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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"I don't know, felt like I could have done anything I wanted with you on the roof last night," Victor said with a playful wink.

Victor felt Lexi climb on his back and kiss his neck. He was definitely having fun in this moment and could tell that she was making the most of the situation as well. Victor knew after last night that he could take off in a dead sprint and make good time without tiring; but with the added weight would be something new. Victor guessed that everything since last night's change would be a new experience in its own right. Victor felt his legs tense slightly as he began jogging down the street.

"Hold on, I saw like an outdoor mall on our way here," Victor cautioned Lexi.

Victor held onto Lexi's legs as he felt the wind break against his face moving away from the house. It was amazing how quickly Victor was able to move, he didn't realize that he had gotten that strong since the change. They were soon at an outdoor shopping center that many suburban and rural towns had. There was a main walkway that cut the mall in half. Security gates were in various levels of open, several cars were strewn about and a couple crashed into some storefronts. Victor let Lexi down as now they had to be careful since neither of them actually knew what was inside each store. Victor reached up to grab his 1911s only to realize that he hadn't put them back on after last night. He didn't want to worry Lexi, but this would his first chance to test out his own strength.

"Alright, princess. Where would you like to begin?" Victor covered his own uncertainty with another joke.
((I saw Howard the Duck. My Dad flipped out xD ))

Ven tilted her head to the side so that she could look at him. Her eyes gazed across his face relieved that he sounded better after drinking some water.


She said quietly closing her eyes and relaxing against the mattress. It felt like it had been forever since she had relaxed like this. A small smile curled onto her lips, happy that he seemed to be concerned about her as much as she was about him. She was even more thrilled that he hadn't heard her spat with Victor. That...might have been a pain in the ass to explain.

"Yeah Aleks....I'm fine..."
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Lexi unwrapped herself from him and jumped off with ease. Realizing she still had her glock tucked into the back of her jeans and her knife in her boot. Unfortunately the shotgun must have been left which made her uncomfortable because that was her favorite weapon and it was sitting out in the open.

In spite of the slight anxiety about the gun, she turned to him and grabbed his hand.

She loved shopping before the bomb went off and was actually sort of excited for this.

Her eyes got big at the sight of an H&M, even though having dresses and different outfits was superfluous and she really didn't need anything she wanted to have fun for a second. So Without saying a word she pulled him into the huge store, releasing his hand and pulling her gun out once they entered. The store was a sad cry since she'd been there last, no electronic music, minimal lighting (just what came in through the windows), and clothing racks toppled over.

She scanned the store for movement,but saw nothing. She looked over to Victor and saw he had no weapons.

"Are you kidding me, you have no weapons?" She yell whispered. She looked at him frusterated and reached into her boot for her knife giving it to him. "You're dumb." Once again sounding slightly childish.

Realizing there was nothing there at least for the time being she tucked her gun back into her pants as she did so she saw a black V-neck and a dark grey one, both saying its the end of the world.

She laughed at the idea of wearing one back to the house she ripped off her tank top exposing her black lace bra.

"Which one? Black or Grey?" She asked as she took turns holding each one up.
After being brought into the dilapidated clothing store, Lexi handed Victor her knight as she pulled out her gun. He sheepishly accepted it as he knew that he obviously looked underprepared. Victor shrugged it off as being excited for the adventure. Victor eyed the area and everything seemed quiet enough, the daylight scaring off most of the monsters. And before he knew it, Lexi had removed her shirt and was asking his opinion about two shirts. The animal urge came back in an instant as the thrum of her heartbeat rattled Victor's ears. There was no modesty in Victor as he blatantly stared at Lexi's breasts. Without saying a word, he stalked up to Lexi and picked her up. Pulling her in close to him, Victor gave her another animalistic kiss. During this they knocked over a few mannequins, drawing the attention of a few residents elsewhere in the mall.
Lexi found herself quickly dropping the two shirts and quickly tangled up in Victor yet again. They pushed over a couple unexacting mannequins as she found herself pushed up against the check out counter.

"You've got to learn to control yourself, sir" She scolded while smiling a devious smile.
"You've got to learn to control yourself, sir," Lexi playfully scolded Victor.

Reality came back to Victor as words finally hit his brain. He wasn't quite embarrassed about how brash he was, but he did wonder what came over him. He did enjoy kissing her and he didn't regret it. Victor wondered if he really could control himself anymore, not like he did beforehand but still the thought was there. Victor still hid his thought with playfulness.

With his own sly smile Victor challenged Lexi, "Why don't you make me?"

Victor took a look around and saw the different styles of clothing that laid about. Most of the merchandise was untouched, probably because in the apocalypse people were worrying about other thing. Something caught Victor's eye. He placed Lexi down on the counter and walked away for a moment then returned with a garment in hand.

"If you're so eager to try something on, how about you model this me?" Victor dared Lexi as he held out a blue skirt; the color was always his favorite.
Lexi retaliated from the "Why don't you make me" comment and pushed him pretty hard. "You don't want me to control you." She said in a rebellious tone.

Lexi whom was still just in a bra and jeans with boots. She looked at the blue skirt he dangled in front of her, she never really cared for skirts, but she would amuse him.

She grabbed it from him as she kicked her boots off and slid the jeans of, while slipping the skirt on and zipping it up.

"Tah-Dah." She spun around for him once and put her hands on her hips, she wasn't very sure how it looked still half naked practically.

She smiled at him slightly unsure and waited for a reaction
Victor let out a small laugh as Lexi spun around and showed off the skirt he asked her to try on. After enjoying the sight, Victor revealed his own devilish grin as he announced, "And you said I would have trouble getting you out of your pants sober."

Victor took off his shirt to help keep everything fair between them and walked up to Lexi. He took one hand placed it on the bare back of Lexi while the other hand reached up to grab her hand. Victor started humming a tune and began swaying back and forth. He knew he looked foolish, but it really did feel like they were kids again. Victor thought it would have been nice to meet Lexi when everything was normal, but he was grateful still for meeting her now.

Victor chuckled, "Would you believe I never went to prom? Probably as well, since I'm a horrible dancer."
Lexi looked at him and gave him a glare "Haha you're so funny."

"I have absolutely no idea why you never went to prom." She said sarcastically, as they swayed in an awkward circle. She couldn't help but laugh as she placed her hand within his.

Lexi never would've thought she'd be slow dancing , shirtless, in the middle of an abandoned H&M, and in a dangerous world.

Honestly she was not sure if she would want to be anywhere else in the world or even in a different world.
they hear a loud exploson outside then me yelling " Shit!!!!!!!!" then a thud on the roof 'iv got to get back to the safe house...' I think to my self
Victor enjoyed the moment for a little longer, holding Lexi close. He knew this couldn't last forever, but it didn't mean he wasn't going to milk it for all its worth. Victor had a smile plastered on his face. He was having a good time. He didn't want to ruin it by saying something stupid. Although for all its worth, the drumming in his ears returned. It might have been the adrenaline driving him crazy or it may actually just be his heart excited being next to this girl. If he held her this close for any longer, this craving would just grow more. After a little while, he let Lexi go and stepped back a little. Victor took in the sight for and enjoyed everything he saw.

"Seriously, I like that skirt and I'd go with the grey top," Victor finally answered the question Lexi asked a while ago. He smiled as he scratched the back of his head. In continuing with this playful afternoon, he asked, "So what should I pick up?"
As much as Aleks wanted to find out what happened outside the room, he was far from capable of solving a mystery of that caliber. So doing the best thing he could think of while under the effects of a hangover, he was going to pass the time.

Looking over at the girl on her back, his addled mind was already feeding ideas to him, some good, some bad, and he accepted them all.

Seeing her eyes closed he decided now or never, then again last time he was horribly blown off but he couldn't stop himself now. Taking one last glance to the resting girl, Aleks threw his whole body to the side, unable to simply roll himself over. Luckily Ven's eyes were still closed so she couldn't see the pained expression from his burst of movement. His arms were on either side of her head, practically straddling the small girl. He dipped his head down, almost butting heads in his state, their noses almost touching as he gave a sly smirk.

"Hey you."

(( After a whole day's worth of distractions... ))
Lexi scanned the store to begin making him an outfit to see a swarm of vampires coming from the opposite end of the store.

Victor was still smiling and glanced at her pale white face before realizing something was worn. He immediately swung himself around to see the swarm and why her face had gone pale.

She slowly picked up her gun, having no idea if Victor had the knife at all. She looked at him, in this look there was a look of uncertainty, like this was probably the end for her.

"Run Vic, get to the entrance. You can make it I will hold them off." she said in certainty.

Just then the vampires moved, fast, way too fast.

Lexi suddenly felt herself being hit, and then flying through the window at the store front breaking the glass.

She hit with a thud on the cement, and she heard a couple cracks in her body, she felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen to see a large piece of glass had been logged into a good six inch portion a little bit to the right of her belly button.

She knew she had to pull it out at sometime, so she grabbed it and pulled. She screamed loud from the pain, and then the hot blood started to pool out.

She had probably broken a couple ribs as well, she winced as she reached across the glass for a t-shirt off a mannequin to apply pressure with to the wound. Lexi balled up the shirt and pressed it on the wound.

She started to think that this was how it would end, if the injury wasn't enough, night would fall in a couple hours and she'd be a goner for sure.

She felt a tear fall down when she thought that Vic probably didn't make it, especially being defenseless. She hoped he went fast, and he wouldn't have to suffer like she was about to. She drifted into the thought that maybe they'd meet again, she never really believed in an afterlife, but the idea comforted her mind. . So with a smile she slowly fell into unconsciousness.
Feeling the mattress dip followed by the sound of sheets rustling, Ven figured it was just Aleks adjusting so he was more comfortable. Keeping her eyes shut, she concentrated on the feeling of laying on a fluffy cloud.

"Hey you."

Confused by the closeness of his voice and the feeling of his breath hit her cheeks she opened her eyes only to find him hovering over her. Ven's heart drummed faster and the feeling of her face hearing up suddenly came to her attention. Looking up at him wordlessly, she searched his eyes for anything to explain the position they were in now. She didn't think he could be doing something like this with a hangover. Blinking, a small smile stretched across her lips.

"Aleks...what are you doing?"

She questioned in a teasing tone, keeping her body still. She was interested to see what he was planning and she was scared that any movement on her part would foil it.
The pleasant day Victor and Lexi were having was abruptly changed by the rushing vampires. They moved fast, faster than Victor could react. Everything happened in seconds. We watched as Lexi was launched out of the window. If Victor was honest with himself, he could say that he could have reacted to this situation but he was scared to do anything. He didn't want to reveal himself but his hesitation may have caused harm to Lexi. Victor's eyes flared in anger as he reached for the knife Lexi had given him.

As Victor was ready to retaliate, he heard the vampires begin to whisper, "Join us, little brother. Join us and dine. Join us..."

The words were almost hypnotic, calling Victor to their side. Victor let the blade slip from his hand and stood still for a moment. That would have been it if Victor had not caught sight of Lexi on the concrete outside. A power he had never felt surged through his system as the adrenaline reached new heights. Rage filled each part of his body as he counted the four vampires that he would have to get through to save Lexi. With a monstrous roar, Victor lashed out at the vampires. He felt their claws slash at him and tear at this flesh. He was able to grab a hold of one and using a clothing stand he smashed its head through the metal. A punch across his face sent Victor reeling back, the vampires were faster. They had experience on their side. Victor knew that he had to fight as hard as possible to make sure Lexi lived one more day. He got up and tackled one of the vampires, hurtling them both further into the store. The two exchanged blows back and forth, Victor ignoring any pain but realizing that his mind was slipping further and further away. He finally grasped the vampire's skull and he pressed all his weight into the two eye sockets until he heart the thunderous crack. The other two vampires seeing that they had already lost two, backed away and slithered off into the darkness of the abandoned mall.

Victor was beat and hurt, the beating in his head had returned. He couldn't hear any other heartbeat except the light one that came from the unconscious body outside. He dragged himself over to Lexi and laid next to her for a moment. Tears rolled down his eyes as he knew she was hurt and possible dying. All he could think of was the blood around her midsection. He sat up and leaned over, his growing fangs appearing ready to feast on the open wound.

But Victor stopped himself by the smallest of margins as he looked at Lexi's face. He didn't know what to do. He could try to get back to the house but he might hurt her more in the process. The thought of giving her some of his blood would maybe heal her like it did him, but that was a process that he couldn't do without her consent. He knelt defeated, shirtless and covered in the remains of monsters.

Victor cooed in Lexi's ear, "Please wake up, please stay with me. I don't know what to do..."

((Might have gone a tad long, sorry about that! >_<))
Lexi slipped back into consciousness when she heard Victor talk to her. She thought because of the amount of blood that she was hallucinating for a moment, and even if she wasn't hallucinating she didn't know what to say. She was in a lot of pain and knew she was going to probably die where she laid.

"Im sorry about the skirt, I know you liked it." She said softly, and gave him a soft smile knowing the skirt was tattered and covered in blood, but it had nothing to do with anything she just wanted to see his smile one more time.She could see he was crying, but thought she saw a brief smile.

She looked at the brief smile enough to notice the fangs, she immediately was frightened and tried to back up in the process wincing in pain. She finally just laid there in a ball holding her abdomen as she started crying and begging for mercy.
Victor looked up as Lexi apologized about the skirt. He smiled at the her joking even at a situation like this. He was about to lean over and give her a kiss and a reassuring joke but Lexi balled up and began crying. Victor didn't know why she was so scared of him suddenly; he even looked around to make sure that none of the surviving vampires were coming back to finish their work. Then is struck Victor, she was scared of him. He must have looked like a demon; being covered in all the vampire blood, fast healing cuts, and what he had to imagine were mile long fangs. The two sides were fighting in Victor. One wanted to devour what little blood there was left, and the other wanted to console her and make sure she was safe. He fought with himself to not do anything dangerous.

Victor held his hands up, "Lexi, I won't hurt you. It's me, it's the same me that you were dancing with earlier..."

Victor bit his own lip to try to take his attention away from the open wound before continuing.

"Alright, I may have a confession to make. I guess I was transformed into a vampire last night, it was pretty much before we met. I still don't know how to deal, but I won't hurt you."

Victor honestly didn't know if he had just lied...
"Aleks...what are you doing?"

She was smiling, her voice sending pleasurable tingles down his spine, delighted that nobody would interrupt this. Looking her over once more she seemed to be content on letting him take the initiative.

Wanting to see how long it would take her to turn flustered he mover his right hand to her waist while bringing his head to her neck, leaving a trail of light kisses, relishing the soft skin.

"Well look..."

The first kiss.

"Who's being..."

The second.

"So passive..."


"Suits you..."

One last peck on the chin.

Aleks picked his head up to look at Ven, hands still pawing her hip, threatening to move on to her thighs. His smirk returned in all it's loopy glory.

His internal body temperature was rising quickly, certainly not helping his hangover but he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Hell he'd be willing to push himself over the edge.
Lexi looked at him with his hands raised, as he said he was the same man she met and danced with. Lexi didn't have time to argue what he just had said she knew her time was limited. She wasn't going to make it back to the house even if he did move quickly enough she was struck with the last resort.

She looked at him her eyes filled with tears as she said trembling "change me." As she took one final breath and slipped into a more permenant unconsciousness.
The feeling of his hand resting on her lower hip sent shivers down her spine.

A soft gasp escaping from her when he suddenly started to kiss her neck.

His words coming out in between kisses, brushing her neck with warm breath. Ven tilted her head to the side, subconsciously giving him more room for his lips to navigate. Feeling his kisses trail to her chin and stop, she turned her head to look at him once again. The moment his smirk widened was the moment she felt blush ignite over her entire face.

It felt like someone had suddenly turned on a switch causing her to soak in every detail like it would be the last she ever saw of him. Her blush darkened at the sight of him still only having his jacket on, open and hanging from his shoulders loosely as he hovered over her. Ven felt her heart take a dramatic tumble off a short cliff and right to the pit of her stomach. She had no clue what was going on or what to do in a situation like this, it was new to her.

She was proud to say that she was one of those girls who had never had a serious relationship before everyone became flesh eating monsters. Ven never thought she'd have someone she cared for like this and until she met Aleks she was completely content with that feeling. Her breath hitched slightly, still very much aware that his hand was gripping her a little lower almost resting on her thigh. Trying to keep her composure, she raised an eyebrow. The calm look not working out too well because of her slight dilemma of not being able to push down her blush.

Unable to say anything on a calm level she looked away from him, blushing even harder knowing that he made her feel like a pile of mush.

Only able to muster a few words, Ven bit her lip still looking away from him.

"Shut up.."
"Change me."

Those were the last words Victor heard before Lexi passed out, causing his mind to race. He realized that he had just changed himself, he didn't have an owner's manual. Victor barely understood what was happening to him, let alone what would happen to someone else. He knew a little bit about vampires from these last few years, but there was still a lot that he just knew from movies. Victor grabbed the side of his head in frustrations.

Victor didn't know how to proceed and cursed, "Fuck...fuck...FUCK!!"

Victor's mind questioned how did he change. He knew from movies sometimes it was a bite, sometimes they had to drink blood; but Lexi was too far gone to drink anything. Victor couldn't think of anything, his mind in a panic. Then he looked at his closing cuts and remembered the dying vampire back at the other house. The blood from his cough got into his open wound on Victor's arm. Was it as simple as that? Was a mix of blood all Lexi needed?

Victor couldn't hesitate any longer. He pulled out his multitool and flicked open the knife; slicing open his hand. Victor would need to be quick since his wounds wouldn't stay open for long. He quickly removed the shirt Lexi was holding to her wound and pressed his hand against it. He squeezed his hand and tried to rub as much blood into the wound as possible. He didn't know if this would be enough, but he hoped and prayed as he held her in his arms.
Lexi felt like her body was ripping itself apart and then healing itself. She felt her body intensely, she first realized all of her senses were heightened suddenly, she felt Victor holding her more intensely than ever before. She jolted awake, her eyelids fluttering open.

"Victor." She said with confusion
Victor opened his eyes from praying as Lexi called out his name. He looked down in astonishment that it had worked. He gripped down tightly on the formally dying girl. He didn't believe any of this had actually worked. Victor felt a breath escape his lips as he finally sighed in relief.

Still in a shock of his own, Victor said, "Hey, hero. How are you feeling?"

Victor was excited about what this would mean; he didn't have to be alone in understanding what was happening to him. In fact, the hunger that was directed towards Lexi earlier had subsided although there was still a hunger that he knew would eventually need to be quenched. He even worried how would the rest of the group handle if they found out that two of their newest members were just turned to vampires, but that was a problem for later. Victor just held Lexi in his grasp like it was the last thing he could do.
Aleks loved this. Under him was the girl he'd come to care for, maybe even loved, and she was succumbing to whatever he was doing. The way she moved her head to the side so he had more access to her neck, her small gasps of surprise, and the way she avoided eye contact just increased the euphoria swirling through his mind.

Amusingly she tried to keep her cool and collected attitude but she failed miserably, blushing fiercely.

"Shut up.."

Knowing he was winning, he nipped at her exposed ear, running his hand further down her leg. Something was rising, his conscious was being lost to more animalistic approach but he restrained himself, yet he tightened his grip if only slightly on her leg, nails digging into her jeans as he started to kiss and nip in some kind of haze.
Lexi stood up "Umm surprisingly well considering I was just bleeding out."

She looked at him with knew eyes and felt hungry, hungry for him and hungry for something new that she couldn't put her finger on. Lexi realized she was still in the skirt and bra from earlier.

"Im going to go put some clothes on." She said as she walked back into the store she had just been thrown out of and picked up a pair of cut of jean shorts,a small black crop top, and some black boots. She figured it didn't matter what she wore and quite frankly she couldn't get over the loud pounding in her head. She walked back out to Victor.

"Take that back, my head..Vic. Worse than post-moonshine." She placed her hand on her forehead.
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