Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

I couldn't help but feel deeply happy about his comment. Without realizing I ran over to him and hugged him "Thank you! Thank you Hani-kun!" It was a relief knowing that for once I had some people I could trust, perhaps going to school wasn't so bad after all. I wrapped my arms around him and kept myself from crying tears of happiness, a smile forming on my face.

I suddenly realized I was being overly enthusiastic, I let go of him and blushed "I-I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this" I don't remember the last time I've ever hugged someone. If things went well, I don't think I'll be too lonely anymore, I kept what he said in mind, though.

(Where is everyone? This fandom thread is not working D:)
(( it was working till people stopped replying. I don't want this thread to die :( ))

Hani smiled, as she hugged him, "its ok. I lke you better when you're happy, cause you're prettier with a smile!" He gave her a pat on the back. Mori couldn't help but smile. He was glad that Hani seemed to be drifting from him. His little blonde cousin needed to find someone he liked more then Mori, otherwise he would have trouble when they went off into the real world.

((I may put the twins back up for grabs. I'm going to try to get this going again))
((It would be nice, since everyone is interacting with the Hosts at the moment and only a couple of them are actually active...))
(We just need the twins back right? I've got Hani and Mori, and tamaki is cover, and I'm the only one who wnts someone to play kyoya, so I don't mind if he isn't here who is playing the twins again? I'm on my phone right now so its hard to check ))
So I'm sorry if this messes anything up but I didn't want to just leave you guys without posting for a while... Just tell me if I need to change anything~))

Kyoya watched the shenanigans of the club jotting notes and sighing from time to time. He was counting the profit and smirking at his notebook. He looked at Haruhi and Tamaki and sighed once more.

Maro was walking around the school just exploring the large building. She just wanted to find a good place to study. All her other spots had been over run within a few days by both guys and girls trying to get her attention for both school work and other reasons. God why does everyone at this school care about the stupidest things! She thought angrily.
((Oh my god its Kyoya~ [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION] please post as much as you can, kyoya is my fav ~ ))
(([MENTION=3333]PoisonousKandy[/MENTION], are you still going to rp with us? if not im going to give the twins roll to someone else. [MENTION=2876]skaterjuliet[/MENTION] you still there?))

Serenity spotted a dark haired guy sitting with a notebook, intently writing. she tucked a book mark into her book, and decided to introduce herself. Hani and Mori seemed to be busy anyway. she walked over a gave a polite bow. "hello, my name is Serenity, i just transferred in to this school. mother mother married distant relative of Hani so we are cousin, and ive known Mori since we were children. are you the leader for this club?" she sat at his table, hoping she could talk to someone who was not obnoxious and annnoying.

Repost for [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION]:

Hani smiled, as she hugged him, "its ok. I lke you better when you're happy, cause you're prettier with a smile!" He gave her a pat on the back. Mori couldn't help but smile. He was glad that Hani seemed to be drifting from him. His little blonde cousin needed to find someone he liked more then Mori, otherwise he would have trouble when they went off into the real world.
(I don't have anything for Tamaki to do as of now, so I'm kinda stuck in a boring RP moment with him, I'll think of something though, I mean, it's Tamaki xD )

Lya blushed at Hani's remark of how pretty she looked when smiling, she usually tried to avoid smiling or being herself or being with other people. Apparently she just couldn't help being her goofy self around the hosts, how strange. "She looked around the host club a little wondering what there was to do. It was pretty much just a bunch of girls huddled around the hosts being entertained by whatever ridiculous conversations were going on. Yeah, this was definitely something Tamaki would come up with, it was no surprise that sweet little Hani had joined, she sat in a chair beside Hani and asked "Hani-Kun, do yo actually like it, all these girls swooning over you. You are quite adorable" she blushed madly when she said it, why had she mentioned that, "I mean, that's why they all like you, but do you actually like all the attention you get from being cute? That seems like something only Tamaki likes attention from"
Kyoka looked down at Serenity with a bit of a smirk. "I'm sorry to say that I'm not." He motioned to Tamaki with his pen. "Our leader is Tamaki Suoh, the princely type."

Maro walked down the hallway a bit annoyed at the school in general. Why must every room in this school be filled with people?! She mentally screamed as she checked a room for people. She shut the door controlling all the anger that told her to slam the door. She raged at the ceiling before going to the next one. "Music Room three?" She asked her self. "Hopefully its quiet..." She was glaring slightly as she said it.
(Sorry I've been really busy my sweet sixteen is tomorrow but ill just drop out sorry for wasting your time bros have fun w/ out meh!)
Sorry For not really doing anything here of late the baby's a hand full but its been a lot of fun lol but im back but i can see im not needed lol sorry for my absence))
([MENTION=3333]PoisonousKandy[/MENTION] alrighty. [MENTION=3557]Jonny.Federally[/MENTION] sorry, if I need ya I will say something.))
([MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], @Seiko-kun, sorry i havent posted in awhile, @KaitWink im putting the twins up for grabs, so hopefully you can get involved again.))

Hani thought a moment, then nodded, "its fun! theres lots of parties and events, and cake...." he looked at Mori, then at the rest of the hosts, "but its even more fun when its just us hosts! and now we have Seri-chan and Lya-chan too!" he smiled cheerfully, "its fun to have people who are friends and not just customers." he turned a took a bite of his cake, and noticed Mori staring in their direction. he gave Mori a communicative look, to which Mori nodded, and went back to tending to his guests.

Serenity was a but puzzled, but didnt let it bother her. "you must keep track of finances then correct? i suppose you have to have money to keep running this club." she looked around, then back at Kyoya, smiling a bit, "princely type? so what does that make you?" although she never judged on outer appearance, he was quite handsome, as expected of a host.

Mori listened to his guests idle chatter, and spotted the door move out of the corner of his eye. he got up and wandered over to see who was there. he opened the door to see what appeared to be a male, though Mori felt that this character was similar to Haruhi. it was possible that this person was a girl, but he held his tongue so that he would not appear rude. "Welcome to the host club" he stated in a deep, blunt voice.
Kyoya pushed his glasses up on his nose with his middle finger. "Money is quite valuable to use, yes, and I do handle the financial aspects." He acted as though he did not hear Serenity ask what type of host he was. He went back to writing the records of the day.

Maro looked up at Mori when he said that and was a bit surprised. She took one look around and turned going to leave. Definitely, not a quiet place to study... She thought still angry at the school and students for being so stuck up. Agh!!
"Bye" Mori said as he/she walked away.(he doesn't quite know her gender lol))

He realized he didn't reconize the face, and thought this person may be a newcomer to the school. He decided to follow. He tapped this unfamiliar person on the shoulder "I apologize for bugging you, but are you lost?"
Maro stopped and looked up at Mori. "Hm? Oh sorry, no. I'm looking for a quiet place to study." She turned and held out a hand to him. "I'm Mori Ushi, 1st year. What about you?"
Tamaki looked over to their financial adviser, it seemed there was a girl who was speaking to him, it was an odd sight. His own girls crowded around him as he entertained and lavished him in his beauty. He said to them "Excuse me ladies, but I must depart. I know the absence of my presence is a crippling and horrible thing, but fear not, I shall be back!" he said to them, he blew them all a kiss and they all gasped and struggled to catch the air kiss, fighting amongst themselves as their hands struggled in general space to catch and invisible object.

Usually Kyoya was talking business with their customers, but their conversation seemed more relaxed and formal. It was as a real conversation. Tamaki smiled, he knew all too well when the spark of love was being ignited, clearly one of them was interested. Perhaps he should help them realize their true feelings, after all, it was his job as a host, was it not? He strolled over to the girl and Kyoya "Hello Madam, I am Tamaki Suoh, I'm glad to see you at the host club. And I see you've met my good friend Kyoya Sempai." He pats Kyoya on the back "He's a fine man, there's not a smarter and more brilliant mind in this club, I don't blame you for wanting to talk to him". He laughs "So Kyoya, got any plans for this club, some brilliant plans of brilliantness" he grinned as he baited Kyoya to show off some of his intelligent plans for the girl.

I grin, as I watched Tamaki do something that involved a lot less females, I didn't really like to see swooning girls everywhere, especially not for Tamaki. I can't even fathom how these girls actually like this guy, I guess some girls like the type of guy that tries way too hard. I look back at Hani "You know, I guess you're right, I wouldn't mind a party or event" I wondered what this club had planned. I looked at Tamaki and a guy who seemed to be the leader, well, the brains of this outfit. Surely they must have a few plans.

I wink at Hani and grin "And cake! I'm always up for cake. Be sure to save some for me Hani-Chan" I giggled. I liked being with Hani, was this okay? Being friends with just him and Tamaki mostly? Or do school kids have big groups of friends? Should I get used to the other host club members too? I already met Haruhi, he was nice. Mori was cool enough, a bit quiet, but I guess I couldn't blame him for that. The quiet one could just as easily be me. There were still the twins and Kyoya I had no idea about. "Hey Hani-Kun, is there any way I can meet the hosts without the club on. I mean, everyone's preoccupied with all these girls. Is there any time that just the hosts meet? Like, to plan or something?" I wanted to be a part of the host club, but not as a host. A friend of the hosts, I guess.
((Okay, until then I'll probably stop checking this thread for now. If someone talks to Yuuki ((right now she's wandering aimlessly around the same room you're all in)) please tag me so I know to read this . Thanks))
Mori took her hand and shook it gently, "Morinozuka Takashi, 3rd year." He smile slightly, wondering wether or not to ask if she was a girl.

Serenity looked at Tamaki, "well I've already noticed he is intellegent. I'm smart enough to see that on my own. That's precisly why I'm sitting here. It seems to me he is much easier to carry on a conversation then you and your over extravagant babbling." She flipped open her book and read a few lines before stealing a glance at Kyoya to see what he would say.

(Haha, Serenity has low tolerance to obnoxious people now we see her not so nice side)

Hani nodded, "the host club is always doing all kinds of fun stuff. But if you want to meet everyone, you can just wait till our other guests leave!" He grinned hand her a full peice of cake on a fancy little plate, "here you go! Just for you."
(Everyone is always mean to the narcissistic flirty characters xD My OC gets the same crap Tamaki is getting)

Tamaki gasped, but he resisted the urge to curl up in a corner and cry. "Well, it appears looks are decieving, I thought a gorgeous girl like you would have a nice and affable personality as well. But I guess all people aren't blessed with beauty on the outside AND on the inside like moi" He looked at Kyoya, "Well, she's perfect for you. Cold and calculating."

Lya giggled as she was handed a whole piece of cake, "Thank you Hani-chan" She took a bunch of bites out of the delicious dessert and 'mmmed'. She thought about the hosts "I wonder if they will like me" she said as she became both worried and excited.
Serenity felt a bit sad at Tamakis words, but managed to put on a stern expression. "Its quite rude of you to assume upon first meeting that I'm not a nice person, and on top of that I wish you would not lie about how "gorgeous" I am because I know very well that you say it to every girl who walks through these doors. I merely preffer not to flaunt any perfections the way you do. Not that I have any." She frowned, a light blush on her cheeks as he mentioned her and Kyoya being perfect together. She looked at her book, but did not read.

Hani gave a little thumbs up, " I'm sure they will like you a lot! Your fun and nice Lya-chan, and I like you a lot too!" He grinned cheerfully.
Maro nodded out of respect. "Nice to meet you." She smiled a little not showing any teeth. "I don't suppose you know a place that's quiet enough for me to study?"

Kyoka continued to write in his notebook. "I wouldn't say that I'm cold." He said to Tamaki with a smirk. He didn't mention anything about them being 'perfect for each other' as he put it. "I certainly hope your guests don't get bored Tamaki."

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