Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

Byakuya begins to follow Riley and says, "Man I'm out of shape i need to exercise. This save me loads of time. Its finding the gym or making my room into a weight training area."

He follows Riley while waving back to Brooklyn as they leave to find the gym.
The mans grip tightened more and more the longer they walked towards their destination. Where they where going was a mystery to him, his right hand asleep from the slowing blood rate. The mans footsteps echoed in the hall, and after awhile of silence Wren spoke, "where are we going?" He hoped he wasn't going to be punished for hurting the nurse, since he hadn't even done it. For a moment the guard was quiet but he then spoke, "to your time out room.." The title of his destination made him feel like a child, and as if he'd just sit in the corner. But had a feeling in his gut which told it would e much worse.
"Well, the gym here is pretty well equipped. They tend to encourage people to get their frustration out by gyming." She chuckled. "You're Byakuya, right? I heard the doctors talking about you."

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She waved goodbye to him then curled back up and read her book, but she wasn't interested in it anymore. She got up and started to walk to her room... but stopped and took in a deep breath.


Jade looked around. She was back in the halls. She passed the lounge for all the nurses and doctors and stops. No one is in there, but what catches her eyes isn't the freshly brewed coffee or the sweet bread, but the achol. She ran into the room and took one of the small bottles and stuffed it down her shirt. She moved it around so it was noticeable. She was on her way to her room to enjoy her new gift when she saw a boy being escorted (Wren). A sly smile appeared on her face. She ran up and hopped in front of them. "Where are you taking him?"
Chad was able to defeat the individual that sat in front of him in this simple game of chess, How ever the individual did not take this lightly.

He threw his hands up in the air, began to cuss, and took his leave. Chad couldn't help but giggle as he stared at the chess pieces."What an interesting concept" He says as he admires the King chess piece he holds in his hand. " Why do they fight? Is it because they are of different colour? Do they not share the same belief, or is it, they feel only one man can be of the highest authority"
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Byakuya looks at Riley "So is there anywhere else I should know about like bad places, good places like this, places I should avoid at all cost?" he says while inspecting the gym equipment. "It would be useful information considering my rage induced amnesia"

Byakuya then begins to walk out of the gym to get a better feel for the layout of the school, "so i was just wondering but you said you have problems talking to people because they may or may not be real?" he asks while looking around.

"Hold that thought" Byakuya said. He had gotten distracted by what looked to be his nurse buddy Simon. Simon was "escorting" a stranagely short meek looking individual and it looked as though the individual did not want to go where he was being taken.

Byakuya starts following Simon and notices a familiar face seemingly doing the same as he.

He walked up to the individual and said "Hey Brooklyn, what are you doing you shouldn't be here"

Jade looked at the boy confused. Who was this boy. He referred to her as Brooklyn. Oh this must be one of the pip-squeck's friends. I didn't know she had any. But I have to give it to her... he is cute. "Sorry but Brooklyn's not home," Jade told the boy a sly smile on the tips of her lips. She continued to follow the nurse and the escorted student. Her question still remained unanswered.
Byakuya continued to follow Simon and the individual being taken to some new place he hadn't been before. while still confused about what Brooklyn had just said "Sorry but Brooklyn's not home". While tailing Simon, Byakuya started walking beside Brooklyn and says to her, "This isn't funny Brooklyn, you could get in trouble and I don't want you to get punished for something that you have no part in".

He starts worrying about Brooklyn because even though he had just met her he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong and yet he didnt care as long as she was okay. "Stay with me if you are going to follow Simon, if he starts throwing punches I wouldn't want you to get hurt" he says with a very serious look in his eyes. "Somethings not right with Brooklyn right now and no matter what it is i won't let her get hurt"
Jade: "Oh you think I'm joking, sorry but I'm not really the funny type?" she scoffs.

Looks at the boy confused. "Look your probably friends with Brooklyn for whatever reason, but unlike her I now how to protect myself," she said as she kept walking. Why did this guy care? Who is he? She sighs. I guess i should give him some slack, he did nothing to me, yet. "But I guess you can stay if you want, if your really that concerned."
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"I never doubted that you could protect yourself but I'm not saying it to protect you from Simon, I'm saying it to protect you from me, so if things start to get ugly get out fast" he tells Brooklyn still very serious. While holding his sights firmly on Simon and the scared individual, he starts moving closer to get a better look at the room they just walked into.

While looking inside from the window, he notices a table covered in straps and a cart covered with different types of medicine. He looks at Brooklyn and says "Brooklyn I want you to get out of here, I'm going to try and rescue that kid there from almost certain overdose".

He starts to quietly open the door and sneak in to unstrap the kid on the table and get him out of there. Byakuya whispers to the individual on the table while no doctors or nurses are present "Pssst, I'm here to get you out. I can only assume its my fault you got put here so I'm here to set you free".

"And miss all the fun. I don't think so big shot." stays in the room and stomach does flips as her eyes land on all the medical tools spread out on the table. Jade could only imagine the things that they were going to do to this boy. She wondered what he did to piss off the Doc's. She picked up one pionty tool. "Hmmm look at all there toys... these people make me sick," she said mostly to yourself and put the object back down. Jade looks at the tied up boy and sighs impationtly. She bounces up and down on her tipy toes and the goes and helps untie the boy.
After untying the boy on the table Byakuya says, "Sorry kid, I have to apologize for getting you into this mess".

As he leads the kid out of the room, he signals to Brooklyn "Get out while you can, I'm going to stay; this is my punishment and I have to see it through", then he wonders why he is saying these things, he then gets a flash back to throwing a nurse into a wall. "oh yea i guess this really is my fault".

He waves back at Brooklyn and the kid on the otherside of the door, "I'll be fine, you two get going, I'm going to show these guys we aren't just some hospital schools toys to be jerked around"

"Remember what I said, we can talk later in my room, room 101. just meet me there in an hour I'll be waiting" he says to Brooklyn before lying down on the table.

Brooklyn has no idea what was happening. First she was walking to her room and now she was getting pushed out of some room. Byakuya was telling her to go to his room latter but she didn't want to leave him. She didn't want him to get hurt From the looks of things that room wasn't good news. "No... Byakuya," she said trying to get back in bur before she could a male nurse was already in there and closed the door... and locked it.
Byakuya squirmed and wriggled as they cut into him and injected him with different kinds of tools and drugs. "HAAHAHAHHA....This is.....nothing.......it'll.......take......alot.....more then that.....to control me!" he says while resisting the pain from being cut and the dizzy feeling from all the drugs. His vision slowly begins to fade.....then darkness.

He wakes up several hours later in his room wearing the clothes he had on before the experiments. "I hope Brook and that kid got away alright" he says to himself as he gets up to go for a walk. He opens the door and begins to walk toward the gym to get a little bit of a work out in before Brook gets to his room. He arrives at the gym and begins his workout.
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Brooklyn paced the floors back and forth her fingers knotted in her hair. What was she to do? She couldn't just go on with her life as if nothing happened, when he is in there getting the the hell beat out of him. She could only imagine the things that they are doing to him. She looked around searching for clues, something that she can do to help but there was nothing. In the corner of her eye she could see the a nurse eyeing her, but she didn't care. She had only just met this boy and he barely remembers her but her, but she didn't want him hurt, especially by those people. The nurse kept her gaze and finally walked over. "Miss please calm down, or I'll make you."
As Byakuya finished his workout he wiped himself off with a towel and put his shirt back on. On his way back to the room he noticed a girl being harassed by the nurse. He walks up to the nurse and notices it is the one from earlier that he had thrown into a wall. "Hey if you want to pick a fight, pick it with me" he tells the nurse. The nurse looks right at him and steps back "You won't get away with this, I'll make sure you never graduate in one piece" she says and walks quickly away from him and the girl.

He looks at the girl and notices it is Brooklyn, "Hey are you okay?" he asks her worried about what the nurse said and sis to her.

"How about we continue this talk somewhere else....somewhere where we won't be targeted by nosy doctors and nurses" he says to her as he grabs her hand leading her to his room.

He was okay...

"Yeah... I'm okay," she said then nodded when he suggested they go somewhere less public. Bree follows him her hand in his, allowing him to lead her to wherever they are going. "W-Where are we going?" she asked as they walked down the halls and away from all the doctors and nurses. 
(Sorry that my post is kinda short)
While making their way to his room he asks her how she is doing, "So how are you doing today?Did you miss me?" as he is smiling jogging to his room before they are noticed.

After finally making it to his room he opens the door to reveal a typical messy boys room. "Uh.....sorry for the mess I should have cleaned up but i guess this was kinda last minute" he says scratching the back of his head, his tone full of nervousness.

"Sooooo anyway can you forgive me for just leaving you there after getting that kid out of the danger zone? How is he doing by the way?" he asks as he lets her enter his room.
Riley walked around the school grounds aimlessly. She knew her way around and could navigate pretty easily, but she decided to go left or right without thinking about it. Maybe it was stupid, but she could always get back to wherever she wanted easily.

And she liked this. Roaming around the school, doing nothing, talking to no one, and not letting her schizo get in the way. It was nice.

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Chad, gently places the king piece in the center of the chess board. He proceeds to stand up, and place his hands in his pocket. For a moment, he stared at the chess board, with nothing but the king piece that was placed in the center. "What a fragile system, But I guess it gives people a reason to live, to either spend their life as a useless pawn, to someone else game, or to aim high, and even go as far to becoming the one in control of this simple game."

Chad then turns around, and swings himself outside the door frame, He enters the hallway, and begins to skip down the halls.
Finally Wren and the other man came to a door, it had began to seem that they had no real destination. But here they where, but why? Why was he in so much trouble? He remembered another man but nothing else, Wren sighed irritably as he was tugged through the door by the guard. As soon as hey entered the door was shut, the click of a lock automatic.

Inside the room there was truly nothing, every surface a blinding white. Wren turned around about to question where they stood when he spotted a whip in the mans hand.

"Remove your shirt, you're getting five lashes. Three of those are just because I'm bored." Wren stared at the man as he smiled with crooked teeth. Why was this place so cruel? His eyes moved to the door behind him, he could get out. But how.

As they jogged through the halls, unnoticed by the others, she smiled at his last question. She then playfully said, "Maybe just a little." They Soon arrived at his room, being successful at not being seen. His room was how you would imagine any topical guys room, messy. But she didn't mind at all.

"Oh yeah about that... I kinda blanked out. I don't remember going in that room. What happened? What was that room and why were we in there?" She asked

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Byakuya sat on his bed confused at her questions,"Wait you don't remember ever following a nurse with me or rescuing the kid the nurse was dragging?". "What is going on? I see her following Simon and that kid and she is acting all confident and head strong but now shes acting like some cute shy girl" he thought to himself before he said, "So you don't remember anything from a few hours ago."

"You don't remember saying to me "Sorry but Brooklyn's not home" earlier today? Thats weird, but i'm glad you're brave enough to show me another side of you, even if it had a mouth on it" he says trying to figure out what was going on with her a few hours ago.
"Wait I said wha- ohhhh," she said interrupting her own thoughts as she finally understanding what happened. "I have multiple personality disorder," she explained to him once again. "You met Jade."

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"I met who now? So you mean I quite literally saw another side to you?" he asked quite perplexed. He looked at her wondering what she meant by "You met Jade". He gets up and starts pacing around his room, "I get the faintest feeling you're not lying but why do i feel like I've heard this somewhere before.

Byakuya starts scratching the back of his head trying to remember the last few hours, "Damn, why can't I remember? I swear I remember hearing about something like this from someone I met ages ago but I can't seem to put my foot on why" and then he jumps on his bed, his back first and puts his hands behind his head as if to use them as a pillow.

He looks at Brooklyn "So wait, from what I remember you telling me; we met earlier today after I saved you from that nurse or was it before that?" he asks still a little confused.

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