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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Ventura Rehabilitation Center! (let our adventure begin~)

Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence ) and Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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Alamea chuckled when the young man apparently messed up his introduction. "Haha, don't worry about it. I hate introductions too, or at least, greeting other human beings. Anyway, my name's Alamea Sayasone, and yours?" She already knew Billiees name, so she only looked at the young man, who she hasn't noticed before. Maybe he arrived late? Or maybe he has been here the whole time and Alamea didn't notice. Or both. Yeah. Why not both? Then, Alamea glared over at Billie, but deicded to not comment on her obsession about a serial killer. It has always kind of freaked her out, but she never said anything about it.​
"I mean, I know I'm not gonna look exactly like my boy, because you know. I aye a man, so...but. When I had blonde hair, the similarities were uncanny. I have a photo." The girl said, as she grabbed her phone, scrolling through her pictures, she showed Alamea and Axel it. "I got the look down, all I needed were a few body parts, maybe a few heads in the fridge, possibly a few dicks in jars in my freezer... however! I do not like harming people, and only like to cuddle." GoldenSlime GoldenSlime J Jules8008

Alter "Axel" Bane

"Jeffrey Dahmer with neon hair," Axel chuckled. "Personally, I prefer Jack the Ripper." He shrugged, "But that's just me." He smirked at Billie and then looked at Alamea, "That's a nice name. I'm Axe-er, Alter. Alter Bane. But most people call me Axel....trust me, you don't want to know why." He looked away, embarrassed. I just arrived and already have two girls talking to me, he thought, Man, I should've gone to rehab sooner. "My friend's ugly-as-hell tan Toyota Corolla broke down so we were kind of late to check-in. I'm sooo glad we didn't miss check-in time," he muttered, sarcastically, "What has everyone been doing? And, when's the grub? I'm starved." Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence J Jules8008

((changed the font because, to put it in Axel's words, the old font was ugly-as-hell))
Billie let out an audible gasp, and a massive smile spread across her lips. She held the tape closer to her chest and exhaled deeply. "Uh... I heard at six... though, I may be wrong. Also, I've been trying to get anyone to fucking watch my tapes with me, and they all think I'm weird. You're the first one to actually take an interest in what I like. So... would...would you like to watch them with me?" Billie asked, not expecting the answer she wanted, she just took another gulp of her drink, the cooling feeling of the liquid going down her extremely dry throat was absolute bliss. "So.. you like serial killers, too?" GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence ) and Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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Sadly - more like, to her luck - Allie doesn't know much about Jeffrey Dahmer. Only that he is a convicted criminal tumblr loves to obsess about. Like the Columbiners and Ted Bundy. Weird. Due to that, Allie also didn't look at Billies phone and refused to comment it. Man, it hasn't freaked her out the first time they met...
"Ah, nice to meet you Alter, also known as Axel." Allie giggled, but it rapidly stopped. "Well, I, for one, was at the beach, went a bit of surfing, then had to annoy the staff to get me my meds because they apparently forgot that I need meds even though my old rehab talked to them. Also, no clue when that is. I just hope the food doesn't taste and look like roadkill."​

Alter "Axel" Bane

"Hey, don't bash roadkill," he told Alamea, "I spent two months eating almost only roadkill, it's good." He thought for a moment and then corrected himself, "It's serviceable." He chuckled, correcting himself again, "Ok, it's roadkill. But still." He looked at Billie, "I love mysteries of any kind, especially ones that involve murder. I tried to solve one about a little girl one time but uuh..." He shrugged, "That one was hopeless. But yeah, I'd love to watch some tapes with you. Anyone who still uses tapes is good in my book!" He fingered the Walkman in his pocket. He always had a tendency to prefer older technology like records and the Walkman. Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence J Jules8008
"Ooo! Great, also. Axel, what would you do if Dahmer asked if he could eat you? I mean, personally, I'd just be like '...look dude, I appreciate your offer, but uh... I got things to do, people to uh... see. I have a massive cocaine problem that...that needs to be sorted out, I can't really be having you eat me, because...that will just mess everything I have going for me.' Billie paused, a confused look on her face, she coughed into her fist. "...I have a problem, I'm sorry." With this, the girl curled up in her chair and just mentally beat herself up about ranting on about him, exhaling, she took another swig. GoldenSlime GoldenSlime J Jules8008
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence ) and Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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"God, I am glad I never had to eat roadkill. I would have puked, not gonna lie. Worst things that happen to me are my...well, episodes if you call them." And her episodes can be incredibly bad. During one, was didn't leave her room for about four days. Maybe even longer. she lost the sense of time during it. " But you seem to know what I mean, thats good." Allie quickly checked her phone if she got new messages, but...nothing. Again, Allie proceeded to ignore most of what Billie said, but then, when Billie said, that she has a problem, Allie just responded "Well, everyone here has problems. If we wouldn't have, we wouldn't be here."​

Alter "Axel" Bane

"I once watched a dog eat it's own puke," Axel replied to Alamea, "But that's pretty unrelated so..." There was an awkward silence and he coughed just to break it up. "Anyway, um...my friend has some pretty rough episodes. She-" he cleared his throat, continuing, "They had a really bad experience with a guy....a, like...stalker..." He wasn't sure that he should be telling this much information to strangers. His face was literally this:
"Sooooo..." he chuckled, awkwardly. "Well, if anyone asked to eat me, I would be like, 'LOOK IT'S AN ALIEN INVASION' and then runaway while they're looking." He shrugged, "Guess that's pretty cowardly, though...but with cannibals, I reckon you can't just be like, 'Please don't eat me, I'm chewy.' Anyway, are you sure you should be drinking that? It smells...sort of like...alcohol..." Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence J Jules8008
"Hah! 'Please don't eat me, I...I don't taste very good, I swear'. Also. He was more of a necrophiliac than a cannibal..." Billie said, a small chuckle, she blinked as she turned her attention to the drink, she shook her head and put the cap back on, sighing, she grumbled. "Can't even have my medicine..." Exhaling, the girl shook her teal hair and blurted. "I...I'm going to dye my hair blonde again, I miss being the discount Jeffrey Dahmer." GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence ) and Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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God, when Axel mentioned the episodes of one of his friends and how they started, Allie started wondering. when did hers start? Or why? She knows she started hearing voices back at her old Rehab, but the cause is...unknown. Allie has always thought stress may be the fault of her developing schizophrenia. But the doctors and Allie herself were unsure, and she never really thought about what triggered it. anyway, she doesn't want to think about it any longer. "Hmm, well, at least she knows what triggered it."​
[class name=stoneBackground] height: 440px; width: calc(100% + 17px); background: white; margin: auto; overflow: auto; [/class] [class name=stoneImage] height: 480px; width: 100%; background-image: url(https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0765/0807/products/Misty_Mountain_Wall_Mural_Mountain_Wall_Decal_large.png?v=1495142921); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; [/class] [class name=stoneHeader] margin: auto; padding: 5px; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; color: #1c3d41; [/class] [class name=stoneArrow] margin-top: 150px; text-align: center; font-size: 60px; color: #e2eae8; [/class] [class name=stoneContent] padding: 5px; color: #1c3d41; margin-top: -10px; [/class] [class name=stoneWrapper] margin: auto; overflow: hidden; width: 440px; [/class] [class name=stoneCredit] font-size: 10px; color: #426369; text-align: right; [/class] [div class=stoneWrapper][div class=stoneBackground][div class=stoneImage][div class=stoneHeader]
Chance Crnich
[/div][div class=stoneArrow]⇟[/div][/div][div class=stoneHeader]
The Beach
[/div][div class=stoneContent]Chance shook his head. "No.. Don't do that, I am just making excuses to get ahold of my drugs again." He turned on his side away from Ozara and started drawing in the sand. "I don't want to risk another OD on Opioids and Marijuana, I could die." He whispered, biting his lip. "God I keep turning back to it... I can't stop, the rehab does shit for me." He muttered, then yanking out his carry-on journal, it was a bit wet from the trip. He flipped to the back page and shoved it into Ozara's stomach without looking. "I've been here for twenty-three days... Every other day I've relapsed, once, twice, or three times." He said, pointing to each log on the amount of pills he took, when he took them. Some of the logs were fairly similar around the same time. He puffed, "I probably won't get better, I just keep taking the pills." He sighed, rolling back onto his back. He poked his face, realizing he's getting a sunburn. "Fuck I forgot to put on sunscreen." He said.

[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]

Queen. Queen.
Billie messed around with her phone, she scrolled aimlessly through her tumblr, Facebook, and messages. Squeaking, she noticed she had a voicemail, deciding to click on it, what she heard absolutely crushed her. It was her girlfriend breaking up with her. "Hey, Bee... we've been through this, and you're still not listening to me, or answering my messages. So, is...is that it? Like, are you just gonna keep obsessing over this weird fucking guy, who's been like dead for... how many years now? Look. I don't care anymore. Hopefully, they fucking fix your head up. I've already dumped your stuff into storage, so you'll have to get that, I've also changed the locks. I hope you get what you're looking for, you weirdo."

Exhaling, Billie pocketed her phone and stared at the wall, no emotion on her face. She knew this was a long time coming, but she thought she would have the fucking decency to tell her before going into rehab. And her stuff, is just oo. Why couldn't she just drop it off at her parents house? Leaning back, she let the anger bubble up, filter down, and bubble back up again. Leaning forward, she wringed her wrists and began cracking her knuckles. J Jules8008 GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
Alamea Sayasone


Outfit: This

Interactions: Billie ( Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence ) and Axel ( GoldenSlime GoldenSlime )

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For about a minute, Allie was fiddling with her phone, but she was mainly checking out whatsApp and what her friends just posted. Apparently, one of her friends from the old rehab just got out...what did they have again? Gosh, Allie totally forgot. An...eating disorder? Or does she mess things up?
she put her phone into her pockets again and gave Marshmallows head a pat before noticing that Billie was now facing the wall. "Huh? What's wrong Billie?" Curious, as always. Allie proceeded to tilt her head to the left, linking a few times.​
"Nothing." She said flatly, there was void of emotion even in her voice. Closing her eyes for a few minutes, she opened them once again and shrugged. "Absolutely... fine." J Jules8008
Alamea Sayasone

Lie. Allie usually doesn't notice when someone's lying, but this is pretty obvious, even to her. Allie raised an eyebrow and just said "You aren't a good liar, Billie. Just say it if you do not wish to talk or vent about it." Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
"I didn't ask for your fucking input! So, please. Just shut the fuck up." Billie snapped, and pulled her comic in front of her face, divulging in the storyline. Reading always calms Bee down, but... this was just so much anger. She placed the comic down, and instead of walking out, she kicked the table across the room and sunk back down into her chair, her hand blatantly twitching, she growled under her breath. J Jules8008 .
Alamea Sayasone

Billies reaction made Allie flinch. For a minute, she said nothing, before saying "Could have also said it nicer. But it seems like you don't wanna talk. A simple 'No.' would have been enough." Then, after saying that, she turned away from her and sat down a few chairs away from her. Sitting next to her could prove to be a grief mistake, so she decided against it. Who knows how violent she can become? Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
By now, Billie was staring at the wall. She did this for about half an hour, the usual time for her to get moderately calm. She reached down into her bag and retrieved her drink again, unscrewing the cap, she guzzled what was left of it and chucked it in the bin. Cracking her knuckles, she grinned at the sounds, and after around a full hour, she had finally calmed down again. Well. As calm as she could be. J Jules8008
Carmen looked at Damien, laughing lightly as he glanced down. "All I like is swimming and cooking. Not much else I like to do," the boy said softly, shrugging his shoulders as he looked between the two. "What about you, Gore? What do you like to do for fun?" he asked softly before looking at Damien. He grinned hearing the question before nodding, "yeah, I'd love to sit with you!" Carmen exclaimed with a bright smile, giggling softly. He smiled and bit his lower lip. Honestly.... he didn't want to eat. Would they make him though? The idea of eating just sounded humiliating to the boy. Maybe he could get away with not eating tonight. He could say he wasn't feeling well enough to sick... but he can stay and chat, rather than go rest. They would let him skip dinner, right?

Carmen's thoughts vanished when he saw Damien pull of his shirt, he eyes glancing over the other males chest. Grinning to himself, Carmen looked down and bit his lower lip. God he had a nice body...

R i v e r R i v e r SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
Exhaling, Billie gathered her stuff, and walked out and decided to find Peter. Her room wasn't so far from his, so she'd just dump her stuff on the bed. She let out a deep exhale and listened to the voicemail again, snuffling, she knocked on the other's door. Please, please open. She doesn't want to be left with those... people, people who don't get her. Never got her in the first place. Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Millie stepped outside her room, hoping to sneak some food from ... anywhere really. Instead she was greeted with muffled sniffling in the hallway. She looked across and discovered the only possible source of the sound; a teal-haired girl. Millie was no master in comforting, rather the opposite, but a mixture of curiosity and compassion made her go over and tap her shoulder, and before the other could even turn around, bluntly burst out with a "sweet hair you got there!"
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
This caused her to squeal and let out a heavy sob mixed with shock and pure sadness. "T-Thanks..." She replied, her voice cracked and dry. Her grey eyes puffy and red, she began to inhale shakily, and then exhale just as shakily. Whining, she slid down the wall and just curled up. KajaTheChili KajaTheChili
“Wow, that’s the best reaction I have ever gotten for a compliment. I should give them to you more often”, Millie said jokingly, starting to feel a little stressed for that the girl suddenly would just hyperventilate or implode or something that would require knowledge Millie most certainly did not have
Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence
Peter looked up when he heard the knock, his gaze looking toward the door. Pushing himself to a stand, the man let out a deep sigh and pulled on his red T-shirt. Walking over to the door, he pulled it open to look at the two girls. “Billie? Are you okay?” He asked in a soft tone, kneeling down beside her. Glancing up at the other door, the man offered a small smile and then looked at Billie once more. She was the priority right now.

Billie Vehemence Billie Vehemence KajaTheChili KajaTheChili

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