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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Nighttime closing in he gets ready to head to shelter, going into the nearest building he stealthily opens the door, getting his SS ready to kill if any movement were to happen... He goes in... nothing "Good..." he mubles

A male voice spoke from the entrance behind Ven. Whirling on her heels, she pointed an arrow right for the newcomers heart.

"Another step, and I give your heart a piercing." She growled lowly. Forest green eyes stayed level as she judged the distance between one another. She had come here to find Lyric not get side tracked by some scavenger.

I say shoot him. He may be carrying a disease.

I'm not going to shoot unless he gives me reason.

Aw, you're no fun!

Ignoring the voice again she awaited a response. Part of her wondered if she was spending too much time with Aleks. Perhaps insanity was contagious? Perhaps not.
The corner of Ven's mouth twitched upwards, her eyes narrowing. "Tsk Tsk Tsk, shouldn't you be complying to the woman with the bow? After all, I can shoot this arrow approximately 60 miles an hour. Even if you could fire off a bullet and I die. You will have an angry werewolf, an ex spy, and a psychotic killer hunting you down. I really do not think the odds are in your favor."

Her pointer finger twitched, so tempted to shoot him just for being rude. That was when, in the small amount of light, she noticed his black eyes.
"Perhaps, you mistake fear for disgust." She growled, giving more tension to her bow. Ven didn't know what it was, but she didn't want to converse with it any longer. "I don't want anything from you." She spat, she moved towards the stairs bow still aimed at him, ready for a fight.
Trying to stay calm I begin to ask you some thing " Do you..." a crawler comes in " Aww cute... Another one of thease bas****s, may i move now your highness?"
Ven growled at the nickname, turning swiftly and aiming for it but she couldn't get a good shot. It was coming at her too fast. She spun around and ran for the stairs.

"STOP WITH THE SNIDE REMARKS AND SHOOT IT!!" She yelled over the hissing, taking two steps at a time as she desperately tried to figure out how to kill it.
My eyes turned back as a flash streaked across the room hitting it dead in the forehead with a sherukin killing it " Now may I have a name?" I pull a large bottle of sulfuric acid out of my backpack and walk tords it
Ven leaned against the staircase railing. Watching him carefully, she didn't trust this guy. There was something off about him. He had black eyes...but she knew nothing if black eyes but demons.


Why'd you tell him your name!?

He saved my life.

Or he just prolonged it so he could kill you!

Ven stayed silent, narrowing her eyes at the newcomer. It was right, he could kill her if he felt like it. Though logically speaking a ninja star wouldn't kill her. Only wound her. Ven clutched another arrow suddenly back on guard once again.
" nice to meet you... Ven... mines Dark...'' I pore some on its head, theres sizling as the head melts i put the sulfuric acid away and get some suger " stand back" I throw it on and it explodes flaring up providing both light and heat as the rest of the body burns away
"Neat trick." She muttered, looking around the little gift shop area that she seemed to wander into. Ven found an old radio on the counter that had some parts she could use for more of the explosive arrows like the one she had used to break the door down. She browsed the shelves, looking for anything useable.

"Score!" She mumbled enthusiastically holding the box of gummy worms in her hands. Fishing in her pocket, she placed a quarter on the counter before opening the box.
Ven sighed, "If I am going to die in a museum, of all the god forsaken places, I will have my own gummy worms. If you want some find your own." She stated coldly. She only shared with people she liked and she didn't like this guy.

Aleks would want some.

Shut up.

Ven munched on her gummy worms, looking around the shelves.
"ok..." I growl, a shiny thing spots my eye under the counter "hhmmm?" I lift the counter up and trow it aside breaking it "oh joy a gun! want it?... I find no need for this type of weapon..." I say checking out the bullets
He sat there in silence, actively fidgeting with his hands, drumming his fingers on the tile floor, blowing his hair in different directions, flipping off Jax while he was asleep, examined his pistol, daydreamed, slowly running the tip of his knife against the tiles making a rather unpleasant screeching noise, making small talk with Blink, thinking of ways to prank Jax when he woke up, and even sawing off his hair, shortening it by a few centimeters, it hurt with his knife but it was all he had. All these activities were done in 10 minutes but it felt like years to Aleks. He missed Ven and Lyric now...they'd been gone for a while and all the stuff was packed...which meant that they were already to go soon...maybe they were in trouble so taking the truck wouldn't be such a bad thing if it meant helping them. Hm...what a dilemma.

Deciding against his better judgement he stood up, scooping Jax up and throwing him over his shoulder, his knees buckled slightly at the extra weight but he managed.


8 dreadful minutes later he had Jax in the backseats of the truck, only his head was sticking out as he lay on his back, stretching across the seats. Circling the truck, Aleks opened the other doors, pulling on Jax's leg to make it so he could fit entirely in the truck, thankfully it worked. Climbing in the driver's seat he carefully backed out of the lot and into the streets, only...where would they have gone? The truck lurched forward at a good 20 mph, scanning the buildings on the sidelines, stores, apartment complexes, car shops, theaters, gyms, a museum...hm...looked like there was movement inside...and light...light?

Best place to start looking for Ven.

And Lyric.

Ven paused, a gummy worm hanging like a limp cigarette from her lips. She looked at the gun in Dark's hand a disapproving frown coming to her face. She hated guns, they were loud and unreliable. She took it, analyzing it. She was surprised at how heavy it was.

Sucking the piece of candy in she began to chew it when a rumble caught her attention. It sounded like...a car? Clutching the foreign weapon she moved towards the door, standing on the side of it so she was ready to shoot whoever walked in.
The headlights of the truck promptly shut off, the once illuminated street was shrouded in darkness once again. Aleks quietly shut the door to the driver's side, glancing at Jax before he left.

"Hold the fort down till I get back bud."

Taking a glance at the museum, he immediately had a distaste for it. He never liked a place like this, especially when this particular type of building had a reputation or being boring, the building looked old and decrepit. Hovering his hand over his gun, second thoughts filled his mind, night was coming so a loud noise would definitely get him killed, tucking the gun back into his belt he unclipped the knife, keeping a strong grasp on the handle.

This place sucks...

It's a museum, of course but your friends might be there.

Aleks pushed the doors open and stepped inside, teeth grit, eyes narrowed, tensed muscles, and controlled breathing, he felt ready.
Seeing the door open, Ven stepped up placing the gun to the side of the person's head. It was too dark to see who it was but she wasn't taking any chances.

Dark moved out of the gift shop, the movement momentarily distracting her from the person she was holding at gun point.

You forgot to click the safety off.

There's a safety?

Even further distracted, Ven let the gun waver back slightly. Enough for the person to move.
The cool feel of the gun barrel pressed against Aleks's head. He stopped completely, alright...hostile then. He stood for a few moments, the gun holder said nothing, did nothing except moving the gun away from his head.


Doesn't matter, take advantage!

Aleks spun towards his assailant, grabbing the gun and forcefully ripping it from the person's hand, throwing it to the side. He wrapped his hands on the person's shoulders, whipping them against the wall, his knife pressed against their throat.

"Who the-"

His eyes adjusted, he was holding Ven at knifepoint. Not believing his eyes, he didn't move, keeping her pinned against the wall.
Startled, Ven let out a slight squeak. She felt the cool blade of a knife press against her throat. Staring at the assailants face, she blinked making out the ruggedly handsome Aleks. She let out a breath, smiling sheepishly.

Well that was unexpected.

"So...uh...I guess you wear the pants now."

Ven teased him weakly, still a little shaken. If it hadn't been Aleks she'd be dead by now. Noticing that he was just staring at her and not moving away, she held his gaze.
Her soft looking skin, her young face, those green eyes, the fiery hair...it was Ven. It was rather satisfying, staring at her face was enjoyable...she really was nice looking.

"So...uh...I guess you wear the pants now."

Aleks shot her a small smile but continued to stare, wanting to savor this moment. Realizing she was staring back into his eyes, he felt a bit disturbed and uneasy.

"Someone sounds like a weak teenager."

He said, slowly backing up and looking around.
She scoffed slightly, "I am hardly a teenager." She grumbled, she'd be 21 in a month. Not that she was telling him that, or anyone for that matter. Ven watched him move away, her hand moving to her throat utterly thrilled that he didn't slit her throat before seeing who she was. Reaching her hand in her pocket, she pulled out the half eaten package of gummy worms.


She shoved them at his chest so he couldn't see the package. She moved over, bending down to grab the gun. She flipped it over, seeing that she really didn't click off the safety. Couldn't have shot him if she tried.
"Hardly a teenager...yet you're barely an adult aren't you?"

Aleks himself didn't know why he was talking. Even if he was 27 years of age, he still acted like a child most of the times. He surveyed the museum, eyeing old and boring displays, dead monsters with arrow-sized holes in their heads, no sign of Lyric...

He turned around, something was pushed against his chest, fumbling around for the item he finally got in steady hands...gummy worms?

Half empty!

Stuffing a gummy into his mouth he asked Ven.

"So why didn't you shoot me?"
"I'm sure I'm older than you think." Ven shot back, glaring at him slightly.

"So why didn't you shoot me?"

Ven blushed slightly, looking away from him as she put the gun in her waste band.

Yeah, tell him why you didn't shoot him.

Ven cleared her throat.

"I forgot to turn the safety off." she mumbled from under her breath, securing her quiver across her shoulders a little tighter.

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