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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Trigger Town



"I'm going to kill everyone"

"You said that yesterday"

"Yesterday I didn't have a gun"

"And today you're not going to use it"

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Chapter 1:

"Friends don't let friends sell cocaine"



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Cleopatra Vacio


Vanilla Falls, Massachusetts.

A smallish town filled with mom n' pop businesses, white people and everything and anything average. The area is mainly upper-middle class with a smaller area simply called “The Hills” devoted to this richest of the rich. The houses up in The Hills are massive and it's uncommon to find one without some sort of servant. Clearly, these homes have a lot of rooms. Chances are, at least one is a bedroom and inside a bedroom, there is probably a person. Maybe, just maybe, that person is named Cleopatra Marie Vacio.

><Cleo splayed out on her large bed in her large room in her large house. Everything about her life was large except for her. You know what else was large ? The electric clock right next to her bed that taunted her by searing the numbers "9:45 " into her poor, unsuspecting eyeballs. Situational Irony can suck a dick. Hopefully, it'd be a large one.

Who the hell set the brightness that high anyway ? Did the help want to blind or something? Hmph. Rolling onto her side in order to land on the cool, unused pillow, Cleo groaned and tried her best to reclaim sleep. Yeah, she'd wake up at a reasonable hour...like 3:00 PM. School would be over by then, right ? No one went to school on Fridays. There was nothing they couldn't teach you that day that couldn't have been spread out between the other four days.

So here Cleopatra is, wrapped up in more blankets than she could count, literally thiiiss close to falling asleep and what does her alarm do ? It starts fucking beeping-no, not beeping but shrieking in a pitch so high, it was surprising blood didn't poor out of her ears. Today was most definitely going to be shit. She flapped her arm everywhere for almost two minutes before knocking the alarm off the drawer and pulling out the cord from the socket. The purple haired one didn't even have time to rest before the alarm on her phone decided to start blaring too. Snatching the iPhone up, she closed the alarm but kept hold of her phone as she settled back down. Fuck sleep, Cleo wanted company.

Cadir, Maria, Ryan, Frank,Bella, Alic, Weronica and everyone else
also good morning

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Alic Thorn

Alic cracked an eye open as shuffling broke through their sleep dazed mind. She hissed shutting it quickly as bright sunlight pierced his eye. Teeth clenching together they rolled away from the direction of the light and into a tight ball as her mind worked to slowly get it's bearings. Shuffling sounded once more and pushed her to climb up from the hard wood floor and to their feet as the shuffling grew fainter. That must be the janitor. The bell hasn't sounded and it's to early to be the teachers. Covering a yawn she opened the door to the small room he had taken refuge in the night before and out into the barren halls of the school as the grey uniform of the janitor turned the corner and vanished from sight. Good, he didn't think to come into the empty class room. I get away with my little lock in once more.

Grabbing his back pack they went from the empty room and toward the nearby bathroom. I'm going to need to go home soon. I need a new change of clothes. They grimaced at the thought of what awaited him.

When his alarm goes off Ryan glares at it for a minute before reaching over and turning it off. He doesn't remember if he was drinking last night, but he doesn't have a headache anyway. Benefits of feeling nothing. What he does unfortunately have is emotions, he feels as if he's coming down from a high, realising how bad the world around him truly is. Fuck. He hates not being disassociated. It means he has to deal with what's going on around him and how people see him and the consequences of his actions and it's awful.

Once he's realised the extent of how awful he feels, he decides there's no chance he's going to school. His parents have already left so they can't make him go, and it's easy enough for him to pretend to be his dad. School generally just assumes it's not him since he lowers his voice a ridiculous amount. He can't be bothered with that right now though. Instead he reaches over and grabs his phone from the table, it's an Android not Apple, but it's still a pretty decent quality phone. It's only about 8, easily enough time for him to get into school if he actually wanted to, instead he opens his texts and sends one to Cadir. It isn't very long, just "Skipping school. Boxing?" He can never be bothered with long texts. Once he's done that, he rings school. Generally he wouldn't bother, but when he's fully functioning he cares about his education at least a little. Once he's done he puts his phone down and goes back to sleep. His phone will wake him up if Cadir replies, and getting up and ready for boxing takes almost no time, so he'll be fine just getting ready then.

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Maria Lovell

In a surpringly pleasant flat, Maria lay entangled with some man she'd left a party with the previous night. Under closer inspection, she could see that he was clearly at least fifty. "Gross.." She muttered to herself as she carefully untied their limbs, slipping silently from the admittedly comfortable bed. Why had she slept with him? Well he had an entire house to himself, with zip-locs of drugs stashed in every room, not to mention the wallet bulging with 100 dollar notes.

To any other person stealing from a dealer would be an incomprehensibly stupid act, but Maria viewed it as payment. "Something for you," She kissed his cheek, remnants of scarlet lipstick clinging tight to his stubble,"And something for me." The girl darted from the room, pulling on last night's tight black dress as she went, before she began to rifle through drawers. Anything that she didn't take herself, she could always sell on. In the careful manner of a scientist, she examined various liquids, powders and pills, shoving any she could identify into her bag.

Her eyes eventually fell upon the bulging wallet, made of fine Italian leather, crammed with paper money. In a way she was helping him by lightening the load he had to carry. Eyes twinkling from pure glee, the girl counted out one thousand, two thousand, three thousand four hundred dollars, then promptly left.

Hickies had finally formed on her neck, in hues of sleepless nights and regret, a veritable rainbow down her jugular. But still she told herself that she didn't mind that his rough hands roaming all over her body would be seared into her memory. She didn't mind that he took her for a cheap slut, a worthless screw. Sighing softly, Maria pulled out her phone to try and figure out where she was, stumbling across a text from Cleo.

Company was one of the last things she wanted right now, but she'd go nonetheless. After a quick shower at her own house, she tugged on a baggy black turtleneck along with a pair of worn jeans and her 'stomping boots' before setting out again. After a while of walking she stumbled into Cleo's porch, clutching the bag of drugs and money tightly.


[border]Isabella Muller



Light seeped into Isabella's room, slipping in through the gap in her curtains. It found it's way directly on to the face of Bella's motionless form. The sunshine caused her to stir, drawing a groan from the laying figure. She rolled over and dragged the thick covers up, leaving only the very top of her head visible.
That's better. Not two seconds later, her phone went off. This drawed yet another groan from Isabella. With a defeated sort of sound, she gave up her attempt to sleep and tossed aside the sheets. Leaning across the short gap between her bed and her dresses, Bella grabbed her phone, glancing at the cracked and smudge covered screen. She jabbed a reply back. "be at your place in a bit." Throwing her phone to the side, she went about getting ready.

Isabella glanced at herself briefly in the full-length mirror, which sat at a precarious angle against her wall. She wore a pair of dark baggy jeans which were torn at several points, a plain white sleeveless top and a hoodie jacket over it. It would do. Turning around, Bella picked up her phone, snatched up her keys and pocketed the stuff for her smokes.

The rest of the house was already up. Ian would have already gone to work, but her mum and step siblings would still be around. She'd guessed right, for as Isabella descended the stairs to the sprawling, open plan kitchen, she saw her mum, Luke and Hannah, and what she assumed to be several of Hannah's friends, all gathered around the table.
"Morning. There's coffee on the side if you want some. You'll have to be quick thou-" "Not going in today." Bella responded to her mother, not looking at her as she made a beeline for the front door. Her mum let out a sigh but didn't comment. Without another word, Isabella opened the door, and went to her car.

Clearing the mess off her seat, and dropping herself down into it, Bella closed her door and set off towards Patty's. Her car was a dump inside. Fast food containers, stray bags and bottles littered the seats and floor. She always told herself she'd get it cleaned up, but never did it. Isabella pulled up outside Cleo's place. Staying in the car for a minute or two, she took out her papers and rolled herself a cigarette. She'd taken to doing her own since it was cheaper, and was a happy little ritual for her. There was something therapeutic about it. Fumbling around in her glove box for a second, Bella pulled a lighter out and got out of the car.

She wasn't the first to reach Patty's house, a figure already standing by the door. Upon getting closer, Isabella made it out to be Maria. They weren't terribly close, only ever really getting high together but Bella nodded in greeting as she joined her by the door.




@Of the Red @luthor



Alic Thorn

Alic pulled their head up from the sink of water. Drops flinging every which way as they shook their head. Yawning, they ran a slim finger through their wet hair as grey eyes scanned their appearance in the mirror. Light bags lay under their wide gray eyes and their short hair lay in wet spikes around their head. Dripping water down onto their bare thin chest that were covered in fading hickies and bruisies. At least they are healing, they noted fingers in relief brushing over the bruises as they grabbed their hoodie and tugged it on. Their shirt was a lost cause, covered it rips and stains.

Throwing the worn fabric in the trash he leaned against the stone wall and finally turned on his phone. It was risky having it on in case someone called and the ring alarted a security guard or something to his location. A Bing alarted him to a text and he read it. Go to school for once or hang out at Cleo's. Is that even a question? Smirking they slipped their feet into their boots and grabbing their bag made his way from the school at to Cleo's.


A loud beep of his phone caused the young man to stir in his sleep, grumbling angry curses at whoever woke him up. Notice how it was a text message that woke him up, not an alarm. That's right, Cadir was definitely not planning on going to school today. What was the point? It's not like the teachers wanted him there anyways, he wasn't even close to becoming the 'star student he had the potential to be'. Twisting around in his bed, Cadir grabbed the iPhone off the bedside table, checking the messages to see if it were anything important. Only Sam and Cleo, no big deal. The former was casually inviting him to box, obviously having no intentions on making it to school, while Cleo just wanted some attention. 'Typical rich bitch' He thought while sitting up from his bed and sliding on his slippers. Not that he meant that in a bad way, she could be a bitch all she wanted, he sort of liked all the fighting and name calling between them. And you know, she had a huge fucking house.

Cadir made his way to the bathroom, completing his morning routine filled with showering, brushing his teeth, and other important hygiene-related matters. Once he was finish, he opened his closet and pulled out a pair of grey joggers with black shoes and a black shirt. He didn't need to dress too good, Cleo wasn't
that important. Oh yeah, that thought reminded him to text back Cleo, giving her a simple 'on my way' before letting Sam know he wouldn't be joining him for boxing.

Making his way downstairs and out the door, Cadir didn't even bother letting his parents know that he was leaving, or that he wasn't attending school. Not like they'd care anyways, him leaving was just doing them a favor. He got in his car and started the drive to his destination, listening to music to distract himself until he pulled up. Cadir eventually did, and boy did he never get used to the grandness of Cleo's house. Seriously, this girl was really fucking lucky. He hopped out and noticed too familiar people standing at the front door, Isabella and Maria. " 'scuse me ladies." Was all that was heard from him before Cadir starting banging on the door, expecting a response from someone soon. They shouldn't all have to just stand out there like that, especially since it was still morning.

Frank Village

"It's gonna be good... gonna be real good."

Frank repeated those lines over and over in his head, hoping maybe, that one time, they would just disappear and never come back. He hopes that they could just be forgotten like many other things in his mind. Like the first time he ever woke up smiling. He forgets how long it has been since that has happened. It's been too long too.

It probably has only been a few hours since his parents left for their nearly monthly trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit family and friends. Frank takes these week long trips as blessings, he usually has all friends over and has parties with all of the amenities that excite him and his friends. He was thinking about planning something, until he got a text from Cleo herself.

"I AM BORED AND NEED ATTENTION. also good morning"

This is something Frank gets uniquely irritated and piqued by. He finds her presence often irritating, but it's something he enjoys in his life and he often needs as a pick-me-up if drugs aren't his go-to. Frank was about the tap away a response like "wtf Cleo" or "you probably have a hundred of other people you could text and you text me" but then he just realized it was a group message. He wouldn't want to just send out ideas like that to
everyone. So he keeps his thoughts to himself and crawls his way out of bed, past sheets of black and red, often stained and uncleaned from the previous nights antics. He plugged his phone into an iHome, hooking it up to speakers set throughout the house. The home surround-sound system was a big project of Frank's, that he finished just in time for his parents to leave so he could play all of that provocative music over it. He put on something from The Neighbourhood's new album, not really a band his parents approve of. If they had the chance, they'd probably put on some song from a guy who's dead.

Brushing his teeth, washing his body, and dressing his self was a autonomous. But dressing himself was his favorite part. His extensive closet, that spanned maybe half of a wall out of the four in his room. It contained everything from flannels, sweaters, tees, tank tops; to jeans, joggers, sweatpants, chinos. Everything a modern hipster or trend-setter could ever want. He mostly affords this through a large allowance and a steady job. He decides on a casual faded black button down, pastel blue sweater that meets the button down in the right places; along with that was charcoal grey skinny jeans and a pair of black Vans. He stood in from of the full length mirror and couldn't help but take a selfie. He threw on hippie shades and took a vape to add a smoke effect. He couldn't look any closer to being a hipster druggie. And that's how he wanted it.

He put fresh food in the pet's bowls, unplugged his phone, and shut everything down in the home. Letting the house sleep for a bit before he comes back, no doubt with a few extra members. He walks out and sees people walking around, mostly diverting their eyes away from the tattooed boy who looks like he might have gotten high. He smirked and moved toward his kinda cool but kinda crappy car. It was a Volkswagen from maybe the early 2000's or late 1990's, but it had a CD player and that's all he needed. He put in the same CD that he was listening to in the house and the music started right as the engine started. The drive wasn't very long, filled with sights and a quick stop to the coffee shop for a quick cup of "help-me-i'm-too-tired-for-this." He saw classmates walking and driving to school and he scoffed at their robot-like movements and all over dead stare. Luckily as he pulled up to Cleo's, he wasn't the first but he wasn't too late to the party. That's kinda how he liked it. He pulled in but didn't join the rest, he stood out the car and pulled out a vape pen and started puffing away, hoping to impress someone with the insanely large vapor clouds. He tried to stay away from being high yet, so the vape pen was the perfect solution to his smoking needs.

"Let's fuck this day up. It needs a good beating for waking me from a slumber that I wish lasted the eternity."

(Sorry for the long post! I was really excited for this roleplay and I thought I'd impress maybe a few souls.)

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When he's woken up by Cleo's text and Frank's reply to him, Ryan is already feeling slightly better. Sleeping for an extra couple of hours seems to have convinced his mind to give up again. That's always nice. That's not even sarcastic, he hates caring. He gets up, brushes his teeth and has a shower before getting dressed, he's off to Cleo's and that's always a bit of fun so the clothes he chooses are quite revealing. Not that he owns many clothes that aren't revealing anyway. He grabs a shot from downstairs, he wants a drink and it's not like his parents will notice the missing alcohol anyway. And it's already 10, drinking is fine. Then he sends a text to the group saying he'll be there in ten minutes. It's not too cold outside so he just walks and it's not too far away either so it's fine.

Whilst he's walking he gets catcalled a couple of times, but he doesn't really care. He isn't as insulted as some people may be and actually smiles at a couple of the cuter boys. He doesn't see anybody he knows, but then again the amount of people he could name is pretty much limited to the group that will already be at Cleo's house. He gets there soon enough and stands by the door with the others. You'd think Cleo would have let some of them in by now, especially since she's the one that texted.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.96690ba415dc977a702b1f497014c515.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.96690ba415dc977a702b1f497014c515.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cleopatra threw herself out of bed soon after she sent the texts, needing all the time she got to get ready. Obviously not "school ready" but she still needed to look decent for these people. Plus, you never know who decided to bring a camera and snap a picture of her. Cleopatra actually enjoyed taking unexpected pictures of her friends and both those and planned ones were scattered across a bulletin board. Some were normal like a shot of hand clutching a Coca Cola bottle or a smiling person with a flower tucked behind their ear. Others were more...strange. These included a topless girl in a gorilla mask, a tongue with a pill on the tip, a finger being held menacingly between a scissor blades and a car with the word "stupid whore" spray painted across the hood. Cleo could have spent all day admiring those but first she needed to brush her teeth.

The purple haired girl managed to do what she could in the time she had, taking a shower, tediously moisturizing her hair and picking out an outfit. The majority of her time in the bathroom was spent brushing her teeth three times with three different types of toothpaste. Hey, they were both her favorite and best feature for a reason. Cleopatra didn't put on makeup and that made her appear so much more soft and young to her chagrin. She wasn't gentle and she certainly wasn't a child ! She was a bad bitch. Yes, a bad bitch who liked juice boxes and naps. Muttering about how she looked like a twelve year old, she left the bathroom and went back to sit on her bed. Cleo heard several sharp dings from her phone, each signifying she got a text yet she ignored them all as she was certain no one would decline. This feeling only grew when a series of harsh raps on her front door echoed up here. Ah, guess Cadir was here. She couldn't blame him for being impatient but keeping the public on their toes and waiting was important, no ?

Descending down the curled staircase that lead to the foyer, Cleo would notice the absence of servants. Didn't most of them have Fridays off ? Wait, wasn't that the gardener ? No, no the gardener definitely came on Fridays. You know, gardener was actually sort of cu-where was her mom ? It took her a moment though it was likely Mrs. Vacio was passed out, drunk under her bed which meant wouldn't be up for a while and Cleo wanted to be out of the house by the time she was. As for Mr. Vacio ? Some sort of plastic surgeon convention kept him out of the house for about a week.

Cleo had been so busy thinking about her home situation that she had stopped in the middle of the staircase to reflect though Cadir's annoyingly loud knocking jolted her out of it. Resuming her walk, she would finally get down the stairs and stand in front of the door. She wore a large, dark faded green and blue flannel that hit over lacy black tights and her hair was tucked sloppily under a grey knit beanie that allowed a few curls to pop out in the front. Clearly, Cleopatra was dressed for success. Dramatically flinging open the door, she would send them that brilliant smile.

"Sorry if I ruined anyone's plans to shoot up the school, I needed company"



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Frank Village

"Sometimes I question the mental health of those I accompany myself with." Frank thought to himself as he sent out two puffs into the air, the white vapor rising and billowing as a breeze took it farther away. He was actually hoping more cars pulled into the extravagant driveway, hoping it wouldn't be just him and three other sick ass kids in this sick ass house. He added a few more puffs and looked around, he noticed a few kids on bicycles riding down the street and they stared at him for a prolonged time. Frank wasn't sure why, maybe it was the vape pen, where the white clouds filtered into the sky. Maybe it was the neck tattoos that had a variety of designs from flowers to geometric designs. Or maybe it was simply his pastel blue sweater with the words "why was I born" in a very aesthetic font and color.

Frank guessed that maybe they were 11 or 12, just going into or already in middle school. He remembers when he was in middle school, he fucking hated it mostly because of how he was treated for who he was. And now he thinks to himself, that these kids are not in the same position, they are probably the ones causing torment. Mostly because of their neon green shorts and over excessive use of Nike apparel. Frank almost raised his middle finger and flip a birdie, but he felt he should be a better person and set a "good example" for the indie crowd.

Frank pocketed the vape pen and removed the CD playing from the car, he believes that if he leaves a CD in the player it will damage the disc. He stashes a few things including a few extra clothes, shoving them farther in the back. He also stowed away some weed that was left out from last night. Luckily no one walked by and busted him. He closed the door and locked up the car after he crawled out from inside. He slowly made his way to the front door, admiring some flowers and the highly manicured lawn. He made his way up the steps just as the others were being let in by the wonderful Cleo.

"Sorry if I ruined anyone's plan to shoot up the school, I needed company." Cleo said as she opened the door and let everyone in.


Maria Lovell

As she stood on the doorstep of the mansion, Maria began to fantasise about living in a place such as this. There'd be enough room to host three or four parties at once, with a bedroom for every attendee to get down in. Although this would make it far easier for her parents to deceive each other and for the sluts to make their speedy escape afterwards. A combination of Cadir's loud knocking and the throbbing headache it caused through her hangover. This was why she did drugs instead- the only side effect was an oddly forceful heartbeat or gaps in her memory. Alcohol loosened her lips where cocaine took the edge off, placed her on her rightful throne on top of the world. Sure it made her feel like she had the flu the next day, but it also kept her hunger down. How else would she keep those tight dresses fitting?

Maria watched the girl open the door to welcome them in, barely listening to her as she spoke. It wasn't that she
hated her, just that there was a feeling of tension between them once sober. Cleo was gorgeous and always looked impeccable, a trait which both interested and frustrated her. It was made easier by being petty, just rude enough to step outside of her normal actions. It was for this reason that she tracked mud into the spotless house, grinding her feet into the pristine carpets.

True, she probably had a housekeeper who'd soon start scrubbing at it, but these shoes had also drunkenly ploughed across fields and had specks of blood on them from god knows what. Without even considering removing her filthy shoes, Maria had already made it to the stairs and was already digging through her bag. There was no way that she could cope with a large group of people without some substance to cope. She'd become a little twitchy already, seeking her next high with a vengeance. At least she had enough to go around, and if they asked whilst high she wouldn't even charge them. Maria pulled her hands into her sleeves as she grabbed one small ziploc of coke from the knockoff gucci handbag. Her skin crawled with need, fingers twitching slightly in the safety of the long sleeves.


[border]Isabella Muller



The loud thumping of Cadir hammering his fist against the front door made Isabella wince. She'd only been awake for about an hour. It was still to soon for loud noises. Taking another drag from her cigarette, she breathed in the smoke, holding it in her lungs before slowly blowing it out. She watched the white cloud she'd made drift and dissipate into the wind, paying little attention to those around her.

When Cleo flung the door open, Bella gave a slight, subtle smirk. Smiling was something that Isabella would not being winning any prizes in, but Patty had it down.
"Sorry if I ruined anyone's plan to shoot up the school, I needed company" "It's okay, that's my plan for Monday, not now" responded Isabella, her deadpan tone leaving it rather ambiguous as to whether she was joking or not. She flicked what was left of her ciggy of into some of the neatly arranged flower beds which lay either side of the porch before entering. Frank had appeared and Isabella nodded in his direction as greeting. He was easy enough to get along with, plus his tatts were good enough to make her want more of her own. A quick, yet lazy wink was her greeting to Patty as she walked past into the hallway. "So. What's the plan? Or are we purely here for your entertainment?"



Just as he's beginning to question why he's awake and at someone's house so early, Cleo opens the door. Ryan didn't bring anything with him, unlike some of the others, and when he sees one girl, who he can't remember the name of at all, start searching through her bag, he goes over to her. He may not remember anything about these people, apart from Cadir he guesses, but it's easy enough to spot that this girl is trying to find drugs, and sure enough, when he looks at her she's just pulled some coke out of her bag. He has no clue if she considers them friends or not, he's generally too out of it to remember anything to do with this group of people, but he decides he can try her anyway. "Care to share?" He says in his normal voice, sounding slightly bored. Does she charge? He doesn't know. Or care really. If she does then he'll just wait until someone else pulls something out.

Whilst waiting for a reply, he glances around, trying to see who he actually knows. These people are probably the closest thing he has to friends and he can barely come up with their names. That's probably sad or something right? He doesn't know. He reckons it is. He manages to name three of the six people there, that's half, which he thinks is quite decent. Cleo, it's her house, so it's probably a good thing he remembers her. Frank, he's kind of hot and just generally memorable. And finally Cadir, he'd messaged him this morning so it would be a serious fail if he couldn't get that much right. Otherwise he's a bit lost with who's there. There's the girl he's next to him who has drugs, some other girl and some boy with black hair. Right now he doesn't really care about most of them though. He's much more interested in the one girl with the drugs.

Mentioned: everyone

Interaction: @luthor

The light from the window had woken Benjamin early. As every morning, he used the restroom that was attached to his room, a luxury afforded to him by his adoptive parents after it became apparent that he absolutely would not leave his room without their express permission. A fear that he's clung to from his life with his biological parents. Leaving his room without permission, especially when he'd been sent there by them, had always resulted in more pain than he was interested in.

To help aid the situation, and to make it more comfortable for Ben, Lucien and Kate had switched bedrooms with him, giving him the master bedroom, and they took what was referred to as ‘the blue room’. A bedroom down the hall that had been painted blue with fluffy clouds. They assured him, after a lot of protest that they’d switch back, once he was able to exit his room, and do his morning routine without needing their permission to do so. As he exited the bathroom, freshly showered, and prepared for school, he realized he still felt a twinge of guilt for that. Because it had been three years, and he still hadn’t managed to do it.

He still sat at the edge of his bed, working on his homework until the rap of Lucien’s fist against the door, and the man’s kind voice rang out. “Benjamin?” He called, “Why don’t you come on out, son?” He asked.

“Yes sir.” Benjamin answered, still entirely unable to use his father’s title or name. Dark feelings of despair swirled around in his chest. He felt like a child. Unable to face his fears, and still acting as though he were going to be reprimanded or hurt over the silliest of things. He closed his book, careful to place the bookmark inside of it, and tucked it safely away inside of his backpack.

He slung the pack over his shoulder and made his way out, glancing up to Lucien and giving the man the smallest of smiles. Lucien was a giant, standing at 6’4 and weighing more than two-hundred and fifty pounds (very little of which was fat) he was more than just a little intimidating. Even outside of his uniform.

A uniform that still, to this day, made Benjamin sick to his stomach.

His biological father had been a police officer. How many times had he stared at that uniform as he tried to block out the pain of what was happening? How many times had he seen the man meander inside, clad in official dress only to pray that he did not snap. How many times had his fervent prayers been ignored?

It had taken almost a full year for Benjamin to be comfortable around his adoptive parents. At the time, he had only been being fostered by them. He had slunk around the house, keeping his eyes low, and his voice level. He'd never spoken unless spoken to, and he'd never argued. Only recently - this year in fact - had his parents enrolled him in school. Prior to that, he was being taught at home. Lucien and Kate had felt that asking him to attend school would simply be too much. The poor kid could barely handle being at home, how on Earth was he supposed to handle school?

The process had been a grueling one. He worked with countless therapists. It had all started with trips outside, first just down the road. Then to the store. They'd built up to more public areas, and eventually, his psychologist said that in her opinion, he was ready for school. Throughout the whole thing, his parents had been patient. Something he had absolutely not expected from them...or anyone for that matter.

Lucien and Kate were saints in their own right. They fostered children no one else would. Usually they wound up with the kids with extreme behaviors. Children with RAD who had lost all ability to feel empathy for their fellow man. However, on rare occasions, it meant kids like Ben. The quiet, shy ones who shrunk away from everyone, and needed someone patient to explain to them that the world wasn’t all spikes and sharp blades.

Benjamin had needed that.

He still needed it.

For three years his parents had been working to show him that not everyone in the world was out to hurt him.

Benjamin placed his bag beside the table, and grabbed a glass of juice. Brianna, their newest foster child was also at the table, and as usual, was being a little bitch. “Why the actual fuck should I go to school?” She demanded.

Kate never looked up from the paper as she spoke. “Because, dear, it’s what expected of you, and it’s one of the rules.”

“Oh, right.” She snapped. “The fucking rules.” She rolled her eyes, giving in a lot easier this morning than she did usually. Most of the time these conversations ended with death threats. She was learning to accept the rules though, and that, according to Lucien and Kate, was progress.

Benjamin’s phone dinged, and he grabbed it, looking down at the screen. His eyebrows knitted together. Was Cleo’s text a cry for help? Did she really need company? There were three of four texts below it confirming that someone would be present. To his knowledge, Cleo wasn’t battling any form of depression that would cause her to feel compelled to hurt herself in one way or the other, but he’d been surprised before by the actions of a few seemingly happy people.

There was no reason to risk it.

“Sir?” Benjamin asked, glancing up from his juice, as he sat down.

Brianna rolled her eyes, and mumbled something under her breath about him being a kiss-ass. “My name is Lucien. You may call me that, Lou, or dad.” Lucien reminded him.

Benjamin nodded, he’d been told the same thing more times than he could count, but it never made a difference. He still referred to every adult as either ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’. He was still too afraid of what might happen if he didn’t.

“Umm…” He began, tossing a sideways glance at Brianna. “I realize now may not be the best time to bring this up,” He swallowed the word ‘sir’, as he spoke. “But one of the girls from school just messaged me. And…I can’t tell if she’s in crisis or not. I mean…she’s asking for company, and I don’t want her to have to go through this alone if she’s battling depression…or anxiety…or something like that.”

Brianna was watching Benjamin with narrowed eyes as he spoke. “Anyway, My first two hours of the day are study hall, and I was just wondering if it might be okay if I just dropped by her house first before I headed to school. Please?” He asked.

Lucien gave a thoughtful look to Benjamin, before giving a small nod, met with hissed protests from his foster daughter to his left. “But,” He said, entirely ignoring Brianna as she cussed him out in every way she could. “You need to be in school before your third period. I don’t want you missing any of your regular classes. If it turns out that your friend is in need of someone being around after that, then I need you to give me call. Okay?” He asked.

Benjamin nodded. “Yes sir. Thank you.” He answered.

“My name is Lucien.” Lucien answered, his voice level and patient. “You may call me that, Lou, or dad.”

Benjamin gave another nod, before placing the now empty glass in the sink and heading toward the driveway. He had a car, and while it wasn’t exactly pristine, it wasn’t a beater either. “Thank you.” He called again, omitting the honorific that danced on the tip of his tongue. “I’ll see you tonight after school.”

The drive to Cleo’s was short, he pulled up behind another car, his stomach knotted as his eyes landed on the several teens that had gathered beside the front of the door. People. He hated being around people. They made him nervous. Even the ones he knew. With shaking hands, he pulled his stash of oxy from the pocket of his backpack. Recently, he’d traded hundred dollar bills for a good supply. It was dangerous having it in the house, but he hid the signs well, and neither of his adoptive parents suspected a thing. Just as they didn’t suspect that he’d been cooking for about a year now.

He swallowed the pill, and replaced the baggy inside the pack, before grabbing it up and making his way, slowly to the driveway. Walking up to the door, his chest began to tighten. He didn't want to do this. red flags and flashing lights were going off in his head in the most unpleasant of ways. A voice shouted warning at him, that he valiantly pushed away. People were dangerous. If his years with his biological parents had taught him anything, it was that people – all people – would find a way to hurt you.

Cleo pulled the door open. “Sorry if I ruined anyone's plan to shoot up the school, I needed company". Benjamin stole a glance upward, his eyes landing on the teen in question, who, in his humble opinion, was absolutely gorgeous. He had never been bothered by her loud ways, or even her lack of morals. She had never done anything to directly harm him, and she’d even been friendly on several occasion.

He gave her a ghost of a smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, and eventually he gave up on the endeavor entirely.

Beside him were two people that he only now recognized as Cadir and Maria. Though he was quick to return his eyes firmly to the ground. He never bothered to extend a further greeting to anyone. Silently, he prayed that Cleo didn’t really need to talk, that she just wanted company. Because by the looks of it, there was plenty of that. Which meant he could leave, and make school well before his father said he needed to be there.

He’d never pissed Lucien off before, and frankly, he didn’t want to start now.

Maria pulled something out of her bag, a quick glance upward told him it was coke…or another powdered version of a drug. But it definitely looked like coke. Cadir, beside him, asked if she was willing to share.

Benjamin considered offering him oxy instead, but that would require speaking. So, he simply stayed silent, and waited to be invited in, or spoken to.


Charlie started her morning like she always did. With a gourmet coffee (That she would only drink a few sips of...because calories do count after all.) and a few snarky comments. She sat at the table in her kitchen, across from her brother – Adam – who was the biggest source of her annoyance at the current time. He didn’t seem to give a good fuck about his appearance. He genuinely looked as though he hadn’t showered in days. Is hair was down to his ass, and trapped in a hundred or so dreadlocks. He spent so much time outside that he was tan.

He genuinely looked black.

How fucking embarrassing.

Her brother was a complete disappointment, and above all, he was…downgrading. Why the actual fuck would anyone try to look like…them?

“Jesus Christ, Adam, have some respect.” She chided, rolling her eyes.

Adam looked up to her, raising a brow. “Excuse me?” He asked.

“Adam…you look…” She leaned forward, and lowered her voice as though she were afraid of people hearing what she was about to say. “You look black.” She whispered, shooting him a disgusted look of disapproval.

Shock and anger rolled through Adam’s eyes. “Charlie…I don’t know if you’ve noticed…but my wife is, in fact, black. And my children…your nieces are half-black.”

“And it’s disgusting.” Charlie hissed.

Adam stood up, his eyes dark with anger, and Charlie did the same. She wasn’t about to back down from him. After all…he wouldn’t hit her. He was here to visit, he and his…ugh…family, were here to stay for the week before they packed up all their shit and took their little abominations back home to Chicago where they could mingle with all the other dark-skinned delinquents.

Adam grabbed Charlie by the shirt, and for the first time, genuine fear flashed through her eyes. She quickly covered it with hate and anger, but it had been there. “I’m going to say something, and I’m only going to say this once. If you ever talk to my children or my wife like that, I’ll beat your ass. Do you understand me?” He asked.

Charlotte Kane wasn’t one to take threats, not without dishing out her own version. “Fuck off.” She answered, in a low growl. He could threaten her all he wanted, but when push came to shove, she was just a little girl, thin and frail. He was a big strong man. A few tears, a couple accusations, and he could be doing 5-15 behind bars. Poof. No more problem.

She had the upper hand, and while he might now know it now, if he continued to push her, he would soon enough. Adam let her go, and stalked away, fuming, but none of that mattered to Charlie. She simply dumped her coffee out into the sink, leaving the dish for someone else to clean, and made her way out to her car.

She’d made it, almost to school when Ben’s car drove by, heading the wrong way. She narrowed her eyes, and clicked on her phone. “Siri,” She said, her voice ringing with irritation. “Call Ben.” He was going to get an ear-full over this. How fucking dare he skip school without telling her first. How fucking dare he not ask her if it was okay.
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(short but I tried)

A few more people arrived, some Cadir knew, some he didn't. While he didn't care to learn their names, he did take a little time to remember their faces. Just in case, you know? If someone ends up on America's Most Wanted (which was probably most likely to be himself) he'd tell the police all he knew about them and take the prize money. Boom, easy way into retirement. While that plan was very far-fetched, images of swimming in money drifted through his mind. The door opened and Cadir took a step aside, letting Cleo take a look at her guests. A witty comment escaped her lips, and it took him a second to realize she was only joking (he wasn't slow, but it was still morning and understanding jokes was the last thing on his list of priorities). Maria seemed to be the first to enter, followed by anyone else who was on Cleo's front steps. Cadir entered the mansion and headed straight to the kitchen.

No, this was not his house. But when a man was hungry, he was hungry, and Cadir hadn't eaten breakfast yet. "Forget entertainment, where's the food?" He stretched his neck around until he was looking at Cleo, putting a grin on his face. He didn't know why, but smiling at all times seemed to be the socially accepted thing to do. While the others went their own ways and did whatever they had to do (i.e. popping some pills), Cadir managed to dig his way through the fridge, not really looking for anything, but still looking anyways. He was sort of waiting for a response or some sort of direction from Cleo, seeing as it was her house they were all invited to.

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