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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Krystia giggled in his head. what was that about?

the giggling turned to full on laughter, Xian was getting increasingly disturbed by it. there was a pause in the laughter.

"there is no god."

it was needlessly philosophical. he always kept his ear to the ground, wondering about the truths of the universe wasn't his problem.

"your problem is finding a bodyguard."

Xian corrected her.

"a bodyguard with benefits"

"your welcome!"

he let the conversation trail into silence.

"say... is it true you can turn into a cat?"
"say... is it true you can turn into a cat?" Xian asked. Kat nodded, and with a flourish turned into a cat. She sat down and meowed at him, then changed back. Kat bowed.

"Indeed." She said laughingly.

"So..... are you just a human?" She asked.
Xian gawped for a few seconds, processing what he had just seen.

"did it hurt her?"

"just human, for now, im waiting impatiently to meet a vamp or a werewolf willing to turn me, then i'll be powerful. i'll not need to be a coward anymore" he smiled at her. "but i'll stay a coward anyway!" he laughed, that was his dream in life. 
"you shouldn't tell people that stuff."
Kat smiled.

"Aren't you worried about the pain? I've heard that vampire bites and werewolf scratches hurt a lot." She asked inquisitively.

Glad turning into a cat doesn't hurt. Other wise, you wouldn't do it so often, and the zombies would get you, and you would die. True.
"it'll be worth it, the pain is temporary, i also hear they have voices in their heads of their other selves, which is the only lasting problem."

"i wonder if that means there will be two of us annoying you?"

he threw a piece of peach into his throat. like a seal, catching it in the air. he laughed a little again.
Kat smiled.

"Yes, I believe they do." She chuckled a little as he caught a peach in the air.

"Do you know where we're going?" Kat asked, tilting her head a little.
"ahh f*ck knows? just flow with the wind"

"aah is Xian acting cool in front of a girl?"

he suddenly actually wondered where they were going? but there was no'one (online) to ask.
"Yeah. Enough planning."

You love planning. You lie. Kat shook her head.

Whatever. When we die, I'll be sure to thank you. We won't die, voice.

A flash of movement in a shady alley beside the museum caught Kat's attention.

"Hey Xian. Think we've got company." Kat said, motioning with her drawn gun to the undead figures making their way towards them stealthily.
"i lied about being unarmed" he pulled out Ven's gun, pointed it at them, and missed horribly. he cocked the pistol. failed again, that was it, gun empty. two rare bullets lost. he threw the gun back over his head. and ducked behind her.

"are you a better shot than me?"
Kat watched Xian try to shoot, and fail.

"I should hope so." She said, and clicked the safety off. She carefully aimed at the foreheads of the two zombies. Bang. Bang. They fell, crumpling onto the cement.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a sword and I don't feel like getting out of this truck to kill them permanently. They're just stunned, but they'll die when the sun rises." She said, and put the gun back into it's holster.

"I see that you've lost your ammo." Kat said, and digging inside her pack, handed some to Xian.

"I have extra."
he dived off the truck after the gun he had just thrown away, climbed back up and took the ammo she had offered. he sat there feeding it slowly into the revolver chambers. he looked without practice more than anything.

"if only i could turn into a cat to get out of here"

he held the gun up, pulled the trigger, he did so again, but this time he cocked the pistol first.

he put lead into the thing. it fell, he giggled with excitement.
Ven glared at Dark, angerly sitting beside Aleks in utter annoyance. She couldn't believe this guy, why was he so insistent on leaving anyway? She twirled an arrow on her thigh, watching it dig a small hole into her jeans. It was all she could do not to reach up and choke Dark.

((Sorry guys was at Warped Tour :D ))
after getting the truck ready he started it up and speed away (1 or so hours later travailing at 250 mph) we pull into a huge heavy spiked electrical wall ((OF DOOOMMMM!!!!!!!(sorry had to do it))) I mutter something then enter a code the do an eye scan and it opens up reveling a huge beautiful Japanese style yard with a large Japanese house "ahhhhhh home..." i park the truch and open the doors for Ven and aleks
Aleks sat through the entire ride, brooding...in a rather sour mood. He had just almost had a heart attack and now they had left their friends behind with a guy he didn't trust all too much. Eventually the truck came to a stop, revealing Japanese-styled facilities, it was a bit odd from the sudden change in scenery.

"Hope we don't get attacked by tentacle monsters..."

Aleks muttered as he hopped out of the truck and looked around.
i go to an unmarked grave and bend over it " I.... I am sorry sensea... i have brought friends... i will go now" i get up a tear running down my face
Ven blushed darkly as a thought entered her mind.

She glanced over at Aleks trying to hide what she was thinking from his comment. Clearing her throat, she stuck her arrow back in her quiver following Aleks out of the car. She would make use of the shower and clothes and then she was heading back to the museum.

She wasn't one to leave her friends. Besides, it would take them a while to find Lyric and they shouldn't move before Dawn. Biting her lip, Ven followed reluctantly only slightly pissed.
i walk over to ven and aleks " in my house there are two rules... no shoes and no wepons but a tanto is aloud and ill give you both one" i say walking twords my house " and as for your freinds... ill help you find them... i just need to make a few things... anyone know blacksmithing? ill be needing a hand..."
Jax heard something. A lot of zombies. Aww hell. He turned and saw about 5. He shot them with accuracy. We got to go. He motioned Victor to follow him. He ran and climbed and crawled under every obstacle to get to where he was when he first climbed in here. He sat down, angry with himself. "DAMN IT!" He yelled and punched the concrete. He didn't feel it. Blood dripping from his knuckle, he turned and he nodded at Victor. "We need to find the others." He walked to where the truck was. It was gone! "MOTHER-" He turned and saw something. Arrows.

He looked around for a decent vehicle, finding a smaller car. He got in and hotwired it. He looked over at the museum, angry and defeated. But he had to find the others. He waited for Victor and was ready to race to where the arrows took them.
"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!" Xian was screaming. his face felt like it was being torn apart by 250mph winds, he could feel insects leaving bruises on his skin. he ducked down; holding desperately onto the straps holding the motorbike down. even then, he could feel himself sliding backwards. his clothes felt like they were going to tear off. when he turned his head, his long hair whipped his face like cheese-wire.


"are we being punished for something?"

this was however an opportunity to be a gentleman, he offered Kat to turn into a cat, hide in his bag, and shelter inside. all this was portrayed with hand gestures, of course. he couldn't shout that many instructions.

when the car stopped he took the opportunity to black out where he lay. an hour of oxygen starvation and wind erosion had did its damage and he was tired.

"good night!"
Ven was absolutely livid about what was going on.

This guy shows up and completely flips the situations around by doing something drastic. Like trying to blow her friends up. Or taking Aleks and her to his house that seemed completely unreal. She bit her lip, catching up to Aleks and grabbing his hand to slow him down for a second.

Looking at him seriously she waited for a second so Dark would be far enough away that he couldn't hear her.

"Shower, clothes, and then we leave. We find Jax and Lyric, the four of us leave these new additions."

Her eyes scanned his before she slowly let go of his hand, instantly feeling unsafe and exposed without him in contact with her. She moved forward, glancing at Dark in annoyance.
you see something weard about me till i turn around and you realize its not me its a manicin " so you dont even give a SHIT about the fact i helped you, and was going to get you 'freinds' and bring them back as a surprize... well..." i say from behind you
Aleks wandered through the Japanese-styled area, studying the bizarre looking building. He grew up in a city...never finished high school...and addled his mind with gangs and substances...he had no idea about Japanese customs and frankly he didn't care much for them.

Still in the process of examining his new surroundings, a hand latched onto his, looking back he saw Ven, looking as serious as ever.

"Shower, clothes, and then we leave. We find Jax and Lyric, the four of us leave these new additions."

He silently nodded, he wasn't a leader by any means so he was following her without question. Just as soon as she appeared, Ven took off to clean herself up, leaving Aleks by his lonesome.

"Well...might as well explore the place."

He said to himself, removing his weapons and stowing them into his pack, only to almost bowl over Dark who seemed to have a habit of appearing out of nowhere.
" please do wach your step, Aleks, and here..." i give you a tanto " not that youu give a sh*t..." i mutter the last part
Startled, he struggled to get the small dagger/sword/Japanese object in steady hands. He ran a finger up and down the blade, feeling the cool, smooth metal and looked back to Dark.

"Uh thanks...and you don't exactly know if I do or do not give a shit..."

He said, eyes still focused in the blade, occasionally looking at Dark in his peripheral vision.

"So...what is this place exactly? Looks...interesting."

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