Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

Byakuya did the same as he always did, he grabbed his books and went to his geography class and started rocking in his chair "Get you feet off the table and stop rocking, please!" the male teacher said "enthusiastically" and went back to teaching his lesson. Byakuya didn't listen to the teacher and just kept rocking "Like I really have to listen to you" he said rocking back and forth on his chair as he waited for classes to end and his hunt to begin

As class dragged on Byakuya noticed something in the corner of his eye just outside of the class room "What the...." he stopped rocking his chair and got up to leave the class, "You better not be thinking of leaving" he said to Byakuya. "Don't I always get the highest scores on your tests, Sir?" he was going to leave the room whether they liked it or not and so the teacher replied "Oh, Okay then, we have an exam tomorrow don't be late, oh and remember to take your medication"

Byakuya left the room to follow what he saw lingering outside but it was just Simon his Russian nurse pal, so he walked up to Simon and started asking him where he could find Green. He wasn't going to let him get away, not this time!
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Class went by so slow it was almost painful. She kind of wished that she'd switch back to Brooklyn for this class. The teacher soon dismissed the class and Jades head shot up and she wipped the saliva off from the corner of the corner of her lip. "Did you have a nice nap?" The teacher asked looking down at her, her arms crossed.

"Yes, yes I did," Jade said sitting up an stretching up her arms yawning. "Sorry I would love to stay but you know, I have other things I have to do." She left the classroom ignoring the teachers dirty looks.

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"Thanks for the help again man" he says to Simon as he walks away with is medication and water, "Like I'm taking this" he says as he throws away his medication.

He continues walking down the halls trying to figure out what to do about getting Green to come to him. "What do i do now, he is toying with me and its pissing me off" he says as he notices a girl very familiar to him, it was Jade or at least he hoped it was. He walked up to the girl and said "So how do you like the subject of abandonment", he hoped that it was Jade and not Brooklyn or else this would be awkward.
"It's a subject I'm very familiar with," Jade smirks and walks with him down the halls. It would be a very bad thing if she were to turn back to Brooklyn today. She stopped by her lockers to throw her books in and then closed it, catching back up with him. "So any trace on the old hag?" Jade said leaning against the wall. She hadn't seen him at all today, he must be hiding today, he knows something's up if he sent all of those nurses... Or maybe someone else.

Her next class started soon so she needed to stay close to the classrooms.

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"I haven't seen anyone related to him, not even Simon knows where he is" if Simon didn't know where he was then where could he be. Byakuya needed to find him and fast, he needed to find him before he loses these memories "Well how bout nurse Lizzy, She seems to be his favorite of the bunch" he said, sure that Nurse Lizzy was involved with that maniacal old fart some how. "You have any idea on where we can find her?"

"The lunch room. She's always in there when she's not doing her rounds," she told him. Jade could defiantly get that little witch to talk. She went down the Halls and towards the teachers lunch room. Yeah she had class, but did that stop her? No. Class wasn't important right now. She needed to find that old hag.

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"Good, and if need be, I can just throw her into a wall again" he was adamant about getting Green out in the open and he would do anything to do it.

He had done everything he could to track down Green and he wasn't going to let him get away not again, "If you can get her to talk, then i won't have to throw her into a wall again" he wasn't going to let that man hurt anyone else here ever again. "The faster we find that b******, the sooner I can get revenge on that man for what he did to her.....!"

Byakuya was getting emotionally attached and thats what they said not to do but he couldn't hold it back anymore and punched the wall. He punched the wall so hard the concrete didn't hold his fist back, in fact the wall broke into the shape of his fist, "Damn I keep doing that when ever I get like this, I really got to get it together to find this guy and fast, before I lose my memories" he said to jade after punching the wall, "I will make him pay for what he did to Emily, I swear on that!!!"

"Well you better calm down dude because we don't want you loosing your memories and we don't want that little pest, Brooklyn, coming back anytime soon, so just calm it. I'll find the nurse and make her squeal," Jade said in comfadance as she got closer to the door. "You will see I can be very persuasive," she tells him with a mischievous smirk. She walked into see nurse Lizzy alone in the lunch room. Behind them Jade closed the door behind them.

Hearing the closing of the door nurse lizzy turned and faces them. Her plastic smile, soon turned into a look of disgust.

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"Hey there, we have a request and i would be so happy if you would just tell us the whereabouts of Saito Green Shiroyama, I'd appreciate it very much, but if you refuse to tell me then i'll have no choice but to throw you though the wall this time instead of against it!" he said with his most serious intimation face he has to offer. Byakuya was sure the Nurse would know where he is but why was he getting a weird feeling that she wasn't involved with Green.

"If you don't tell us i'll just have to get violent, or i can let Jade handle you although I would much rather just deal with you myself" He says to Nurse Lizzy in as deep a tone of voice he could go in the current situation. "Ah hell why don't i just throw you into the wall anyway"

Jade did a little pretty wave with her fingers along with a devilish grin as her name was mentioned. She watched as nurse Lizzy looked unfazed by the boys whole threat.

"Well how would i know where he is?"

'So she wants to play it hard'

"Listen up," Jade says pinning the nurse on the wall. "We know your the hags favorite little pet. You know where he is now tells us. Or so help me god I will gut you like a fish," Jade threated, her face serious, no hit of mercy.

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"I'd listen if I were you, I really think she might do it" Byakuya said giggling slightly, "Or i could really throw you into the wall a couple times to get you to talk" he said stretching his arms to get ready for a good throw.

Byakuya was determined to get Green but this nurse was gonna make him lose it! "DAMN IT JUST TELL ME WHERE GREEN IS AND WE WILL BE ON OUR WAY!!" he couldn't hold back anymore he was angry and he couldn't help but show it. "JUST TELL ME WHERE THAT DAMNED MURDERER IS ALREADY, I'VE WAITED FAR TO LONG TO LET THAT A****** GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! I'VE FINALLY FOUND HIM AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET MY CHANCE AT AVENGING EMILY GET AWAY FROM ME TOO, NOW TELL ME WHERE HE IS RIGHT NOW!!" he said yelling at the top of his lungs. After he stopped yelling he leaned back and stared blankly at the roof, it had happened again....

"Okay! Okay! He's in a meeting with a kid," nurse Lizzy said in a panic. Jade threw the nurse onto the floor pissed off, but not before punching her in the eyes knocking her out, and getting some blood on her hand in the process. No he was not going torture some other inocent kid in a 'meeting'. She graved the boys arm, as he looked blackly up at the celling.

"Come on, snap out of it. We have to get Green. Oh and by the way who's that Emily chick you keep talking about."

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Byakuya came to a little after blanking, "Where am I? Where is Emily? Oh right.....she's dead....she was killed..." he said wondering on the subject, he hadn't forgotten Emily's death nor did he for get her killer, "I have to find Green, I have to find him and avenge her" he said looking down at the girl.

"Do you know where Green is, do you know where that b****** is?" he said with a half crazed face, "I can't let him get away for killing the only girl that ever tried to treat me with any kinds of kindness". He was feeling like he would snap any moment but he had to be at the school that murderer was at, "Do you know where i can find Franklin Academy, I know he is there somewhere and i will find him and do to him what he did to Emily!"

She stopped and looked at him confused for a moment. "Damn it, well this sets things kind of off. I'm Jade, and you are in franklin academy, before you went all haywire you and me had a plan of revenge for Green," she said catching him up while she pulled him down the hall. She knows exactly where Mr. Greens meeting is being held.

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Byakuya started walking ahead of Jade, he had a feeling he knew where he was and wasn't going to let him escape,. he started walking down stairs into the basement, going straight to a room with a closed door "This has to be it" he wasn't sure how he knew that but he just had this feeling deep down and didn't know what to do about it.

He kicked open the door with all his might and found a man and another student tied up on the chair bleeding heavily, "Damn it Green, you have no class do you?" he said to the man but as soon as he saw the mans face and looked at his name tag he felt like an idiot "Damn it sorry, you're not who I'm looking for...but I still can't let this little incident slide" he slugged the Doctor in the face really hard, maybe a little to hard but he had to hit him for making this kid suffer. He looked at the girl who had followed him to the room and said this isn't Green, or at least my Green...what a pain........"

Brook looked at the boy... he seemed familiar... oh it's Byakuya. But, what are they doing down here in the basement? With... that doctor, Mr. Green? Bad memories overwhelm her. She stepped back a bit and looked down at her hands. She has blood on her knuckles... but what from. As the doctor looks at them confused, he soon finishes up with his 'meeting'. Before Brooklyn could even get a word out she was interupted.

"Ahhh Brooklyn I have been looking for you, you missed your meeting yesterday," he said coming closer and graved her arm, starting to pull her into the room. "I've heard you have been causing some trouble lately."Mr. Green states closing the door behind him and Brook. Yet before the door fully closed Brook got one more glance at Byakuya. Then the door shut closed. Is that what the blood is from? From me hurting people?
Byakuya looked down the hall from the room he thought he was the right place "Damn how could i get careless and let others get involved in my own problems" he was going to get this girl to safety and then deal with every doctor he found until he found Saito.

He walked up to the door and Kicked it as hard as he could, but the door wouldn't budge "Damn what is this thing made of, titanium bricks?" he tried again and again, but it just wouldn't move so he thought about something that might work, so he went and picked up the garbage can in the other room "This better work" he said as he used the trash can to smash open "I WON' LET YOU DO TO HER WHAT YOU DID TO EMILY YOU MONSTER!!!" he had finally broken through the door and began to walk toward the doctor, "I won't let you touch one hair on Brooklyns head, not as long as I'm around!!"

He remember again and he wasn't sure how much he could but he was sure he remembered her beautiful deep green eyes.

Once she was pushes into the room Dr. Green strapped her into a chair. She struggled at first but along with the straps he kept her still and stuck a needle into her arm. She suck in a deep breath before what felt like fire burned through her vains. Her cries rippled through the air. She then heard someone trying to break in. She struggled against the leather straps, as the fire in her vains grew more intense. She watched threw her blurred vision as he pulled out a rather sharp tool and began to cut her skin.

"What happened to your brother? Where is your father?"

Every time they had this meeting he would ask her the same questions and she would give the same answer, but he never liked her answer and always did something gruesome to her when she answered. Yet this time she didn't get to answe, someone had barged through the door.

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"I am not going to let you hurt her like you hurt Emily, I absolutely won't allow it!!!!" he said as he walked toward the doctor. "Ah, so you're the one he was talking about, the one he said was sure to come here looking for answers" said the doctor with a deranged smile on his face.

Byakuya looked at the name tag but when he actually read it, it said *Dr. Melvin Green*, "Damn you aren't the Green i was looking for. Tell me where Saito Shiroyama is scum!" he said to the doctor while unhooking Brooklyn from the table and hugging her close.

"You have one chance to correct your ways, so start talking, where can I find Saito Shiroyama?" he was going to protect Brooklyn at all cost and still vowed to get revenge for Emily.
As the individual sat beside Enoma, she immediately stopped clicking her pen. "Who is she, what does she want" she Thought to herself.

The room grew into silence, as Enoma turned toward this character who sat beside her. Her heart began to race, as she gripped the pen.

"Ha ha, Yah, How could you tell?" She proceeds to giggle with a large smile on her face. "What about you, how long have you been attending this academy?" She says while slighty tilting her head in curiosity.

Brooklyn was a bit shocked by the boys entrance, but she was so happy he was here. After he released her from the chair he embraced her in his arms. She hugged back then looked back at the doctor, who was still holding the sharp tool he had used to cut her arm with. Millions of questions raced through he mind. Such as: What was to happen now? Who was Emily? Who is Byakuya looking for? Brook bit back her bottom lip, trying to keep in her screams of pain as her arm bled from the nasty cut, and fire still ran through her vains.

"I'm sorry, but I am afraid I can't tell you that information," replied Dr. Green, a smirk screwed tightly on his face.

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Not getting answers was the one thing Byakuya didn't tolerate "Times up!" he said to the doctor as he smashed him in the face throwing him at the cabinet full of tools and medicines. "Are you hurt any where? Do we need to take care of anything serious" he asked Brooklyn while holding her close "Oh right, sorry I'm late" he said with a big smile toward Brooklyn. he was not going to let her feel the same pain that Emily felt, that was not an option,

"So did you miss me? I missed you, I know that much"

She looked down at her bleeding arm, with a nasty cut. "Just my arm but I'm okay," she answered once again being pulled towards him. She hugged him back, the fire that once ran so strongly through her vains was dying down. She looked up at him with her big green eyes as he smiled down at her and asked the question. She blushed a bit, her cheeks turning a light pink but she nodded. "Yeah I did," she spoke truthfully.

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"I'm glad" was all he could say while hugging her tight. He didn't want to forget this feeling nor did he want to forget the person who made him feel this feeling. "Please I have one request, Don't ever leave my side again; I've never felt so warm with anyone else....." he said as he started tearing up.

"I've always been terrible with people and feelings, but when I'm with you even if it's only been a few days i feel so at ease" he says to Brooklyn, no longer able to hold in his feelings. "I don't know what will happen when Green finally decides to show himself but i promise that no matter what i will always be there to protect you" he didn't care what she thought of him but he knew that he had to tell her or else he would fall apart "I like you Brooklyn, and nothing will ever change that, so please stand by me till the end" what he said were his honest feelings and he was determined to remember them and the girl they came from.

Brooklyn looked up at him,her chin resting ever so lightly on his chest. She's surprised by what he he's saying, but she is also touched by his words. No one has ever said anything comparable to that. And even though she just met the boy he made her feel warm inside... Good, protected. "I promise," she said sincerely, "Byakuya you are the first person to ever treat me like I'm an actual human being, like I have an actual meaning. And I like you too and I promise to never leave your side as long as you want me."

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