~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

"fine." I sneered, turning towards her.... I looked at her. I was still covered in blood... I was doing well so far... I only had afew more nurses left....

I uncrossed my arms, preparing myself for a fight. For the first time since my father I was about ready to willingly unleash my anger on another person. My hands balled into fists as I stared her down. This was going to be interesting.

I looked at her for a minuite before before finally going for her. I lunged forwards, grabbing her neck in my hands... I enjoyed fights... I enjoyed the action.

I was expecting her to go for my neck first, and I was right. I latched my hands onto her wrists, my nails biting into her skin and drawing blood as I pulled my knee up to connect with her stomach.

I winced, my grip loosening at i fealt her nails deep in my skin.. Her nails were sharp... i tryed to kick her but her knee was allready in the way.

I grinned, sensing I had the upper hand. I decided that I was going to end this quickly. Using my grip on her wrists, I spun and slammed her into the nearest wall before wrenching my neck out of her grip. I stood, gasping for breath a moment before I allowed my gaze to wander back to her. "Still wanna play..?" I ask, tilting my head to the side with a grin on my face.

I screamed out as my body hit the wall... Pain shot through my whole body. I groaned as i tryed to get up. i wasnt giving in..

"Aww, still have a little bit of fight left in you..?" I say mockingly, the grin still present on my face. I walk forward slowly and kick her once more, laughter pouring from my lips.

I fell to the floor, screaming again. I tryed to get up again... i couldnt.. I was shaking and my wrists were hurting too,,,

"So, do you give up now..? If you do, I'll leave you alone..." I say with a smile. This was fun, but I wanted to wrap things up so I could check on that new nurse.

"Good." I say, the mocking demeanor I had about me all but disappearing as I made my way over to the fallen nurse. "Are you alright..?" I ask softly.

I was simply shaking as blood poured down my face.

"H-help me up. Please." I slowly propped myself up on my wrists, appreciating the air I was breathing now.

I carefully helped the nurse to her feet. "Is there anything I can do to help..?" I questioned as I helped her to a chair so she could sit down.

I shook my head.

"The guards are already on their way. They should be here-" And that's when six of them burst through the door.

"Thank you, Lilith. But why did you do that?" I asked, wiping blood from my nose.

"Because.. I don't like others being hurt. It bothers me.." I said softly, a small smile on my face. "So, I had to intervene. I just had too...."

I tryed to go for the door, but as i did, a group of gaurds ran in... Oh god... I stopped, just standing there, covered in blood...

Three of the men held down Marylin while the others went for Lilith.

"No, she helped me. She's done nothing wrong, other than leave her cell. I will not have her punished." I said, holding my nose with the cloth.

I watched warily as the guards advanced on me only to heave a small sigh of relief as the nurse called them off. That was good. I didn't want to be punished. "Thank you..." I mumbled softly, looking at her with a small smile.

I nodded, though I knew I didn't really have any power over what would happen to her. She would still be in trouble for leaving her cell unattended. And I would probably be in trouble for handling a Blackshirt on my own. Oh, well. It's not like there was anything I could do about it.

I'd talk to Nicolai later. After I took some painkillers, of course.

((She still doesn't know.))

I sighed. I supposed they would take me back to my cell now. Wonderful. "See-ya around, Newbie." I called, as I was escorted out of the room and back to my cell where they were sure to shut and lock my door. Looks like there would be no more getting out for me. Although, two times in one day is still mighty impressive.
((Well he'll be disappointed when he finds out nico's been stabbed and shipped out)) 
((Poor max :( now I feel bad about it xD ))

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