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Graded [West Empire] A Legendairy humiliation, among other things...

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“<Sir, do you mind if Ryuuji uses the others for his healing training whilst I further analyse their potential?>” She asked the pig, still unable to settle on one of them, but not wanting to have a slave sitting by idly whilst he could be training.

Should the pig agree, she'd give some further instructions to Ryuuji himself. “<Try to heal them wound by wound, rather than as a whole. See for how long you can keep going before you tire and if you can figure out how much energy different types of healing takes. Otherwise you're free to experiment as you please.>”

As for her appraisal and further analysis, she clicked her tongue. “All of you seem useful, but none of you to the point that I'm instantly feeling like I can make you flourish.” She'd tell them straight to their faces. “<How much for the lot of them? In the worst case, they can be practice material for Ryuuji. In the long run, I'm rather curious if healing can be extended to their willpower and minds.>”

That left her with dealing with the bickering meat themselves. “Let's say I could be humoured to try something. Are all of you at least capable and willing to run the average household?” She'd look to the [Shy] one a bit more firmly. “This is your last chance to speak up. You're life's on the line with this one. All I need is a simple 'yes' and you might get a shot at avoiding becoming Gnoll food.”
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Ryuuji Kamimura
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

It would have been considerably more reassuring to hear some of the slaves speak with conviction but many did not seem to have that same drive which he knew Saoirse was looking for. One needed to be concise and speak with purpose with her if they wished to be saved from their most unfortunate conditions. Ryuuji was not stupid in knowing that she really was one of the best options out for a slave, besides being freed, and even then he had quickly determined perhaps some were just better serving others, and those might do much better under Saoirse than they would ever being left at their own devices like Lei-Cao clearly so far being a prime example, or that stupid harpy from the bridge, those were some of the sorts that could benefit from having someone else make those decisions for them indeed. At the very least some of them had the drive to try to make a case for why they were a better pick than another, granted he wasn't sure how swayed Saoirse would be so far.

"<My Mistress uses the utmost discretion she saves more of her precious time by making strategic carefully thought out decisions upfront instead of risking wasting lots of time and resources on someone who will simply never produce to satisfactory levels.>" he responded back quietly to the pigkin.

He was immediately at attention when Saoirse spoke to him, and gave her a low bow. "<Understood my Mistress.>" upon hearing her instructions for him. Presuming that the Pigkin was agreeable to this plan Ryuuji would attempt to do just as she said. Instead of healing all as a group Ryuuji would strategically get near the one closest to him to heal, using F healing for more minor wounds and E for more severe injuries, needing to stop here and there to regain the resources he needed to keep casting. He would pay attention to see if one felt more taxxing than the other and i t was pretty clear the E was a bit more taxing than the F which was what he was expecting. His arms and back lighting up with the patterned black and white energy lines yet again every time he healed, reminiscent of a ying yang in color scheme.

If he did not get permission from the Pigkin he would await for further instructions diligently.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

The pigfolk upon hearing Saoirse's question scratched his chin as he thought about it.
"Well, I'm in no severe need for them, and healing them won't aughta do any harm. Sure, go ahead... " he answered, supposing this must've been the 'making precious time' that Ryuuji spoke about as his master was trying to make use of every moment to improve slaves. It clearly must've worked in some regard. Though the interest to buy up all four of the slaves was a surprising one. She didn't look to have a lot of them, at least he could only see the ones she had with her and not if she held more elsewhere yet he wouldn't have a clue if more were possessed elsewhere. Training a lot of them didn't seem very productive or useful to do on such a large scale, it felt like that would start leaning into a rehabilitation scene rather than intensive training.

"For the lot of them? Well, you have done me two benefits here today free of charge, and they aren't really worth all that much to me. Hmm... " he grumbled quietly for a second, mulling it over. While he'd likely rather have Lei-Cao out of his business for the future, cooperation with Saoirse and actual talented slaves might be a rather useful business endeavour since only time could tell how long Erken would be able to manage or be enough assistance on his own.

"Well, I suppose I could part with them for a fair price considering your help and all... " he mulled over, eventually offering a price which should have been manageable for Saoirse with her [Wealth E] although still likely pricier than she would probably want. Though, it was still likely cheap to get four bodies for it that were just going to be turned to scrap anyway. Meanwhile said offer was being made, the four slaves in question gave nods and words of agreement in being able to help run a household at the prompt. The shy one clearly held a face of panic, but was convinced to quickly give an answer on being considered already pre-Gnollfood status.
"Y-yes, I can help, I'll not mess it up, I can help keep a household good and everything" he quickly answered, clearly nervous and just silently hoping his answer was good enough to satiate the haregon.

"I don't have to run a 'household' right? That's not a thing warriors do, you're not gonna try to convince me that that's some weird part of my training, right? People like this, and those-" she said, gesturing to Ryuuji and likely the general direction Jastira and Melia probably were outside. "-are the kinda people who would clean my house for me and do my deeds right, as a champion warrior. See, I know that kind of thing" Lei-Cao answered with a smug smile, clearly having no clue about anything she should be logically talking about but trying to act intellectual anyway.
"Are you really gonna waste so much money on these four people? You still owe me a weapon and all and you're buying weak people? Tsk, tsk... " Lei-Cao quietly criticised as she shook her head, the pigfolk even gave her a disapproving glare imagining that the cow likely had no logical clue what she was judging or talking about to begin with. Either way, the offer for them was up in the air, for four broken people it was a notable price but not one that should be troublesome for the haregon at all. With said price, the pigfolk would likely benefit either way but even more-so if Saoirse were to take them off of his hands. Considering they likely would be worth a lot less as meat.

"Does that price sound fair enough to you?" he asked.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

She nodded at the confirmation from the last one. “Seems like we're going to buy property earlier than expected.” She stated, as a plan was forming. However, when the pig stated his price, she scoffed. “<Are you for real? Look at them, they're skin and bones. You'd have made next to nothing for them as meat. Not even the gnolls would want to pay anything more than scraps for this. You don't even seem to enjoy butchering anyone intelligent that much either, so I'll save you the hassle and offer you double their meat value. Saves you the work and all, get to feel like you did a good deed perhaps.>” She stated, wondering if she could use it against him. Either way, she wasn't willing to pay such a value for these ones.

She then turned to the cow. “Cow, use your brain for a second. You don't want to run a household, I'm not going to do so either. Ryuuji, Melia and Jastira have better things to focus upon as well. Considering I'm sick of living out of inns and plan to buy a house, we'd have a household with nobody to run it. That's what I'm planning to get these for.” Honestly, she was getting extremely fed up with the cow. “Even you should realise that complaining about not wishing to do housework and complaining I buy others to do it within the same breath of air makes no sense.”

A grin formed upon her face. “Besides, I might be able to serve some more folk whipped cream soon.” She stated, as she was starting to look forwards more and more to 'resistance training' for this cow. “Although, seeing how Melia beat you, she's the real warrior, so perhaps I should have you clean her room for the foreseeable future.”
Ryuuji Kamimura
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji listened to the ongoing conversation once again. It seemed the Pigkin wasn't stupid, if he could get a good price for the lot he would, even if it was pretty clear he was asking a tad much for them. It didn't always hurt to ask, Ryuuji knew full well sometimes that strategy worked. But then of course there was Lei-Cao who was speaking conflicting nonsense again which Saoirse pointed out quite well, if they were to get a house for operating, they'd need people to do the more mundane tasks and people like these would be more suited when as Saoirse said, He, Melia, and Jastira had already proven themselves to be viable for lucrative business endeavors which would be worth training, doing domestic work would not be their best use of time, even if of course Ryuuji would do it if it was asked of him by Saoirse regardless.

Saoirse's counter offer sounded fair given how little use they seemed to hold to him otherwise as Saoirse pointed out. If they were fortunate hopefully the guy would take it so they could be on their way, and these individuals could learn some useful skills to be of service. Ryuuji couldn't help but smirk a bit when he heard Saoirse mention something which certainly sounded like a potential punishment, before his face went back to being fairly neutral once again. For now he was ready for more direction or whatever else was needed.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

The pigkin hummed for a second, hearing out Saoirse's offer to double their cost in meat as a buying price. While his initial ask was definitely rather steep, he was still making a decent profit over something that would have initially been worth rather little. Grinning a smirk, it was definitely one he was going to take.
"Ahah, glad that there's a reasonable agreement we could come to, I'll make that deal, if that's what you're wantin' to make" he offered in agreement, not even acknowledging their low quality and health just rather focusing on getting them sold for a price to begin with.

Assuming that Saoirse would go through with said deal after offering it, the pigkin went on to mention about matters of moving or transporting the slaves.
"I don't really do with moving these kind of goods, so it'll be up to you to have 'em sorted out and moved. I'll atleast let you take the restraints, earplugs n' face coverings if you're really in need of them but it's gonna be your problem getting them where you want them. So, don't ask a thing if one runs off missing or problematic in a minute or two" he added, transportation trouble for slaves was an unnecessary hassle that wouldn't benefit him much to look into and would probably be too much of an unnecessary expense that'll drop profits. From the looks of Saoirse and Ryuuji, he wasn't completely convinced they could handle four people by themselves if something happened. There was the cow, but he had zero trust in her reliability to begin with.

Alongside all this and despite Saoirse's answer, Lei-Cao still held constantly more pointless additions to say.
"So, you're buying a household, and buying people to run said household, who will also live in said household... I don't know, it sounds like you're paying people to be roommates, it doesn't sound all too logical. Shouldn't you just have, like, one person who does that and also does another job that's profitable? I just don't think your logic makes much sense. Maybe everyone could just... pick up after themselves and such, so no mess ever gets made?" Lei-Cao asked, it was probably predictable that she was the kind of person who had never cleaned or lived in a tidy place of her own in her entire life, so she was the very last person who should be saying anything about it.

"I mean, look at the dainty-boy, and the elf, what warrior-ing are they gonna be doing with skinny arms like those? Shouldn't they just be responsible for that kind of thing? I mean, Ri-whatshisname basically kisses the ground you walk on, he'd LOVE to do it" she went on to suggest, not at all sure what the rabbit meant by serving whipped cream.

"I don't get what that has to do with it, are you trying to open a shop or something? Also, Dainty-Lady out there is no real warrior in comparison to me, it was purely luck, and the sun was in my eyes, and I was itchy, and I had multiple rocks in my boots, and I was going very very easy on her" she defiantly answered, not imagining such dirty work was something she should ever have to lower herself to.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Consider it a future investment as well. Let me know if you ever get someone in that's got more of interest to their name.” She stated, making it clear that she was highly aware that she was paying more for them than they were worth and that she was pretty much insinuating an attempt at buying up a place on the priority list for potential future purchases while at it.

She shook her head at him mentioning restraints, earplugs and face coverings. “I've got a different method.” She took out four contracts. “You're already my slaves by sales contract, but I'd like to offer a separate contract on top of it.” She drew up some basics (law E) to get things going.

“The deal is simple. I'll buy up a seaside property, you four keep it running. The woodworker can help with any needed repairs in and around the house, or in town for extra income, if there's time left. The spearfisher can spent any spare time at the sea-side for some extra income and to pursue his craft. The farmer can try to get a vegetable and herb garden going and maintain some flowerbeds for the needed prestige. The historian can do some bookkeeping and help Jastira find materials for her songs, or offer her services in town if there's time left. So long as you don't forsake your duties in keeping the property going, I'll allow you to keep any extra income you make. If you mange to do anything that particularly pleases me, you'll be royally rewarded. If you forsake your duties or anger me, punishments won't be mild and you'd wish your life ended right here.” (Intimidation E) “All in all, you'll all get to do exactly what you used to do and live almost as if you're not even slaves at all, so long as keep the property running well enough for me and my other slaves to have a nice place to return to and stay at.”

She believed it was a most generous deal, but offering them something like this was the easiest way to get something rolling without having to waste time on supervision. Should they fail her, she'd take the loss and sell them back to the slaver or get rid of them herself. She could probably sell them for a fair price if she'd fatten them up and take them to the gnolls. Should they try to run, the new contract might have the God of Law himself punish them or get them arrest the moment someone captured them. Either way, she doubted they'd be stupid enough to refuse her or that they'd be incompetent enough to fail to live up to such a great deal.

Getting extraordinarily tired from the cows constant mooing, she sighed deeply. “Not everyone's time is of equal worth. So I'd rather ensure those with the most valuable time don't spent it cleaning or doing repairs. If I have the four of them, it'd allow them to do their jobs and try to pursue some of their original talents or interests on the side. Perhaps they might surprise me, but if not, they'll at least ensure the property is kept running. Although let me correct you. Room-mates are equals. They are not. If they have any brains, they'll know how to properly respect the difference between us, unlike you.”

Upon the mention of kissing the ground on which she walked she smirked. “His time is too valuable to waste, for he has talents to make flourish. You, on the other hand, might need to learn how to be properly trained before I can even start on you.” Her hand touched the whip. She couldn't wait to teach this cow until he cow was begging to kiss her feet.

“A real warrior would know when to admit defeat and learn from it. You're further removed from it than I imagined. If you make up excused for your mistakes, you'll never learn from them and you'll remain a useless cow.”
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"Right, right, a future investment. Well, I'm sure I can consider you one of the most valid slavers I can ever recall if you can make that cattle into something actually productive. Though if I'm buying assistance from you, I'll be assured that she'd be the last thing I'd be interested in. Though, a fair deal's a deal, I won't forget your purchase and assistance here" the pigkin agreed and nodded, accepting the deal and leaving her to finish up whatever she had to do with her new slave property to get things in order for her to take them out of his business. Though, he kept in the room in order to keep an eye on Erken getting any sorts of ideas, he didn't expect the boy to but still held paranoid suspicions. That, and they were moving living cargo out of his business that he was also paranoid on.

The four slaves that Saoirse had gotten her hands on remained silent and intently listened to what her offered plans were on what was going to happen, some more focused than others. Primarily referring to the dwarf and elf, who have likely been given such experience to this kind of thing that it was just a regular occurence listening to someone give them orders or plans. After a brief moment of hesitation, they had rather simultaneously speaked at the same time their own voices of agreement to the plan, considering some of the hopeful faces she received it was likely a much better offer that was given to them by their previous owners.

"Huh, we're getting seaside property? Finally, it took you long enough to say something smart and logical, of course someone like myself deserves such a luxurious place of stay" Lei-Cao spoke and thought to herself with a smug expression, looking to the small one when they had called her a useless cow once more, as well as requiring training to learn how to be trainable.

"What, stop calling me a useless cow, I know where I am and clearly I'm a great champion. Plus, you haven't trained me anything yet or shown me defeat, clearly, duh, the pink dainty knight girl doesn't count since I was clearly letting her win to not hurt her feelings, and it's not like you've proven me wrong or defeated me yet. So, I have no clue what you're talking about. You also know I'm a minotaur, so maybe I'd start being nicer and respecting you more if you were nicer to me and respected me more, like acknowledging and treating me like what I truly am" the cow continued rambling on with a smug expression, being completely airheaded about her position of power (and intelligence) as she went on. The pigfolk just turned his attention elsewhere as he ignored it, that was not his problem anymore.

"Soo, you got these people right? We're going to go buy my new weapon now, right? I kind of need that" she answered, lightly tapping her hoof in impatience as if everything going on was on her schedule. She was, most definitely, forgetting and not understanding what position of power she was in.​
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji was there, listening to the conversation, thinking that Saoirse made a most logical proposal, if they were to obtain property perhaps he could assist if she wanted his input. He had to stop himself from scoffing at Lei-Cao saying she deserved somewhere nice to stay when she hadn’t even proven she could tank a tail pull yet. Not only that but she was wanting new equipment when she hadn’t proven she could handle wielding one effectively that was all pretty laughable. Thankfully beside that Saiorse’s arrangement sounded effective, sort of like what he recalled about some forms of historical slavery back in his world, where people were allowed to live relatively normally on land and do their tasks and then provide what they produced to their own and were otherwise left alone.

The fact Lei Cao continued to fail to get a name which wasn't unlike her own language only was oh so very reassuring in his mind, however he was pleased to hear that Saoirse still saw him having talent value which was undeniable, he was a rarity with high potential.

As Saoirse said if any of the new comers proved to be particularly effective, then their task could be upgraded to something more like his was, but given the lot he wasn’t sure if he was convinced that was going to be the case. For now he remained quiet and waited on standby for further instruction, not looking particularly emotive one way or another.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Very well, we've sealed our deal.” She stated, handing over the money and signing the contract needed to take ownership for these four slaves. Seeing some hope in the slaves' eyes was good. That meant they might be smart enough not to fuck this up and to do what they were told. She'd be annoyed if she just needed to get them butchered later after all.

“We? No. I am getting it. I'll be allowing you all to make use of it, so long as you make yourself useful in turn.” She figured she'd make that distinction clear. “Right now, I feel like I should find you a stall instead.” She added, still growing more and more tired of the cow.

“Acknowledging you like what you truly are? Very well.” She'd state, as she just about had it with the cow. However, when she asked for a weapon, Saoirse turned to Ryuuji. “Are you hearing this cow making noise as well? I think it hasn't been trained enough to speak yet.” She stated, at this rate pretending she didn't even take her words to be language. If the cow wanted to be treated like what she was, rather than based on her potential, she could treat her like a worthless cow with no talent for a bit. “We'd best put it in the stall before it gets lost again and starves.”

She stated, as she went on to head for a property dealer. She went into the building to discuss and returned surprisingly short after. “They've only got one option left. We're going to take a look at it right now. It's on the edge of town.”


Taking the lead, she'd head for the indicated address. “Hmmm... it's as they told me. Rather flashy. Some sort of artist used to live here, before going in depth and having to sell this place off.” She explained. “Due to it being sold from someone in debt, the price is rather agreeable, though I must say, it's far from the estate I've grown up at.” It was clear she wasn't entirely sure what to look for in a property.

Melia Hayward

Melia had silently followed along, not even questioning the four new faces. That said, she would lie in wait to pull the Cow's tail upon the latter leaving the Butchery. Hoping to catch her off guard to aid her fellow warrior in her training.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira, on the other hand, would fall back a bit to walk beside Ryuuji. “Did the mistress purchase them just now?” She'd ask Ryuuji. Her eyes in particular focussed on her fellow Elf.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

“It certainly is a noisy cow, my mistress, it must be confused because unfortunately many of those noises it’s been making simply don’t make any sense.”

Ryuujij replied with a bit of a smug look, playing along while making it clear to Lei-Cao what he thought of her ridiculous commentary so far, which he was not particularly impressed with. She didn’t seem to get it through her skull about the fact that Saoirse was giving her a golden opportunity when she was quite literally legally allowed to kill her if she felt like, but instead was willing to let her have a much better life than she would otherwise.. Whatever, hopefully after some discipline she’d be more receptive to reasoning.

“Sounds like the most appropriate idea.” He also added after her putting Lei-Cao in a stall comment.

Ryuuji gave a bow and replied, “Understood Mistress.” when she came back, hopefully whatever property was shown would be worth their time to look at. He then diligently followed. Upon seeing the land it looked reasonable enough, certainly better than the places they had all had to stay like Saoirse said, but there was more investigating to do, however for now he did not speak about it. If the property was nice enough without too many issues and the price was right then this sort of larger dwelling could be a good start.

When Jastira asked him if she purchased those who had come he’d nod to confirm, “The starting tasks they’ll likely be delegated will involve contributing through their respective skills and tending to our more..permanent residence to be so to speak, when it’s discovered what that will be.” He replied to Jastira.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

"Oh, so it's like gonna be your dojo or like, training camp, or just something like a free house for us? See, I knew under all that angry rabbit face and stuff you could be nice and soft for once. Who'sa good wittle wabbit? Is it you? Yes you are, yes you are~!" Lei-Cao hummed when Saoirse had been talking about the beach house, cooing and talking to the slavemaster in an unnecessarily teasing manner with zero regard for respect. She was even leaning down a little to try and get closer to the haregon's height, treating them as if they were a little child. Turning her attention to her and Ryuuji though as they started talking about stalls and calling her a cow once more, she stood up and crossed her arms.

"It wasn't even funny to begin with, now it's just annoying, stop it. You're not an element of chaos, you're not allowed to annoy me or convince me to be such humiliating things, only I get to do that as the Hand of Chaos and all. Your whole joke about a stall doesn't even make any sense on why it'd be humiliating, oh wow you think I should live in a bathroom stall, so funny. Well it's you who'll be on your knees begging for mercy and crying when I intentionally dismantle all of the plumbing and pipes, and then it'll be YOUR future mess to deal with" she answered with a smug expression, choosing not to take a hint of judgement as she glared to Ryuuji when he added on to her comments.

"I'M NOT NOISY, you both just keep trying to get answers from me because you want to be mean, but it's NOT gonna work, because I'm a stone-cold and respectable warrior-champion who never lets such little things get to me. I know it's something little and dainty people like you all wouldn't understand" Lei-Cao spoke, the cow obviously seemed like she was just being as dense and dumb as a rock more than anything. Though, that comparison would probably be an insult to rocks.

Following on to the property they had reached, Lei-Cao obviously gave her unasked-for opinion on it.
"It's pretty good, a fitting vacation place for someone of my greatness. I wouldn't mind taking this one, waterfront property next to the beach is perfect for someone of my greatness' leisure and necessary exercise and training I will partake in on my own matters. Mainly because I think one of us isn't good enough to train a champion warriooor... " Lei-Cao said, mumbling to Ryuuji with a smirk with the last part as she continued to comment on Saoirse's abilities without any respect whatsoever.​

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“You're right, sadly enough it just keeps going.” She'd reply to Ryuuji, as the cow kept talking nonsense. “It seems it'll need some stricter training later.” She stated, hand upon her whip. It was a tool she rarely used, but one she'd definitely be needing at this rate.

For now, however, as the cow leaned down, she'd made a big mistake. It ended up with Saoirse's foot (Strength E, Natural Weapons F, Jumping F) finding her way to slam the cow's mouth shut. “I thought you'd be smarter not to try such things with me.” She coldly told the Cow (intimidation E). The rest of what the cow as saying and doing wasn't even worth mentioning. Not yet, at least. She'd get to it later. Once they had some privacy. For now, only one thing needed saying. “You'll get your training, but honestly, I don't think you'll be able to last. You'd be begging me to stop training you in no-time.” She smirked. She had the perfect plan to use this Cow's own pride against her.

For now, however, they had some other things to do. “Right, let's go check out this place. See if any of it looks damaged or if any of the wood looks rotten. See if there aren't any skeletons in the closet, literally or figuratively.” She stated, as she'd head in first, but would allow her slaves to go inspect the place at their own pace.

The building seemed good enough on the inside. It was a bit on the smaller side compared to what she was used too, but for a beach-front property, it was on the spacier side.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira would stick near Ryuuji for now. “I see.” She'd simply reply, seemingly a bit let-down by the fact she'd not get another Fae to interact with on the regular. She was smart enough not to complain, however, unlike the cow. On the topic of the cow. “Do you really think the mistress can handle that one?” She'd ask, once Saoirse was out of hearing range.

Melia Hayward

As for Melia, she realised she'd failed her attempt to grab the cow's tail earlier cause the latter hadn't even reacted to it. She wouldn't fail again. As the rest was entering the house to inspect it, she'd wait for the cow to turn towards it and then try to once again yank her tail. Training a fellow warrior was important, after all.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao was going to answer back in retort, but was abruptly silenced by yet another kick received from Saoirse. Huffing and grumbling, she contemplated hitting the little haregon to show her that it wasn't a nice thing to hit people but she imagined the little one would probably instantaneously burst into tears like a little toddler. Remaining mostly silent and pouting herself, she adverted her gaze as she quietly grumbled to herself.
"I too can last, I'll show that stupid rabbit, doesn't know a champion when it hits them in the face, but they won't because they're actually a nice person who doesn't hit children in the face. Stupid rabbit is gonna get humbled one day... " Lei-Cao muttered on as she chose to try and forget about it for the time being, keeping in mind that she better get a good enough replaced weapon to replace her own. Moving on to inspect the house, her thoughts were interrupted by feeling another pull of her tail as she huffed and flicked her gaze to Melia.

"Stop doing that, I will hit your dainty face, you don't have to pull my tail anymore" she answered in annoyance, having expected and gotten a little more used to it though still being rather put off by the entire thing. If this was how the experience was going to go being stuck with Saoirse and her other followers, then the training she got out of it better be worth it otherwise she has an entire armada of complaints about Saoirse being a terrible liar. Her training so far seemed pointlessly useless and insignificant.​
Ryuuji Kamimura

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji nodded, “I believe you are quite right Ma’am.” Replying softly and respectfully to her, yeah it looked like harsher discipline would be needed at least until Lei Cao could be put in place and prove she was going to take Saoirse seriously, otherwise what was the point of all of this.

Thankfully Saoirse showed Ryuuji sentiment by kicking Lei-Cao in the Jaw, a much deserved socking at this point with how she continued to behave and not see Saoirse as her proper owner.

“Yes my Mistress.” Ryuuji replied diligently when they got to the point of exploring the area.

He then turned to Jastira once more. “If anyone is capable of doing it I believe our Mistress is. She is a cut above the rest from what I’ve seen in my time with her, what a novel idea to treat your property well so that it goes out and prospers, which in turn means that you prosper. It really is a revolutionary thought process in a way..while others simply see inferior beings who need to be dominated, she sees much more than that..it’s all impressive in my opinion.”

When Lei Cao sort of threatened to hit Melia if she did that again, Ryuuji would simply say, “For your own well being I would highly suggest against taking that action.” Knowing full well a way to really tick Saoirse off would be to attack and damage her property without there being any input from her about what was taking place.

Ryuuji then continued to look around the space to see if there was anything of interest, first looking around the outside some before heading in and then looking to Jastira once more, “Any thoughts?” He asked rather plainly, knowing that getting along with her would be good to do.

“Personally I think that given this property’s relatively desirable location, this is quite reasonable, particularly if the price is right.” he said, presuming that he didn’t find anything wrong during his observations.

Melia Hayward

“Have you already given up?” She scoffed at the cow. “I enjoyed our battle and would like to have another, but not if you're not taking your training seriously.” On the topic of being hit in the face, she scoffed. “If I were so easily punched in the face as you let your tail be pulled, I would beg you for helping me with proper training to learn how to defend against it. The fact that you're just telling people to stop rather than find ways to counter it shows that you lack a true warrior's spirit. You're lazy.” She didn't mince her words, getting frustrated with the lack of drive and the constant excuses from this bloody cow.

Jastira Veidi


“Hmmm....” She'd nod. “I've never once regretted having been taken in by her, rather than Dranth, that much is sure. Even so, it seems some, like the Cow, might just abuse her kindness.” She'd yet to wonder how much the Cow would be able to get away with. That said, seeing how the Cow got beaten every so often, she herself wouldn't think of trying things. She also had a growing suspicion the Cow had only received the starting of her beatings...

As for her thoughts on the house... “It seems nice. We might have our own rooms here.” That was all she had managed to figure out,

Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Having gone through her own inspection, she returned. “It seems like it's worth the money. I don't gather you found anything wrong either?” (They wouldn't.) “This'll be our new base. For now. We might want to look for something bigger or expand later, but it's a start.”

She looked at the Cow. “Now, for you. I realised this place has a basement. I'll meet you there, if you're brave enough to continue your training.” She challenged the Cow....
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao rolled her eyes at Ryuuji's recommendation, obviously knowing that she wouldn't take any sort of advice from one of Saoirse's suck-ups. Clearly the boy would just be saying whatever made his master sound good and capable, despite the fact she still believed to herself that the little one had given no proof or evidence of her capabilities.
"Uhuh, suuure, why don't you and your other little friends go hold hands and sing songs and all that as well? Pff, that's what I thought, idiot... " she grumbled quietly afterwards, huffing in the direction of Melia when she heard about the knight's comments.

"OoOoOoh, and you want me to do nothing and not hit back, but then that's lazy, dumb little pretty princess wearing a tin-can dress over here. You'd know all about begging, wouldn't you, probably on your hands and knees to your rotten parents who spoil you day and night treating you like their little princess. Oh? You're here, you can't see or talk to your parents, they don't care about you or never did? Oh, what a shame. D'aww, what a shame" Lei-Cao answered back, growing more annoyed as she talked in a babying, pandering tone to try and mock Melia.

Albeit, she heard Saoirse's offer for continued training.
"We didn't even begin it, plus you haven't bought me a weapon yet" she answered reluctantly, not seeing any point or reasoning behind her jest since it didn't seem like any sort of training could actually happen right now. Sighing and crossing her arms, she believed she'd humour the little rabbit.
"Fine, it'll be easy as anything though. Though, you're still probably forgetting you haven't replaced my weapon, so, you should do that. Otherwise you're not really gonna be able to teach anything. Sheesh, only the great Lei-Cao would have to teach their teacher how to teach in order to be teached, but I guess I'm just that great. You are welcome to be in my presence, little one" she retorted back, donning a smug smirk on her face as she challenged and took whatever mystery training offer Saoirse had in mind to take part in the basement.

With what would be a new homebase for Saoirse and her following collective, perhaps more of a luxury farmhouse manor in comparison to whatever living conditions Saoirse might've had for Lei-Cao when claiming rooms were to come, checking out said housing would end up being their last stop for the day. With most of them present being able to tend to touring and settling into said location, there were clearly other plans in mind held by the haregon slavemaster for her new mewling and whining cow. Of which, is not of any sort of importance to look deep into. But, as far as anything goes, Lei-Cao was very much given a first and challenging test of endurance supervised and ran by Saoirse herself within the basement.

Though, with all said and done, perhaps it would prove Lei-Cao would... well, holding visible respect is a strong start, but lets claim 'more reasonable to command' and 'easily submitting and humiliatable' under Saoirse's punishment and use for her whip and likely now verbal insults. Maybe if some of the others listened real carefully, they would have heard some sort of begging mooing for mercy from the response punishment for all their unearned complaints and pride.

The End
Lei-Cao - [Cow]: Character is, or is treated as, not much more than dairy cow livestock. It's humiliating and said character is usually much more disrespected, not being treated as equal as others and more like a pet domestic animal.

Saoirse - [Stockperson]: Character is responsible for, as well as raises, livestock or those they treat like it. Usually seen as above those they see like said livestock and animal property, and usually tells them what to do.
[Cowtipper]: This character torments cows (or those akin or treated like one). How much enjoyment they get out of it is up to them.
Bought with Wealth [E]: Asset Beachside House [E], Slave [Woodworker] [E], Slave [Farmer] [E], Slave [Historian] [E]

Ryuuji - [Cowtipper]: This character torments cows (or those akin or treated like one). How much enjoyment they get out of it is up to them.
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Isekai Hell Grade

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

this rp is just sad. warrior demoralized and humiliated. Just to get collared. Least you guys seem to be into this sorta play XD Nice spicing up the social rp with a combat sequence.

Wealth does allow the acquisition of E grade things, but for free asset acquisition, it only justifies the acquisition of one thing at a time of equal grade in an rp. Otherwise folks could walk off with entire markets of mundane goods. Assume the house is a bit of a fixer upper and the other slaves will be held by the slaver or elsewhere while arrangements are made.




Lei-Cao - 76pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [Lazy Dairy] - character is all the diary section of a market and like the diary needs time to be good for anything.

Saoirse Desrosiers - 38pts
optional title acquired [Stockperson]: Character is responsible for, as well as raises, livestock or those they treat like it. Usually seen as above those they see like said livestock and animal property, and usually tells them what to do.
optional asset acquired [simple beach house E] - the house is barely big enough for a family and in need of cleaning. Further upgrades may enable it to support more people or work spaces for professions. its basement is small and floods frequently.

Ryuuji Kamimura - 31pts
optional title acquired [Cowtipper]: This character torments cows (or those akin or treated like one). How much enjoyment they get out of it is up to them.

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