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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Ven paused looking back at the other boy.

"Listen, I appreciate the help and I'm sure Aleks does as well, but I would like to find our friends. I don't take kindly on abandonment." Ven stated sternly looking at Dark with pure seriousness, something she didn't feel right doing. She then headed off towards the showers, hoping that he had girl's clothes. It would make a nice change from the baggy clothes she was in at that moment.

Without further directions she wandered about for a good few minuets before finding a bathroom with a shower. When she turned it on and felt the warm water pool in her hands she let out a slight breath. The corners of her mouth quirking into a smile.
"back when i was younger... and this is as far back as i can remember... i was a ninja in training, and myself and my sensea built it... i was trained in carpentry, blacksmithing, mining, and all of the marsle arts but i exeled in ninjitsu... then the bomb happened..." a tear formes in my eye " i... i was paralized for a week and he pertected me... down till he was mauled right in front of me,... nothing i could do..." i take a deep breth " nothing... i must go meditate now... if you need me come see me..." i disapear 
i stop and go get robes for my guests and hear the water running " need a towele?" i yell
Xian was dreaming, that was cool. but it was getting increasingly surreal, as they do.


someone he knew well was speaking with krystia's voice.


he turned to the person; he asked what the hell was going on.

"zian! your asleep around strangers!"

Xian sat bolt straight up, rocking the truck. he was depressed to find it was still night. he would still have to worry about being attacked. he struggled up to see the weird-ass house. he recognized it, he was a little cultured. but couldn't understand why it was here.

"their yelling through the paper walls. wouldn't that look brilliant to burn? all that paper."

Xian ignored her, he wasn't going to add arsonist to his bucket list unless he did it by accident first.

reasoning that paper walls woild aid his escape from monsters, and carefully quietly entered, took his shoes off. stepped up into the actual house.

he hadn't needed to be barefoot for a while, he would need to find some white spirit...
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"No, I found one thanks."

Ven called, hearing the muffled voice of Dark in the hall asking if she needed a towel. Even if she did there was no way in hell she was letting him in the bathroom to give it to her. She shuddered slightly at the thought, continuing to let the warm water was over her. It felt nice she had to admit to that at least. Though she was still very determined to finish this and leave. She had tried to leave Jax a trail of arrows, but Dark was pushing the car to it's limit so she didn't know where the blunt arrows even went. Sighing, she turned off the water regretfully.
he found it! the spirit, now the most important part. he found a wok, that would do. he poured white spirit into the wok, the smell of ethanol was pungent. he took his socks off, sat down on the nearest object vaguely chair height. (a table.) pulled up the wok, and dunked his feet in the spirit.

it was appallingly cold, and the vapors were making him dizzy. he took a quick lie down on the table. he spent a while listening to water pour and staring at the patterns and images on the paper walls.


he could feel the depth of the spirit dropping.
"ok!" i yell back and place a silk robe for her at the entrance of the door, then I walk over to xian to check on him to find him using my wok "what are you doing with my good wok!?!??!?!?!?" (( and sadly i must go now see you all later tonight! ))
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"it'll be fine!" Xians face was red. the blood vessels had burst in his nose and cheeks, and he looked like a drunk. his eyes rolled around in his head. "it'll all evaporate 'n' it'll be finished mate." he lied down, trying to stay awake by writhing.

"can you open the windaah maate? its raffer hott in here!"

it failed. the vapors made him black out.

"you need to start doing this in well ventilated rooms!"
Kat, in cat form, straightened her ears from the ride. How thoughtful of Xian, don't you agree? She leapt out of the truck, her black pelt blending in with the shadows. She padded in the door of the Japanese style house. What an odd house. Kat followed Xian, sitting in the corner of the room when he blacked out. Spirits. Stay away from them.
Xian pulled himself back into reality, and saw the cat. he motioned for it to come closer. desperately trying to stay awake. luckily for jim the soaking was finished. his feet had reacted with the ethanol. an he could escape now. he rolled off the table. he crawled towards the door, dreading papers surprising ability to hold ethanol gas.

"give uss a hand katty..."
Kat raised a cat eyebrow at Xian, and turned back into Kat the neko, still fully equipped with all of her weapons and clothes.

"That ride was sure hard on you, wasn't it?" She asked.
"thee rideey? itsa the et-a-noll! just open the door!" his crawling was desperate now. he started tearing holes in the paper door.

"she could f*cking kill you! get a grip man. pull youre gun!"

Xian obeyed, crawling forward he left his hand behind so it reached his bag. fumbling for a piece of cold metal. he pulled his head though, and gasped into the cool night air.
Aren pricked up her tall, wolf ears at the sound of the truck. Someone! Someone! Someone! Run! Hide! Follow! Stay! Follow! The wolf inside her went berserk. How about following? Go, go, go! Aren started sprinting over the rooftops, leaping over the shady alleys. The sound of the truck drew further away, and Aren picked up her pace. She could still faintly hear it when it stopped. Aren slowed her pace a little, still running, and leaped onto a brick suburban house across from a Japanese style house. Ninjas! Shoot 'em. Why? Cuz they're ninjas! Aren shook her head, and changed back to a "normal" human. She picked up her pistol from it's holster, and backed up a little on the rooftop. She gathered speed by running, and took a flying leap across the street, landing lightly on the Japanese house. Aren cringed at the light thump she had made when she leapt. Stupid! Now the ninjas are gonna come out and kill ya. Gee, always the optimistic one, aren't you? Aren stood up and peered into the yard.
Kat understood.

"Oh sorry!" She said, pulling the door open more. Suddenly, a thump vibrated through the house. Kat immediately laid her ears flat back against her head and looked upward.

"What was that?" She asked, her pupils narrowing.
"something that goes bump in the night?" he laughed, he was so witty. "i bet you he'll kill us."

"where'd all the optimism go?"

Xian pulled himself up onto his hands and knees. gun in hand. he cocked it, noting the satisfying click sound.

"if your just a bird n the roof please dont poo on me!"
Kat chuckled and walked past him, also pulling out her gun.

"I think that we'd kill them before they killed us." She said. "Is anyone up there? Come down and we won't hurt you." Maybe just a little. Kat heard a rustling sound above their heads, and leaned further out of the window.
Crap crap crap crap!!!!!!!! You are dead! Dead! Dead! Sheesh. Overreact much? But Aren still looked around with fear. Would the people inside the house kill her if they found her on the roof? Probably. Aren suddenly tilted her nose. She smelled a scent that reminded her of fresh meat. Cat! Oooooh, there's a cat! GET THE CAT!!!

Aren's wolf went berserk.

Is anyone up there? Come down and we won't hurt you. Aren's eyes widened. Shoot. She had been discovered. Aren leaped softly down to the lawn below her, straitening up and found herself staring eye to eye with a pistol.
Xian tried to stand, but fell forward into the yard. he winced, waiting to feel a bullet in him.

he looked up at the new girl. her muscles were wrong too.

he looked her up and down really blatantly. tried to get up again. failed.

"please don't kill me...."
Kat studied the figure before her. It was a girl, with black hair and something wolfy about her. Kat bristled. Werewolf. Kat kept the gun where it was.

"Why were you following us?" She asked, as Xian tumbled into the yard. Kat sighed, and leaped out of the window.

"Why do you smell like a dog?" She inquired.

"What is your name?"
Aren looked at the guy that fell out of the window besides her. He looked rather disheveled.

"Why were you following us?" The cat-smelling girl asked.

"Uh.... I needed to find someone I could talk to? Not just the undead?" Aren made it sound like a question.

"Why do you smell like a dog?"

"Why do you smell like a cat?" Aren shot back.

What is your name?

"Aren. What is yours?" She asked, slowly putting her hands up.

"Could you please not shoot me?" She asked.
Kat lowered her gun. A sudden realization struck her.

"You're a werewolf!" She said, looking at Xian.

"Well, we found a werewolf. Now we just need a full moon." She said to Xian, who looked like a mess.
Xian desperatly pulled himself to his feet. he wobbled considerably, but he was on his feet. he dropped his gun. he was covered anyway.

"yes! i'll give you food for a favour!"

"its finally happening!"

he leaned on Kat pathetically.

"i was just washing my feet, it got a little out of hand" he smiled at aren.
Aren looked at the guy.

"What favor?" She asked suspiciously. He obviously wants you to turn him into a werewolf! Duh, Ren.
Kat supported Xian, almost crumpling under his weight. He wasn't too heavy, but she was too light to support someone for too long.

"He's Xian. I'm Kat." She said.
"as you can see, i am weak." he leaned a little more on kat, possibly on purpose. "i already have the voice in my head were's have! i just need the powers!" he fell to his knees. "it doesn't have to be food, i can trade other stuff!"

"Kat. Cat. How ironic." Aren smiled. She looked back to Xian, extending a claw.

"So do you want me to scratch you, or not?" She asked.

Scratch him. Wait. Scratch him. Wait. 
"Be prepared for the pain." Aren said, and scratched Xian lightly on the arm. She knew it would hurt.

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