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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Well crap...forgot I don't know the layout of this place.

Including the state Aleks was in, he had more trouble than he would have if were sober in finding a bedroom. Nevertheless he continued to lead Ven around for a good 4 minutes, pushing open the fifth door of the house, a bedroom.

Looking over the room he frowned...one bed. He'd just have to make due, and keep his other side at bay though the very apparent fact that the two were sleeping together...which could possibly be going accordingly for Ven.

She wanted this right?

Think so.

You think so...how helpful.

Shut up, you're drunk.

Thankfully the bed was big enough to hold two people...queen sized...or was that king sized? Either way two people could sleep together. Watching Ven take a boot off he decided to do the same, removing his shoes without messing with the shoestrings, throwing them off to the side.

Reaching a hand to his jacket he stopped, fingers resting on the leather. Now he had the small dilemma of whether he should remove the jacket, it sounded nice sleeping shirtless on a bed but wanting to have some modesty he kept it on, walking to the side of the bed and lowering himself cautiously, checking to see if the bed would collapse...it didn't.

Swinging his legs onto the bed, he took the right half of the mattress, a sigh of content escaping his lips, his eyes closing, ready to fall into blissful sleep.

"Crazy day...how...are ya feeling?"
Ven took off her vest, keeping the black tank top on. Sweeping her feet onto the bed after she watched him test it out she relaxed into the matress finding it comfortable. Bringing the blankets over her body, she rolled to her side so that she was looking at him. When he asked his question. Ven really didn't know how to respond to that, if she told him she was fine she would be lying...but she wasn't so depressed she couldn't function. Taking in his relaxed look, she closed her own eyes.

"I'm better...thank you, Aleks...for everything."

She whispered, slipping off the edge of contiousness already. The way it sounded coming out of her mouth it was almost like she was tellng him goodbye. Her breathing slowed to a steady rate, her fingers losening around the blanket she had clutched in her fingers. She looked fragile as she drifted off, like she was one step away from completely being pushed off the edge of emotional instability.
Lexi listened to the tone of Jax voice and the way he smiled when he spoke..

She knew he loved her because Lexi used to speak about someone she loved the same way.

"She sounds lovely." she told him

She looked up at the stars, slightly nostalgic.

"Tell me about Victor, where did he come from?" She tried to sound nonchalant, she was just genuinely curious after all, but the kissing might have had something to do with it. She probably should no more about him, she did just ask him to stay with the group, and he could be a serial killer..
Jax looked at Lexi, then towards the dark. "He is a tool. He is an overconfident asshole. He thinks he is all that when he is not. But he is a fighter. So I think he is an okay guy. Something about him kind of rubs me wrong. But its nothing worth being worried over." He chuckled and got up. Walking to the other side.

"Other than that. I found him at a museum while trying to find Lyric." He walked around the roof. Seeing nothing but a few movements but wasn't at all worried. Seemed like a quiet night. He stepped and practiced his aiming. Its been a while. He needed to refresh. He has been doing knife movements. He just needed to have a refresh just in case.

"So tell me. Why aren't you asleep?" He wondered why. Because everyone needed sleep eventually. Jax tried to sleep but he couldn't. Everything makes him stressed and he knows he does it to himself. But he can't stop. Its just what he does.
"I'm better...thank you, Aleks...for everything."

Aleks mentally nodded as his eyes were closed and he didn't want to move his head from the pillow. She was quiet, more than likely drifting off into sleep. Feeling the throbbing that still went on in his head, he tried his best to focus on Ven with his eyes closed. He barely noticed the almost inaudible sound of her breathing shifting to a steady, soft sound.

About 80% sure that she was asleep he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her. He was met with a peaceful child, while sleeping her features seemed to smooth out, removing any signs of stress and making her appear a few years younger than she already looked. His eyes roamed her torso, the tank top pleasing to his eyes, then to her feet and how they just didn't reach the end of the bed...cute in a way, and finally back to her face.

Resisting his urges he turned his head back, staring at the ceiling, soon falling asleep, Ven's peaceful face being the last thing to fade into the darkness.
"Shoot why don't you!? That isn't your mother anymore! I said shoot goddamit!!"

Shaking, the cool metallic feeling of a gun pressed into her sweaty palm. She couldn't do it, no matter how he begged she couldn't bring herself to pull the trigger. Wet streaks swept down her face, blurring her vision and obscuring the woman with the red hair in front of her. The weight of the weapon suddenly seemed heavier, hollow eyes turning to bore into her face. Seeing but not seeing. With a screech she charged, arms dangling to her side and spit foaming out of her mouth.


Smoke blinded her, a silhouette pinned to the cold basement wall. An arrow penetrated it's heart, blood seeping the figures clothes. Ven was holding the bow now, her eyes widening as the fog cleared her sister taking the woman's place. The girl's expression mirrored her own, the horror and surprise of being shot. Out stretching her hand, Ven stumbled towards the girl before a hand was placed on her shoulder. Cold, clammy, and all to familiar.

"How does it feel, to bask in you're families' blood? Do you feel scared? Full of rage? Or does that facade help you bury your feelings?

Hiding your true self.

You’re truly an extraordinary specimen; I look forward to breaking you”

Snapping up, her hand clamped around her own mouth keeping in the scream. Her shoulders shook, hearing his voice echo in her head. Drops of water fell onto the bed under her and it took her a moment to realize she was actually crying again. Feeling disoriented, she looked over to Aleks's sleeping figure. He was a lot closer then she remember falling asleep to. Telling herself it was just a nightmare, she moved over slightly so she was closer to him. Her forehead resting against his shoulder blade, the action soothing her slightly.

((If someone knows where I ripped that last quote off from I give you brownie points xD ))
Lexi took Jax's question into consideration..

why are you not asleep?

She contemplated, and being the blunt person she was she just let him know precisely what she had answered in her head.

"Probably the small rendezvous with Victor, or the fact he kind of rejected me or I just am used to not sleeping due to being on my own and always being on high alert.. or a combination of all three." She sighed.

She looked out...

She went to get up, wiping her eyes clear, slightly losing balance and then suddenly felt herself slip..

She fell to the edge of the roof and was clinging on, it was a good drop probably would break an ankle if she fell, her upper body strength was not ideal, but she could cling on for a little bit longer. She didn't want to yell for help due to the amount of darkness surrounding her.

She knew Jax was across the roof practicing shooting techniques.

Damnit Lexi, see what happens when you let your guard down.

She was more concerned about the fall because if she broke her ankle down there and something attacked her she was plain defenseless and easy prey.

Lexi decided to squeak out a small "Help me.." as her hands slipped off the edge.

(Is that a batman quote?)
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Victor felt the cold air blowing through his hair as he raced through the field. It was odd, even though his new senses allowed him to hear things that should have been impossible, he was also able to focus that hearing. He knew there was a deer not far from the edge of the woods, a young buck that would be enough to feed upon and hopefully sate his hunger for a long time. Then something broke his concentration...

"Help me.."

From this distance, he couldn't tell who had said it but he knew that it came from the house. Victor wondered if he let something in by leaving the window open. He didn't know who it was, but he had to at least try to help. In a cloud of dust, he turned on his heels to speed back to the house. As he closed in on the house, Victor could make out in the darkness a female form hanging on the edge of the roof. That meant it was either Ven or Lexi. He couldn't see any other creatures, but he saw what had to be Jax. Victor didn't know what was happening but the adrenaline was pushing him now. Without hesitation, without the slightest thought; Victor jumped upwards. Surprisingly to Victor, he had made it almost to the top of the house. He was able to catch the roof and pull himself up. He ran to the edge and saw Lexi, grabbing both wrists he pulled the girl up. He wasn't sure of his strength and all he could do was pray that is wasn't too much. Lexi's body came up and Victor released her wrists to grab her waist. He pulled her in away from the edge. He fell back with a loud thud and Lexi's body followed quickly on top of him.

With quick breaths, Victor asked, "You okay...?"
Lexi was about to feel the free fall when she was grabbed by the wrists and pulled back up secured by her waist.

She then fell forward, finally becoming aware of her situation, it was Victor. She looked at him with large yes for a couple long moments before she could gather herself.

"U-Uh yeah, how'd you-" She asked confused and still gathering the whole situation.

She raised an eyebrow "Come here often?" She laughed.

"I mean at least take me on a date first." She smiled at him
Victor felt the laughter reverberate through him as Lexi laughed. He thought that she was being a little caviler, but he couldn't help but laugh just as heartily especially when she joked. He felt the warm emanating her body all over him. He enjoyed the feeling of having her pressed against him, but his hunger tore at him. He had finally accepted that he need to drink blood, but he didn't want to tear into the girl he had just saved. Victor shoved those feelings are far down as possible and tried to remain as poised he could muster.

With a slight smile, Victor quipped "You know you're making it hard for me? I don't want to take advantage of you."

With a hungering lust, Victor's hands dropped lower on Lexi and then he leaned up to kiss Lexi's neck. He wanted to fill the hunger with something other than biting into her, so he dangerously tempted other urges.

((I can't wait for the new one. I really wanted to play the Red Hood missions, but I'm not preordering at Game Stop.))
Jax turned and saw her fall. "Shit." He leaped but saw Victor catch her. The hell? How? He felt blindsided. He shook it off. He nodded. He was grateful, shocked but grateful.

"Nice catch. Now get your asses inside." He looked up and saw the moon. Bright. He felt alone. He sat down and felt his eyes fade. "No. I can't. Not now." He shook his head and got up. I need to stay awake. No one else is awake. And I don't know about Vic. Jax felt the need to stay awake. He got out and stretched. Time for a work out. He went down and found his sleeveless shirt. It was for hot days and now its a workout shirt. He climbed back up and changed. He started doing his old workouts. He felt like he was in one of those karate movies and he is working out under the moon light. About an hour went by and he was glistening with sweat. He was breathing heavy.

He chugged some water and looked up. "I need to do more."

(I am a huge Jason Todd fan. Red Hood DLC makes me happy. I have every Red Hood and The Outlaws comic.)
Lexi felt like her heart would stop at any moment. As he kissed her neck she tried to remain as levelheaded as possible, but it wasn't really working. "Not-- Safe"

She managed to mumble out, she had to slow things down or else she wouldn't be able to control herself, plus she actually was growing tired.

"Lets go to bed, but don't get any ideas.." She kissed his cheek and grabbed his hands to attempt to pull him up with her. She knew the comment was quite frankly ballsy, but all the beds were taken except his and she was tired. After all they could think whatever they wanted, she could care less.

She made a small grunting noise trying to use all her strength to pull him up.
Buried in Lexi's neck, Victor felt the words traveling up to utter, "Not-- Safe."

"Lets go to bed, but don't get any ideas.."

Victor let Lexi pull him up but he kept his hands on her's to make sure she didn't fall back off the roof again. He smiled as he responded to her comment, "Now let's be honest, don't you get any ideas."

Victor felt the second heartbeat on the roof approach. Jax came up to congratulate, "Nice catch. Now get your asses inside."

Victor knew that Jax didn't think highly of him, so the compliment was highly regarded. Victor nodded his head in approval to Jax, "Yes, sir. I'll make sure she gets in, but if you need something just holler."

He then turned his attention back to Lexi. He wasn't sure if she frightened about her fall and the heights, but he wanted to test out his strength more. He put on hand on her shoulder then swooped his other underneath her legs to pick Lexi up. Victor found a way to hop down to a little awning so it wouldn't be a full leap down. He brought Lexi into the house and once they were fully inside Victor placed Lexi on her feet. He led her to the room where he had set up. The bed was still dusty so Victor grabbed on edge and picked up the blanket, bringing it over to the open window to let out the dust. He returned the blanket and motioned for Lexi to take the bed.

"If we're going to behave, you take the bed. I'm good on the floor," Victor stated as he kicked off his boots. He then removed his shirt and folded it as a makeshift pillow. He leaned underneath the window facing the bed, getting as comfortable as he could. He didn't know how much longer he could go through this hunger, so he opted to be close to the window just in case he needed to run out.

((Yeah, definitely enjoyed what DC did was Jason when they brought him back, although can't say I'm that into Outlaws. It's an alright book.

Anyway, that's it for me tonight. Need some beauty sleep. Night all!))
Lexi grew a little saddened that he wouldn't even actually sleep in the bed

am I that repulsive or that irresistible? compliment or insult.. She took the compliment

She decided to make him regret that choice to sleep on the floor, however, she was always a little bit rebellious.

So in retaliation Lexi pulled off her cropped leather jacket, her black boots, then her jeans. So she stood in her black tank top and panties.

She watched him take off his shirt

Oh he's good..

She chimed "Goodnight." Mostly just s0 he would turn around and look at her. She let him look at her for a moment before crawling into bed.

If he thought he had control, he had another thing coming, she smirked at his expression.

She curled into a small ball and thought about the stars she had looked at on the roof..

She was soon in a deep sleep and breathing softly in and out.
Victor watched anxiously as Lexi stripped for bed. He devoured her with his eyes as he looked at all the exposed flesh. The raw hunger was eating at him. He knew Lexi had no idea what she was getting herself into, even Victor was unsure of the control he had. He watched as she crawled into the bed and drifted off the sleep. Unfortunately, for Victor couldn't sleep. His body did not feel tired in the least, nor was his mind going to stop from running at a lightning pace.

You know you want to Vic. She was practically begging. Just one bite, it won't hurt much.

Victor's eyes shot open from his attempts to sleep. He was practically drooling at the thought of drinking from Lexi. He didn't even realize that he had silently moved over to the bed and stood over. Creepily, he bent over and smelled the pheromones from her hair. It was almost too much, he wanted to do so much to her but his sanity clawed desperately for Victor to control himself.

Just as silently as he moved to the bed, he moved back to his spot against the window. He had to get away from here and the temptations that the house had to offer. He slipped out the window and bounded out towards the woods. He knew he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight so he had to figure something about this hunger inside of him. Victor tracked another deer in the wooded area. With a grand leap, he tackled the large buck. Its head rocking back and forth in anger, opposed to Victor's grip. He bared his teeth and dug in. Warm blood filled his mouth and splashed over his face. Victor had never felt this alive. It was like sex and skydiving put together, with the best part of the hunger subsiding. He let out a howl in excitement. For the first time since the vampire spat its blood in Victor's wound, Victor felt at peace. He could still sense more than before but he didn't have a constant thrumming inside of him. He found a stream and cleaned most of the blood off himself. With a clear mind, Victor realized that he need an excuse for being out. He took out his multi-tool and flicked out the knife. He dug into the deer's neck to erase any bite marks. Victor wasn't that great of a hunter, but he hoped this would pass initial inspections before they butchered the animal. Without much effort, Victor lifted the carcass over his shoulders and made his way back to the house.

He found a propane grill inside the garage which helped him cook the meat, filling the surrounding area with the smell of venison. He looked around to see that the sun was beginning its ascent. With enough food for everyone, he was ready to wake the house.

In a booming voice, he called out, "Breakfast's ready! Chow, chow!"

He knocked on a few doors to wake the occupants, giving them opportunity to grab some warm food. With a plate full of meat, he went back to the bedroom where Lexi laid. He knelt down next to her and pushed her blonde hair back over her ear. There was still the temptation, but Victor was level headed enough to understand his actions.

He leaned over, "Time to get up, sleeping beauty. I made breakfast."

((Sorry if anyone wanted any night time activities, just thought it was best to fast forward a bit.))
(Its okay. I can play along.)

Jax sat on the roof. All night. He worked out so much that night and his body was tired. He sat down crossed legged and looked out towards the environment. It is truly a different world at night. He got up and stretched. "What a night." He said as he worked the injured shoulder. He had to work it in order to regain its strength. He heard a very far howl. Just barely.

"Well looks like we have some wild animals. We can go hunting tomorrow." The sun began to rise. When it hit him, the sun made him shine because of the sweat. It didn't cool down and the wind didn't pick up much during the night. So Jax was a sweaty mess. Typical me. He grinned at his joke.

"Breakfast is ready! Chow, chow!" That was Victor's voice. Jax, surprised at this. Got down from the roof and put his sleeveless shirt on. Despite him being sweaty and he hated to do it. He felt like he was doing common courtesy. It was meat. Fresh meat. How the hell did we get meat? It wasn't here when I came in. He may have been optimistic, but he has been around camps long enough to know fresh meat. And this was pretty damn fresh. "Unless Victor got pass my vision." He said quietly. Which was probably the most logical explanation. This wasn't a prison, so Jax wasn't going to enforce 'curfews' if they wanted to go out. By all means Jax would've obliged. Jax couldn't shake the feeling that Victor didn't want to be seen. To tell Jax. Jax wanted to at least know so he wouldn't shoot a friendly. But in any case, food is food and he doubt its poisoned because Victor probably took some.

Jax picked up some meat and put it on a plate found in a kitchen cupboard. He walked into the living room where Lyric was and sat down next to her. "Good morning." He said, to people he may have seemed crazy. But its nice to try and include people. Even if their unconscious. "We have some food. That might wake you up." He smiled and leaned back, eating while trying to relax. Damn, I shouldn't have worked so hard. I need to find somewhere to clean. Unless this place by SOME miracle had water, it probably wasn't much. He sighed and just said don't worry about it and continue to eat his food. Another day in the apocalypse.
It was one of those happier nights, no fighting was going on in the vicinity and everyone just felt happy. A group of about 11 people, men and women, stood at the sidewalks with assorted civilians standing by gawking, some joining. At the center was a different group, each holding an instrument, it was a special night where everyone just seemed to appreciate the Jazz band more than usual. The music had been constantly erupting since noon, now the sun had fallen and they were still going strong. Raucous and melodic laughter flowed from everyone as if they were one entity, some had their hands in the air, others had their hands on each other, dancing to the music. Even the random citizens worked up the courage to join...or they were just drunk.

Part of the original 11 was Aleks, yelling his lungs out along with everyone else, dancing and cheering like a jolly fool, so much better than staying in school. Normally he wouldn't be this open around other people but he was too far gone, whatever this gang was they knew how to butter someone up. A police cruiser rolled by, the cops didn't do anything, just gave them dirty looks, they were lazy in this part of town, tired of arresting people just so it could happen again a few weeks later.

One last scream to be heard around the world and somebody grabbed Aleks's arm, and his attention. Looking at the person he saw the familiar hair combination, the pale skin, the all-too simple outfit. The girl smiled at him, but before she could say anything they met in the middle, lips colliding, hands hungrily ravaging the other's body.

Aleks woke to the sound of yelling and knocking, the banging on the doors way too loud, his head was pounding and he felt like vomiting again. Not rising immediately he got the chance to feel something pressed against his back...shoulder blade to be precise. Carefully and slowly rolling out of bed, he landed on his knees, looking to see Ven had rolled over and pressed herself against him in her sleep, at least he thought it was in her sleep. If she did that consciously then he'd be bummed that he couldn't capitalize on that.

Another wave of discomfort assaulted his body. He was sweating, the room was spinning, he felt very dizzy and his mouth was dry as he spoke.


Trying feebly to wake her, he reached for his shirt that he still hadn't put on, he fell over on his side as he stretched his arm to reach for the shirt that rested in a crumpled pile on the floor. He tried in vain to get the fabric in his hands but another terrible headache surged through his head.
(i'm back bitches!)

Xian was freaking out. kat had (pending investigation.) buggered off with his heroin. and he was not about to go anywhere after her. although he would not be suffering withdrawal symptoms yet. he could definitely feel the lack of pain relief. add to this the strange feeling the moon was giving him. the bits of him in the light from the window didn't seem to feel the pain. instead they seemed to tingle excitedly like a runner at the starting line.

Xian found the strength to roll his whole body into the light of the moon. full of adrenalin, and injuries pacified by slowly developing werewolf constitution. he threw his grappling over the windowsill and hit the streets.

it was surprisingly difficult, in order to avoid a building shadowing him from the moons revitalising rays he was forced to takes strange routes. down alleyways, leaping across the shadows of bridges. too was he surprised how second nature the avoiudance of ghouls had become.

he watched one it could smell something.

Xian could too. his human senses fixated on an alien, musky smell. like something from another species, another pack, another wolf!

turning into the smell he saw a figure on the roof of a building. he recognized the guys coat bhe had always wanted.


he knew he could approach, unarmed. but it felt a little awkward meeting again so soon.

he went for a walk. towards him thinking of an opening line.
Lexi coming into consciousness groaned a little, while taking in the pretty massive headache.. "Shhh, not so loud, " she mumbled.

She rolled over and took in what he had said about breakfast, "Pants." She said groggy, moving an arm, then a leg out from under the covers. She hadn't slept that great, since before the bomb, but she felt pretty shitty this morning nonetheless.

She rolled out of bed and grabbed her pants that were on the floor nearby, and wiggled them on. Then she sat on the edge of the bed and put her boots on, she figured she probably had rough bed head so she moved her fingers through her hair a couple times. She grabbed her jacket and threw it on last, she grabbed her forehead and shut her eyes for a moment..."Jesus Christ." she mumbled.

"Breakfast better be fucking phenomenal, " She looked at him clearly in slight pain. She grabbed his hand and said "Lets go." breaking a slight smile.

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