~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I took the sandwich.

"Cheers." I forced out a smile as i opened the bag. I didnt like meeting new people- no matter how similar they were...

"My name's Roxy." I said simply. "What about you?" I tried to make things seem as comfortable as possible. I didn't act like she was dangerous, so hopefully she wouldn't think I was trying anything. I honestly wasn't, I just didn't want her to hurt anyone- even if I was a bit afraid of who's blood might be on her hands.

I offered her a cloth to clean her hands with, if she wanted.

My name was well known here, so i wasnt sure if i should tell her...

"M... marilyn...." I muttered, taking the cloth. I wiped the blood from my hands.
"That's a pretty name." I said, crunching on some chips. "Must-a done something, this place really sucks. 'Less you're in Purple or White, but you aren't so why are you here?" I asked, holding out my hand for the cloth so I could throw it away.

I just nodded, sighed.

"Addiction...." I murmered. There was more to it than that, but i didnt want to say.... I passed the cloth back to her.

I nodded, tossing the cloth into a trash bin.

"That sucks. I've been through that before." I say, popping another chip into my mouth. Of course she was hiding something, but I didn't really mind. She'd tell me what she wanted to. "You don't like new people, do you?" I asked, looking at her now. She looked like a girl that had so much potential, if only she made the right choices.

"Hmm..." I leaned back into the chair, pulling the sandwich out of the bag.

"I dont like anyone!!" I growled. I wasnt enjoying this, but i had to make the most of being free.

I nodded.

"I can understand that. But why not? I'm sure people have been nice to you. Is it because you don't want help?" I asked, actually curious about her now. Not like I didn't care before, but this was different. She was a lot like I had been, just a bit more severe.

"Sorry." I said quietly. I crossed my legs. "Want an Asprin or something?"

((Are you planning on having Marylin do anything to her, by chance?))
(if you would like, im sure she could;)


I just growled as she said said sorry....

"No.... No, i dont want anything...!!" I growled, fed up with the questions.

I shrugged.

"Alright. If you say so." I crumpled up the chip bag and stood to throw it away.

((Surprise me xD ))

I turned my back to her, suddenly realizing that I had been stupid.

"What is it?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

The call button's right here. I'll be fine, right?

My finger was over the button. I was still calm, but she was starting to scare me. I smiled.

"What's so funny?" And pressed the button silently.

What- It happened so fast I didn't expect it.

"I was... trying to help you!" I shouted. Five minutes. That's how long it took. Still, I didn't know if she was going to try to kill me. I had only tried to calm her down enough to call for assistance without her getting angry. Of course it would have worked with a sane person, but I overestimated her.

I screwed my eyes shut, gasping with an explosive pain that spread across my face. I wasn't sure if my nose was broken or not, but something was bleeding. I clawed at her hand on my neck, trying to force out words. It hurt not to breathe.

As I sat on my bed listening to my three morons complain at me, I heard another commotion. With a sigh I glanced at my cell door only to realize that it was still open. That was rare. I stood and walked out into that hallway, following the sounds I heard. I found myself in the break room. The first thing I noticed was that Marilyn had the new nurse by the throat. Not again. I sigh, wandering over to the two of them. "Marilyn.Stop it." I say softly, trying to keep my voice calm.
I let go of her neck, kicking her to the floor.... I turned to the girl that had just walked in.

"Shut up!!" I hissed, looking down at the nurse on the floor.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Why don't you make me." I hissed, my eyes narrowing into a glare. I knew I was a hypocrite. I couldn't stand seeing people be hurt and yet I hurt people all the time.

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