~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

(Okay xD )

I heard nico drop to the ground.. I got up and ran into the room, instantly crouching beside him.. Cupping my hands to his stomach, I grabbed the sheet off the bed and used it to soak up the blood.. "HELP!!!!" I screamed.. "NOW!!!"

I heard screaming. This screaming I recognized though. I knew it wasn't another inmate. I pulled myself out of bed and over to my cell door. It was locked. Of course it was locked. I wasn't going anywhere even if they did need help. I sighed. I hated being locked up like this. "It's your own fault..." Timmy said, giving me a look. I ignored him. I was more focused on the voices I was hearing from down the hall.

I slipped through the door. I ran into the middle of the corridor, looking around. Which way!? I began running, not caring where i was going. I needed somewhere to hide now...

I watched as someone ran past my cell door. "Hey!" I called before she got to far away. "Do you think you can let me out..?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

I managed noise, finally, when Cyrus moved my hands away to press a sheet to my stomach, and made just an incoherent sound of pain. I was able, just barely, to wrap a hand around his wrist. "D-Don't-" I choked out, holding on as best I could. Removing it here was just about the worst idea in the world. It would only make the bleeding worse.

I stopped, looking at her... i was panting a little.

"And why would i do that...?" I snarled, looking at her. I was covered in his blood.

"Because I'm asking nicely. Who knows, maybe I can repay you some day. " I say with a shrug. I really wanted to find out what was going on.
"Nich, I'm not stupid" I hissed, "anyway, don't talk.."

He was fine, the scalpel hadn't gone deep in.. It was just bleeding a lot, and he was in apin..

Despite my rips I lifed him up off the floor and got him into the bed, "there, more comfy" I got him hooked up to a morphene drip whilst still screamijng for help..

"You WILL repay me. And soon. If not, you'll be like him." I smiled, referring to nico. These were the kind of cells that could only be opened from the outside. I looked around before going to her cell door.

I shook my head as best I could when he got the needle to me, trying to push his hand away. "N-No . . . I . . . awake. . ." I couldn't fall asleep like this. Who knew if I would ever wake up? Oh, gods, I felt like I was losing my mind. Words made no sense anymore.
"Its fine, it won't put you to sleep, I wouldn't do that, its just morphene, to help with the pain mate" I sighed.. My ribs were killing me, but I had to prioritise.. I'll call you an ambulance!

"You can always hide in the break room. It's down that way more." I say, pointing down a hallway. "Every ones busy at the moment, so I doubt they'll look there. Heck, I doubt they'll start looking for a while, so I'd say you have a bit of time." I tell her with a small smile. "Thanks again." I say before darting off down the opposite hallway, following the sound of the calls for help.

I ran in the direction she had told me... I picked up the pace a little, desparate to get away. I was gonna be in some deep s**t if and when i was caught.

I made it to the room where I'd heard the screaming. There was blood. There was a lot of blood. I didn't like blood, but I sucked it up and moved farther into the room. I seen Cyrus and Nicolai. "Oh no.." I mumble. So that's what that person had been talking about. She'd stabbed Nicolai! "Is there anything I can do to help..?" I ask softly, looking at the two of them. I knew I was probably going to get in trouble for being out, but I didn't care. I just wanted to help.

I shook my head and found myself laughing a little after that, quietly and to myself but still enough to jar my stomach and bring on a fresh wave of pain. I'd called him an ambulance, why did he need to call one for me? Somehow that was funny, but I knew if I stopped feeling the pain I might let the blood loss put me to sleep. Besides, the EMTs would pull the needle out anyway.
"Oh yeah..there's one coming anyways.." I smiled..after about 10 minutes the paramedics arrived.he was looking a lot better from the morphene, and it wasn't bleeding as much, but still a lot, the pain in my ribs had worsened.. Whenever I took a breath, more pain..

M.A Or H.S can somebody please rp the paramedics?

The paramedics were fussing, of course, and I cringed but tried not to move when they put pressure around the blade. Instead, I just craned my neck a bit and tried to see past them to where one of our patients stood. "Li . . . Lilith. . ." What was she doing here? Was something wrong? I could still help. I was sure I could. If they would just stop pulling on me I could help.
((I can try.. I'm not very good at stuff like that, but I can give it a shot.. Just give me a moment to think...)


I looked at the two of them. I knew the concern had to be evident on my face as I crept closer to them. "Nicolai..? Cyrus..?" I said tentatively. I knew I was breaking the rules again, but I didn't care. This was more important.
(im really bad at it >.>)


i went to the room the girl had told me to go to. It was empty- just like she said... I opened the door, going inside....
I got up.. Screwing my face up in agony.. "L..lilith.., I think we need to talk hun," I steered her out of the room, away from nich, letting them take care of him..

I let myself be led from the room. "What's going on..? Are you alright..? Is Nicolai alright..?" I inquired, my words were rushed. I was worried.
"Lil' calm down..nichs been.. Um.. Stabbed.. But he's on morphene and he's fine, I will take care of you best I can, and imm fine.. Just a few broken ribs that are extremelly painful, now.. Let's get you back"

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