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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"i'd rather have a bite..." she'd already scratched him! thats it! his beautiful rise to power! how unpoetic!

"an outrage!"

he was still weak. and now in pain. "what do you want in return?"
"Nothing. Sorry. Only scratching works. Biting is just a myth." She said, and shrugged.

"I don't need anything... wait, could I stay with you guys?" Aren asked, tired of being alone. No, ask to eat the kittygirl!
"of course! youre the nicest monster i've ever met." reaising there was two non-humans around. he turned to Kat. "and youre the nicest mutant." he got the feeling he was offending them. but the pain in his arm was getting horrific and he was beginning to lose any care. he wouldn't look at it. he winced.

he gripped his arm. it was beginning to throb.
Xian just lay there. wounded, wincing in pain. he had to listen to the little bitch in his head moan about how much pain he was in. he didn't want to speak. he couldn't bare it. he needed comfort.


he couldn't move to get his bag. he had no weapon. he was the only human he could see. he had no friends, no'one to trust. no'one to help him, all alone surrounded by people.

"not people, creatures, like you will be. your not going to be human, your going to be just another freak like them."

"i don't like this."

his wit was gone. the ethanol's effect had worn off and the full blast of his pain was surging over him. he looked at the closest he had to friends.

"Kat! can i stroke you?"

it sounded weird, he knew. but he couldn't bare it without her and she wasn't doing it without him asking. she was hardly going to kill him for asking.

"is this normal, wolf?"
He got up, the light shining in his eye. "Damn, I hate this place", wading through the seats, he reaches the backdoor of the classroom. He grabs his gun and shoves it in his belt, very obviously. He puts it there thinking that someone would think that would be his weapon. The .45 didn't even have any rounds. His real weaponry was hidden under his black trench coat. 17 throwing knives, two 9 millimeter pistols, 2 mags each, a hunting knife, and Kukri. He walks out making a ruckus into the hallway, and finally outside. The light blares and pains his eyes. After standing still for a moment or two he quickly glances left, then right, then left again. At this time he sprints across the street screaming "Hyaaaaa!" Hoping for something to come. As he lopes across the street, he spots something to his left. Diving, he rolls behind a broken down sedan and whips out a throwing knife. Seeing the slow limping that the being was showing, it was probably a shiver. He named the zombies "Shivers", because when the bomb dropped, all he felt was a shiver going down his spine, and a zombie (what looked like a zombie) appeared in front of him. This being, cursed him for the rest of his god-forsaken life. Whenever he saw another human, they would disappear, just like that "poof" and gone. Thus fore, he was cursed to be alone for the rest of his life.

The shiver shambled slowly towards him, and he decided to throw it when it reached the car in front of him. As the shiver reached the car in front of him, all you would have heard was a dull "thwack" and the sound of a shiver hitting the ground. He runs up to the shiver and immediately starts to shave flesh of it. Upon doing this gruesome task he heads back to the school cafeteria where he finds his propane stove is still up and working. He puts a pot of human blood on the burner and turns of the flames. He was not sure of his name, or where he was from. Actually, he was pretty sure that he was made just to survive in this land. He had knowledge of things that no one else did, such as if you boil shiver flesh in human blood it is edible. Although you can eat it, the stench smells like something alive that just came out a dumpster after 2 weeks. The taste was not much better either. After slowly eating and gagging methodically, he finishes his meal and strides outside, not fearing anything.
After waltzing around the street for a good half an hour, he decides to go back inside and take a nap, he's not afraid of anything, like he would be, he was born to survive in this world.
seeing a figure he stops "human?" i honk the horn to get your atencen 
"nothinng... damn" i get the gas and go home (( plz ignore las 2 comments and this one))
Aleks had heard the commotion, opting to watch in the background as a new person was confronted by the kid and someone he hadn't seen before. He watched the whole thing as one of the girls scratched the kid, causing him to squirm in pain.

"Ninjas and rituals...too tired to handle this."

He muttered as he turned and walked back to the truck, jumping onto the hood and plopping himself down, waiting for something to happen. As he sat, the fatigue that accompanied everything that had happened to him over the corse of a few days, caught up with him. His eyelids grew heavy and he fell backwards, head colliding with the windshield causing him to jolt back to reality, only to position himself sideways on the hood and fall asleep.
The situation had escalated quickly with everything being reactionary. Jax and Victor had fought a group of zombies that he had run into. They definitely didn't want to be cornered. Victor hadn't known Jax or any of the others for more than a few moments but with all the activity, he would have to give them a little trust. Victor followed Jax as they frantically looked for an escape route.

With some exasperation, Jax had found a car to hotwire. There seems like a fallback plan had fallen through, but Victor couldn't pay much attention to it. Victor laid down fire as he waited for Jax to finish up. Jax was quick hot-wiring a small car and waited for Victor. Victor saw his chance and leapt in the passenger seat.

Victor turned to Jax and yelled, "Muévete!"

((Sorry, it's been a few days.))
the searing pain was beginning to recede, no longer could he feel white hot razor blades skinning his arm. now it was just a dull throb, timed to his heart beat. realising he couldn't lay here forever he tried to move. but the searing pain returned the instant he moved it. forcing involuntary pain noises from him.

"do you want to know what i think?" he humoured her. "i think that your not going to survive your change, that just the cut of the wolf hurts you so, you'll die at the next full moon." she started to go into appalling detail, his bones breaking and reforming, his muscles stretching, organs twisting.

he looked up at the moon, he had no idea when it would be the full moon, his estimation from the knowledge that the months were vaguely lunar cycle lengths, was 5-10 days.

"5 to 10 days zian, your remaining lifespan."

he put his right hand over to grip the cut on his left (about time i decide which arm was cut.)

he looked up the people around him. he was totally exposed.
"Can I stroke you?" Kat heard Xian ask. She raised an eyebrow, but saw that he was in a lot of pain.

"Sure. Whatever." She said, and changed into the black cat, sitting still at Xian's side. Dark opened the door, and saw Aren.

He backed out quickly again, gone to find gas. Aren was looking curiously. Maybe she had never changed anyone else? Kat didn't know. She just sat looking at Xian with her ice blue eyes.
Aren saw the cat-girl change into a cat, and she could hardly keep herself from leaping at her. Caaaaaaat! Fooooooood! Shut up!!!! This is hard enough without you! Xian seemed to be in considerable pain. She cringed inwardly, remembering her own change. It was totally against her will. She couldn't understand why Xian would want to be a monster. Why? Did he know how much excruciating agony he would be at when the full moon came? He would want to die, for sure, death was better than the pain, but the venem, or whatever it was, would keep him alive. Suddenly, the door swung open, and another guy walked in. He looked at Aren, then looked at Xian, then walked back out.

"Who was that?" She asked curiously.
when she turned into a cat, he completely forgot she was ever a person. he stroked the cat, trying to stroke at the same rate of the throbbing. it was more comforting than he expected.

"she actually did it! you can control her."

he looked back down from the moon into the cats eyes, which were lit up by the moonlight. he was ignoring the voice. as best he could. the wolf hadn't listened to him.

"WOLF! aren! is this normal?"

he stroked the cat more, the pain of talking was worse than he had feared.

"normal, or are you just weak?"
"You mean the pain? Yes, the pain is normal. Don't talk. Don't move. It'll only make it worse." Aren said, looking at Xian with sympathy.

Caaaaat! Come on! Get the cat! No one could do anything! It's just a cat, and he's in pain! You have a point. But no. Aren thought, one of her eyes twitching with the strong pull of the cat.

"Oh damn, I have to go. I'm sorry, it's just this cat. Don't want to eat her." Aren said, and hopped back out the window, staying right outside. Aren changed into the wolf and curled up into a tight little ball, blocking out the scent.
Kat meowed at Aren, who's eye was twitching.

"Oh damn, I have to go. I'm sorry, it's just this cat. Don't want to eat her." Aren said apologetically, and leaped out the window. Kat pricked an ear, hearing Aren lay down right outside the window. Good riddance. She was going to eat you. Or kill you. Or maul you. Or maim you. Really, the possibilities are endless.
he stopped stroking the cat. looking up at the wolf leave, he looked back down to the cat. looked it in the eyes. he started stroking just on the neck, behind the ears. with just human senses, he had no idea where the wolf had gone.

the throbbing reduced a little, he brought up his courage and sat up as fast as he could. he fell back again. it was as bad as ever. the searing pain too.

"kat, do you know why i dipped my feet in white spirit?"
No, I have no idea why you dipped your feet in white spirit. Do tell, Xian. Kat thought, unable to speak for the moment. I do! It's because... He is pretty damn stupid! Kat stretched, almost purring. The wolf was gone, out of the room, bringing her dog scent with her. Calm. Apart from Xian.
he smiled.

"it makes the skin harden, so i can run barefoot without worrying about glass, or needles, or, well goddamn anything but bullets!"

the skin reacts with the white spirit. the soles of his feet were hard as rock. as much as he was coming to peace with the pain, he could not lie here forever. if they could just lean him up on something, he could gain some autonomy.

he voiced this need:

"can you lean me up on something, so i can do stuff while i stay perfectly still?"

he mentally prepared himself for the pain. krystia had shut up.
Kat nodded her cat head, and changed back into a human, she put Xian's arm around her shoulder, and helped him up, sympathetically wincing at the pain he must be in. She leaned him against the wall.

"There you go." She said to him.
he gritted his teeth, feeling the ground up dust on the end of his tongue.

concentrating on that helped alot.

"stay in huma...neko form."

he was loving the attention but he wanted not have to think about it. the werewolf-ing.

"let the wolf in here. i have some questions."

"lets return to business shall we?"

(the 'Xian in pain' episode is getting a little annoying. i'm running out of pain- vocabulary.)
Kat nodded.

"Okay, I'll stay in Neko form, if you'd like." She said.

"Aren, come back in here!" She called.

(agony, excruciating, ache, misery, discomfort, tenderness, torment, strain, prick, smarting, affliction, throb, throe, tingle, torture, paroxysm, pang, malady, laceration, wound)

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