Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

"I'm sorry Emily, its time I moved forward, with the one who makes me feel better than i've ever felt in the last 2 years" he said, looking at the roof smiling.

"Here lets wrap that up" he said as he grabbed some gauze from the cabinet and started wrapping her arm, "I'm sorry for not realizing how much i was making you suffer with my random moments of memory loss, but i promise i wont do anything like that again, I will always remember the girl that saved me from myself" he says to her as he finishes wrapping her arm. He looked up at her beautiful green eyes and amazing smile "I'm glad I met you Brooklyn, I really am" he says just before he leans in and kisses her, he wasn't sure what her reaction would be but he just felt like it was right. "I'm still going to go after Saito but that doesn't mean I'm going to kill him, I'm just going to shake him up a bit for you and I".

"Thank you," she says as she watches him wrap up her arm. She smiled when he said he was happy that he met her, she was about to reply when there lips softly connected in a kiss. For a small moment she was surprised but just as she was about to kiss back he pulled away. She remembered how he talked about his parents and how they were killed, and that he had the sunglasses of the killer, but she was having a hard time remembering the rest of the day. Had she switched to Jade? She nodded at his comment but then lightly pressed her lips against his, getting her chance to kiss him back. Though the kiss didn't last long, she pulled back hearing footsteps approach them.

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Byakuya was taken by surprise when she kissed him "What was that fo......." he said before he turned to see what Brooklyn was staring at behind him. Byakuya was more surprised to see Simon standing in the door way, "You go to cafeteria, okay, food taste good yes?" Simon said to Byakuya and Brooklyn in his overdone Russian accent; "Yea ok sure, if thats what you require us to do" he said to Simon as he started leading Brooklyn out of the room. "Hey wait whats a nurse like you even working here for?" but before he could turn around, Simon was gone.

"Geez, whats with that guy, he makes no sense" Byakuya says, confused about Simon and why he decided to accept a job here in the first place. "I say we listen, he probably just saved us by quite a mile"

"Okay," she said nodding and following him to the cafeteria. She wondered about the Russian male nurse, he seemed did rent from the other nurses. They soon made it through the halls and to the cafeteria. Where today they are serving pizza.

(Sorry it's short)

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"Just a guess..." She said with an almost nervous giggle. "I'm new here too, My name's Caedis." She introduced herself then turned away slightly as the little voices started growing louder. 
"I'm sorry... You seem very nice I would love to get to know you better but I really must go right now" Caedis stated quickly then turned and left at a somewhat rushed pace.
Byakuya looked around at the patrons in the cafeteria and noticed a girl he was sure he saw yesterday still sitting in the exact same spot, clicking her pen, "What is with her" he said to himself as he walked with Brooklyn to the lunch counter. "I'll have a pepperoni, jalapeno and red onion pizza please" he said to the lady at the counter. After receiving his pizza he went and sat down and started waving at Brooklyn to come sit with him, "What is wrong with that girl over there? I'm seriously starting to wonder how sane she really is" he said still wondering about the blonde girl just clicking away with her pen.

"Well what ever its not my problem" he says as he takes a bite of his pizza "This is actually really good!"

Once ordering her food, Brooklyn went and sat with Byakuya at his table. Brooklyn stole a quick glance at the girl clicking her pen in the same rythem. "Well we are in a school for the mentally unstable," she reminded him, taking a bite of her mac and cheese. The food is really good today, Brooklyn's taste buds are dancing with flavor. She took another bite then nodded agreeing with him.
Caedis flew down the halls at a now very rushed pace. She looked around frantically for a dark quiet place to sit for a little while until the voices quieted down enough for Caedis to clearly make sense of her own thoughts. Looking around for a place to go without running into someone was a hard enough task at a slow pace for Caedis as she would frequently find herself distracted by something and lose focus of where she was going. 
Half expectedly Caedis runs into someone, "I'm so sorry" she sincerely apologized then looked up at the boy she had just run into. Wow.... He's so attractive, she thought and then blushed a dark red. She gazed up into his beautiful eyes in complete awe. Everything about him seemed flawless, from the gorgeous shade of greenish blue eyes to the cleanly cut dirty blonde hair. Caedis was speechless, she didn't know it was possible to be so beautiful.
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Charlotte skirted the edge of the cafeteria, clutching her bowl of macaroni and cheese - which was her favourite food - in a rather nervous fashion. After a few minutes, she located a vacant table and seated herself, crossing one leg over the other, then hooked her foot around her ankle for extra security. Before she began eating, she tucked her long auburn hair behind her ears so that it wouldn't get in the way, but almost instantly felt self-consciousness strike and fixed it, letting it fall to veil the sides of her face once more. It wasn't like anybody was likely to be looking at her; she was clad in a loose grey hoodie, skinny jeans with ripped knees, and black combat boots, so she didn't exactly stand out.

This school was an unfamiliar place full of unfamiliar people, so it was difficult not to feel out of place, but Charlotte did her best to convince herself that there was nothing to worry about. Taking a small bite of her warm meal in the hopes that it would help comfort her, she distracted herself by formulating a scene in her head about meeting a friendly student or two and hitting it off. Perhaps she would even encounter one outside of her imagination soon...
Byakuya looked around the room at all the exits, "WHY YOU!" He said as he noticed his worst enemy lurking the hallways with a childish smirk on his face "I'm not letting you get away, not again!". Byakuya set out to deal with his foe once and for all.

He looked at Brooklyn with a soft smile, "Ill be back for you, once this is all over we can leave here and never come back; I'll even take you to meet my parents one day so please, wait for me" he said to her as he left to pursue his target. Byakuya was finally going to be able to avenge his parents and Emily and wasn't going to let Saito slip away very easily this time around

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Without hesitation Brook replied with, "I'll always wait." She wish she could go with him but she would only hold him down, she couldn't fight anyone, she didn't know how to. She doesn't even know if she could hurt someone... Maybe for Byakuya she would. She watched as he chased after the man, struggling to stay in her seat and not follow him, but this was something he needs to do. Plus Brooklyn has her own mission she needs to go on.

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Byakuya walked down the hallway with a purpose, he was angry and all sorts of pissed and he wasn't going to let Green get away. He followed Green into the gymnasium, "Whats is with you and isolated areas?" Byakuya asked the man he had followed, "So it is you old friend, I thought i would never see you again after that night at Emily's!" said the man laughing as he greeted Byakuya. Byakuya smiled and then said "Finally I've found you, Saito, did you get bored killing your best friends girlfriends and start killing mental patients?!", he was not going to let Saito leave but he wasn't leaving out murder as an option to deal with Green, ""So how should we do this? Should I just snap your neck or will you going to turn yourself in!". "What do you think, I'm not stupid, why would I go to federal prison for what I did back home halfway across the world! You really do belong here if you think that thats what I will do, we may be friends but I still want to kill everyone you know and love as payback for what you did to me all those years ago!" he said to Byakuya as he put on a serious murderous face, "I also hear you have a new love interest, whats hr name, Brooklyn was it? Well I will have to get rid of her to now huh?". "Don't you dare you bastard" Byakuya snapped, "Well there is still my offer that you have yet to accept!"

While Byakuya was off fighting Dr. Green, Brooklyn was off on her own mission. She had slipped out and away from the cafateria and into the crowded halls. There was still no sign of Byakuya but she hoped that he was okay. People were suppose to be in class so that meant that all the nurses were either helping out in class rooms or helping out in the kitchen, witch left the front desk totally open for her to sneak into and take her files. She wanted to find out the truth about why she was like this, there had to be a reason. Brooklyn opened up the metal drawer with a list of files listed A-Z. She found her name in the B section and took it out. Without even looking in the file, Brooklyn headed towrds her room making her way without being seen. She closed her door and sat on her bed opening the file.
Byakuya was pissed, "Damn how could I let him scare me off like that?" Byaluya was beating himself up because he let Green get away from him because he threatened someone dear to him. "Why can't i do what needs to be done when the time comes" he was not sure what to think of himself.

Byakuya was a little relieved though, "Saito is a student here, that makes my job just that much easier!" he said as he roamed the halls. Byakuya noticed someone leaving the front desk headed in the other direction while he walked, "Thats not suspicious..." Byakuya was curious about who was leaving the office so he decided to follow. "What the- this is Brooklyns room, why would the culprit come here? Unless...." he said to himself as he knocked on Brooklyns door, "Hey Brook, you there, I need to talk to you about something."
Caedis quickly collected herself looked away from the boy and apologized once more before taking off. She glanced at the room numbers desperately trying to remember her own, after about ten minutes straight of reading room numbers and listening to muffled discouraging murmurs she found it. She slipped in quietly and crawled under the sheets of the bed and plugged in her music as loud as she could stand.

Brooklyn could feel the blood drain from my face, my eyes wide with horror. There were pictures, of a younger version of her brused. She kept going through photos, when she stopped, slapping the folder closed. "No," she gasped in horror. But even though the folder was now closed she could still see the perfect image, marked in her mind. Her brother hanging In the closet... Dead. 'No it's a trick they did this to trick me... Right' she thought to herself. Brooklyn's stomach was in knots, but before she could get another look at the folder to get an explanation there was a knock at the door. She got up and opened it, but not before hiding her file under the covers.

"y-yeah what's up?" She asked her voice shakier that she expected.

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"Oh hey....Wait are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost, no joke." Byakuya looked at the shaky Brooklyn with a lot of concern, "What were you looking at anyway...." he said as he looked into her room and noticed a file on the ground. He wondered over to them and looked inside the file, "What the hell, that bastard..." he said aloud as he looked at the photo's of the man hanging from the ceiling and of the pictures of a girl all bruised and beaten "That b****** Saito was there for all of this, and he has the nerve to threaten me with him saying he'll kill you if I don't accept his offer!" Byaluya was about to lose it but now he had fire and he was going to use it.

"Here look at the is picture here, in the darkened background if you look really closely you can see a man standing there in a black hoodie and blue jeans, that is Saito Green Shiroyama, this asshole killed my girlfriend and ended your brothers college life" he said holding up the picture of the hanged boy in the picture, "None of this was an accident, we are looking for the same Murderer and he goes to this school as one of the mantal patients but something is strange, none of the doctors or nurses cared what he was doing when i saw him, either way the same b****** that killed our loved ones is right here hiding beneath our noses!" Byakuya wasn't sure how she would react but he hoped Jade would understand at least.
Brooklyn looked at the picture, but it was hard to look at. Seeing her brother, that she thought was off in college, was dead. The document behined it says he killed himself.. It brought pain through her heart. It hurt... She just wanted it too stop. She wanted it to all go away, she didn't want to see her brother dead or old bruises from the times her father beat her. She wanted to forget! She wanted the pain gone!


"What in the name is this?" Jade said holding the picture close. "Is this your brother or something?"

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"Oh uhm wow, I have to apologize to Brooklyn later" he said as the new personality showed itself, "So how long do you think until she decides to kick my a**? In all honesty i deserve it, oh and by the way thats your brother hanging there in the picture and the man in the background is Saito" Byakuya was sorry he had shown Brook a picture that probably haunts her, even today, but he had to concentrate now or else Green would slip away again.
(When Brook turns into Jade, she is a totally different person. Attitude, memory, history. Even if the history is made up)


"That's not my brother, that's Brook's." She said seeing the picture, it was pretty gruesome. No wonder she was out and about right now. She sighed, "but that doesn't mean that what Green did is any less f***ed up. So we gonna kick some butt?" She asked getting up. She was ready. She was going to fight, she knew Brook wouldn't so that's up to her. Plus she always loves kicking some butt.

"And if I were you I wouldn't worry about Brook, she never really gets mad," she told him.

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"Well we can't just let him get away, but we can't kill him either, damn this is so troublesome!" he said to Jade as to answer her question, "Anyway the doctor here and the Green I'm looking for are two different people, so looking for the same person id virtually useless, but if we can find yours deal with him and then go after mine we kill 2 birds with 1 stone." Byakuya was determined to find Green but to do that he needed the Doc. Green to tell him where to find him. Byakuya racked his brain for ideas as he thought about the situation, "Why the hell did I do that to her? I'm worse then scum" he couldn't help but feel like a jerk after doing what he had done to Brooklyn, "Damn I wish this were easy but now we are basically at square 1! Any ideas on how we can make Doc Green spill about where we can find Saito Green?" he knew that if anyone could get the deranged doctor to talk it was Jade, plus he could always throw the doctor into a wall like he would anyone else, although he didn't know the idea was so fresh in his mind, he hadn't done that to someone since his first year at Morishima Prep. "Hey i was also wondering, do you and Brooklyn share the same emotions toward people? Its been on my mind for a bit now, and i was wondering if you feel the same way about me that Brooklyn does?" 
"Well isn't this interesting, you just keep finding new ways to entertain me don't you Byakuya" Saito said as he eavesdropped on the conversation Byakuya and a girl he was sure was this Brooklyn were having, "Well no matter, I'll just have to find a new way to mess with these two" he had started walking away from the room they were in until he saw something most strange, one of the room doors was still open. "Well what do we have here, maybe i should have a peek and see what this freak is into" he said as he walked into the room he took an interest in(Caedis's room), "Hello, is anybody home, well even if you were home I would keep snooping around, it's not like you could stop me from doing it anyways". He looked around for a moment and found a pare of girls underwear, "Well this is interesting, isn't it? I wonder where the girl that wears these is, its a very mature style for a girl so young to be wearing, just like Emily though" he said as he held them up to look at them, "Ah there you are, I was wondering where you were!" he said as he ripped the sheets from the bed to reveal a girl just lying there with her headphones in "Oh come on, don't hide i just want to be your friend" he said to the girl with a deranged smile as he ripped the headphones off the girl and introduced himself, "Hello, My name is Saito Shiroyama, but you can just call me Gr33n, Its really a pleasure to meet a girl as beautiful as yourself in a messed up place like this!"

She thought about were Dr. Green might be, I guess they would have to go and look around he had to be around here somewhere. She had no doubt that she could make him talk, the only thing was finding him. Jade was a bit surprised by his question but answered it. "No. We are like two completely different people. We have different memories with different emotions," she told him looking up at the boy. "Wait are you and Bree?" she asked.
"Nothing i guess, I mean we never actually said we were anything to eachother but..." Byakuya felt like such an idot, he knew that he never actually told her how he felt but he didn't really realize that they were never really something to begin with, "Well I mean I like her but I just don't want to get her wrapped up in my problems; I just don't want her to get hurt! And same goes for you but I know that even if I protected you, you would still choose to fight instead of letting me handle it alone..." he wanted to love everything about Brooklyn and that even meant Jade but he wasn't sure how they felt about him.

"Anyway we need to find Doc Green so that we can find Saito, he is the actual target, so no attacking the doctors here got that" Byakuya wanted to get them out of there but he was sure he would have to stop Jade from doing something unnecessary before they could actually escape, "Saito is the enemy here not the doctors got that, if anyone else ends up hurt or dead, it will be that much harder for me to get you and Brooklyn out of here!"
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"Okay got it," Jade said and gave a salute jokingly. She could tell he was serious though and would try not to get in any trouble. She then got up and began to walk the halls looking for the doctor. "He might be in the basement, or in the nurses lounge," she said making her way to the lounge, even Jade wasn't so big on going in the basement.

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"But we already know he will be in the basement so why don't we go there and knock some sense into him" he said to Jade as she walked out to look for the doctor or even his pet nurse, he couldn't be to sure who she was looking for, "This would be a waste of time looking in a place he would be less likely to be in" even Byakuya was sure of this fact, but he still didn't know where he learned this or why he even knew this infromation in the first place, he just started talking. "What am i saying, how would i even know where Green would be, i only just saw Saito but to be honest i don't think i ever really met Green" he was so confused and it mad his head throb more than he liked, "Damn why can't i remember how i know all this" he clutched his head as he tried to remember, "How is it I know who is who when you two switch" he was in so much pain he punched the wall right next to him and even though it was concrete he smashed into it so hard it made a solid indent of his fist, he even left some cracks in the wall around the new hole. "What the hell is going on, why can't i remember!?!"

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