~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

((Shipped out?))


I waved at her, before one of the guards took me down to the infirmary. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. My shift was almost over anyways, so they said I could just go home. I wasn't sure, but it was fine.

((Not entirely sure what to do now. Should we timeskip?))

I woke up eventually, not really tired to begin with. They started talking to themselves, and I listened, half-heartedly counting the tiles on the wall.

You two are getting on my nerves.

We're always on your nerves.

Everyone, please. I can't keep track of who's who.

Why do you need to? We're all one person, right?

No. You're not me. I'm me. I'm Max, and you're Scott, James, Amelie... Evan.

They were quiet for awhile, leaving me alone. I looked out the narrow window in the door, wondering when I would get my private therapy like usual.

((I don't really have anything to do now, so here's some Max xD ))

I sighed, glancing around my cell. "So you've done your good deeds for today, what now, genius..?" Timmy asked me. Looks like I couldn't relax on my bed because he was currently lying on it.

"Timmy, would you please move...? I'm not in the mood..." I mumbled, giving him a look. I really didn't want to deal with them right now. At my continuous bothering, Timmy finally moved off my bed and allowed me to sit down. "Thank you.." I say softly, turning away from them to face the wall.
((I think nico's in the hospital still, and I have no idea what's going on here because I apparently stopped getting alerts T_T stupid annoying alert system. Anywho. Ill probably jump in sometime Sunday because its late and tomorrow (Saturday) I doubt ill be near anything with Internet for more than two seconds at a time. Too much work to do with a baby shower and then actual work and blargh. Long day))
Name- Lucas Othello

Age- 16

Role- Patient/Inmate

Color- He was supposed to be purple, but when they first met him, he lashed out and caused serious injuries to other people and himself making him a Black.

Bio- He was raped when he was 14. His abusive father said that he deserved it and that made Lucas sink into depression. He started getting flashbacks and began to not trust anyone. He was sent to the asylum recently and isn’t quite used to it.

Problems- Suicidal thoughts, flashbacks, not really violent until he has flashbacks. He has self-loathing having encouraged himself that he was worthless, and used to harm himself.

Appearance- He is about 5'9 and has green eyes. His hair is naturally black. He has bangs that fall into eyes [like profile picture]. His eyes are almost glow-in-the-dark.

((I don't know if he is 'good enough'. He's a little crazy.))
Nalakitty01 wanna skip to when cy and nic are back?, but i remember nic was stabbed so... mybe some time off would be good xD  
i could meet with lucas? but i dont know how long i have

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