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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Ven gave Aleks a weird look at he burped before laughing about it.

Well that was certainly attractive I can see why you like him.

Rolling her eyes, she corked the bottle and looked at the half empty bottle.


She grumbled under her breath, looking back to the glowing embers. She didn't think it would cause the fire to spread. Sighing, she looked at the darkness seeping in. Unless they were going to spend the night out here getting back would be the wisest choice. Though it was going to take extra time after all she would have to drive without headlights to avoid attention. Tipping the bottle in her hands she watched the amber liquid.

"I don't drink."

With that confession she looked up at the sky, looking at the stars coming into view.
Jax leaned back on the roof. Patiently waiting for the two to get back. "Probably doing the deed." He said quietly to himself. He laughed at his comment and cleaned his guns. There was nothing to do. Actually there was one thing. He got down and opened the garage door. Enough to park the truck. He walked into the truck and pulled into the garage. Snug in there. He got out and shut the door from the outside and walked around the house. Tired and exhausted. He didn't know how he was going. Nightmares. They kept him up. His shoulder every now and then brought a throb of pain.

"What to do?" He kept walking and looked out towards where Aleks and Ven drove. "Get your asses over here." He said and walked towards the backyard.
Aleks leaned back on the hood, oblivious to the looks he was recieving, her remarks falling on closed ears.

"I don't drink."

Aleks got off the hood and back onto his two unsteady feet, swaying as if he was a branch in the wind. His eyes shining with drunken mischief.

"You've...aaalready had a sip-uh, so that would make youuu...a drinker. And on that bombshell...unless you plan on having fun...let's get back."

Aleks strolled over to the car, hitting his head on the roof as he climbed in.
Ven gave him a questioning look, raising an eyebrow. Drinking a sip and not liking it did not mean she was a drinker. Chuckling lightly, she whistled to Lupin watching as he came trotting over. Opening the backseat she watched him climb in before getting in herself. Ven laughed lightly as he hit his head on the roof of the car.

"Depends on the kind of fun you're talking."

She stated, turning the key in the ignition listening as the engine roared to life. Placing the bottle of Jack in his lap, she shifted to reverse stepping on the gas so that the car was moving backwards. Making a quick three-point turn she moved the vehicle forward once again this time slamming on the gas pushing 70. She figured with him as drunk as he was she could see how fast this puppy could hull ass. Rolling down the window she let a grin stretch her lips feeling the wind whip her ponytail over her right shoulder. Taking a glance at Aleks, she let out an amused chuckle due to his expression.

((Sorry I was dealing with the effects of finally getting off the death contraption. ))
Victor felt Lexi's hands on his chest giving a sort of playful shove and calling him out, "Do you think I give a single fuck about what people think about me and you don't seem like the type to care either so cut the bullshit?"

Victor scratched the back of his head while responding, "Look, it's fine not caring about what others think. I'm just fucking trying to be nice, trying to look out for you."

Victor sighed at his outburst. He was definitely used to calling out and being called out, but he was trying to keep everything nice and level. He didn't need his emotions in high gear along with whatever was happening with him.

Victor softened his face and apologized, "Look, I'm sorry. It's been a rough time. Didn't mean to snap back, I'm just trying to find something to keep me tied down to this group. Some reason to stay."

((Death contraption? ~_^))
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"Depends on the kind of fun you're talking."

Aleks grinned lazily on his chair, focusing on the hazy blurs outside the car, making a game of trying to figure out what each blur was. The warm bottle of alcohol was thrown onto his lap, managing to distract him from noticing the fast speed Ven was putting the car through. To be honest he was too out of it to care so he put up with it.

Eh...why not.

Aleks took another drink, shaking his head right after, stomach and head not feeling right with the speed try were going at. Not complaining about it, he just stared down to his pants and trying his best to not vomit.

(( Don't have much idea on what to write out so...enjoy. ))
((Yes I was on a horrible man made transportation Vehicle called a plane.

Oh any I was just thinking a lovely high speed joyride back to civilization))

Ven smiled, slowing the car down as she made it into town. Too busy focusing on the road to notice the shapes darting out of some of the buildings. Slowing the car down even further she took note of which place had what moving inside. Making sure all the windows were up she pulled quietly through town turning the radio off completely so they were rolling in complete silence. Looking at Aleks she made another observation that he looked like he was going to puke.

"Don't you dare puke in the car."

She hissed, pulling around a few cars blocking the road. Going towards the outskirts she eventually saw the house. It seemed they had done a good job getting the house monster proof at least. Parking in the dirt parking lot, she reached behind her grabbing her bow and yanking her quiver out from under a sleeping Lupin.

Looking back to Aleks she smirked at his green face.

"What you're feeling right now is exactly why I don't consume alcohol."

She giggled softly, slowly getting out of the trunk. She let Lupin out, grabbed the food they had looted from the gas station, and the duffle bag full of ammo and weapons. She would have to come back for the water later, Aleks wasn't in any shape to be lugging anything besides that bottle.
Lexi took in his outburst..He could dish it back which she found oddly attractive. Even though she had not a whole lot left in her life, she forgot about it for a second. She couldn't really verbalize any real reason to stay, she closed the gap between them and kissed him, hard and only for a couple seconds. She had just met him and that wasn't necessarily her scene. However she wanted him to stay, for selfish reasons mostly.

She had no idea if that would give him a reason ,but it was her best idea.
The whole ride was groan worthy but he'd probably end up sounding like a zombie and get shot by everybody else so the idea was stuffed into the back of his mind along with puking and pissing himself. Some time later the car slowed as the arrived back to the small suburban-like area.

"Don't you dare puke in the car."

Aleks held up his hands in mock surrender, the neck of the bottle clutched tightly between his fingers and palm. He just couldn't wait to settle himself down onto something soft...or hard, no preferences in his state of mind, he could always pass out in the car but he got slapped last time for it so once they arrived to the house he stumbled out, wandering in a zig-zag to their new base of operations without an escort or someone to help him from falling...he was managing at least though that vomit feeling was surfacing a lot faster than before.
Shutting and locking the door behind her, she watched Lupin trot to catch up to Aleks, making sure he didn't pass out without anyone knowing. Swiftly dropping the bag and the cart of food onto thr wooden floor she reached out to grab Aleks so that he wouldn't fall flat on his face. Taking the bottle out of his hands she started ushering him up the stairs and towards the bathroom up there. She really hoped that these people had their own generator before all this shit happened. Face full of concern, Ven looked at his face the nausea written all over it.

"Are you okay?"

She asked softly hooking his arm around her neck so that he was more stable. She found it a slight relief that she had had practice around drunk people before all this. At least she knew how to help the splitting hangover he would have in the morning. Ven started helping him up the stairs, taking it as fast as she could to get him to the bathroom. She really just didn't want to be alone at that moment, or let him split his head open from falling on something.
Victor was shocked when Lexi took the initiative and send him reeling with a hard kiss. His mind and adrenaline was spiking in a way he rarely felt. When she pulled away, he looked into her eyes trying to find an answer to the kiss but all he could think about was the drumming in his head. Victor's primal side began to take over as the adrenaline built from his spine and drove every part of his body. Victor licked his lips in anticipation, half-picked up the blonde girl, pinned her against the closest walls, and returned the kiss with every instinct he had in his body. He held her in place as he repaid the kiss Lexi surprised him with.

But there was something else; as Victor was kissing Lexi, all he could feel was the thrum of her heartbeat and the hunger that he hadn't been able to sate since he felt this transformation. He wanted more and he wanted it now, but the sane part of him dragged his mind back to the surface. Victor didn't know what he was doing, what he was planning to do. He just pulled away, gently letting the girl down. He took a few steps back and shook his hair with his hands, catching his breath.

Victor didn't have many words to offer except, "Uh... sorry. T-that may have been a bit much..."

Victor looked in Lexi's eyes apologetically but he couldn't help thinking the back of his mind of what he would do. He has been known to be forward before but he didn't know if he had ever been this forward.

((Oh, c'mon a plane's not that bad. Just sleep through it. Although, I can't really talk since I have a sincere fear of heights. The take offs are always the worst.))
Behind Jax I say " Is it just me or is Victor acting weird?... " I stay hidden in the shadows (( Ill try to be on tonight so see yall later ))
Aleks managed to make it inside the house, trying in vain to shoo away the dog to no avail, too out of it. Taking a few steps inside he had to lean against the wall for support, using his forearm to prop himself up, looking the dog in the eyes, the dog returning the favor, both engaged in a mental battle of who would move first.

Sadly the dog won as he was prodded around the house and up the stairs by Ven, at some point he was stabilized as she threw his arm around her neck. Reaching the bathroom, he struggled to get the door open with one hand, eventually able to turn and push the door, empty.

Rushing inside, Aleks got down to his knees almost falling, and pushed the toilet lid upwards, hoping and praying that it still flushed as he waited for the impending wave of stank.

"Yep...no problems here...just hope...that you...know how to deal with these...managed to take care of myself before but...yeah..."
Lexi was soon pinned against a wall, she was too caught of guard to really make sense of what was going on so she did what she instinctually thought was right. She slipped her hands under the back of his shirt, wrapped her legs around his waist,and pressed her mouth against his.

After he set her down she didn't know what to really say either all she knew was an an apology was not needed. She hadn't felt that alive in a very long time.

"Don't apologize." She said

She looked at him hard, and stepped back and almost fell.

She was going to have to consult with herself tomorrow because she wasn't sure with the moonshine, but she thought in that moment she liked him.

"Stay with the group." She said
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Ven watched him with growing concern, biting the inside of her cheek she stood behind him.

"My mother was an alcoholic. Being the oldest, I've cleaned her up more times then I care to remember."

Squatting down beside him she placed her hand on his back rubbing it softly, knowing that the expected was coming. Giving him a small smile, she brushed his shorter hair away from his face and to the side though it wasn't really necessary she just felt like it. Looking at him, she paused the circles she was rubbing on his back feeling his chest heave before the all too familiar smell of bile filled the room. Being a survivor of some pretty nasty stuff, the smell honestly didn't phase her as much as it should have. Ven rubbed his back again as soon as he started coughing, she felt him take large breaths probably from the sting of the stomach acid.


She asked softly, her eyes focused on his face still looking at him concerned with how he was feeling. Getting up, she opened the cabinets in the bathroom searching for some sort of mouthwash or toothpaste. Finding a half used bottle of mouth wash under the sink, she gave him the bottle.

Figuring he would like to get the taste out of his mouth. As it turns out, the toilet flushed, which made complete sense because the Government didn't really have shutting the water and pluming off. She guessed, with some work this house could be more inhabitable besides it seemed as good a place as any for the moment.
"Stay with the group," she said.

Victor watched Lexi seductively. It was still bizarre to Victor that feeling the warmth and touch of her drove him wild, but the taste of food was gone. He wondered if this was a balance between the heightened senses but lack of taste. It was a weird balance. With his racing heart slowing down to normal pace, he felt the extra thrum of three extra heartbeats. Ven, Aleks, and Lupin. Victor knew that they had just gotten back from whatever Ven had to do with her sister. Victor was confused emotionally and physically. He need a breather from everything, but it was a definite release to know one person wanted Victor to stay at least verbally.

Victor confessed to Lexi, "Thanks, I don't think I'm going anywhere any time soon. It's just hard sometimes. Anyway, maybe you should lay off the drink for now. I don't want to take advantage, I'd want to make sure you're at the top of your game." Victor winked with the last sentiment before continuing, "I think I'm going to head to my room and rest up before I relieve Jax from watch duty."

Victor backed slowly, trying not to offend Lexi. He went upstairs and headed back to room where he underwent the change to this current predicament. He passed the bathroom to see Ven taking care of Aleks, Victor didn't know what happened but after what happened tonight he thought it best to leave those two alone for now. He also saw Lupin, who did miss and wanted to pet; but the closer he got the husky began to bare his teeth, showing his displeasure. Lupin probably knew something that only Victor could fathom. Victor backed away, not wanted to upset the dog and draw attention from the other two. He finally went to the room, closed the door behind him, and slid down the door as he tried to get a handle of what the fuck was going on.
Lexi looked down at her boots and slid down the wall to take a seat. She felt slightly rejected but that was alright, she'd regroup with herself in the morning that was approaching sooner than not.

All the beds were taken, so she curled into a ball and laid in the corner, a thousand thoughts rushed through her head.

Maybe she wouldn't sleep.
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Jax saw the two walk into the house. He smiled and walked through the garage. Then he saw Aleks drunk and Lexi looking tipsy. "Jesus christ. Lay off the alcohol. And about time you two showed up." He shut the door and looked outside.

"We can't leave. Its night. There are supplies in the kitchen. I'll take the watch. You two." He pointed at Lexi and Aleks. "Sleep off the hangover." He got up and began sitting on the roof again. All his team is safe. Drunk, but safe. He smiled and took a drink of water.
Lexi sobering up, walked out on to the roof and sat next to Jax. It was clear she wasn't going to be able to sleep anytime soon.

"Will you tell me about the girl on the couch?" Lexi asked genuinely
The small circles on his back did little to comfort him, he tried closing his eyes but the all too familiar feeling of his mouth seemingly turning very wet and the salty vomit surged through his throat and out his mouth. He was fortunate that he was still leaning over the toilet as he hurled once, then twice, then he was done. He could taste the bile in his mouth. Flushing the toilet, he stayed bent over the bowl just in case, sitting back after a few seconds. His stomach felt better but he still had a headache, one that would get worse he feared. His mouth was burning as Ven brought him a bottle of mouth wash, which he took graciously, unscrewing the cap and pouring it straight from the bottle, spitting it back out into the toilet. Two more spits and his mouth and breath felt better.

"Holy...crap...forgot...how much...those sucked."

As he gathered himself he could hear Jax giving orders, thankfully all Aleks had to do was sleep. Turning to Ven, still woozy, he gave a slight grin and gave her a quick hug.

"Thanks...now I'm...just gonna sleep...or something."
Ven was slightly shocked by the sudden hug, but took it anyway. She nodded slightly looking at him as he pulled back from the short hug.

"Thanks...now I'm...just gonna sleep...or something."

His voice came out a little slurred and she could tell he probably had a killer headache. It was almost certain he would want to sleep, though the thought of being alone did not put her at ease. She had spent enough time alone and it would only give her time to reflect on the deaths of her family. Watching him stumble out of the bathroom and towards an empty room she grabbed the sleeve of his jacket hoping to stop him. Looking down at her oh so interesting feet she felt her face turn red. Chastising herself for even thinking of asking him. It sounded needy to her, extremely needy and clingy both of which she did not favor. Figuring that if he said no the least she could do was stand watch and hope not to fall asleep while doing so. Ven stood there, face beat red, staring at her boots like they were the most interesting things in the world waiting for her throat to finally work.

Her fingers slowly let go of his jacket sleeve, "I um....sleep well."

Mentally shooting herself, she slowly brought her hand to her side. She was too chicken to ask, it wasn't possible for her to just come out and ask if she could sleep in the bed with him. She wasn't that much of a forward person, she also knew that he probably wouldn't get it. Even in his slightly tipsy state she was betting against him understanding that she didn't want to keep herself company.


I can't just ask him something like that! He may take it wrong..or...or...it'll sound desperate.

Which you are. He isn't a mind reader, Vennet. Unless his friend is or he's got any idea of what you're really feeling you're going to have to tell him by speaking.

Friend what friend?

Ven slowly rose her head to look him in the eye though she still didn't say anything and her face still matched a cherry.
His shoulder hit the bathroom door as he saw himself out, eager to get some much needed rest but Ven grabbed his jacket, the thick material contorting under her grip. Turning around, Ven was staring down at her feet...or was it the floor? Whatever.

She didn't say anything for the longest time, she kept herself busy by looking down, her face was turning very red...or pink? And his head was still throbbing.

"I um....sleep well."

Aleks stared at her, doing his best to keep a questioning, yet steely gaze though he failed due to his conditions. He felt his legs start moving away but he was stopped by the voice.

Hey! Idiot. You can't just leave her, this is way too obvious...almost painfully. Jesus Christ why do you get so drunk so easily?

About to contest his compatriot the thought came to his mind as if the voice itself crammed his knowledge right into Aleks's brain.

Bringing himself away from his thoughts he found Ven looking at him. After another few seconds of silence he turned and walked away, a buzzed, ghost of a smile flickering on his lips.

"Let's get moving Princess."

Yeah seriously, if I spend another second in that bathroom I'm gonna pass out.
Jax looked at Lexi. He wanted to tell her everything. But he was cautious. He nodded and turned to look towards the city. "Few days ago. I met Aleks. The drunk in the middle of a forest. But I also met the girl. Her name is Lyric." Jax leaned back and took another drink of water.

"She was hurt. So I helped her and Aleks. I went back to get my stuff. She fell and I caught her." He smiled lightly. The memories his painkiller. He looked down. "I dragged Aleks to the truck and carried Lyric back as well." He chuckled. Eating another gummy worm. "I'm always carrying people."

Jax sighed. "We met Ven. The young girl you see. Lyric and I are similar." He ate the last gummy worm. "I care for Lyric. And I didn't leave her behind because of..past actions." He drank the last of his water. Jax didn't bother saying they slept together or that he was attracted to her. Or share his past. He felt like he said enough.
"Let's get moving Princess."

Ven blinked, the heat in her face flaring up a little more. She stared at him in disbelief, he had honestly gotten that from just her body language? She remembered Ali saying something about a friend. Maybe he had someone close to him in his head as well? It would make sense, well...at least it made more sense to her now that she was confronting the fact that she may be losing it head on. It took her a second before her legs moved after his retreating form. Childishly happy for the moment, she restrained herself from running to catch up with him though she had to speed walk so that her small strides could keep up with his long ones.

Did he just call me Princess?

It would seem so, Princess.

Internally groaning, Ven followed him as he made his way into a bedroom. Realizing that this was the first time she had ever been alone in a bedroom with a guy she felt her face heat up again. Though why she was so flustered she had no clue, it was Aleks. Even if he was drunk she figured he wouldn't be so rash as to try anything. Looking at the bed, she ignored the butterflies in her stomach deciding that it was just nerves from the actual promise of being able to sleep taking a side of the bed, she untied her boots keeping her gaze on the shoe strings before sliding the boot off.
The hunger was too much, nothing seemed to curb any of the feelings. The heartbeats throughout the house did nothing to help the situation as he felt the upticks in beats. The heightened beating increased the hunger. Victor was coming to terms with what he was turning into; he just had issues with understanding what the hunger meant. He wondered if vampires needed to feed on blood or could they find nursihment from something else. Even if was blood, did it need to human? Victor thought quickly about what he could have fed upon; immediately thinking of Lupin. The sane side of Victor pulled away from the thought of feeding on a poor dog. He would never do that to something so trusting, so friendly.

C'mon, Vic. It's easy. Take your pick and you can make someone disappear. Lyric might as well be dead. No one knows anything about these new people. You can do it.

Victor scared himself with this voice trying to convince him of the rationale to commit murder. He knew that he killed before, but only in self defense. Never had Victor been the aggressor. The hunger was gnawing at his soul and there was nothing he could do about it. Victor looked out of his window to see a wooded area not too far off. He had to consider how to get out there. Jax was on watch duty and could probably see him, if he went through the house he might run into someone and he might not be able to stop himself. Instead, Victor opened the second story window. He knew that jumping out from this height was very doable but if he wasn't careful then it might hurt himself. The night darkened the area and this was his only chance to head out. He leapt out only to find that he jumped a little farther than he would have thought and landed with ease. It was like he did not even have to try. Victor's muscles tensed as he raced out towards the woods. He would need to find a deer or some woodland creature to maybe help with the hunger.

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