Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]


Brook sits on the side of his bed and watches as he questions what she just told him. She couldn't believe that he had met Jade... "I told you before the whole nurse attack happened, in the cafateria. You said that I looked dehydrated so you took me to me to cafateria and got me some water." she reminded him.
"That does sound like something I would do" looking up at the roof from his bed. While looking at her, he says "So this is a little late but what was that nurse doing to you when i found you just now?"

Sitting up from his bed to sit beside her "One more thing I'd like to know, why did you panic when you said i met Jade? I don't think she is a bad person, I just think she is misunderstood" he says, blushing more than he'd like.

He gets up from his bed to look for glasses and his special treat. "Here we go, you like Vodka right? seeing as how I saw a bottle of it hidden in your shirt i would assume you must like the stuff" handing her a glass offering her a drink.

She blushes as he talks about meeting Jade. Once again giving his insite of her and once again amazing her with his kindness. She took the drink of vodka. She took out the bottle of Jin from the top of her shirt. She didn't even remember stealing it, but she was happy she did. Brooklyn scoot a little bit further into his bed sitting cross cross and sipping her drink.

(Sorry that my reply is late I had band practice @Naegi )

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After taking a sip from his glass he looks at Brooklyn and says "Ok so here's the rule with being in my room this late, if you're a guy and you stay the night you get the floor but if you're a girl ill sleep in my desk chair and you get the bed". He had to make sure that if she stayed she was safe from him at the very least. "One more thing, if you go back to your room and you're a guy you go yourself but once again if you're a girl I'll walk you back to make sure you're safe" he states blushing, and slightly buzzed.

He looks at Brooklyn after stating his rules "I also have a personal rule for girls strictly and that is; unless you consent, any indecent acts are off limits".

Now blushing to the point where his face is noticeably red he takes another sip and says "Cheers-To new friends ships and hopefully many many more!!"

When he talked about the rules, for both girls and boys she couldn't help but blush. She agreed to the rules, and by the way she was drinking she didn't know if she could make back to her room. She took another drink and then held up her drink to his. "Cheers!"

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Having drank all the vodka and already starting to drink the gin Byakuya started to recall events from when he was younger, "When I was about 12 I remember walking to school and seeing these chumps walking around with unnecessary amounts of rope around their necks and could stop laughing at how ridiculous they looked" he keeps talking while fairly drunk and continues to say "I went to the school 9 block away from them so I didn't really care much after I lost sight of them but one day I caught them doing something unforgivable, and they are the reason I can't stand when people suffer". Still going on about the past "Those kids did something I will never forget", he lights a cigarette and continues "As i walked by their school on the way to my own I saw them picking on a shy girl while gesturing at the nooses they had wrapped around their necks".

He puts on a serious look "After that day i waited to meet them in middle school so that i could beat the tar out of them myself, and they never saw it coming!" then Byakuya puffs his smoke and says "I'm not sure where that came from but i just remember the feeling of blood running down my fist and the screams those boys had when i broke their arms and legs"

"Sorry, I'm talking to much i haven't let you get a word in at all in this last hour" he says trying to calm down. "Please, enough about me, I want to here more about you, what was your childhood like?" he says to Brooklyn as to not bore her with his life story.

Brooklyn's face turned pale as he told the story, her eyes wondered down to her, already, almost empty cup. What was this? Her fourth... maybe her fith drink... Though she didn't remember the insadent exactly she remembered the whispers and the videos on YouTube of her beating the living hell out of one of the boys, it was the same day she got suspended. She also remembered seeing the other boys that she didn't even touch, or at least she thinks, come back with cast. "That was me..." she said barely above a whisper, still looking down at her drink. "That girl you saw... that was me..."
"I'm sorry" was all Byakuya could say before pouring another drink and gulping it all down with one swig. "I......" Byakuya was speechless, he couldn't possibly know what to say. "I'm sorry if I hurt them when you probably didn't want them to be" he says after crushing his glass in his palm. While his hand bled he looked at Brooklyn, eyes red and shaky with fear of what she might think of him; what if she hated him after this, what if she never wanted to see his face ever again.

"If you hate me for what I did you can do what i did to them to me, I won't stop you, I have no right to stop you" he said starting to feel anguish as the thought of his first friend here in this hell hole starting to hate him ran through his mind.

"Please.....forgive me" was all he could say before he went silent.
"I don't need to. I'm not mad at you at all. Thank you... For what you did," she said thanking him. He was only thinking about others and to be honest... Those other boys deserved it. Brooklyn then went even closer to him and took his bleeding hand and quickly, yet softly, began to take out all the pieces of glass. She then tore off a part of her jacket and put achol on it. "This might sting a little," she warned then dabbed the wet fabric on his skin softly. She looked down concentrated in mending his hand.

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Byakuya started laughing, but not a hysterical one but a sad weak sounding laugh, "It's okay, this pain is nothing compared to what you might have faced that day". He started breathing easier than he was. He felt calm and happy inside and then he said "This has to be the weirdest *not really* reunion I've ever been too".

As he watched Brooklyn wrap his hand he smiled and then said "I've never felt this before, this feeling deep in my chest, it doesn't hurt, more like it cut deep down and is filling me with warmth, I don't deserve a feeling like this". He has never had any friends and his family sent him here to get rid of him till graduation, he didnt deserve to be treated like this, not after he hurt all those people.

"You don't have to do that, my hand will be fine" he says trying to sound like he hasn't lost his composure.

Brooklyn ignored his last comment and continued to wraps a piece of torn cloth around his wounded hand. "You know Byakuya. Your not the bad person you believe you are. Your amazing. Your the only person that has been nice to me in this hell hole and you care about the well being of others. You do loose your temper now and then, but that's okay. And when you do hurt people, it's usually for the right reasons. Your a good person Byakuya, and you deserve to feel compassion towereds you. You deserve to be happy. And you know what? I am so proud to call you my friend," she tells him. She has never spoken so much to anyone, well not as Brooklyn. She finally looks up at him, finished with his hand and smiles at him.

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Byakuya has never seen anyone smile at him before....well at least not this earnestly, "You know what? You are the first person so far that hasn't treated me like a monster" he says shocked at how warm her smile is. "I swear no matter what, no matter how angry I get, from now on I'll always remember you, so please don't leave me and i will never leave you" Byakuya meant those words he said and no matter how hard it is he will try his hardest to remember this girls warm smiling face.

Looking at his watch after looking at the job Brooklyn did wrapping his hand he notices how late it is, "DAMN ITS LATE!!! This took alot longer than I thought it would". How had the time already pass this fast, "Hey so....uhm....I think you should stay here tonight seeing as how its late and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow......" he couldn't believe how much he was blushing saying that.

He immediately gets the bed cleared off and ready for Brooklyn to use, "Here you go, the bed is ready for you, I'll just sleep on the floor" he says while gesturing to the bed for Brooklyn.
Riley sat in her room, cowering in a corner. They were back. The voices. And this time, all of them were there. All 8 of them.

"You're useless."

"No one likes you."

"I don't know why you try."

"Your name is stupid."

"Why are you so scared?"

"Want me to call mommy?"

"Don't talk to people. They'll hurt you."

"Everyone just wants you dead."

She covered her ears, trying to get them to stop. But they wouldn't listen today. She knew she shouldn't have left her room. They never liked her going out and meeting people.

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Brooklyn never felt so happy in her life. She finally had a friend. "I promise to never leave you," she promised with honesty. She really hoped, with all her heart that this boy would remember her, but if he didn't she wouldn't give up. She would keep reminding him.

"Um are you sure I really don't mind taking the floor, really," she told him, as he made the bed. she felt a bit bad about taking his bed she didn't want him sleeping on the floor, and she didn't mind sleeping on the floor at all.

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"No please take the bed, I wouldn't feel right making you use the floor when it was I who just dragged you here in the first place" he said trying to sound like a gentlemen while still blushing.

He didnt want to sleep on the floor but if it meant that she would have a comfortable night he didnt care, "I insist you take the bed, please take it......."

he said feeling tired, he started lying down on the floor while insisting she take the bed.

He was already out before he could hear her responce.

Brooklyn took off one of the blankets off of his bed and covered him. "Goodnight Byakuya," she whispered. She then crawled into his bed and just as her head hit the pillow. She fell into a deep sleep.

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Byakuya woke early into the middle of the night "Damn, my head hurts" he says holding his head in pain from the hang over, "I really shouldn't have drank so much". He gets up and picks up the empty bottles of liquor and the broken pieces of glass and puts them in a bag "Dang this really hurts, I need something to drink" he says as he leaves the room quietly for water so that he doesn't wake Brooklyn up. As he made his way to the cafeteria he noticed something odd, a girl with double pig-tails was just sitting there at one of the tables, clicking her pen, he later ignored it and went back to getting his water as well as a glass for Brooklyn just in case she needed one. "Well i guess this is all i need, right?" he says before he see's something most interesting; a faint read light coming from the teachers lounge.

"Well what do we have here" he says tempted to take a peek at what was happening. He then remembered what he was doing before hand and went back to his room. "Now to open the door as quiet as possible" he says as he inches his creaky door open.

Brook woke up in a different room, her head is throbbing with pain. Where was she? Oh right... She was in Byakuya's room. Yet where was he? She looked at the abandon blanket on the floor. Where was he? Brooklyn got up and off of the bed, but to quickly. Her head spinned and she sat right back down on the bed. A few moments latter she heard the door open.

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As Byakuya entered his room he was surprised to find Brooklyn awake "Hey princess what are you doing awake? Should i sit and wait for you to fall asleep? Oh right here i got you this" he says handing her the cup of water. "This should help if you have a splitting head ache" Byakuya tells her after scratching his head.

After giving her the water Byakuya lies back down and waits for Brooklyn to fall asleep "If my bed is that uncomfortable, you could always take a spot next to me but i highly recommend not doing so seeing as how we just met and all" he says while lying on the floor.

Brook sips at her water then sets it down. "Or if you want you come up here," she said still feeling a bit bad about taking the bed while he lays on the floor. She only held innocents to her words not meaning anything more than sleep but as the words sinked in she then thought of what he might think "I mean cause the floor must be uncomfortable and if your head is hurting as much as mine, laying on the floor won't help..." She quickly added.

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Caedis sits in a comfy chair impatiently awaiting her shot shaking ever so slightly. "you don't have to do this to yourself"

They're whispering again... They always tell me things I already know. "I know I don't have to... I want to now shut up"

I hate talking to them while people are around, I can never seem to shake the feeling that someone is watching.

"hello, Caedis right?" A nurse asks sweetly. "yes, that's me can i have my shot now?"The nurse looked a little confused at my response but continued on anyways. "yes it is, just sit back relax-" "yeah yeah i know just please hurry up and put it in" I watched with pure satisfaction as the sharp needle pierced my flesh. "It feels so good" I thought, too bad it can't last longer... It's been so long since I've tasted my blood... But they're always watching, I couldn't even cut if I did find something to use.
Byakuya sits up immediately at her comment "Okay" he gets up while saying that. "Here how bout we keep each other warm-clothes on of coarse" he tells her after he lies down on his bed with his arms behind his head like a pillow, "I don't mind really, but i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable".

He lies there waiting for a response as he resists slowly falling asleep "I'm ok with this if you are, if not I'll just go back to the floor".

She nodded her head agreeing with keeping there clothes on. Brooklyn lays back down next to him. She felt better that he was up here with her. "No I don't feel uncomfortable, do you?" She asked looking up at him with her dark green eyes, droopy with sleepiness. Brooklyn feels comfortable with him up here, kind of conferting, but strangely anything but uncomfortable.

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Byakuya flinches a little when she laid down beside him, "wow she smells good" he thought after getting a waft of he hair. As he fixed the blankets and got them both covered, he got a thought "maybe i should let her use me as a pillow" and so he said " Its okay if you want to use me as a pillow i don't mind". After he said that he felt like a total idiot, he knew he shouldn't have said anything but he had already done it so what could he do now.

"I....I mean if you don't want to its okay I was just wondering" he said blushing while trying to keep it subtle.

He lay there waiting for her response but before long he was already asleep again never to wake till morning.

Brook could feel the heat burn up on her cheeks as he mentioned the idea. As he got nervous and tried to correct his words while blushing she couldn't help but think about how cute he is when he's nervous. Before she could even respond to his offer he was already deep I'm sleep. "Goodnight," she whispered yet again to the sleeping boy and took up his offer and used him as a pillow. She closed her eyes closed and she feel into a deep sleep, listing to the rhythm of his heart beat.

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