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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Whatever chance you may have had, it's gone now. You've made your choice. Deal with it."

Victor sighted and just couldn't figure out what to do. He whispered to himself, "Well fuck me sideways, I've definitely like to screw things up."

Victor turned to head back to the living room when he heard the door slam. He thought of how this must have looked to Lexi. Victor had to be honest; he didn't think his actions through and he may have screwed up his chance at finding people to connect with. Victor's body tensed up and he felt his body fly out the door after Lexi. He moved like lightning and caught up with the girl. He raced out in front of her.

He offered his hands apologetically, "Can't do this every time something pisses you off, but either way I'm sorry. I know how that must have looked and I'm going to level with you. I liked her, I probably still like her but she chose someone else so it fucking sucks. When you kissed my last night, it set my mind on fire. So I'm not going to lie, I like you too. I'm not trying to feed some line, just be honest."

Victor sighed and felt beaten, "Hell, I haven't been with a girl since all this shit started."
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Lexi slowed down as she knew who had caught up to her without even turning around. Victor's face appearing in front of her just like she expected.

"Its a bad time to try and receive sympathy don't you think? Do you want me to feel bad for you Vic? But its okay because she chose someone else and now you like me. Bullshit, you've deserved everything thats came to you. Do you know what I've been through?" Lexi raised her voice but starting to get slightly emotional.

"I was in an abusive relationship for a long time, and I've spent the rest of my time telling myself that I deserved better and deserve better. So if you think I'm going to be your second choice, then really you're not worth my time." She yelled now, she let a few tears fall down her face.

"You fucked up today, I did nothing wrong, and still I'm in pain. It makes so much sense. One day I will stop getting fucked over." She spoke.

She moved passed him wiping her face.
Jax got up after getting up slowly. With what little power he had left. "Lexi, stay. If anyone for the group. Fuck Victor. We could use you. Its your choice. I am not going to force you to stay." With that, he collapsed on the ground. Out like a light. He tried to get the message. And you failed.

I know this. Jax had time to talk to his other half. Jaximus and Jax sat down together in a dark room. Subconscious? Probably.

Are you crazy? Staying up all night. Jaximus shook his head. You always tried to be the hero. Or the guy that takes care of others while killing himself.

Its my job Jaximus. What do you expect me to do? I wasn't trained to just walk away. Its in my instincts. Jax leaned back in his chair. He wasn't too thrilled with having this conversation.

THEN WHERE WERE YOU WHEN SHE DIED? SHE MADE YOU KILL HER. YOU WEREN'T THERE TO SAVE HER. Jaximus started to tear up. Jax knew this was a touchy subject.

Hey, I did all that I could. You know that. I saved you the despair of killing her yourself. I cared for her too. Jax reached over and touched Jaximus on the shoulder. I did what was right and we both know it.

I know. But what will happened if Lyric is turned? What will you do then? You don't have anyone to shield for you. Jaximus knew Jax cared for her. He didn't want the same thing to happened to Jax as it happened to him. You need to let go.

Says the one who can't let go. Jax smirked. Jaximus shouldn't be preaching about letting things go. Jaximus instead of yelling just laid his head down. Tears flowing

I am trying. Its hard. Jax nodded and hugged his half. This was both their burden. Jax was doing all that he could. Sometimes he couldn't do it all.

We'll get through it. We always have. Lets not worry about it. Lets enjoy the moments we had with her. Both men collectively nodded their heads and went separate ways.

(Sorry if that was complicated.)
Victor watched Lexi walk past him. He didn't know if words were enough of what would be the answer. There was something he could reveal that he had only come to terms with just last night, but he didn't know how well he could trust her. Maybe he would tell her eventually, but it might not be now. He played it passive and defensive for so long, with Ven and now with Lexi. The only time he made any progress was last night when he was letting his urges take control. With that thought, he focused on Lexi's heartbeat. It's thrum in his ears and almost the only the thing he could hear. He felt his teeth extend slightly, he was turning into something more primal.

He turned to Lexi and yelled, "Yeah, I fucked up! I know I fucked up! I remember what you told me last night and I'm not looking to hurt you. But I'm not going to hurt Ven with my fuck ups either. You're not my second choice! You chose me and you saved me! God damn it, I do like you! I'm not aiming to hurt you, please believe me..."

Victor caught up to Lexi again, he turned her around on her heels. He raised his hands to soften her face and wiped the tears from her face. He offered, "I'm sorry.." Victor gave Lexi a gentle kiss and hoped that it would help. He moved his hands to her waist and held her tightly.
Ven sat beside him, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I don't think that would taste very good."

She mused softly putting the other two bottles on the nightstand beside him. Letting out a long sigh, she deflated her anger by laying back on the soft bed. Her feet hanging over the edge, she looked at him.

"I don't have any pain medicine. But, if you need some I wouldn't mind driving somewhere to get some."

Ven whispered, watching him from where she was laying. She seriously hoped that he would feel better soon, she had the feeling that hangovers sucked. Continuing to watch him, she didn't realize that she was staring at him. Ven was too busy absorbing every detail about him that she could commit to memory.

(I saw Guardians of the Galaxy finally today. It was one of those times my dad became a bigger nerd then I am. ^^' ))
Aleks let out a low rumble, hurting too much to give a simple chuckle. He unscrewed the cap to the bottle and raised it to his lips, drinking greedily, trying to secure every last drop of the delicious water. He drank...and drank...and drank...until the bottle was completely drained.

Tearing the bottle from his mouth he set it on his pillow, deciding that it might be useful later if there ever was a chance to refill. His throat and mouth felt better, hydrated at least, he wanted more water but he could manage for now.

The water did lift the aches he was having but he still couldn't really do much work at that moment.

"Oh no...don't need to go off on a hunt for medicine, I'll be fine...all I need is rest."

His voice was infinitely better, the usual tone replacing the dry tone before. He looked at the pair of feet dangling over the bed.

"Everything okay out there? Didn't really hear much but you looked upset."

(( Did you see Howard the Duck? ))
Lexi felt his hands on her in an embrace and then his mouth on hers.

She pulled away for a second " You can't just kiss me to resolve situations, thats how you get yourself slapped,..but it does help."

"Can't I just hit that cocky bitch once, like oooh I have red hair and all the boys swoon over me. She makes me want to vomit.Plus she hasn't said one nice thing to me yet." Lexi griped for a moment.

She suddenly decided she wanted to sit, right there, smack dab in the middle of the road. She was going to get to know him tonight, at least a brief surface look.

"Whats the one food you miss the most?" She looked at him angry still, but slowly relaxing folding her knees to her chest.
Victor laughed at how the situation changed, "Well, if it still works..."

Victor couldn't help but smile, "No, you can't hit her. I thought you don't care what anyone else thinks? But I'm not gonna stop you if you want to hash it out, I mean it's a dream of mine to have two girls fight over me.

Victor winked, hopefully to show that he was only kidding. Lexi sat in the middle of the road; Victor really had no choice but to sit down alongside her. He looked in her eyes as she quickly got into the deep and heavy topics. There was so many foods that he would never get to taste again, but he couldn't let that tidbit out. Besides that, there was a lot that he wished he could go back to.

"Ice cream," Victor reminisced. Summer was in high swing and the heat would be amazing with ice cream. Victor had to return the question, "How about you? What do you miss the most?"

((As funny as it was in the movie, no more Howard please. Bad jokes need to die.))
Lexi looked at him, "I don't care what she thinks about me,but at the end of the day she probably needs to be put in her place. Well you can't tell me not to hit her when you hit that other guy, hypocrite..Princess should realize theres a new bad bitch in town. Yeah I'm sure we could hash it out in a large pit of mud and take our clothes off." She rolled her eyes.

"I miss pizza.. so good." She sighed.

"Whats your full name, sir?"
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"As a young male, I would love to see that," Victor laughed as a sexy image ran across his mind.

"Mmm, pizza's good too. There's way too much, to be honest. My name? Santos. I'm Victor Santos. It was my grandfather's name. How about you? Is Lexi short for anything?"

Victor realized that along with the relaxing back in the house, he hadn't had a nice simple conversation like this. He didn't know why but being asked small questions like this helped him forget everything that happened the past few days. It helped feel like a human being, no matter how much that was a lie. Victor revealed his teeth in a genuine smile. He was happy again and he would do anything to stay this way.

((Alright, it's bed time for this old fuck. Night ladies and gents.))
Lexi rested her head on his shoulder.

"No, just Lexi.. Lexi Jaye Walters."

"Its unique just to me, I'm not named after anyone."

She saw out of the corner of her eye he smiled, it made her happy to know he was happy. He was frustratingly hard to read most of the time.

"We're pretty fucked up, did you know that?" she laughed.
"We're pretty fucked up, did you know that?" she laughed.

Victor couldn't help but laugh right along with Lexi. He couldn't help but think how understated that was. He felt like his emotions where on a yo-yo for the better part of a week. He felt ostracized and at odds with Jax and Aleks in the beginning, the mishap with Ven, and then these new powers. Victor still felt like he was fucked, but at least Lexi alleviated some of the stress. But he couldn't always be that much of a pessimist.

Victor responded, "No, we're not. We're pretty normal in this pretty jacked up world. We dealing."

Victor didn't know where that sentiment came from, but he thought it was the right thing to say at that time. He leaned back in his seated position and ruffled his shaggy hair, laughing a hearty laugh.

"Let's go do something. Let's go on an adventure. Everyone's still pretty much out of it in the house anyway. Let's get away. We'll come back, but let's just get away for now."
Lexi loved the idea of adventures, probably not all that safe, but what the hell.

Lexi stood up and blew her blonde hair out of her face,

"Alright, but what did you have in mind?" She asked.

She attempted to pull Victor up from the road grabbing both hands and throwing her weight into it.

"Is this cheesy, tell me we're not those people.." She laughed and took her leather jacket off, it was probably one or two and the sun was directly above them. She suddenly wished she had shorts, but too much skin exposed meant you were more vulnerable for bites.

"Lets go shopping or let me pierce your bellybutton," Lexi's corky personality sung through, she flashed her contagious smile and looked at him.

"Thoughts?Any better ideas?"
Victor couldn't help but laugh as the blonde tried to pick him up. It wasn't that face that he was heavy, it was just nice to have this kind of moment again. He finally let himself be lifted and got onto his feet.

"I don't think it's cheesy. Christ, I was pretty much just a kid when all of this happened and I know I haven't matured much since then. Let us have this," Victor confessed as he enjoyed the hot sun on his back.

He stretched his back as he stood up when Lexi made the comment about a belly button, "Um, let's pass on that. Or we can get you pierced. But shopping sounds fun, let's do that. Now I have a craving for pizza and we have this house we might be able to cook in."

Victor was anxious to get away again, even for a moment. The people and tension inside still felt like powder keg, maybe he could do something to relieve the pressure and make the group get along. Victor thought about the small miracles that it would take.
Lexi looked at him "You think I'm going back in there?" Lexi scoffed. "Nope. Cant make me. Ill sleep on the roof." She said in a childish way crossing her arms.

"Goodluck getting pants off on the roof." She said in a sassy tone as she kicked a rock.

"You know I was not talking grocery shopping, I was saying clothes shopping, but either way." She laughed.

"We should at least start walking in that vicinity or you should." As she said that she jumped on his back and wrapped her legs around his abdomen and arms around his neck.

"Alright, Im ready to go now." She smiled and kissed his neck, piggy back rides were always her favorite, and if they weren't growing up this is what she wanted to do.
I come running by " shit shit shit!!!!!!! " you see multiple slash wounds on me then a large shadow quickly following me yet theres nothing to make it (( ill be on later ))
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