleks leaned in himself, only a hand's reach away, inside he felt thrilled and gracious that she trusted him, outside he wanted to try something else.

"Are you sure?"

Yeah it was a but cliche but he delivered the question, lowering the pitch of his voice into a husky voice.
Ven watched him lean in, tingles shooting down her spine. The pitch of his voice sent her heart racing even quicker.

A smirk crawling onto her face as she leaned in unaware that a bit of her old personality was seeping out.

"I'm sure."

She muttered, a coy look coming to her face.

"I can prove it if you like."

Ven teased, her gaze flickering to his lips before back up to his eyes. Amusement taking over her features as she waited for his response.
To his surprise she leaned in even closer, their noses just inches apart, and she smirked. A smirk he's seen before...a smirk that burned itself into his mind. A cunning, fox-like look took hold of her face, obviously playing with him now.

"I can prove it if you like."

She waited with a look of delight. Her eyes blinked downward, then back to up. Without another thought of restraint he leaned in further, bringing his lips to hers, he felt her tense then relax, 2 seconds later he backed up, denying her extra pleasure, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Ven's body tensed in surprise as his lips connected with hers, she stared at him wide eyed before they fell shut. Her body relaxing as she kissed him back slowly. Sparks ascended down her body at the short kiss.

When he pulled away too soon, she almost made a sound of annoyance. Her eyes opening to see a devilish grin sweep across his face.


Her voice came out breathless, her eyes locked onto his. So much for the 'fantasy' first kiss she had been told about as a child.
Pulling away she seemed frazzled, understandable considering what he had just done. All his past deeds melted away in a spiral of glee, their little show was satisfying, what came next he had no clue.

When she spoke she sounded winded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. He shrugged lightly, the grin still wide and plastered.

"Feeling a little empty? Needy?"

Amusingly this was the one part of their relationship that hadn't changed, the teasing, the back and forth.
Ven narrowed her eyes at him,


She arched an eyebrow in slight amusement, leaning even closer to him. She traced her index finger under his jawline feeling the 6 o'clock shadow that he had started to develop. Her smirk widened as she leaned even closer to him so her hands were on the car door behind him to keep her from falling on top of him.

"I wouldn't call me needy, Aleks. Oh and certainly not empty."

Ven whispered in his ear getting a lot of satisfaction out of this just by watching his reaction to her teasing.
He was having a rather fun time but now the tables had been turned against his favor. Ven leaned in closer, placing her arms around either side of him and against the door, he immediately became aware of the possibility of tumbling out of the truck but made no motions to stop it.

A sudden, electrifying feeling snaked along and under his jaw, Ven had started to run a finger through it. She whispered in his ear, making him shudder from the warmth of her breath.

"If not needy and empty...then what would you call it? Frustrated?"

Unintentionally his voice came out nervously, betraying the demeanor he was trying to keep. He needed to retaliate somehow...and so he, for the second time, hooked his fingers inside a hole in her jeans near the knee, running his thumb around her kneecap.
Ven smirked as she looked down at him, some of her hair falling out of her ponytail.


She laughed, pulling back so that she was straddling him on the backseat instead of leaning over him.

"I think you're the one who's frustrated."

Ven found it amusing how his voice was betraying him, then again if he could hear her thoughts he would know she wasn't as teasing on the inside as she was on the outside. A soft gasp escaped her when she felt his thumb caress slow circles on her knee.

Blushing softly, Ven glared at Aleks.

"I swear if you make that hole bigger again..."

She trailed off, not really knowing what she was actually going to do if he ripped her pants again when something occurred to her. She knew the perfect punishment and was too busy focusing on that to realize that she had remembered up to the point of the roof and everything before. She honestly didn't think it was that important to let him know her thinker was working pretty good again. Not when he had done so much to make her realize that she had more to live for than getting revenge and finding her sister.
"O-oh...oh, okay, why are you so good at this?"

His mind was going into panic mode as Ven took position on top...which was starting to feel like a position he didn't have many chances to have.

He did get redemption as she let out a quiet gasp from his thumb.

"I swear if you make that hole bigger again..."

Aleks paused, thumb freezing, she mentioned their rooftop incident...which meant she had more of memory back than she was letting on. Should he confront her about it? Or should he just be happy that whatever he was doing, was actually helping her regain memories? Screw it.

Mustering all the energy he had, he wrapped an arm around her neck, another around the back of her knee, pulling her down.

"Brain seems all right up there. Something you wanna tell me?"
Feeling his arm wrap around her neck, her eyes widened not expecting him to actually pull her down.

Ven let out another small gasp as she landed on his chest, her face heating up drastically.

"Brain seems all right up there. Something you wanna tell me?"

She blinked at his remark, trying to push down her blush and failing miserably. Whoops.

It crossed her mind to just tell him that she remembered him, remembered most of her past...

But where was the fun in that?

Ven thought threw what she was going to say, though it was hard to think being pressed against him the way she was.

Say no.

What? Why would I-

Just do it.

Mustering whatever courage left in her, she let a coy grin come back to her face. She placed her hands on his chest before resting her chin on her hands looking up at him.

"Mn..not really."

Her voice came out a little more teasing then she had thought it would sound but she went along with it. She liked seeing this side of him anyway, the side that was in control. Weather he was putting on a front or not was a different matter, she just liked seeing him like this. It made her heart feel like it was going to explode. She tilted her head to the side so her cheek was pressed slightly against him, still watching him for his response.
For the thousandth time Aleks got the pleasure of seeing Ven's face flare from a blush. Then an unexpected turn of events as she placed her palms against his chest and set her chin on the top of her hands, looking at him from her position.

"Mn..not really."

I was right! She likes the kinky stuff!

Alright...I guess you were right.

Aleks shuddered again at her tone, he had heard her teasing before but she had taken it to another level. She tilted her head, giving her an innocent but suggestive look.

Don't those two things cancel out?

I think so. Eh, let's just wing it.

Looking at Ven he scoffed.

"Never would of thought you were the submissive type. It's a nice look for you."

(( I took the easy way out. ))
(( I can see that xD ))

Her smile faltered, eyebrow twitching in irritation.

"A nice look for me?"

Her tone was suddenly far from teasing, almost sickly sweet as she looked at him. Her eyes narrowed at him, a laugh fumbling out of her. He would have to do something really wildly dominate in order for her to become submissive. And from his personality, she figured that wasn't ever going to happen. It was her turn to scoff at him, rolling her eyes in an annoyed fashion. What did he mean by 'a nice look for you'? Was that some sort of under the table suggestive flirting? It scared her how bad she was at this...flirting thing even when she seemed good at it. She could only thank movies for her slight knowledge of the art. Ven crinkled her nose slightly, not really scowling so much as thinking extremely hard about what the hell a Submissive Type would qualify as. She didn't think she fit into the category, being a very assertive person...when it came to things other then the opposite sex. She might as well been left in a country where she didn't speak the language.

Ven elevated herself over him as much as she could, looking down at him with a smug smile as a way to get back at him for such a comment entered her mind. Ven leaned down so that her face was really close to his.

"Well, you know Aleks, I could just be acting submissive so you feel dominate."


Her smirk grew, watching his face for any sign of change.
I raise my head from the front seat and start clapping "If this was a book id cry... " I turn around and look at you two " but its not and its night... and don't look now bbbuuuutttt.... I think there's... I don't know one or two HUNDRED ZOMBIES COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!... so i sugest we leave..." I smile inacently
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A devilish thought sprung up in Aleks's mind as he thought of something to counteract her taunting. Until somebody completely ruined whatever was happening. Clapping and exclaiming erupted from the front of the truck, startling Aleks so bad that he almost threw Ven off of him.

"What the hell?! You goddamn pissant! Holy! Holy! God! Why? You ass!"

His heart was racing, thumping against his chest as he struggled to tame it. He rolled over and down into the legspace, face down.

"Please handle this Ven. I'm too busy."

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