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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Although, Victor had subdued his hunger for the time being but he felt another primal urge as he watched Lexi get dressed. He didn't want the clothes to go on, in fact he wanted the opposite. Victor's more civil side prevailed as he let Lexi get dress and hopefully the grease from the meat would help settle her hangover.

"Breakfast better be fucking phenomenal. Lets go," Lexi said as she grabbed Victor's hand.

Victor couldn't help but laugh, "Breakfast is just want you need. Especially since the perky girl I met last night was replaced by this grumpy one."

Victor enjoyed the feeling of her hand against his, turning his hand into hers. He led her to the where he had cooked the venison on the grill. He handed her a warm plate of food for her to eat; then joined Jax and the unconscious Lyric. Victor plopped down on the couch and motioned for Lexi to take the seat next to him so she could relax and eat a proper mean.

Victor looked at Jax and nodded his head, "Morning. Hope you didn't stay up all night. I'll get watch tonight, if you need."
Lexi was handed a plate of food, she grabbed a bottle of water as she went to sit beside Victor. she felt slightly sick,but she knew that eating was the only solution. She sat beside Victor and looked at the food as if it was a challenger, and took a bite. She sipped her water and eventually finished the plate.

She felt a lot better and the headache turned into just a small pain. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Hey did those that one couple ever make it in last night?" She asked trying to make small talk, even though she was never really good at it. She was slightly uncomfortable seeming there was an unconscious woman across from her. They were one big dysfunctional family that was for sure, but she shifted her weight and scooted a little bit closer to Victor for comfort.

Even though she hardly knew him as well, she suddenly became overwhelmed.

"Im going to go outside, excuse me." She rushed outside to the fresh air.

Every instinct in her body at that time told her to run, that if she cared too much about these people which she was starting too, she would put herself into danger. That was the reality of it, it didn't matter, people died every day, nobody would care if she slipped away they had enough issues.

She had to get out of there. She grabbed her bag and her shotgun and started walking to where her motorcycle was. She started to tear up, but she couldn't let herself feel, not now, not ever again.
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Victor was a little confused with the breakneck change of pace. Lexi was getting comfortable next to him then rushed outside. He focused his ears to see if he could hear if she was okay. Hopefully the food wasn't too much with her hangover. But Victor heard her heart race a little and moving outside with a little more haste than "just getting air." He stood up and pardoned himself from Jax. Lexi was the only one to say for Victor to stay without some qualifier, he had to at least give her the same opportunity.

Victor picked up speed and headed out the door. He was quickly behind Lexi and he saw that she was prepared to leave. He didn't want Lexi to leave. Despite the primal urges he went through last night, he like the verbal sparring that Lexi gave. She was a challenge and that's something Victor might need. He was always quick to race off by himself as well, but if he could change her mind then maybe this group would be a place worth setting up with.

Victor reached out and grabbed Lexi's wrist, turning her to face him. "Where do you think you're going? Just gonna kiss me and run off the next day?" Victor questioned, trying to understand.

In his own change of pace, he joked, "Homie don't play like that. I want you to stay."

Victor gently brought her in for a small kiss. He wasn't sure if this would help her to decided to stay or if she would act like Ven and run away from him.
Lexi pulled away from the kiss slightly enticed, "You don't even know me and I know nothing about you.. Im not running from you, I'm running because I care for you and that will get me or you killed eventually."

She felt herself tremble slightly, she was trying to stay strong. She wanted to stay,but she was trying to do what was right in her mind.

She looked at him "Don't look at me like that."
lucky he had spotted them it was. as the moonlight was bleached with sunlight he began to panic. the throbbing began to return and now he was running. (rangerfoot) towards them. the throbbing reached it peak a few feet from the door. not allowing himself to fall he leaned heavily against the front door. the almighty thump was the closest he had to knocking. he drew vens pistol. looking around, he guessed he would need it.

he slumped down against it.

arm throbbing.

"they won't answer the door. your going to die here. and they will see your corpse on the way out."

Xian brought enough strength to bear to knock on the door again. the sound of scuttling makes him cock the pistol.
Victor was becoming a little flustered with her response. He raised his voice slightly in his plea, "Look at you how? Like a guy that had a girl bulldoze her way in and steal a kiss while charming the hell out of him? Yeah, I don't know you and you don't know me. It's not like I really fucking know anyone back in that house, but we make it work because we have to. Anyone of us can die at any moment, you can't use that as an excuse."

Victor furrowed his eyebrows as he contemplated how to continue, "Last night you asked me to stay. Today, I'm asking the same of you. Give us one more day... give me one more day."

Victor couldn't help but joke after relieving himself from the hunger, "Give me one more day to work you out of those pants, sober."

Victor didn't know if he actually got through to Lexi, but that was his hail Mary. That or he could chase after the girl and leave everyone else. 
((Vama, just to let you know that it's morning now in the story.))
Jax nodded. "Yeah they got here. And thanks Victor. And yeah I kind of did." He chuckled and leaned back. He ate the meat slowly. Suddenly Lexi walked away outside. He sighed and got up, but Victor was already racing out to her. Okay, easier on me. He sat back down and slowly started to drink a water. "People nowadays." He had to relax. He got up and carried Lyric and laid her down in his room. Lyric wouldn't be too comfortable waking up to random people. She may kill them. Plus people would feel more comfortable if they had access to a couch in the main room.

We need to go hunting. And find some more supplies. He sat down, tired. and exhausted. "I need some sleep." He finished his food. And took off his shirt to get rid of himself of drowning in his own sweat.

(Sorry if its short. I has no interaction right now. xD )
Lexi gave up. He was right.

"You're going to need more than a day sweetheart." She winked at him.

"I will stay a little longer, I suppose."

She dropped her bag, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
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Victor's emotions lifted when Lexi winked and told him that she would stay. He was feeling a little goofy around Lexi and picked her up to spin around as they kissed.

Victor continued to joke, "We'll see how long I need. C'mon let's head back inside. Jax looks like he's ready to keel over."

Victor let Lexi down. He bent down to pick up her bag and carried it for inside the house. He led the way, hoping that Lexi would just follow him back inside. Victor dropped her bag off in the living room and waited for everyone to come down for breakfast. Victor felt a little guilty for trying to wake everyone up so early. He plopped down on the couch. It was amazing, for the first time in a long time he was able to relax despite the hunger he went through the night before. In the back of his mind, Victor worried about what would happen in the future; but that was tomorrow's problem as he wanted to enjoy this even for a little bit.
Lexi felt light, like she could float, even after he put her down.

She didn't know what her next move would be, but she liked things as they were now. Living in the moment was never really her scene, but maybe it was now.

He took her bag, which she thought was really cute. She followed him back into the house and watched as he sat on the couch. She decided to sit on his lap and waited to hear what Jax had to say, or what the plan would be for the day.
((Sorry I haven't been on busy day today))

Feeling him move away Ven slowly opened her eyes suddenly feeling colder then she had a few moments ago. She could tell someone was calling out her name though she wasn't completely sure who it was. Sitting up slowly, she grumbled out some incoherent thought about the noise and asking something about morning. Rubbing her eyes tiredly, she looked down to see Aleks on the floor.

Almost like someone pored a bucket of ice water on her, Ven was off the bed and kneeling besides him in an instant.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

She started asking, keeping her voice low aware that he most likely had the worst hangover ever. Reaching her hand up, she put her palm against his cheek searching his face for any sort of injury or any clue to how he was feeling. Absently, her mind trailed to her dream sending a slight wave of fear through her, thankfully not showing him her panicked expression. Looking down, she noticed that he was without a shirt and his jacket wasn't really covering much. Blinking, she felt the blush rise in her face and reached over to grab his shirt for him. Seeing that he was struggling with the pounding hangover. Chewing on her bottom lip again, Ven looked back to his face still concerned with how bad he was feeling.
Lexi sat in Victor's lap which brought back ideas of before this hell. With as much difficulty Victor had being accepted into the group, he still hadn't felt as close to people for such a long time. Victor placed his hands along hips and lower back, making sure she wouldn't squirm away for a while. Victor started thinking about what the group could do since it was daylight. During the day, the monsters would be a little less bumpy. Victor wanted to see what everyone wanted to do, if they should continue with this house or find a place to move on to.

Looking to girl on his lap, Victor asked, "So how you feeling after last night? Moonshine's no joke and you were hitting it pretty hard."

Victor laughed at the thought of the Lexi being tipsy enough that he had to pull her up from the edge of the roof. It was nice being needed in more ways than one.
Distorted rustling and blurs of motion, then all of a sudden Ven was at his side, a slightly concerned look plastered to her face. He gave her a loopy smile.

"Yeah...I just rolled outta bed...your head scared me...or something close to that."

Ven turned to doubles as he spoke, his voice raspy and hoarse, his throat burned, screaming for some kind of liquid, at that point he'd prefer someone piss in his mouth. He watched on as Ven retrieved his shirt that he had been working for, taking it graciously. Still far from able to put his shirt on he dragged himself into a sitting position, his head splitting from the extra movement.

"I think...Victor said something...about food...you should go get some...meet the new people...just let me rest for now."
Giving a short laugh she listened to his grumbling while an amused look crossed her face. Placing her hand to his forehead she smiled a little more, happy that he didn't seem to be having hot flashes. It was a relief to know his hangover wasn't as bad as it could have been or as bad as she thought.

"Oh, so my face is scary now?"

She prompted, playing a fake look of hurt as she watched a pained expression form every time he moved. Sliding her hand to his cheek, she left it there for a moment looking at him before pulling away completely. She wasn't too interested in making new friends. As far as she cared four was the most she had ever had in a long time. The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile, listening to his remark about new people. She thought maybe that he would have figured she wasn't good with strangers considering she almost shot him when they first met.

"I'm not hungry, besides I said I'd take care of you didn't I?"

She whispered, keeping her voice low and calm so that she wouldn't upset his headache.
Aleks answered the face remark with low, unintelligible mumbling, something along the lines of 'Yeah that's what I said.'

In his current state he could do much but let himself be poked and examined by Ven's small hands, soft, they felt better than he remembered. Struggling to one knee, his other hangovers shot through his mind as the old memories came back, pleasant memories yet at the time they were absolutely terrible.

There was a time when he woke up, he and a crowd of people passed out on the sidewalks, the Jazz band sleeping among the group of gang members and random citizens who thought partying like fools was better than being safe at home. Another time when he woke up in an abandoned building, another in a toilet stall, those were just the good locations for his hangovers, but none compared to being taken care of, by Ven of all people.

"I'm not hungry, besides I said I'd take care of you didn't I?"

She kept quiet, thankfully her volume didn't disturb his head. He didn't feel hungry, his appetite seemed to be completely gone but his thirst...that was a constant nag, so in an attempt to save what little dignity he had left, he finished the taxing job of getting to both feet. He almost keeled over twice but eventually was able to get himself on two feet, using the closest wall for support.

Watching him stand, Ven shook her head slightly grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to sit back down on the bed.

"I'll get you some water. Just...relax or something."

Ven said softly as she gave him a slight smile before turning and heading down the stairs. Moving with a purpose, she walked outside barely taking note of the soft earth under her bare feet. In her rush to help him she had neglected to put on shoes. Shrugging, she grabbed three bottles of water from the car before going back inside. Following the smell of food she walked into the kitchen pausing when she saw Victor with the girl sitting in his lap. She didn't know weather to scoff or scream. He had caused her a lot of grief in the past day, having Aleks hate her because of some fucked up idea of flirting, kissing her and then leaving her to sort it out herself, and worse of all making her feel uncertain about her feelings towards Aleks. Now that was what was pissing her off, the fact that he could just girl hop didn't sit right with her. Feeling like she was going to be the one puking, she cleared her throat looking at the two of them slightly grossed out.

"Sorry to interrupt your girl hopping ways, but I need to know if you have aspirin."

Ven stated in her usual bland sarcasm, she never thought she could possibly detest Victor but she guessed that she did now. Frowning, she didn't know weather she wanted to slap him or shoot him. Then again maybe she should have just let Aleks fight him instead of breaking them apart. With her jaw clenching she eyed Victor with a building annoyance. If he was just going to kiss her, leave matters unsolved and move just as quickly onto the next thing with boobs then she was extremely glad she hadn't been stupid enough to choose Victor over Aleks.
Lexi looked at Victor as he asked her how she felt, "A lot better than this morning actually,..yeah I had a rough day yesterday."

"But clearly Im a clumsy drunk, so thanks for saving me." She kissed his cheek.

She then heard the girls voice, she called Victor out, and it did not sit easy with her. She clenched her jaw, the girl was much smaller than her, she liked the odds. She knew she was calling Victor about ,but she knew by calling him a girl hopper that would make her a naive girl who was probable promiscuous.

"Listen you ginger b--" She cut herself off with growing anger as she clenched her fists and went to get up. This girl had no idea making accusations when she hadn't been here for a whole day practically. Plus the fact he called him a girl hopper made her question how much her and the other girl had done, and what that history was, she would admit she was slightly jealous as well. She hadn't fought or killed anything in awhile either this would be a good release.

"I hope you find the aspirin because your about to need some."

Somebody better hold me back because I'm about to freak out
Ven's gaze swiveled to the girl as she got up putting on a 'I'm so tough' look. Her eye twitched in annoyance at being called a ginger. This was not an excellent way to start her morning, giving the girl a bored look she shifted her attention back to Victor not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Call off the pup would you? I'm sure you don't want the lass to get hurt and I'm not in the mood to entertain. I want to know if you have the meds then I'll leave. Then feel free to continue the groping fest."

Her previous Scottish accent crept out slightly due to how hard she was trying to keep her composure. She was not going to get into a fight with Aleks the way he was and she was starting to realize she could care less what whore Victor decided to french kiss with. Her face became even more unamused as time was wasted waiting for him to respond. Green eyes swayed back to the girl not letting any emotion onto her face knowing for a fact that the other girl was probably thinking that this would be an easy take down. Just because Ven wasn't the tallest or strongest in hand to hand combat didn't mean that she couldn't kick ass. Finding this all irritating, Ven looked back to Victor in mild annoyance.

"You know what, if you have some just bring it up to the room. You know how to find me."

Ven stated, her priority of taking care of Aleks over ruling any and all things that she wanted to say. Turning, she made her way towards the exit hoping that Aleks wasn't dying from a headache.
Victor was flabbergasted at exchange. He wanted to make a comment about the girl retracting their claws, but he definitely knew better than to joke in this situation. He obviously could tell that Ven was upset with him and any flak Lexi took was just because of the proximity. And he understood that Lexi was being territorial like her normal self. He understood where he stood in this situation and he had to handle it maturely as to not break up the group. He remembered so many movies from back in time that had stories that could have been solved if people would just talk.

Victor picked Lexi up and placed her on the couch as gently as he could. He leaned over and asked, "Let me go talk to her. Please just lay off her for now. It isn't about you, just know that."

Victor had forgone the kiss he ached to give her and chased Ven up the stairs. Before she could reach the confines of her room, he sped up to stand behind her.

Victor called out trying not to raise his voice, "Hey, Ven. First off, I do have some Tylenol although it may be a little expired. Secondly, I don't know what's with calling me out like that. I'm not girl hopping, or some player; but we're all a little short for this world. I'm not going to have any regrets. Lexi kissed me and then I kissed her back. Yeah, I like her but you know what I like you too. When I kissed you, it was because I really did want to start something with you. I tried being for you last night, but you went with Aleks. Maybe he deserves it, but it still drove me crazy. Look, I still like you and I will be there to help you out. I just...I just..."

Victor sighed with the lack of words to finish all the feelings he had in his chest, "Ah, fuck me. I don't know..."

Victor bowed his head, ready to receive whatever retribution he deserved from Ven.
Ven paused at the top of the stairs, her gaze drifting back to him keeping her face blank. The Tylenol might help Aleks, but she wasn't accepting anything from him at the moment. She would dive further into town if Aleks really needed it. Turning around to face him she gave him an icy look, not buying his explanation at all.

"Don't. Just Don't. I didn't ask for you to kiss me and I pushed both of you away because of it! I'm not like you, I can't go kissing one boy the next and then switch to the other. Life doesn't work like that! The only reason why I let him come was because I thought he hated me and I sure as hell needed someone to hate me yesterday not coddle me."

She rose her voice not caring if Aleks could hear from the other room, she was livid and she knew no amount of words could express the small part of her that was broken from seeing what she had. Lowering her voice, she looked at him like she was going to stab him.

"Whatever chance you may have had, it's gone now. You've made your choice. Deal with it."

As soon as the words left her mouth she turned and continued back to the room, her heart pumping in an angry rhythm as she put her hand on the knob to open the door. Not looking back at him she stepped inside and closed the door so he couldn't follow her. She still wore her angry expression as she walked over to Aleks, setting the water down in his lap without saying anything.
Lexi was still reeling. Did he just run after that girl, clearly he still had feelings for her. He was probably just using her.

I think getting physically punched would've felt better than that,

im nobodies second choice. I should've left while I could.

Lexi grabbed her shotgun, glock, and stuck her knife in her boot.

"I'm going out for supplies alone." She said to the man she hadn't met, clearly disregarding the question because obviously she was not. She emphasized alone because nobody was going to come with her, she was pissed off and needed to clear her mind by herself. She knew she could handle herself out there she always did.

With that she opened the front door and slammed it closed. She took off in a pretty quick run periodically looking behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed.
(Sorry. I went to go see Guardians again and we had a huge debate over a lot of comic stuff.)

Jax was fading. He passed out for a little bit. What felt like an eternity in his dream world, he awoke to Ven being pissed off at Victor and walking up the stairs, to Lexi practically falling out of Victor's lap and running out the door. "The fuck is going on..?" He said groggily. He slowly got up. Head spinning. He slowly opened the door and fell down the two stairs off the porch. Fucking...Tired. Wake up. "I can't." He said angrily to himself as he slowly got back up.

"Lexi...The hell are you going? Its not safe.." With that he passed out on the ground and drifted fully away to a exhaustive slumber.
Aleks had little choice but to let himself be settled onto the bed and watch Ven exit the room, hoping that she would get him some water and some miracle medicine to make this hangover go away. And so he was left sitting on the bed, swaying from left to right trying to keep from falling over.

After a few torturous minutes of headaches he heard Ven enter the room. Looking over he saw a not-too pleasant look on her face. Giving her a loopy concerned look, he spoke, his voice still raspy and dry like the Sahara Desert. His prayers were answered as a bottle of water plopped onto his lap.

"Someone piss in your mouth?"

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