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Fantasy Werewolf rp

Taylor rested one hand on Blake's back. She clenched her jaw. "Look loner, I know it hurts but I need to know where. Members from my pack are out searching and if they are in any danger I need to know okay bub? okay glad we have that understanding." She walked over to Stephen and grabbed his arm yanking him up from the ground. "I thought I told you to stand." she said. Still holding on to him she gave a sigh. "Now where was your pack attacked and by who?" she asked, her voice a tad more compassionate.

"Alright it was perfect.." Jordan said smiling
Blake shifted and watched Taylor. he frowned a little, she was defiantly more tense than normal. He wouldn't talk about It in front of people though, he would try and talk to her about it later. it worried him although he didn't let it show. "answer her" he said calmly, relaxed.

Crystal smiled and moved so she was snuggling against him "your comfy~" she grinned up at him

Gee frowned a little and rolled her eyes grumbling to herself
Stefan yanked his arm from her and sat back down.

Stefan: You're not my alpha so don't act like you are. And you don't need to worry, its far from here.
Blake growled and grabbed Stefan shoving him up against a tree in grasping his neck, adding a little pressure. "don't speak to my mate like that. you might not be of this pack but your on our land. you WILL respect us and our rules" he tightened his grip a little "understand?"
Taylor yanked him up again pinning him to a tree with her arm across his throat. "One, you are on our territory so be respectful, you don't want to piss us off more than you have by trespassing." she released him. "Now, who attacked you? hunters?"

Jordan pulled Gee closer to him. "Oh chill babe." he looked at Crystal and smiled. "I know, it's cause I'm the best."
Stefan grabbed Blake's wrist and snapped it

Stefan: If you want respect, show it first. Understand?

This turn of events pushed Stefan's past out of his head and he glared Blake still holding his snapped wrist.
(lol, blake and Taylor did basically the same thing xD )

Gee huffed "as if im not" she mumbled and rested against him "I don't care"

Crystal rolled her eyes "oh give in, you're aloud to act affectionate to him sometimes you know"

Gee stuck her tounge out "and why would I do that? he has to earn my affections" she smirked

Crystal shrugged "anway it was just pay back for you being mean to me"

Gee frowned "I said I was sorry"
Taylor growled and pinned Stefan down hard and fast. "You are on our LAND, You respect us." she snarled. The tackle had Stefan land on a tree root and knock the wind from him. "We don't have to show any respect to a trespasser." She put her arm against his throat with a vise like grip keeping him on the ground. "Jay! Go get Jordan and Darien." she snapped
Jay looked a little startled by her tone and nodded quickly shifting and running off to the boys

Blake frowned and rubbed his wrist. The bone would heal quickly at least, times like this he thanked himself for being a were wolf. He shifted and bared his teeth at Stefan letting Taylor pin him
Stefan tossed Taylor away.

Stefan: I don't respect no one unless they respect me. So if you want respect from me, respect me first. Either that, or leave me alone.
Darien was asleep in his room with a pillow over his head.

Jordan was talking with the girls on the couch.

Taylor didn't move very far...she shifted quickly the past days have pissed her off and this 'intrusion' wasn't helping. Within seconds she had grabbed Stefan again though this time she had him in a grip and if he moved he would break his back. She had to fight to stay in control as she saw Blake get hurt then bite into Stefan's shoulder.
Blake yelped

Hearing this angelo who was walking back from searching with aaliyah shifted and ran at Stefan shoving him into a tree and bit him hard in the neck until he could taste blood in his mouth and tossed Stefan against other tree and growled at him "how dare you challenge our pack" 
Jay ran in and shifted "trespasser, blakes hurt and Taylor is there too"

Crystal quickly sat up "Blake?" she whined, she would do more worse than good if she went

Gee shifted and ran off
The boys were all of a sudden dashing off into the trees were Taylor and Blake were. They saw Stefan and quickly shifted going to help Angelo Jordan ran and bit into Stefan's other shoulder.

Taylor went to Blake then growled.
Stefan growled at them all and wrote in the ground

Stefan: Those two attacked me first with nor reason at all. I only defended myself. He bit them and moved so he could see them all
Jay ran up beside them and growled at Stefan

Gee growled agressivly at him showing her teeth and let out her claws.

Blake growled, he was hurt but would be alright. he was sick of outsiders, honestly he was tempted to just kill the guy. He nuzzled her
Stefan growled at them all. That's why he never left wolf form since the incident. He never met someone group of humans or pack of wolves to fully trust. Its always the same.
"You trespassed then became defiant! It was a threat to the pack!" Taylor snarled still hovering by Blake protectively. Taylor was fighting not to kill him on the spot since he had hurt Blake.

The boys growled at Stefen and waited for orders from Taylor or Blake
Stefan: One, I didn't know this is pack territory. Two, I didn't become defiant, you attacked me. So I have every right to defend myself.
Blake looked at him "do what you must" he said to the pack, no emotion to his voice. he wasn't normally like that but the fact he had hurt his mate, more people were coming and his sister was badly injured worried him. "if he doesn't surrender then don't let him walk free"
Taylor snarled. "You refused to answer." She glanced at Blake. He voice became emotionless. "Better yet take him to the cells and let the Alpha's handle him..."

The boys look at everyone else then rush at Stefan
Stefan didn't realized he is speaking in wolf form for the first time in ages.

Stefan: I don't have to surrender! I don't have to surrender to no one who doesn't respect me! Its always the same with all these packs I come across!

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