Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

Byakuya was running down the street, he was running with an excited look on his face. He was running home from the conveniences store close to his house in West Matsuyama, he was only 10 then. When he got home he knocked on the door only to find it was already unlocked. He stepped inside hoping to find his parents waiting for him with dinner ready and smiles on their faces when they said "welcome home" but what he came home to was a tragedy.

He found his father first, Hung inside the entrance hallway, filled with stab wounds, covered and dripping in blood, leaving a pool beneath his lifeless body. The look of shock stuck on his face, Byakuya walks by his fathers bloody body and walks into the kitchen, there he found a figure standing over his mothers body, that's when he lost all sense of self and just lost it on the figure. He jumped and aimed directly for the figures face and swung as hard as he could, he only managed to knock off the mans tinted sunglasses before the police sirens started blaring down the street toward his house.

Before the man could leave Byakuya grabbed the kitchen knife that was buried inside his mothers chest and stuck the figures left forearm with it, briefly after, the figure knocked him and the knife away and ran for it out the window. Byakuya got up and went back to the kitchen and picked up the pair of sunglasses the man left behind and put them on, "I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" he screamed. moments later he was taken to the police station. While there, Byakuya resolved that one day he would kill the man who killed his parents.

Byakuya woke up soon after his dream, it was early morning, he was dazed and very very angry. He felt something heavy on his chest. when he looked at his chest he saw a girl, a cute girl that he'd never seen before lying there on his chest. He nudged the girl to wake her up and said "I'm flattered and all but could you tell me what a girl like you is doing in my room, sleeping on top of me", he had no idea how she'd gotten there or why she was there in the first place, and that's why he needed to know so he said again "Could you tell me what you are doing sleeping on top of me?"

Brooks opened her deep green eyes and saw Byakuya staring at her. When he repeated his question she soon got off of him and sat up looking at him confused. She titled her head to the side a bit. "You don't remember?" She asked her heart sunk a bit inside her.

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"Hey, can i ask you something? Why is a cute girl like you sleeping with me in my room?" he asked the strange girl in confusion. He looked around for his sunglasses but couldn't find them "Damn where did my glasses go? I can't lose those, I absolutely cannot lose those!!". He got out of bed and started looking all aver his room for those sunglasses his parents killer left behind. "I can't lose those, I need them to look that b****** in the eyes when I kill him myself" he said mumbling aloud. "He'll pay for what he did to ruin my life!" he said growling.

Brooklyn blushed a bit when he commented her. "Well you-" she began to explain but was soon interrupted once he asked about his sun glasses. She watched for a bit as he ran around his room talking about the glasses and how they belong to his parents killer. Brooklyn could only imagine how presiouse they must be him. "Here let me help," she said getting off of the bed and began to look for his glasses. Despite what he said I couldn't really imagine Byakuya killing anyone... but if he did would i really care? I would still be his friend.
"You don't have to help I can find them myself" he says to the strange girl, "I don't want to make you late for class, if you're caught late they will give you the punishment card right?". He doesn't want her to get in trouble because of his pair of glasses, "Haven't i already told you to go to class already, I don't need anyone's help looking for what I should have been more careful with" he says to the girl, trying her best to help him look.

Byakuya was surprised to have had that dream again after so many years "Hey do you want to here a secret? I'll tell you if you tell if you tell me who you are and why you're so willingly helping me find my sunglasses, I would appreciate it if you also told me why I woke up with a cute girl such as yourself lying on top of me the way you were" he says trying to figure out what exactly was going on this morning.

She stopped looking for a minute then gave him a soft smile, "alright," she then takes a deep breath about to explain to him how they met and all that happened yesterday. "Well to start off I am Brooklyn and I know why you don't remember me, you told me. We meet yesterday when you took me to the cafateria when you said i looked dizzy, then again when you saved me a crazy nurse. Later you lead me too your room and we had some drinks, we didn't do anything but we ended up falling asleep. Then you woke up..." she explained looking at him, in his eyes, hoping that something she said would trigger something in his memory.
"I told you why, why would I do something stupid like that, but the rest makes sense, especially the drinki-- Ah there they are" he had finally found those sunglasses.

He puts them on and takes a deep breath "Well its my turn to tell you my secret" he says while taking out a pair knives from his droor. "These were the knives that killed my mother and father, and they are going to be the tools I use to kill the b****** that got my parents! I'll also let you in on another secret to thank you for trying to help look for these glasses, that b****** works at this school as one of the doctors!" he tells the girl not caring whether or not she hates him now. "I tracked that son of a b**** to this academy and just so happened to be mentally unstable, so they let me in without checking my bags and now that I'm here, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to slide these blades into his heart!! he didn't care that no one liked him he just wanted to make sure this girl didn't get involved with what he was here to do in the first place.

"Don't get involved, this is something I have to do on my own, I don't need anyone else as long as I focus on what I came here to do!!"

Brook watches him as he tells her the plot to get revenge. When he says that he doesn't need anyone else her heart kinda dropped. 'I guess I don't have a friend..' She thought to herself before she said, "it must get Lonley." Yet before he could hear a response a nurse barged into the door.

"Oh there you are Brooklyn, doctor green needs you in his office emediatly," the nurse said picking her up by her arm pit and dragging her out of the room.

"Good luck," was all she said before getting pushed down the hall.

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After hearing the name Green, something inside him snapped "Did she just...say Green?" he says to himself as Brooklyn is dragged out to his office. "I'm not letting you get a way this time, I'm never going to let you get away with killing another person" he says as he follows quickly and quietly behind Brooklyn and the nurse.

Brook followed nervously behind the nurse. She didn't like going to mr. Greens office. He did bad things to her there. She looked back and saw a familiar face behind her again. She shook her head nervously at him. Brooklyn didn't want him hurt. The nurse was oblivious to the boy behined brook and just kept pulling her telling her to speed up. She soon was thrown in a room down in the basement. A familiar room, it was dark and quiet. With tools lined up on a desk right next to... A chair. Bad memories flooded her heart with panic.

"Mr. Green will be here momentarily," she said and turned to Byakuya and frowned. "Your not suppose I be in here, let's get you back to your class room," she told him putting a strong grip on his arms leading him out of the room.

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As the nurse clutched his arm, Byakuya didn't move but instead grabbed the nurses arm and pulled her close, "I'm not going anywhere, not when all my hard work will finally get me to where that man is" he says glaring at the nurse, murderous intent coming off of him. "Don't get in my way and I won't have to snap your neck!" he threatens the nurse. The nurse starts running after Byakuya let go of her arm "Now wait there for him Brooklyn and I'll swoop in and kill the old fool"

He told her that so that he could finally get close to that b******. He closed the door just enough for him to see and not be seen "Hurry up you monster, you've kept me waiting for far to long!!!!"

Brooklyn was terrified, she had no where to run or to hide if Byakuya's plan did not work. This man would hurt her... Again. She starred down at the chair.


Jade looked around the familiar room. Her posture became more tall and open and she held her head high, wearing her mischievous grin proudly upon her lips. She's has been here before. Ugh it's that old hags office. She also saw a boy behind the door. He looked vaguely familiar, but she didn't bother trying to figure out who he is. She sat down on the electrical chair, her legs crossed patiently. Her eyes glowing with a sort of sick joy, for being back here. Jade would not let them scare her.

Soon within a couple of minutes instead of the one and only mister green popping through the door, a flood of nurses, both male and female, made there way into the room. It seems they were very interested in the hidden boy.

"Hello Brooklyn " a female nurse said with a sour look. She had a bandage around her hand, and looked familiar. She smiles as she reliesed it was nurse lizzy.

"Who?" Jade asked with a tilt of her head. A bit amused.

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Byakuya lost it and burst through the door pulling the door off its hinges, "DAMN IT!!!! WHERE THE HELL IS SAITO "GREEN" SHIROYAMA!??!!" he couldn't hold back the anger he had held in for years and threw the door at the closest nurse knocking him and 2 others out.

"This must be where you all say *We were expecting you youngman* RIGHT??" he hated alot of things but he hated Green the most, he hated the color, every food that was green and most of all Saito "Green" Shiroyama. "If you don't tell me where that old b****** is hiding I'll have to beat it out of you one by one till I get an answer!" he said as he picked up the trash can in the corner of the room, "Hey you Brooklyn get out of here before you get hurt, I don't quite know how to hold back yet"

After he said that he threw the trash can at the next set of nurses, "HIIIIIYYYYAAAA!!!!!"

"Leave? Are you kidding me? And miss all this fun? No way?" She said with a smirk. "Look we even have all these fun toys to work with," Jade said picking up one then locking the door so no one else could get back out. There were only 4 nurses left. 1 was male while the other 3 are female. Jade wanted one of the female nurses in particular. Jades smirk grew larger, and her eyes grew with joy as she graves a scalpel. She punched mrs. Lizzy right in the nose and she screamed out in pain as blood gushed from her face and down to the floor. Jade tied her up, not finished with her yet, but this would hold her while she took care of the other female nurse. She gripped the scalpel tightly in her hand as she cornered the other female nurse into the wall. This nurse was shorter than her and thin.

"Do you know where Mr. Green is?" Jade asked. "I would very much like it if you told me," she said innocently to the cornered women.

"N-no I don't... Please I don't know where he is I swear please.." The women begged, stuttering. Jade suck in a deep breath and she faked a look of dissapiontment.

"Well isn't that a shame" she said getting closer to the women, where you could feel her breath on the women's shoulder. She lightly dragged the tip of the scalpel on the women's throat. "What. A. Shame."

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"Leave? Are you kidding me? And miss all this fun? No way?" She said with a smirk. "Look we even have all these fun toys to work with," Jade said picking up one then locking the door so no one else could get back out. There were only 4 nurses left. 1 was male while the other 3 are female. Jade wanted one of the female nurses in particular. Jades smirk grew larger, and her eyes grew with joy as she graves a scalpel. She punched mrs. Lizzy right in the nose and she screamed out in pain as blood gushed from her face and down to the floor. Jade tied her up, not finished with her yet, but this would hold her while she took care of the other female nurse. She gripped the scalpel tightly in her hand as she cornered the other female nurse into the wall. This nurse was shorter than her and thin.

"Do you know where Mr. Green is?" Jade asked. "I would very much like it if you told me," she said innocently to the cornered women.

"N-no I don't... Please I don't know where he is I swear please.." The women begged, stuttering. Jade suck in a deep breath and she faked a look of dissapiontment.

"Well isn't that a shame" she said getting closer to the women, where you could feel her breath on the women's shoulder. She lightly dragged the tip of the scalpel on the women's throat. "What. A. Shame."

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Chad Fades in from the Shadows. He begins to giggle, as the grin on his face is almost to much to bare.

"Things have gotten interesting! So, so interesting! I don't think I can take much more!" He Laughs out loud.

"I never thought it would come to this"

Chad then begins to skip down the hall, as though he was continuing his stroll
As Byakuya watched Brooklyn(Jade) slit the nurses throat, he lost his rage and started trying to get her to stop, "Hey thats going to far, they don't deserve it only green does, save it for that b****** ".

He didn't want her to go down the same dark path he is and he definitely doesn't want to get her involved in his problem. He turned his head in the direction of the laugh he heard outside, "What the hell was that?" he said before knocking out the last male nurse. He smashed open the locked door "Hurry get out while you can" he told the last famale nurse as she watched a fellow nurse get killed. After the nurse left he walked over to Nurse Lizzy and started to untie her "You owe me, NOW tell me where Dr. Green is and get out of here". "Like i'd tell you, you'd probably just forget again!" said the nurse as she ran out of the room.

"Thats what I get for being nice" he mumbles to himself. "Okay you should stop now" he says as he picks up Brooklyn(Jade) by the back of her shirt.

"Don't worry she's not dead... Yet," she told him, he just scared the nurse and didn't cut to do any real damage. If she just went a little deeper it would. Yet he didn't hear her he was already moved on to the next witness. She wondered what he meant by they didn't deserve this? Of coarse they did! They put each of them through hell everyday! And they laugh as they watch us! Jade sat down the scalpel with a sigh. "Hey get your f***ing hands off of me," she said pushing him away.

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"Oh its you, Jade" he said remembering a conversation he had with Brooklyn before, "What happened for you to come out?".

Byakuya was seriously wondering what this side of her had happen to her to make her go so far, "Don't get involved in this affair, its not your problem its mine!" he says again trying to keep her out of harms way. "I don't want you to get hurt, I missed you today but what happens if this goes on again tomorrow and i hit you as well, I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt" he didn't like feeling guilty, it made him angry and then he would end up forgetting; it was very rare for his memories to return like this and all at once at that.

"Why don't you leave Green to me" he said trying to keep his cool, he would not let anyone else have Green not till he had killed him and left him for the coroners to deal with.

"Ah...I have a better idea but lets keep it a secret from Brooklyn, how bout you and I work together to find and gut Green for once and for all"

"Let's just say that Brooklyn has bad memories in this room and that's were I come in," Jade said once he asked why she came out instead of Brooklyn. Jade just crossed her arms and looked at the boy as he went on about not wanting her to get hurt, and that it's not her problem. Has he not herd anything I have said or seen what I can do? I can handle myself, I'm not like Brooklyn. Jade was about to argue with him about her leaving for her own 'safety' when he got an idea. "Don't worry Brooklyn won't know a thing," Jade said with a smirk.
Byakuya smiled a little to enthusiastically, "Good but when it comes to Green you leave him to me, that b****** is gonna pay for what he did to my family!" he didn't want to ever forget what happened to his parents and nor did he ever want to forget the hatred he had for Green.

"Anyway how much time do you have left before you switch back? I think we should make our way to the next class and act like none of this ever happened" he said to Jade trying to figure out a way to make it as though they weren't there. "He must have known i was coming otherwise they wouldn't have surrounded you like they did" why did the nurses come in like that and especially with that many of them, did Green send them or was there something else at play here, he had to find out while he still had all of his memories.

"Okay, here's what we'll do, lets meet at my room, room 101, and we can formulate a plan to get closer to Green" he would kill him one way or another, he was going to make sure of that.

"Why does everyone think we know, or we can conrtol are switches? We can't and I don't know when we are going to switch. It is at random," she explains to him and leaves the room. She put her brown hair up into a tight pony tail. "So after class, your room 101?" she said. This boy wasn't that bad, Brooklyn did a good job with this one. He is kinda cute I guess. This should be fun. Green is going to get what he deserves.
"Yea that's pretty much it, but just in case we need a code for me to determine whether its you or Brook in control" he needed a system that could confirm who was who and when they switched back. Byakuya thought for a moment, and then said "How bout we use the word "abandonment" and if you respond say something like "don't I know it", this way if Brook is in control she won't know the answer and be totally clueless" he needed her if he was going to get to Green, and he was going to get to Green.

He started following her out of the room to head to class "So are we clear on the plan? Good then lets get to class wouldn't want to keep Green suspicious of us would we now!"
Caedis sits down beside the cute blonde girl clicking her pen. "hey, you're new here right?" She asked in an attempt to meet someone here. The girl somewhat reminded her of an old friend, well... That all depends on what you qualify as a friend. They both shared a similar appearance but hopes are high that she won't have the same artificial personality as her old "friend"

"No, no we wouldn't."

Jade climbed up the flight of stairs and to the hallway. The bell rang loudly in her ears, echoing off the hallway walls. Jade graved some of her books and made her way into history class. She took the furthest seat away from the teacher, next to a window. She opened up her note book and began to doodle, creating the illusion that she was taking notes. Her mind kept focus on a plan. A plan to get Mr. Green out in the open.

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