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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Aren heard the catgirl ask her to come back in. She sighed, and changed back into the human and leaped in.

"What?" She asked.

"Oh, and what is your name? You never told me, catgirl."
"Kat." Kat said, and looked at Aren.

"Thanks for not eating me." She said.

"I think Xian has some questions he'd like you to answer." Kat explained the summon.
(i like paroxysm, but i'll save it for when i turn.)

"now, ladies, it a long night and i'm not going to sleep." he looked at each of them. "i'm going to need life stories, if just to fill time."

he moved his right arm onto his lap. the throbbing intensified a little.

"starting with the wolf, your first because revealing your pasts builds trust, and you wanted to talk to us."

he liked taking charge of the situation. he felt like dr xavier, all weak in body yet powerful.
"Sure." Aren said, then launched into her story.

"I am an only child. My family was happy, until the apocalypse. Then they turned into the damn zombies. I had to escape them. I even had to shoot them. I was alone and unhappy. Until I met someone I used to know. I hung with him. But one night, he tried to choke me. I shot him. A couple nights later, a werewolf found me. It was the full moon. He scratched my back, the laceration was deep and bloody. The pain was excruciating. I was alone. I survived, turned into the wolf. I have been living alone, on the rooftops until I heard your truck. I followed it here." Such a short story.
"My turn." Kat said.

"I had a sister. We survived the apocalypse together, each of us Neko. We lived in the sewers, until they found us. They got her. I ran. And ran. Then I lived in trees for some time. There was a huge supermarket that I raided weekly. Zombies didn't go in there. I didn't know why. Then I found the museum. I made base camp there. The supermarket across the street, I went in there. The door was locked. I busted through it. Inside, almost nothing was there. A guy jumped me, trying to choke me. Like Aren, I shot him. I freaked out. What was I doing? Shooting someone else? Another human? I ran and stayed in the museum until that day I saw you." She said.

"And now your turn, Xian."
"right..." he laughed a little. "that was, rather short."

this was never going to work, he had several hours to kill.

"i came here from london when i was 8, hence the gorgeous english accent." krystia laughed in his head, she loved this bit.

"when the bomb came down, we were miles away, the first sign of evil were the zombies.

the small town, formed up a militia, they organized, got guns and barricades. everyone was either cowering, or bearing arms."

he smiled cruelly.

"except me... i ran... i ran away. days later i returned, guess what had happened?"

he looked at them, no emotion on his face.

"the militia, they were all dead, outsmarted by them, the cowerers? dead too, killed where they hid."

that was the good bit, th rest was just surviving, letting other people die instead of him. he wasn't going to tell them that.
Jax revved it and drove. Following the highway to a house with Japanese influence. They parked and Jax took out his pistol. "Follow me." He crept foreword and gently opened the door. And he saw 2 females, the kid and Aleks. He walked up. And he pulled his pistol away. Well lets add more people to our party. Just great. He looked at them both. "Well, I see you guys left me for dead. Excuse me ladies. I am Jax." He smiled and looked at Aleks with cold eyes. With the look of 'You better tell me what is going on later.' He looked at both women and the kid. Ready for anything.

(Sorry it took so long. Busy day today.)
Aleks woke with a start, facedown in the grass of the yard, he groggily got to his feet and shook the sleep from his mind. With nothing else in mind, he wandered towards the house, in hopes of finding entertainment, he remembered Ven went to take a shower. He declined a thought that popped into his mind.

Now he stood in front of the house, not sure of whether to go in or not, eventually he pushed the doors open, stepping inside and traversing the winding halls and various rooms. He felt as if he was on a different planet, never seeing anything like this. A few more minutes of walking he had come across the trio of troublemakers...the kid, a girl he hadn't seen before, and...a cat?

Unfortunately Jax had come through another door, Victor in tow, and he did not look amused as he looked to Aleks.

Instantly feeling sheepish and nervous, he gave Jax a weak smile and a small wave.
Walking out from around the corner, a frown planted itself on her lips.

Not only was Ven confused out of her flipping mind but she was pissed. Green eyes speckled with fury searched the area as she walked out into the area all the blasted noise was coming from. She had found some new clothes that had fit her thankfully, though the skin tight black athletic t-shirt wasn't really her style. The army green cargo pants that were kept up by a black leather belt, thankfully were. Ven's wet, clean, dark red hair clung to the side of her face in an even more irritating manner.

Completely ignoring the rest of the group, she picked up her weapons before moving purposefully towards Jax and Aleks. She swore that if she saw Dark, there would be nothing that would save him from her ripping his throat out. Her jaw clenched, anger radiating off of her. This was all a complete waste of time. It wasn't going to help her find her sister and this distraction definitely wasn't going to help her put an arrow through her Father's chest. Even if the shower was a welcome benefit, the fact that she had even agreed to come disgusted her. Though what else was she going to do? Let Dark blow up the museum and her friends along with it?

Over my dead body.

She looked at Jax,

"It wasn't in my control, Chief. He was going to blow the building."

Her voice was clam, level, betraying the rage that emitted from her. She just knew she had to leave and she didn't need all these people weighing her down. It was fine when it was just the four of them, five might not even be that bad. She glanced at Victor, thinking for as second before looking back to Jax. The only thought was the guilt turning her stomach from the possibility of leaving Lyric. She took a breath, before looking back to Aleks.

A war broke out inside her, she didn't know if she should take off and look for Alli herself...or stay with the small group that kept her from doing something reckless. She kept her voice low as she looked back to Jax.

"We need to get away from all these....people. Taking Victor is fine, if you trust him, but everyone else is not on my trust list. If we take the truck, we can pick up Lyric. It should be dawn by the time we get there. My hope is, we can find her better when daylight is coming in through the windows."

Ven paused, adjusting her bow trying to figure out if she should really saw what she was debating her self.

"It's your call, Chief."
never truley leaving and constantly waching the newcomer Aren "you mean my truck..." i wisper to my self hearing comotion he goes to Jax "ahhh... the one named Jax, iv heard little of you but much of trust... welcome" i put my hand out to shake tho I keep glancing back at Aren
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Jax looked at Dark. "Who are you? Are you the one that took our truck?" He got closer with anger in his eyes. "And you left us to die. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you." He turned away and looked at Ven.

"I don't know. Let me get head on straight. I have been betrayed and left for dead with a stranger." He walked out with anger and sat down on the steps. Breathing and look over to the city, hoping Lyric is okay. He sighed and walked away to the truck and carried his stuff in. It started out as 4. Now its 9. And one was missing. No one knew Jax was kind of the un assumed leader of their group. He couldn't help but feel in charge. But yet he felt betrayed by the people. He closed his eyes and sighed. Well no sense and trying to fight it. He got up to the group. "

Look I don't know all of you and who you are. But I want everyone to come into the main room of this house." He looked at Dark. Still seething. "Lead the way." He waited and was going to tell everyone how he felt. They can leave if they want, but there is strength in numbers. So maybe he could reason with them.
Xian wasn't moving anywhere. but he did have a brilliant idea, and was amazed he hadn't earlier.

"pass my bag, inside is a tub of di-morphine. give it here... and some string."

he receives it with his working arm. feeds the di-morphine fluid into a needle.

he wraps the string round his arm. he puts the ends in his teeth, injects himself with the needle and smiles.

"thats a new low zian..."

within moments he was up, the pain gone, in fact he felt better than ever. he did a little dance. he threw the needle to the floor, and curb stomped it barefoot. showing the strength of the white-spirit treatment.

he didn't want to tempt himself, di-morphine is very addictive.

he laughed, a little out of place he knew. he was about to throw the tub away when he had a double take. he would need this, but could not trust himself.

"Kat take this, only let me have it once every day, no matter what i say. no matter how much i beg!"

he reluctantly handed it to her. he then passed her the rest of the needles. if she just left he would have substance abuse to get over too. but if she stayed she would keep him from addiction.

"di-morphine is heroin after all."
Kat watched a female whisper to the guy named Jax. She overheard a snippet of their conversation.

"Get away from all... Victor... Trust... Not everyone else... Lyric."

Looks like you're not welcome anymore.

Kat twitched her tail irritably. She was fine with being with a smaller group than this, she just didn't really want to be alone. Maybe Aren or Xian would join you. I dunno about Dark. Kat nodded inwardly, then looked to Xian, who was doing a little dance. He handed her something, telling her to only give it to him once a day, no matter how much he begged. Kat nodded, and put it into the small compartment of her backpack. It should be safe there.

"So, Xian, are you feeling better?" Eyeing his little dance, Kat assumed so. She glanced back to Jax, Dark, the other female and Aren. This is the most people you have seen for a long time. Yeah. The only other time before the apocalypse.
Aren heard other people enter the room, and instinctively took a step back. She didn't hear the female's and the guy named Jax's conversation, but she knew that sooner or later, this large a group of people would come to trouble. So split. Take Kat. Take Xian. And go. When? In five days. Why five? That way you know who to trust. Aren looked grimly around her, almost cracking up as Xian appeared to do a little dance. Ahhh... the medication. Must help with the pain. Too bad I didn't think of that. Would've helped.

"Who... are you people? Look, I know that you don't want me, and I honestly can't say that I want you, so there. But I am leaving soon. If Kat or Xian wants to come with me, they can. Then we are out of you're way. Kapeesh?" Aren said to Jax, the female, and the other dude. Victor, I think.
Xian didn't need to reply, it was obvious, he was having a wail of a time.

"pain, hell no!" he noticed the council being formed. and thought this was a time to voice an opinion he had had of this group from the beginning.

"if you guys are going to continue having such an open entry policy, your going to have to stop being nomads."

he had strange ideas of new utopias, that wasn't like him. he hoped it was the drugs.

"maybe this is an opportunity, one to settle down, organise."

"zian... are you ok, you realise your not lenin right?"

he had said his piece, he left the room, and looked back to kat. he was getting mentally ready to bugger off with her and the were. in case these people had no insight.
Kat watched Xian leave the room, then followed him slowly, casting a glare back.

Wait to come off as friendly. No really, I think you're doing a great job of convincing these people not to kill you.

Kat paused a little in the doorway, then followed Xian out of the room.

"Do you know them?" She asked him.

"Even with the medicine, you are doing a really good job with the pain." Kat commented.
Aren watched Kat and Xian walk out, leaving her in a room with no one she knew. She felt a little growl in the back of her throat.

Go! Run! Jump out the window! Pull the gun on someone! Followwwwwww Kat and Xian! You actually know their names! True. Aren stalked across the floor, deciding to stay just within the doorway, going to wait this one out.
Victor went from a long trek into the city to running into zombies, crashing into a museum and meeting some people, running from said museum, and finally meeting even weirder people. At this point, Victor didn't know which was worse the absurdity of these folk or the walking nightmares outside.

Jax wanted everyone in the main room to discuss this growing group. Victor didn't know if he wanted to join this group but they were the first set of people that he had crossed paths with in quite a while. Victor decided to at least hear out what was going on with the group, even if he was being a little nosy.

Victor moved into the main room which turned to be a large family room with a few couches, fireplace, and a large art piece along the wall. He removed his mask to get some fresh air on his face, ruffling his black hair that hadn't been combed in months. Victor started looking at some of the family pictures from the house as he reached in a pouch and grabbed a flask filled with whiskey. Victor took a long gulp of the amber liquid as he waited for the others to gather around.
"i met them two hours ago!"

he had, and had already learnt they're weaknesses. he sat just outside the door, hoping to listen to their discussion out of sight. though he hoped the were would do the listening.

"and i met you an hour ago, and i like you better."
" I leave my truck sitting there for a week and now its theres..." i mutter to myself, i look at Aren " you can stay... along with anyone else that wants to, and the names Dark" i lead the group to the main living room " here you are" (( I might be on later if not ill be on tonight))
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((Uh that truck actually belongs to Lyric so....not your truck.))

Ven's jaw clenched once again, her hand tightening around her bow. What was the idiot thinking? These people can go on their own way, if Victor wanted to tag along, fine but everyone else needed to leave. Too many people, too many risks, one slip up from someone and everyone dies.

Her eyes followed Jax in utter rage. He may have been the assumed leader of their small group, but she was not going to be apart of something with ten people. She glanced at Aleks, trying to calm down but to no avail. He was the only thing keeping her here and she really had no idea how long she could keep that excuse. Shaking her head, she turned and walked the opposite moving out of the building. If Jax wanted to play squad leader that was his problem, she wasn't putting up with it. Ven continued to walk, heading to the direction of where they had come. She had no clue how long of a walk she was in for, but it honestly didn't matter. She felt as if she was going to hulk out at any second and she really didn't want to put anyone in the way of her rage.
ven had left before it started. it did not bode well for the others.

he leaned back round the door. his head at knee hight to aren

he had people willing to swan off with him. why did he care?

"maybe you gained a morality? or maybe you want 9 people defending you. or more?"

Krystia knew him so well... he would gain more from them together than apart. and he would fight for their right to aid him best they could.

he was glad it wasn't the drugs.

he would wait to judge their opinions.

he hoped jax would do some rallying, these people were useless divided.
"Ven don't leave. Please. People need you." Jax said with some pleading in his voice. He saw everyone and sighed. Well here we go. He took out his gun and threw it on the table. "Look, I know trust is hard to come by. But I need everyone." He looked at everyone. "To listen. We are divided. If anything listen to reason. We are down one. We don't even know each others names. If people want to leave that's fine. But I'm not going to turn a blind eye to people. Werewolf, human or otherwise." He stopped for a minute. Looking at them.

"I'm not your leader. I don't make your decisions. But we need to be together. As a unit or we are in trouble. I'm with Aleks, Ven and Lyric. If you want to come in, you got to ask all of us. I don't mind. I'm Jax and I believe we can survive. But I'm not going to hold you hostage. Go if you must. But I'll listen. We can't be alone in hell."

He looked at the others waiting for a response from the others.
Xian was happy to see this working, he stood up. he joined in, piping up with:

"we can't be alone in hell... you know, and we know, each individually that alone, you will die... soon."

he stepped into the room.

he decided to compete a little. jax was not following his view of the future.

"but you must remember, that a group this large does not function like 4 people in a truck. we will have to change tactics if we are to survive in this number. there is a reason that nomads live in family groups.."

"you sound so good, a stable base is perfect for us, we can always know which direction to run away."

he sat at one of the chairs in the room.
I sigh and take a seat " If we do we need one leader... as sensea once said 'you cannot serve two masters, for you will love the one and hate the other..." i take a deep respective breathe " or hate them both..." I put my tanto down as a sign of trust as Jax did

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