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Graded [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is part of Isekai Hell and takes place in the West Empire on the road to the Capital, Quang. Lei-Cao, after being teased and humiliated by Saoirse and having met other slaves Ryuuji and Melia. After the fact, Lei-Cao has something they need to return to the Capital for, claiming it as 'extremely serious and amazing and cool unlike the lieks nobody else would be able to believe or comprehend' because it's just the kind of things an amazing person and legendary warrior like herself gets up to. Though, Saoirse and co. are coming along, so more bullying can ensue and perhaps to get some training or duels done along the way, and also to attempt to getting Lei to sign a neat little piece of paper.

This RP is closed to joining unless permission is given to do so otherwise, and is on a flexible posting cycle.


Lei-Cao Femboy Femboy - Goals: Return to the Capital, complete the 'amazing stuff she has to do there', get better and stronger.
Saoirse Elvario Elvario - Goals: Bully/Get Lei-Cao to sign a Slave Contract, ???.
Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece - Goals: ???.
(Feel free to tell if characters have any specific goals)
Location: The Western Empire country, mid-day. Very clearly not the most optimal path to the Capital.

After a questionable time elsewhere in the world, Lei knew that at some point she had to return to the Capital of the West Empire in order to try to clean up some unfinished business that she had to attend to. Though she wasn't very excited in the slightest to have to go and handle such issues, the biggest annoyance that was upsetting her was the fact that she would find herself now with multiple companions whom were most likely, at least from her point of view, very judging and mocking of her. Feeling frustrated all of the transport and trips that it took for them to get from one place to the other from their last little adventure, time had passed long enough for them to have made it back to the familiar land of the West Empire.

The minotaur had been doing her absolute best to keep off of speaking or even saying anything to the others, especially after how worked up she had gotten with her last 'debate' against the haregon slave-owner. A silent passion to try and prove them wrong had been boiling deep inside of her the entire way, of which when likely prompted the only information she would have given about her own personal quest was significant bragging about success, needing to be the greatest warrior, and immense wealth and popularity. Or, literately anything else that could come to the top of her head to brag about, though she essentially never used any evidence or real claims to back any of it up, mostly just left as a mystery mission.

Their current trip had taken them to the vast, pretty countrysides of the Western Empire, a route which did lead to the Capital although it was a pretty inefficient route likely from the reasoning that she had already taken an occasional wrong turn and accidentally circled around on a path out of bad awareness, though commenting that she knew exactly what she was doing or that everything was intentional the entire time. They were only about up to an hour away from the Capital, though from the light panting of Lei-Cao all the walking had tuckered her out from this point. Stopping to catch her breath, she sighed and fell back to sit on a rock beside the path, uttering a breath as she spoke.

"Well, it's always important to rest, and after all the great journeying I think I deserve it much. Well actually- I don't need to rest but you all probably need to, you're probably not as durable or have the stamina for such long trips as I... " Lei-Cao answered, trying to force a smirk as she looked towards the direction they were to be walking.
"You know it's nice to have company but I don't think any of you can handle doing things with the GREAT and GLORIOUSLY AMAZING LEI-CAO, CHAMPION OF ALL CHAMPIONS you know, maybe it's best if you all go your separate ways I'm sure there's a lot of interesting stuff in the West Emprie but I've got super serious, amazing champion stuff to do, you know? Not for the likes of you... people. Especially the dainty little knight, she might get really hurt but DON'T TELL HER IT WILL HURT HER DAINTY FEELINGS" the minotaur said, supposedly 'whispering' but she blatantly made it way louder than it needed to be that it wasn't secretive at all. It felt like every time she talked, she was talking needlessly longer, and this wasn't even her first time resting, it was probably clear to the perceptive of those that she was pretty much stalling. This was free time to do whatever, or forcefully urge her into hurrying up with her 'Super Important Business' to find out what it was or to get her to spill the details.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

It felt good to be back home, where the rules made sense and the world function as it should. She chuckled upon seeing the Cow. “Does the big and mighty warrior need a break from getting lost?” Saoirse asked. She wasn't nearly as tired. Why? She'd figured out where Lei Cao wanted to go; where she'd gotten lost and how to avoid getting lost herself. It meant she covered the same distance with a lot less effort. “Here I thought you were taking the long way round for a work-out, but it seems you can't even handle such a thing.”

Melia Hayward

She looked at Saoirse, but didn't speak up. She didn't have a right to. All she wanted was to hear the permission she'd been eager to gain for a long time by now. Sadly enough, she was still not granted it.

Saoirse spoke up again. “It seems the poor cow is tired. She'd believe to be beaten in an unfair match if you got to her now, wouldn't she? Besides, Jastira should be here soon.” She'd state to Melia.

Jastira Veidi


As if hearing her name being called, Jastira would approach them from the direction of the capital. “Good day, madam, I'm happy to see you again. I hope your mission has progressed smoothly?” She'd ask, upon giving Saoirse a bow. She'd glance at a Lei Cao, a beast, so someone above her in caste, but also someone she heard from a distance being loud and challenging. She'd look at Saoirse, who subtly shook her head a bit. No respect for this person it was. As for Ryuuji and Melia? She'd only give them a nod to acknowledge their existence.

“It's gone well enough.” Saoirse replied, then looking back at the cow. “As for that one, I'm surprised the cow still has so much energy left to brag about deeds that only exist in her fantasies, after having gotten lost more often than she can count... which probably doesn't say much, as I doubt she can count far either.”
(I'll post whenever I can until TheTimePiece TheTimePiece is freed up to be able to post before advancing)
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Lei's ears twitched at the returning sound of Saoirse's taunting voice, immediately turning to face the little one as her eyebrow twitched. She had been hoping that the slaver would have chosen to leave her be by now, wanting to have won a victory via sweet blissful unawareness by having her competition finally choose to walk away yet it appeared they would not be so easily deterred. Huffing as she held her head up in an attempt to seem proud and serious, she began her counterargument response.

"I'm not tired! I don't ever get winded! I- I mean the GREAT Lei-Cao who is me- thought that I should stop so someone with your little weak legs could catch up, because I'm nice. And NO I'm not lost, I just... like this way more, it's very serious and powerful and for legends" she answered, using such descriptive words to describe what was a pleasantly serene and peaceful country scene of green fields and clear blue skies. Hesitating for a moment as she desperately sought what else to say all of a sudden, Saoirse's comments relating to duelling with Melia hit the minotaur's ears as she gasped gently and sputtered noise briefly in an attempt to search for a rebuttal.

"What- no, I'm never tired, I'm not- and I don't ever lose a fight, ever ever! That's why I have to do super amazing important stuff that you wouldn't understand and is probably waaay too dangerous and scary for you, but it's weird that the dainty little knight still wants to dance. I thought we were done with all that silly childish stuff, but I'd never lose" she answered confidently with a smirk, paying little care when another joined and assuming this must have just been another delusional companion of sorts of this silly little bunny rabbit. Though, it took strangely long for her to actually realised what she had been called.
"Did you just call me a-" she asked, finding that the haregon would move on to informing Jastira about things.

"What- You just called me a cow again! You're a stupid little bunny, I'm a MI-NO-TAUR, we are not silly cutesie little farm animals like you little girlie! You should not call your SUPER AND AMAZING SUPERIORS such stupid and childish things! I'm not lost, and they're not fantasies! They're totally real, you're just completely jealous about how amazing I am!... Dork! You wouldn't know a thing about intense training and being an amazing, successful champion" she pouted and spewed back, lightly shaking her fists in annoyance as she once again got easily taunter by each and every one of Saoirse's teases that she didn't want to hear. She stood up from where she was sitting, desperately searching the deepest recesses of her mind for really cool comebacks, only noticing her stomach rumble and gently blushing at the fact. Hopefully it wasn't noticed.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

“You like this particular path so much more that you took it three times in a row?” She'd chuckle. “If that's true, you're as much lost in geography as in mental health.”

She was surprised that the cow still wasn't biting as well as she hoped, but she'd get there. “Are you sure you're not tired? It seems like you're trying to have us leave. It's because you're tired and afraid Melia would beat you up, isn't it?” She'd state, holding in a desire to laugh again.

Upon her rage at being called a Cow again, Saoirse just smiled. “I don't know. I've met some minotaurs before, but those were strong warriors, not some hopeless cow getting lost in the middle of nowhere. Are you sure you're not mixing up your own species?” She'd ask. Both Saoirse and Jastira, having Heightened Hearing, could hear the Cow's grumbling stomach.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira, however, had been surprised to see two of the beast class go up against each-other in such a manner. That said, she was quick to pick up on things. If her mistress wanted to anger this cow, she might be of use. She'd look at Saoirse questioningly and got replied by a very subtle nod. So anger the cow was the mission. Very well. “Mistress, it seems the Cow hasn't been fed in a while. Shall I go pick some grass for it?” She'd ask.

Saoirse, once more glad to have chose Jastira from the slaves available back then, nodded. “You're right, we couldn't have the poor Cow starve, now could we?”
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Lei-Cao was trying her best to maintain her composure, but ever since they had first met Saoirse had been continuing to get into her head with such taunts. Huffing, she stamped one of her hooves on the floor repeatedly in frustration as she couldn't help but question how the little bunny rabbit was able to keep her cool after everything the cow- I MEAN MINOTAUR had said.

"No I'm not tired, the- the great Lei-Cao would never be tired, I'm an amazing champion and warrior that I could beat you all up and it would be no problem! Even if I was tired! W-which I'm NOT, but it would still be so easy, I'm just trying to make you leave because you'd... cry and shiver and be soo scared about all the great and amazing things I have to do and how amazing I am at all of it" she answered, trying to force a smug smile but it only immediately fell off when the minotaur had noticed Saoirse about to laugh, immediately prompting her to respond with a sudden outburst.
"Stop that, I'm serious, take me seriously!" she answered in detest, only to once again be called a lost cow. Pouting even harder and whining a soft noise of frustration, she continued.
"I'm not a lost cow, I'm not mixing up my species, you dumb rabbit! I'm a strong minotaur warrior and I know it and you know it, and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT, and you're just jealous that you're all dumb and stupid and you met an amazing warrior like- like me- and-" she answered as hard as she could, clearly twitching a little and losing focus during her outburst in retort though trying her absolute hardest to keep in whatever it was that she was clearly feeling or thinking.

She made multiple obvious heavy blinks to clear her eyes for no reason in particular totally that she just felt like doing those very noticeable, weird blinks for no reason as there was a tiny sniffle when she inhaled through her nose, trying her best to get rid of such weird little coincidences that didn't mean anything. At this point, she had indeed burned out quite a bit of her ability to contest back in arguments, and was just hoping that they would grow sick of it, but it only continued when Jastira had so suddenly joined in with it.

"I'm not a cow, stop... stop saying that, I'm a minotaur and you're just saying it to be annoying now! A cow could never be as strong or as great as me, I've never lost or been beaten, a cow could never do that. Shut up you stupid, dumb, pointy-eared loser person, go back to the See! You don't know what you're talking about, nobody asked you to speak. Stupid, dumb stupidface. I don't eat grass, I only eat the biggest and best feasts and banquets for the real GREATEST champions, and they're so great none of you stupid idiots would ever know about it" she asked as she glanced around a little bit. Nearby, her eyes had noticed and clearly locked on to a collection of berry bushes clearly wild grown and, unless someone had better insight on wild plants, was unknown whether it was that safe or not. Either way, it wasn't very hygienic and there was no point eating it at all... although...

Trying to avert her gaze and pretend she wasn't hungry, Lei-Cao continued.
"Maybe sometimes just only very on a very small occasion just sometimes when I feel like it but not often and not as like a main food source or anything just because I'm a little hungry and because I can and since I'm such a cool and amazing champion can I do so-" she rambled, desperate for things to say or brag about as she took a breath before continuing.
"-do I maybe sometimes only just TRY a very, very tiny amount of things I found just for trying and curiosity's sakes, and because I'm like so amazingly part of the world that I can do what I want with it, but I DON'T eat grass" she answered back, huffing and grumbling as she once more did some of those heavy blinks, trying her best to hold in whatever she was really feeling right now. Maybe she could really use a push or to be humbled in order to get her to go over the edge. Either way, her delusion amazingness and champion-ness was helping her somehow hold on to her feelings... and keep making up absolute nonsense in defense of herself.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

“Melia, perhaps it'd be best if you don't duel her. It's clearly she's mentally and physically too disadvantaged for it to be fair.” Saoirse decided to ignore the cow's attempts to snap back at her. “There's no honour in beating up a lost and starving cow, after all.”

Melia Hayward

Melia, angry as she still was, got the hint. “You're right madam, it would not befit me to beat up the defenceless.” She'd stare the cow dead in the eyes as she confirmed it.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira looked to Saoirse upon hearing the cow's counter-arguments. “Mistress, it seems the cow is starving herself in an attempt to get invited to a banquet above her worth.”

Saoirse chuckled. “Oh my, that explains a lot.” She'd look at the cow. “Poor girl.” She'd add with a smirk.

Saoirse was honestly a tad surprised when the cow actually admitted to eating random stuff she found growing along the road. “Oh my, the mighty warrior needs to scavenge for food like the cow she is? Those banquets you speak of must be pretty rare occasions, or... did you perhaps never even go to a single one of them?” She'd laugh. “It seems like you have a vivid fantasy, my dear cow.”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji continued to move along listening to the back and forth between the definitely not acting more like a cow than Minotaur, with all her bragging and posturing, it wasn’t too difficult to see through even with someone who didn’t possess skills which allowed specifically for seeing through those sorts of things, a testament to how socially unremarkable Lei-Cao seemed to be in Ryuuji’s mind.

When he was acknowledged by Jastira he’d give a small bow back to her nod. He’d listen to the discourse and a bit of a smirk would form on his face which was slight. Since it looked like Saoirse was basically giving everyone the okay to not bother respecting her he’d simply speak up, while keeping a respectful distance from everyone, having remained relatively quiet otherwise unless he was needed for one thing or another during the time so far.

“Miss Desrosiers, it is of my opinion that perhaps at this point, calf might be a more appropriate term? For someone so brave, strong, and accomplished she’s certainly having difficulty finding her way, and has been whining quite a bit, not to mention spewing insults so basic and superficial that only an immature child would even consider them an effective use of breath.”

"And let's be honest with ourselves, a calf is the sort who would stick to the bit of playing pretend as some sort of great champion.”

While Ryuuji spoke casually there was an edge of smugness to what he said.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao couldn't help but feel like her attempts to answer back were being completely ignored, too headstrong to calm down and rethink her strategy as she believed that they must just all be too stupid to acknowledge what she was saying. Nervously stammering as Saoirse and Melia took it that she was in no condition to do any duelling of the sort, she grumbled a frustrated huff as she clutched her mace. Pointing it at them, she continued on.

"I'm not tired or lost or anything, stop calling me that! I could beat all of you and it'd be so easy no problem! You're just SCARED that I'd hurt a stupid little bunny child and worthless adventurer-types like you! Stop, stop calling me a cow and defenceless! Address me nicely, I'm the superior person here, I'm the biggest and strongest and- most important, and you should all respect me for how great I am!.. " she had continued on, trying to get the respect she wanted though Jastira would continue adding fuel to the fire. Lightly shaking her head, soon enough Ryuuji would have went on to keep stoking the flames and pushing it further by calling her a calf.

"S-shut up you, you're the dumb one who liked dancing with the child you listen to, why would any of you wanna dance with a tiny little weak child like that bunny person thing, you're the calfs, not me! Stop... " she answered, though from the tone of her voice she had been falling quieter and spoken slower by the moment. Her hands on her weapon lightly quivering as her grip loosened, slowly looking more down at the floor before immediately glaring back at them.

"I can do anything all of you can and more, I'm not fantasizing anything, stop treating me like that and take me seriously before I hurt you because you're all being stupid... dumb idiot babies! Stop- stop calling me a... m-my name isn't- it's... " Lei-Cao had begun to attempt to argue back once more, though her voice got audibly shakier the longer she spoke until it sounded like she had begun choking up on both her sadness and crumbling prideful ego. Wiping at her eyes, it was clear she hadn't been able to withhold tears this time as she just tried to pretend she hadn't begun crying. Although, she had begun sniffling and had tears starting to stream down her face. Barely able to look any of them in the eye at this point, she lightly tapped the head of her mace against the floor as she tried to speak through her sadness like it wasn't very clearly happening.

"S-shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up- you're stupid you dumb idiot, you're an idiot and stupid, shut up, shut up... " she huffed, what was originally a proudly loud voice had turned into a very soft and quiet one struggling to uphold self-respect.

1. Cry.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

“Hmhm. You're right. The poor calf.” She'd reply to Ryuuji.

She listened as the cow continued rambling, seemingly unable to grow tired of it. Upon seeing the cow finally start crying, a small smile formed. Step one was complete. Time for the next step. As she heard the cow pretty much begging them to shut up now, she'd walk over to her.

“Shhhttt... Shhhhttt. There, there. It's alright.” She'd speak to cow at a comforting tone, placing a hand on her thigh (as that would be about the highest she could reach). “How about this.” She'd take out a sandwich she'd packed for lunch. “You eat this to regain some strength, then you and Melia have a duel. Should you win, we'll respect you for the mighty warrior you are.” She promised.

“However, should you loose... You'll sign yourself away to me. In turn, I'll promise you to help you become as strong as you've been claiming to be. It's a win-win, no? Either you beat my guard and show us you're far stronger than we think, or you sign away all your worries and allow me to train you to become a strong and mighty warrior. Needlessly to say, I'd ensure you're taken care off well enough in the process, so long as you're a good girl.”
Ryuuji Kamimura
Mention: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji understood that what was transpiring was a very good thing in fact when Saoirse started to pull her moves on the minotaur. An opportunity to enslave this one? She was large and possibly strong, if she could be ordered around and learn to listen to Saoirse she could possibly be an asset, that much was apparent. Even if her performance hadn’t been amazing so far, there was high potential for improvement, Ryuuji was certain that Saoirse saw that herself otherwise why would she even bother making this offer? She wouldn’t waste her time with someone like Lei-Cao if she couldn’t see it too.

“Right..I think if you want to prove to us that you’re so mighty and strong then why not show us, so far I’ve only heard talk, fighting Melia and defeating her would be a most appropriate way to show us that we should be the ones following you.”

Ryuuji added doing his best to at least sound reasonable. “There isn’t a chance of you losing if you really are what you say you are, since you say she is dainty no? Why not give it a shot, prove that you’re as tough and skilled as you look.” He now attempted to help encourage with a bit of confidence talk to hopefully get her to take on the challenge, perhaps tuning into a bit of [Opportunist] while he did so.
Le Cow Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Le-Cow was too busy wiping her tears and sniffling to mentally process or answer to being called a calf yet again, her face was rather obscured by her desperate wiping with her hands and arms in order to try to keep up her 'serious warrior self' although it was pretty clearly out the window at this point. After a little moment, it seemed evident that she had pretty much given up on trying to say anything back or even hide her crying as she just fell into sobbing up until she heard a familiar voice yet again talking in a rather different tone than the insensitive taunting and harassment that was originally tied along with it. After a moment, she tried to sniffle and stop crying a little though it clearly wasn't going to be an instant process, as she looked down to the small haregon trying to comfort her. Despite how odd it should be that someone and their group of followers took such strides to bully one, Lei-Cao didn't even think to question why Saoirse was being so caring all of a sudden.

Probably having a not-so-intellectual mind overloaded by such strong feelings, she tenderly held her mace in both hands in a very clearly dainty fashion as she looked to Saoirse with teary eyes as for the moment she let the little one say everything they had to before speaking. Though she wasn't going to very much think about anything she said before she said it, Lei-Cao calmly nodded as she was offered a sandwich and given an idea to how she could earn their respect. Swallowing and sniffling as she wiped her eyes once more, she hesitated before agreeing to it.

"O-okay... " she murmured softly, not acting at all like the prideful loudmouth for a moment as she reluctantly took the sandwich as if there was something to be distrusted about taking it. It was probably better than eating and scavenging from the outdoors like a wild animal, which was NOT WHAT SHE DID BY THE WAY BUT ONLY ON OCCASION BECAUSE SHE WAS THE SLIGHTEST CURIOUS. Hesitating once more before lifting it to her mouth and eating, she half-way stopped and swallowed what was in her mouth. Listening to what Ryuuji added, she looked down at the floor for a moment.

"R-right... I can do that, I'm... the hand of chaos' retribution... " she said, still clearly having lingering feelings of immense sadness as it sounded like she could burst into another fit of tears at any moment. Hesitating over thinking about the second part of the deal proposed by Saoirse, there was one thing on her mind.

"H-how does a little bunny child like you help me become a great warrior?... Is- are you a great warrior too?" Lei-Cao asked as she looked to Ryuuji, he didn't look like a warrior or combatant at all. Neither did Saoirse herself or Jastira that much, was Melia really enough of an example? Finishing the sandwich as she once again clutched her weapon in both hands, she looked to see that there wasn't anyone else around in sight so they shouldn't be disturbing or getting in the way of anything. Hesitantly raising her weapon, she didn't even appear like she was that confident at all anymore.

"O-okay, I'm... Cow-Lei, I-I mean... " she stumbled, tripping over her own words as she started again.
"I'm... Lei-Cao, the righteous... hand of chaos, a-and... I have, never lost.... ever... " she mumbled awkwardly, hesitating before looking between them.
"W-we're going to duel now, r-right? This is okay, if you are ready?... ".

1. Try not to cry.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

She smiled upon being asked how she could make her a great warrior. “One doesn't have to be a great warrior to know how to train one. Both are different talents and I'm focussed on the training itself. Melia will show you the results of such soon enough.” The cow was as good as in the bag at this stage, all she'd need was for Melia to deliver now. That said, she was a tad annoyed by one thing. “Come on, Lei-Cao, at least try to put up something of a fight!” She'd try to encourage the cow. She'd gotten her to agree to signing away her life, but she wanted to ensure the cow would loose after actually trying, just to be sure.

Melia Hayward

“Mistress Desrosier is right.” Melia would answer. “I'd much rather fight a warrior than a crying mess. Show me that this isn't a complete waste of time; have at me!” She'd state, allowing Le-Cow to have the opening move.

Jastira Veidi


In the back-ground, Jastira would whisper to Ryuuji. “Is there a particular reason she's interested in that one?”
Last edited:
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Finally the Minotaur had been humbled in some capacity it looked like and she was vulnerable which was great news for business. Could he really claim it was a complete manipulation when Saoirse was speaking nothing but the truth? Should she lose she'd no doubt become much stronger with the resources which Saoirse could provide for her if she was willing to put in the effort to improve for her. Ryuuji even knew from experience that with his training he had met people he wouldn't have without her which had been a net positive for him so far, since he felt like despite his circumstances he had most definitely improved his skillset.

"Miss Desrosiers is right you know. She is most effective at helping those at points in their lives where they are ready to improve and truly work toward greatness. I know from experience. As a result it would be quite a feat if you were able to best Melia in combat. Nevertheless if you are a champion like you say, then yes you should duel honorably and should not hold back."

While things were getting going, Ryuuji stayed near Saoirse diligently. He'd then respond back quietly to Jastira, glancing over at her, before replying softly. "It isn't every day you have the opportunity to secure someone as large in stature as her. Plenty of muscle to work with. I believe there is potential for her to be a highly efficient combatant which would certainly bolster Miss Desrosiers' abilities to operate as she deems fit. Whether it's for security, purposes, dueling people, or going on quests, As dense and as socially inept as this new comer may appear at times, there are most definitely uses which may just be a matter of bringing out.."

He'd then further inquire, "And..how have you been Jastira?" Out of politeness if anything since it had probably been a bit since he last saw her. He knew very well she might not care at all much that he asked given their differences but he did feel he could at least make somewhat of a good faith effort to be on good terms with her.
Le Cow Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Wiping her face once more and clearing up her feelings, she nodded and gripped her weapon close as she looked to Ryuuji. Hearing both Saoirse and Melia encourage her to take the fight confidently and seriously, she still didn't entirely get the benefit of them trying to motivate and encourage her even though Saoirse straight up told her the entire clause of if she lost the fight. Though, being a bit too headstrong and dense to see anything wrong with improvement and getting stronger had she turned to hear what Ryuuji pointed out.
"R-right... fighting honorably, not holding back. Y-you're right, fancy-talking boy... " she considered and responded back, feeling like that was probably the first thing she heard from the lot of them that wasn't trying to sympathise to her while she was in tears nor calling her names and bullying her. Looking to Melia and raising her weapon, she tried to muster up her courage once more as her rather softened appearance turned back to one of pride and determination as before. Very slightly shuffling her footing (or hoofing, I suppose), she glared at her targetted opponent as she readied herself mentally.

"Very well, I can do this, I never lose, I've never lost... " she mumbled to herself as if trying to psyche herself up, before suddenly raising her voice once more.
"FOR TODAY, I, Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus, have never lost a fight or situation never ever! And as the greatest minotaur champion and warrior, I will show you why many both fear and revere my name! For it is I who is the true righteous hand of chaos itself, and it is I who will smite you down into oblivion itself, and the depths below! FEAR, and QUAKE, you MERE softling!" she suddenly said with a bold, smug grin on her face. It was such a contrast to the uncontrollable crybaby from mere moments earlier, though it was clearly a usual talent that she was able to psyche herself back up into being such a prideful airhead when she felt it necessary. Not dropping her shouting tone, she readied her weapon as she targetted Melia.

"TODAY, you will understand my true greatness, and BASK BENEATH IT" she claimed, making a hasty step forward as she wielded her mace with both hands near its bottom for greater range. Moving forth with a [Big Swing] to wildly attempt to strike away at her dueling opponent, she would use to keep her foe at a weaker distance as she aimed a horizontal swing before following it up with an underarm [Batter-up] swing in an uppercut motion where she held her weapon and put most of her strength into.

1. Big Swing - Fighting Style [The Righteous Hand] (F), Area (F), Range (F), Energized (F) - Swings her mace in a wide arc attack to strike multiple foes at once - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Batter-up - Fighting Style [The Righteous Hand] (E), Knockback (F), Range (F), Energized (E), (Can add Area) - Strikes the target with her mace with a heavy attack to knock them back, applying Area turns it into a wide swing to strike and hit back multiple enemies at once - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
Been trying to figure out how it'd go, I think Melia would only win because Cow used her best attack second instead of first.

Cow Numbers:
E Strength (2); F Ability (1); E weapon (1) + 1 combo = 5
Melia Numbers;
D Strength (3); E Ability (2); E Weapon (2) + 2 combo = 9

Melia Hayward

Melia, upon seeing the cow get serious, figured she'd reply in kind. With the new sword that Saoirse had paid for, she should be able to hold her own, even though she still wouldn't be able to go at full force. Even so, not wanting to underestimate the cow, she'd swing back with the best possible sword-attack to counter the inbound mace.

Sword Attack - Specialized Fighting Style [Swordsmanship 101] [Sword] E, Accurate E, Drain [Strength] E, Blind Fighter – Character goes all out in their sword-fighting. - Action 1 – E Grade – 1 Post Cooldown

As the sword clashed with the mace, the force of the sword ended up being greater, shattering it upon impact, harming Lei Cao and draining her strength.

Had Lei Cao opened up with her Batter-Up attack, rather than used it as a follow-up, things likely would've gone a lot different. Right now, however, the opening attacks provided a clear winner. With the cow's mace breaking, she was unable to knock back Melia, which allowed the latter to attack twice more with regular attacks, cutting trough the cow's clothing and leave a gashes upon her stomach.

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse looked at the beaten cow. “Hmmm... If you didn't hold back with your opening attack, or if I hadn't bought Melia a better sword a while back, I bet the battle would've have been a lot closer.” She'd state, upon seeing the results. It surprised her, in a good way, as she hadn't underestimated the cow's potential.

“As I thought, you have a whole lot of potential, you just need someone to help you bring it out more.” She'd walk up towards the cow, producing a quill, ink and some paper. “Luckily, bringing out the best in someone is exactly what I'm good at. I'll take care of it, so long as you allow me to do so and sign yourself away to me. Be mine and I'll train you to be the warrior you want to be.” Lawful as she was, she was rather blatant about the fact the cow would be signing herself away into slavery. Deception wouldn't be befitting here.

“You did well on holding back enough to keep the equipment intact.” She'd compliment Melia, impressed by her guard's ability.

“Thank you, ma'am.” The latter would reply, clearly glad to have been able to impress.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira nodded upon Ryuuji's explanation. “I see, brainless muscle.” She'd surmise. However, his next question surprised her. “Is that a thing we ask each-other?” She'd reply first, before sighing. “Better than with Dranth.” That was one thing that was sure. “Though, if you can, could you please help try convince the mistress to buy some proper property? Staying out of a cheap inn and scraping by with entertaining rowdy crowds at night isn't ideal.”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

“If you must use such adjectives in front of how you call me,Young man or an equivalent would be preferable to simply boy.” Ryuuji replied. Afterall he wasn’t, he was what he just said he’d prefer, even if on the more youthful side.

Even so he watched the theatrics unfold and spoke up, “That sounds much better like you’re ready to show us what.” encouraging Lei-Cao.

Lei-Cao’s moves looked impressive enough with how much power she could supposedly wield, but Ryuuji had a good feeling that Melia was more experienced and would be able to pull out a win of sorts.

It looked like she had miscalculated the amount of force needed up front for success when Melia was able to counter attack, from what Ryuuji could gather at least, even if he wasn’t an expert in this field. It was also pretty clear that the training which Melia had undergone had definitely paid off here.

He was on standby when Saoirse was bringing out the paper and making the bold move to inform the Minotaur that she would in fact be signing herself away but that it would be for the greater good of her abilities.

“The opportunity to become a true champion lies before you.”Ryuuji spoke simply enough.

He then looked to Jastira giving her a bit of a nod to the first bit. At the second bit he continued speaking softly like before, “well it’s certainly something we can ask one another if you don’t mind.”

“And I see, I would assume as much Miss Desrosiers is by far the best I’ve seen in this field.”

Ryuuji then nodded thoughtfully.

“Perhaps, I believe that is on the agenda based on what she and I discussed earlier, My skill set should have some use there, I’m certain we can get to a point where we could get a more permanent dwelling.”

Ryuuji not wanting to make any grand promises he might not be able to keep, so he’d leave at that at best, so even if they got something more minimal, it’d still be within the premise of what he responded with.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"I will call you as I please, little boy" Lei-Cao briefly answered to Ryuuji's request, barely respecting him in doing so as she tried to push any more little conversations out of her mind so that she could focus on the duel. Winning was of significant priority to show them how capable she really was.

Though the fight could have ended up winning in her favour, a mishap and mistake gave her a big enough opening for Melia to counter and break her weapon like it was nothing. Her smug smile clearly faded in an instant at the loss of her mace, being left wide open and empty handed at the beating of Melia's continued sword strikes. Having her clothing and stomach cut into as she fell into a feeling of being powerless at her primary method of combat being so easily shattered before her eyes by such a smaller warrior with a weapon that felt so unfit for breaking things too. Taking the hits and momentarily too distracted to even think of the pain that came along with it, she stopped listening to what was being said around her for little moment as she slowly dropped onto her knees. Leaning forward and rather desperately fumbling around the ground gripping at pieces of her weapon, she only muttered broken words and breaths for a little while before speaking.

"My... m-my Retribution... how can I be... the hand of chaos, without my Retribution... " she murmured softly, falling silent and looking down at the floor over the lost weapon. The injury on her stomach was pulsing feelings of physical pain through her, yet at the moment it felt like nothing in comparison to her loss.
"Without it... I'm no warrior at all... no weapon compared to it... " Lei-Cao shuddered as she leaned forward still on her knees to where her head lay face down on the ground, holding her hands around her face to not want to be looked at or see anything else.
"F-fine, you win, against the... h-hand of... w-well, atleast was the hand of chaos, before you amputated it... you're just the greater warrior after all, and your smarter tutor... " she grumbled softly and reluctantly, not wanting to pay any of them any mind or thought until the audible offer of Saoirse's offer and Ryuuji's added reasoning was brought up. Slowly and hesitantly sitting back up, she had stil, remained on her knees as she looked to the contract with teary eyes. Glancing between the other three who accompanied the haregon whilst not looking too high where she might meet eye contact, she eventually slowly turned to look at the words on the paper as her eyes trailed to where needed to be signed.

Silently giving one more look to her mace's remnants, she looked back to and gently took the quill as she dipped it in ink.
"Even chaos can have honor, a deal was a deal... I guess my incapabilities are in your hands now, small bunny girl... " she answered softly as she willingly signed the contract even with all of which was proposed alongside it. Though, her signature was incredibly big and sloppily written in terrible handwriting like it was written by a child. When she finished, her hand slowly fell from the page as the stomach gashes in the room finally felt like they were starting to be felt over the sadness. Holding her other arm at her exposed midriff area, she tried to wince through the pain.

"Though, with... no weapon to be strong... m-my armour, and my body's durability, is nothing too... I'm... no warrior or champion... " she grumbled softly in her defeated state, having not chosen to get up off her knees as she held her injuries.​
Saoirse Desrosiers


Upon getting an actual signature, she'd quickly ensure it was all properly set (Law E) and legal. After which she'd smile. “Don't worry. They're in the best hands.” She'd confirm.

The moment Lei-Cao signed the contract, she'd look at Ryuuji. “If you would? I dislike damaged goods.” It was a sign for him to go heal Lei-Cao.

She'd then smile at Lei-Cao. “Well then, a few basic rules. First of all; I'm 'mistress', 'milady' or 'madam' to you from now on. 'Miss Desrosier' is also acceptable on the odd occasion.” She'd start off by ensuring she'd at least be addressed properly, having withheld her urge to be annoyed by all the earlier insults for long enough.

“Second, so long as you do well, I'll reward your properly. For one, if you work hard and try to learn well, everyone...” she'd look around “... will properly address you as Lei-Cao. Although if you don't... You're back to being the cow.”

She figured she'd adress the issue that seemed most prominent to Lei-Cao next. “As for your 'right hand of destruction', either you can pick up the scraps and we'll get it fixed or you can find a new weapon at the capital. Don't worry about it. I can't train my property without proper tools. We can get you some basic armour and a spare weapon as well. Probably a backpack and a lot of rations. Your muscle mass might've suffered from lack of nutrition. We'll need to build that back up.”

“Fourth, you'll have regular training with Melia. I promised her a sparring partner and I tend to keep my promises. Make sure you learn from her.”

There was one thing that surprised her. “As for training your body's durability... If that's truly a goal, I know some methods.” She figured she'd leave it at that for now. She'd chuckle. “I'll get a more strict and thorough development plan later, but for now... Where were you going and why were you going there?” She'd ask the cow, wondering if her freshly acquired slave had some unfinished business.

Melia Hayward

“As the mistress said, I'm looking forwards to training with you.” She spoke up, offering Lei-Cao a handshake, now that they were pretty much sister in their fate.

Jastira Veidi


“Perhaps... Perhaps I don't mind.” She ended up replying. Even in her current fate, it might be okay to have some folk she could talk with relatively normally. “That would seem good. My current living standards simply don't suit me.” She'd voice her complaint, careful, but at the same time, direct.

“Congratulations, madam.” She'd tell Saoirse, upon seeing the latter sign the cow away into slavery. Somehow, seeing the class that'd enslaved her enslaved itself was... pretty funny. Such a tiny rabbit signing off such a big cow only added to the amusement. It almost made her forget she wasn't much better off.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"<Very well then.>" He replied in Beastial to her, sounding a bit curt, but not allowing any annoyance show at her decision to do that. He almost rolled his eyes. "It's as my mistress says, the best hands, and weapons can be mended or replaced."

He then gave a low bow to Saoirse. "Of course Miss Desrosiers." He then made his way over to her, put his hand against where she was hurt, his arms lit up white and black on either side along his back, only what wasn't covered by his clothing being exposed at the moment, as he threw an E grade heal her way with componentless, and would follow up with an F grade heal with componentless if necessary as well to top it off so to speak. He figured even the minotaur who had seemed rather dense so far would understand the value of someone being able to heal people. Everything looked like it was lining up just right even so with how they had gotten a new person who would need to pull their weight and in doing so should make the life easier for the rest of the group, if Lei-Cao was really worth taking in as Saoirse and Ryuuji imagined she seemed to be.

When that was all said and done he was on standby listening, a bit more surprised by Jasitra's response expecting she might not give him that much given what he had learned about her so far. "Well, that certainly makes things easier, and even if I just strike you as some human, even I can understand that much. With our skillsets I'm certain we can get in somewhere nicer." He replied still softly. If he had it his way they didn't really suit him either, he wanted Saoirse to be much wealthier than the point they were currently at, it would surely improve all of their lives.

"Indeed, congratulations, I am certain that Lei-Cao will soon learn how we do things around here and will contribute to our success."
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Not acting to stop Ryuuji from providing healing assistance, she felt the wounds accelerate in their repair as she went to wipe away at what blood remained on her. It'd probably still take some time for the remainders of her lost to fully disappear as a clear distinct indication of the aftermath she physically took would have to remain as a mark of shame in plain sight for the time being, The feel of the occasional looming pain didn't immediately fade, yet it was a whole lot more bearable and should feel better later.
"Thank you, little healer boy, perhaps I will not call you as such for the time being... although the insignificance of your name evades me. The lot of your names does, you don't make a lot of effort to seem memorable at all... " Lei-Cao commented, hearing said similar thing about how to properly refer to Saoirse. Giving her an emptyminded look for a moment, she answered.

"I don't think those were what your names were, little bunny child. It seems a bit weird to call someone by those things, after all you seem too small and weak for those, I can just remember you as the little bunny if you do not want to recite your real name" Lei-Cao suggested as the best possible option according to her, clearly not following the set out rules already as she huffed at what followed after.

"You can at least just call me the minotaur! Aren't you supposed to be training me, what is it about 'rewards' and stuff, I put my name on your paper so you'd show me how to be the greatest warrior. It's not like I'm calling you a humiliating name assuming of your kind to a rude fault, I don't even look, sound or act like a cow!! Aren't you going to treat me with proper respect now?? You should all atleast call me by my name, you already know that it's Lei-Cao, you should say yours more so people actually remember it!" Lei-Cao detested back, having so willingly signed herself to a fate of slavery although clearly having no understanding of the dynamic of who the master was in said situation. Considering a little piece of paper wouldn't be enough to convert her pride and ego so suddenly, it'd probably take a little bit of putting her in her place or such before she learned to accept her new owner.

Having looked to her weapon, she sighed.
"It... doesn't matter, whatever can be forged of it will not compare, not will any replacement. There was truly no equal weapon... " she mumbled as she stood up, looking to Melia as the knight had held their hand out. Gently holding and shaking it since their hand-size was likely very noticeably different, Lei-Cao nodded and briefly spoke.
"Yes, hopefully next time I will have the pleasure of breaking you" she answered suddenly. Silently agreeing with Ryuuji over to being able to contribute to whatever it was they did, Lei-Cao listened on before speaking.

"Training to be so extremely durable would be amazing, I would be unstoppable even without a weapon. Oh, right-" she added before remembering that she did have somewhere she was planning to go.
"I have to return to check in with a job in the Capital, I've been gone a little while since they weren't truly respecting me for how great I am and they've probably been worried sick that I haven't returned yet... let alone probably not able to get anything finished, they'd probably be in a lot of trouble. I should go and held and then maybe consider quitting since I'm gonna become and even greater warrior and all, but you know you can just stay somewhere else and wait while I do it. It's nothing important and suuuper like, cool but really boring stuff you wouldn't care about involving... dumb, not cool people who don't have paper to sign and no mistress people who don't have anyone to train them into great champions and stuff and'll never be, it's dumb and silly you surely don't wanna go. Plus I'll probably have to go look for a new weapon that'd never compare and it'd take a long, long while... " Lei-Cao rambled on, still very clearly trying to come up with excuses though at this point she was just grasping for reasons for why it would suck although they probably weren't very good ones.​
Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse wouldn't even let the cow finish. The moment Lei-Cao went 'I don't think...' she'd suddenly Jump upwards, high enough to kick the unsuspecting cow in the chin and perhaps even knock her down. (Strength E, Jumping F, Natural Weapons F). “That's right. You don't think. You obey.” She stated. “Now be a good cow and say 'Yes mistress' and you might be forgiven.”

She'd scoff at the cow's demand to be called the Minotaur. “Not unless you earn it.” When respect was brought up, she'd laugh. “Respect? My dear cow, I've given you the chance to earn that respect, but you've really got to start working for it. Besides, you're a slave now. Being called by your name is mercy, not a right.”

“Perhaps you're right, a weapon breaking so easily would have no equal in its glass properties.” She'd remark. She tried being nice, if that didn't work, she'd show the cow what was truly happening here. “Huh, at least it sounds like you yourself are planning to become more durable.” She chuckled. With how annoyed this cow was making it, she might figure out some very fun ways of training her to be more durable.

“Hey cow, if you stop rambling for a second.” She'd state, yet again annoyed. “I can tell you that, as my property, you don't really have a say in what you should or shouldn't be doing right now. Be grateful that I'm sort-off curious and that we'll go check-out this unfinished business of yours, as I needed to be in the capital regardless to pick up some earnings.”

Melia Hayward

Melia had silently watched things happen, after having shaken the cow's hand. All she'd reply was; “I'll be looking forwards to seeing you try.” considering they both shared a warrior's spirit. That said, she worried about how much trouble this particular cow was going to give them. When Saoirse kicked the cow, she'd already been ready to intervene, should the cow be dumb enough to try counter-attack her own mistress.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira, on the other hand, seemed to at least sort-off enjoy the sigh of a 'mighty' beast being put in place. She still had a grudge against their entire kind, after all. “Let's hope we can get somewhere nicer, without this one taking up too much time and effort.” She'd reply, a bit sceptic about how much this cow was going to be able to add to their business, rather than subtract from it.
Ryuuji Kamimura
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

“The name’s Ryuuji Kamimura. I’m not sure what you mean by it being insignificant, does it not bare some resemblance to some of the beasts from the Republic?” He asked rhetorically as it definitely did even if it wasn’t an exact parallel it was an awfully similar name. Ryuuji would have sighed at all the unnecessary rambling, if only Lei-Cao would get to the point rather than making excuses and generalized statements.

However that annoyance was all alleviated albeit when Saoirse quite literally jumped up and kicked the cow to show her her place now that she had willingly signed herself into slavery with her new mistress. Perhaps that was one of the only languages which Lei-Cao understood, nevertheless it took a good deal of effort for Ryuuji not to smirk at the display, as it had been entertaining.

“What she says is true,. What she says goes, you are fortunate that she is possibly willing to let you attend to your business at all since we happen to be heading that way anyway, so there’s no need for all of this backtracking talk.”

After that Ryuuji was ready to head wherever.

He did look to Jastira however, with a nod and replied softly again “With a bit of effort I think it’s possible, even if we’re working with this.” He’d roll his eyes a bit, the gesture probably saying it all at how not terribly impressed he was with how the new slave was behaving with her new mistress.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao's point was promptly cut off by a swift kick to the chin, only managing to keep herself from falling over just barely and stumbling back a small amount. Having uttered a soft, weak whimper as she was hit and rubbing her chin afterwards, she looked down to the haregon with a rather upset expression unsure why she deserved such a kick in the first place. Then again, the fact that someone so strangely small and feeble-looking was so confidently brave in striking someone so much considerably larger than them in size and stature and to verbally demean and berate them.

"Oh, uh. O-okay, if you say so, yes mistress... " Lei-Cao uttered softly as her voice trailed off a lot quieter, not exactly wanting to say it and trailing off with both her voice and gaze as she looked elsewhere briefly. Returning her focus back on Saoirse when they had denied the right of being called Lei-Cao by others, the minotaur sighed when being denied the right of just being called their name. Wondering if said humiliation was where they deserved to be if they were not fit to be a true champion, she just tried to avoid any more difficulties with the little one for the moment as she reluctantly hesitated even struggling to continue what she was about to say.

"Y-yes, mistress, that's my name now. I'll... be a... good cow... " Lei mumbled quietly, having not wanted to utter such words but perhaps it would bring Saoirse to feeling nice enough to turning her into a champion faster just to go along with what she said and asked for. Maybe she just had to stick with whatever came her way until she was made better off, perhaps even if she wasn't sure if things were truly working in her favour at the moment. Though, Saoirse's personality felt something befitting of one to give some sort of tutoring to a righteous hand of chaos. Maybe there was indeed something to truly learn about the potential of power and chaos by whatever harsh training and punishment they had to offer.

Feeling internally annoyed that her favourite but also now broken weapon was being belittled over having been truly fragile, she wanted to speak back in retort but something about having thought to hold her tongue for a while was keeping her back from immediately doing so. Though, considering this was her weapon which was truly her lifeblood as a warrior it only seemed fitting. Especially since she was supposed to be trained to be a better warrior which seemed impossible without a weapon.

"T-that's not true, it was an amazing and incomparable weapon! Maybe you just don't know anything about that and shouldn't comment on it" she answered back, listening to what was mentioned afterwards and nodding.
"Yes, if I could resist through anything, I'd be fine. I'd like to say that I don't think there's any pain that could ever break me except from the raw uncontrolled power of chaos itself- w-which I possess as the hand of chaos and control it and all" she hastily added.

Though after being called property and being told that she doesn't have a choice, she quietly hesitated.
"I-I mean, I think I'm a living person and all so I'm kinda not property and I can kinda do what I want but ok... " she mumbled softly, looking to Ryuuji. Unsure what the reasoning behind them having need to go to the Capital too even though it was pretty much probably the most major location in the West Empire, she felt like there wasn't going to be any dissuading accomplished anytime soon.
"Fine... " she uttered defeatedly, before looking to Ryuuji once more.
"I mean perhaps your name has resemblance, but you're not very bold about it or such, you sound like you just do and say whatever you're told. You sound like you don't care about being some great known champion Riuchi" Lei-Cao mentioned as she proceeded to get his name wrong and assuming he too would have the exact same goals and desires as her. Though after a while, they would end up setting off on the rest of the way to the Capital before daylight passed by fast enough. At least with the company of the others, Lei wouldn't get herself lost again and waste further time.

Quang, Capital of the West Empire
(if there's another appearance for what the Capital looks like, I don't have it or know where it is, this just comes from the West Empire lorepage)

It had been later in the mid-day by the time the slavemaster and their currently following group of now four slaves had reached the destination city. Said port-city was currently bustling and at its busier time of day at the daily peak of activity. Many beastmen and others going about their own business as ships and boats were moving in and out of port when time called for it and the high sounds of activity and chatter in the air. Having just recently arrived, Lei-Cao looked around getting once more a feeling of being there once again. It had been quite a while and felt nice to return to, if not the reasoning she wished to be doing so nor with the company she imagined herself being with. Nevertheless, Lei-Cao took a silent look around at people and surroundings before to the slaver and slaves amongst her.

"Well, I don't know if you were gonna be off to do what you had to do. I could just, go and do my thing, alone, for a bit while you all do yours. Right? I mean, I don't even know what you're going for or where, it's probably not my business" she offered in suggestion, still trying to weasel her way out of them coming along even at the very last moments since they did have somewhere else to be even though she was owned at this point.
As she was trying to find a way to excuse herself, she'd hear a voice in the background coming from the direction of a horse-drawn carriage that had all of its windows covered and closed by rags and drapes to block out the sunlight.
"Hey, it's you! I've been curious to where you were, I haven't seen you in a while" the voice spoke as Lei-Cao clearly froze up a little at the sound of it.
"You know I'm sure you'll get to it when you just get moving-" Lei-Cao blatantly tried to ignore it as she made little ushering motions to the four with her, though it was pretty much too late. A woman with noticably black-and-white hair and beastial ears had noticed the minotaur and approached, with a metallic companion having been accompanying and following behind her.

Lei-Cao fell rather quiet as she looked elsewhere to avoid the approaching two, who didn't hold any hesitance in doing so. The woman hummed softly as she looked between Saoirse, Ryuuji, Melia and Jastira for a moment thinking on something before uttering softly with a smile.
"Hm, a beast and other companions of human and fae? Perhaps I was beaten to on this one if that is so, how unlucky of me" she softly commented, giving a small wave as she continued.
"Greetings, pardon for my sudden introduction, I'm a friend of this tall one" she said as she gestured to Lei-Cao who was clearly very reluctant to say anthing, looking like she was desperate for the person to stop talking.
"I'm Kahatrina TuZaica, I'm a personal assistant for aspiring entrepreneur Lecarter Ghoza. I do a lot of travelling to and fro and I was currently here to hopefully pick up some unwanted merchandise for him. This is my own personal assistant, Pager. I was gifted him for my hard work. From the looks of your group, I can possibly guess you understand things of the same nature?" Kahatrina introduced and asked, having gently motioned to the horse-drawn carriage with her that there were others nearby and handling while she wasn't there. Pager additionally gave a small bob of his head in greeting as he briefly answered.

"Hello, it is my pleasure," he briefly added, not wanting to keep Kahatrina from talking.
"You know, I was hoping to find you before I set on the road. I was in that butchery taking a look around and nobody'd seen you, I half had the mind to think the old man'd went and actually finally made steak out of you after all the trouble you caused him. I'm not sure if you're still in the market, but you'd make a fine cargo mule if I do say so. It would make you more useful than all the difficulty you'd made for anyone else that found themselves with you" Kahatrina answered with a small, thoughtful smirk as Lei-Cao clearly looked away and avoided eye contact.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She'd been surprised by how decent the results were after just kicking the cow. It seemed like that'd be the way forwards to train this one. It wasn't her favoured method, being relatively non-violent and pacifist when it came to her regular training, but if this one required special methods, so be it. Deciding to take the win of being called mistress twice and the cow accepting being a cow for now, she'd ignored her comments on the weapon. She'd missed her mumbling about not being property.

As they got closer to the capital, however, the cow started to act up yet again. “My dearest cow, you really don't seem to understand your position, do you? Even though I was so clear when you signed yourself away. You belong to me now. You can't go do your things. All you can do is what I allow you to do. Seeing how I've taken an interest, I'm allowing it, but only because I'm curious, which means we're tagging along.” She'd emphasise the important parts, so that even the cow might understand.

The moment the cow started ushering her, her face showed clear dislike. Enough to warrant a a jump-kick (strength E, jumping F, natural weapons F) to the cow's knees, knowing that a sudden hit to the knees was likely to make one fall over and hoping for that exact outcome. “Don't you EVER try to usher me off like I'm some sort of peasant.” She'd call out in legitimate anger. To accept such a treatment from a slave was far, far below her status. Taking a deep breath, she'd calm down a bit. “Lashing training starts this evening.” She decided. That'd be both punishment and training alike.

She then turned to the newly arrived woman. “As you can see, you are correct. However, I must apologise for that display. It seems she'll take more effort to be trained than I initially expected.” She'd state, going on to introduce herself. “I'm Saoirse Desrosiers.” Her eyes were sceptical when the woman introduced a mere construct. She didn't even think about introducing her own slaves.

A chuckle escaped her when the cow got made out to be a cargo mule. “If she keeps misbehaving, perhaps a cargo mule or steak isn't out of question, but I do feel like she still has a chance at becoming a warrior if she starts learning to submit to her training.” She'd reply, side-eyeing the cow. “On the name Desrosies, I can make the most out of the least.” She was confident enough, all she'd need was for the cow to start learning her place. Training should be easier from there on out.

Melia Hayward

Jastira Veidi


Melia and Jastira both knew it wasn't their time and place to speak. They'd both just give a polite and relatively deep bow to the newly arrived beast woman. That said, Melia was somewhat on guard, in particular regarding the construct. Those things could be unpredictable.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji almost rolled his eyes at his name being said incorrectly despite it being so similar to the beastial language, it wouldn't even surprise him if there was a beast or two that did have his name or something very similar. But that was a minor issue in comparison to the line which preceded it, as up until that point it seemed just maybe she was understanding what was going on but that was pretty quickly dashed when she was quite literally saying she wasn't property. Perhaps some boot licking was in order, all things considered there wasn't a lot that Ryuuji wouldn't do to better his status in the long them in conditions like these, and he knew full well what Saoirse was capable of, so it wouldn't be like he was lying, he could already see himself and others improving through her process so it didn't seem wrong to defend it, but even then he probably would have lied about how great it was if it meant he'd get something out of doing so, but thankfully there was no need to do that.

"Don't you DARE speak and act as if you are my mistresses equal." Ryuuji said bitterly toward Lei-Cao. "Here she is offering to give up part of her time when she could be doing whatever she pleases, and instead she is choosing to improve you and make your dreams of being a champion a reality, and this is how you repay her?"

"She could order Melia to kill you where you stand and there would be no repercussion, but instead she's chosen to be so patient. and show mercy even with your disrespect and disregard, does that make things clear where you stand in all of this?"

"You have no idea how fortunate you are you were picked up by her, you should treat her like she is your everything for saving you and selflessly making your dreams come true!"

"I suggest you prostrate yourself for forgiveness for such offenses. I can assure you there are owners who would have no qualms about doing much less pleasant things to you."
Ryuuji continued coldly. He didn't even feel like addressing the bit about him she had made, this seemed far more important.

However by the time that The new woman was rolling up Ryuuji immediately defaulted and gave a low bow too to the new woman since she was far above in caste. Thankfully pretty much a slave was a slave so he felt confident that he had made the correct call there.

He listened to what she had to say, wondering if there was perhaps something to be gained from the exchange and or connection, but for now he remained silent, looking out with some [Opportunist].

[Opportunist] – Character is watchful for and more easily picks up on 'opportunities'. Generally the opportunities help the character achieve a desired outcome. Opportunities typically come with some risk but if they work out, they can avoid some hassle or other major setback.

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