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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Trigger Town

wasn't this up a couple days ago? Or did i see that in the interest check?
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TheMilkMan said:
wasn't this up a couple days ago? Or did i see that in the interest check?
Oh, that was the interest check. Would you happen to be interested or just asking ?
[QUOTE="Of the Red]Oh, that was the interest check. Would you happen to be interested or just asking ?

A bit of both i guess
I'm really interested in some of the characters so far but please bring me some more POC
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Hmmm, oddly quite in this OOC for a RP with so many people.

Peoples characters are looking though good. Looking forward to seeing some more.
I'd liked to have been able to justify that mistake by blaming auto-correct on my phone, or lack of sleep, or something. Sadly it's not any of those so I'll just put it down to my general incompetence.
I'll probably be gone for the next few days. Just thought I'd mention. Also not sure I've posted in OOC yet so I might as well post and watch it.
Due to the influx of characters, we might be able to get this bitch up and running tonight !

I already know what characters are accepted but there might be a few small things you might need to fix.Still, if you have anyone you'd like to tag, please do ✨

Anyone have questions about the plot ?
Uh, yep. I actually do. Okay, so how would we start off? Will our characters be waking up? Just finishing school? Getting drunk af at a party, lol? Or is it all just random for each person? @Of the Red
That's a good question. I haven't thought of a certain plan yet but I really wanted them to loiter around town before going to a party later on. Zafirah,my character, is really fucking rich. Like, sitting on bags of money rich. She's the only child too so I feel like she'd always want people at her house.Anyway, we'd start with all the characters waking up on Friday morning before getting a group text from Zaff that says something like "Get your ass over to mine before I kidnap you ❤️".
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Ooooo, okay. Well that does give everyone else time to interact, so thanks! A love heart.... Nice touch, Zaff. Cx
Lol, she reminds me of a sweet. Sour to start off with, but gradually becomes sweeter as you chew... Now I feel like if Nathan told Zaff that, she'd start getting violent. RIP, Nathan. RIP.
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[QUOTE="Of the Red]Due to the influx of characters, we might be able to get this bitch up and running tonight !

Can't wait.

I was going to ask about starting posts but Rosey beat me to it. Being slightly more specific, would we start off with our characters waking up on Friday, doing, whatever they do during the day then getting a message or getting it right after waking?
Oh, that's completely up to you. Zaff would send the message after waking but she'd get up quite late so it depends on when they get up and what you want to fit in.
AmRosey said:
Lol, she reminds me of a sweet. Sour to start off with, but gradually becomes sweeter as you chew... Now I feel like if Nathan told Zaff that, she'd start getting violent. RIP, Nathan. RIP.
Oh yeah, she'd rip him a new one.Zaff likes to think she's "scary" when in reality, she's a fucked up little princess.
Not yet, please. I'll be posting a list of currently accepted characters but I'll check in with all the WIP's if they're still interested so everyone can figure plots out together.
Does anyone have anymore questions ? I'd also love to hear goals or plot points you'd want to have in the RP.

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