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Fantasy Werewolf rp

Barry sat on a stump, outside a small, incredibly old looking cottage, on something that may have been an old farm, though all the crops were long gone, and the farmhouse had fallen to pieces. The cottage was at least 9 miles outside the pack's territory. He sat there, sharpening an axe. Several trees had been felled around the cottage, used for cooking and warmth. A fire pit sat, a meter or two away, several sticks propped and tied together to make a spit. A rabbit was impaled on the spit, it's head cut off, and skinned, just leaving the meat. Issac had caught it earlier, and decapitated it and skinned it, before giving it to Barry to cook. Issac had then headed inside the cabin, probably to sleep. He had been out since dawn, patrolling around the cottage, at least a mile or two around, when he had found the rabbit. Barry finished sharpening the axe, as he looked over at the fire, thinking to himself. It looks almost good enough to eat, he thought to himself, deciding to wait a dozen or so minutes longer for the rabbit to finish cooking.
Ninah was running through snow.

Jay titled his head a little confuse and glanced towards the dirt where he was writing.

Crystal smiled watching the movie

Gee sulked "why do we have to watch Lady and the tramp?"

"you put it on" Crystal said rolling her eyes at Gee

Gee frowned "ugh, Why are you such a child"

Crystal frowned "im not a child, im 16. a teenager thank you very much. are you forgetting I got shot in the shoulder, be nicer" she whined

Gee chuckled and sighed "alright"
Jordan laughed at the girls and stole the popcorn from Taylor who gave a small whine.

"Hey I was eating that." Taylor whined trying to get the bowl.

Jordan held the bowl away from her and smiled. "Yeah well now I'm eating some."

Taylor frowned. "But its mine now." she pouted.

Jordan smirked. "Whatever you say Taylor..."
After a dozen or so more minutes, Barry approached the rabbit, taking a deep whiff. He grinned, "Perfect," he murmured, as he knelt down, grabbing the spike that held the rabbit, and walking towards the cottage. He opened the door with his left hand, and headed inside, closing it behind him. The door never closed all the way, but if they really needed it closed, they could barricade it with the old table they ate on. "Issac!" he called, as he approached the table, which was in the middle of the room. "The Rabbit is ready!" he called, noticing Issac had already got out the plates and utensils for him. The plates and utensils were made of wood, carved out by Barry years ago, when he first arrived here. He pulled the hot rabbit off the stick with his leather gloves, and set it on the largest wooden plate, an oval shaped one, with enough room for the rabbit. He used his knife, a rusty old blade that he always carried with him, to cut off the legs, which Issac preferred. That boy's always been a weird one, he thought to himself, shaking his head with a smile, as Issac stumbled out from under his pile of animal skin blankets, as he approached the table.


"They came out quite well Barry," Issac complemented, sitting in his chair, as he grabbed the rabbit legs, and put them on his plate. Barry simply grunted in acknowledgement, before he started shoveling in the rabbit's meat. Issac on the other hand, grabbed one of the legs, and took a bite out of it, like a chicken wing, before he continued, eating each one in this slow process. Issac loved chicken wings, but the nearest farm was over 20 miles away from there, and they didn't go there often.
Stefan looks at Jay and chose he can trust him. He shifted back to human form.

Stefan: Sorry, I didn't catch your pack's scent when I entered. Your scent is the first one I caught since arriving into this forest.
Jordan rolled his eyes and handed the popcorn to Crystal. "here."

Taylor began fidgeting so she stood up. "I'm going out in the woods." she stated before walking out the door and shifting to her wolf form. She sprinted off into the tree line when she caught a mixture of Jay's scent with another. She let out a low growl before running off to where Jay would be.
Jay frowned, he decided he would let Isaiah know about that.

"its alright...I guess" he said. he thought about it for a while but decide to shift to his human form as well since Stefan did. "why are you here alone?" 
Crystal grinned and hugged placed the bowl on her stomach since she was laying down "Jordan open wide, im going to see if I can get it in your mouth" she said aiming the popcorn ready to throw it

Gee smirked "how could you miss that massive hole of his?"
Taylor was suddenly beside Jay and she shifted to her human form her clothes were slightly tattered but otherwise intact. She looked at Stephen with a cold glare. "So you're the sent I caught." she said, her voice was cold, with no emotion.

Jordan rolled his eyes ignoring Gee. "I doubt you can make it."
Jay frowned "you didn't answet my question" he looked at Taylor "he don't seem like a threat"

Crystal pouted "im a very good aim, how could you have so little faith in me? that's cruel"
Taylor shrugged at Jay. "Until we are sure of that we can't take chances." She looked back at Stephen. "Stand up, it is pathetic that you are on the ground." She sighed. "Now answer the question."

Jordan smirked and opened his mouth
Crystla smiled and threw it, perfectly landig on his tounge in his mouth. Crystal fist pumped the air "score!" she giggled

Gee chuckled
Jordan smiled. "okay not bad." 
Taylor folded her arms over her chest growing agitated with the lone wolf. "I asked where was your pack attacked?" she practically snapped.
Crystla frowned "not bad? I think it was perfect you should always give credit where credit is due"

Jay sat quietly letting his beta talk

Blake walked up beside Taylor in his wolf form

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