~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

She nodded. She didn't feel any sympathy for Kas- he'd hurt too many people. She left, but not before turning back.

"By the way, the DeTura boy's up when you have time." And she sent off for what he'd asked for.
((Is 'DeTura' Max?))


I just nodded. "I'll get to him once Cyrus is settled." When the gurney came, I helped Cyrus up onto it, and directed the two guards to take Kas to a new, padded cell to be put in a straightjacket until further notice. When I'd gotten Cyrus to the infirmary, I let another doctor check on him and moved away to check on my other patient. "Max? Are you feeling better now? I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. A lot of things were happening." I'd broken a sweat, even, and I had been panting before but managed to catch my breath now. Too much in one day.
I rolled my eyes, expressing my frustration (without talking) of this situation, so I just sit there..and look at the doctor.. With a pain riddled grimace creeping across my bloody face..


I opened one eye and looked at him.

"Sorry I caused so much trouble. I didn't think I would get out of hand, but... I can't handle somethings I suppose." I sighed. "You look like you've been through hell. What happened?"

Sometimes I just wished I could be normal.


What's normal anymore?

Shut up. It's my chouce if I want to move on.

Move on from what? This is the only thing you know.

I managed a faint laugh and just ran a hand through my hair. "Hell happened, a little bit. But don't you worry about that. I'm all right." All part of the job. "Do you feel up to walking back to your room?"

"Yeah. You won't be getting anything from us. I think we're all a bit afraid of each other now." I said, an almost depressed tone in my voice. I looked down at the straps holding me down.

I nodded and made a mental note of it. "You need to tell that to your therapist, all right?" I said gently, then put a hand over the leather covering his wrist. "I'm going to undo the restraints now. Are we okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. If I thought I was going to do anything I would have told you." I started doubting something. I'd always felt that Nicolai actually believed that part of me was sane. I knew it- the only part of me that was reasonable and that wanted to get better, was who I was now. But... he didn't believe that, did he? I was quiet, and so were the others in me. It seemed that for once we were all shocked at the same conclusion.

I nodded and smiled a little to reassure him. "Just checking, Max. You know I have to check." I didn't want to have to, but double and triple checks were also part of the job. His other personalities could decide to try and play nice and trick me, after all. I unstrapped him after that, offered a hand to help him up once he'd gotten the usual flex and stretch over with, and started walking with a hand on his shoulder. "Did you eat before it happened?" I asked, looking down at him in concern as we walked. "I can you bring you something if youre hungry."

I shook my head without a word, still brooding. My hands were in what little pockets I had, my shoulders hunched uncharacteristically.

"No, I'm fine. Can I take any of the punishments you were going to give Lilith? The idiot Scotsman kinda pushed her into it. That, and I kind-of need some extra time to myself." I asked quietly.

I shook my head, giving him an apologetic look. "I know the guards can be impatient sometimes, and I'll have him dealt with as well, but Lilith needs to be able to control herself if she ever wants to leave." I sighed softly. "I can see about getting yours extended, if you'd like. If that doesn't work, I can see if I can get you in the infirmary with me some days." If he claimed he felt as if he needed to be restrained, I could keep him in a solitary room there.

"You mean- padded walls? No, those places really do make me feel like a madman. Don't worry about the flirty Scott, he's in my head so it's not like you're going to punish him. I'm not really sure what to do now. It's fine, I'll figure it out." I said, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Nic, do you think I'll ever get better? Like... have a chance at a normal life and all?" I asked, really hoping he'd say that I did. This time no one spoke against me saying it, so I could only assume they wanted the same thing.

I stopped him at his door, smiling slightly and giving his shoulder a little squeeze. "You've been doing your best, and letting me help you, so I know you want it, and if you want it badly enough, I know you can get better. You just have to convince yourself that you can." It just wasn't Scott I was worried about. I could handle him trying to flirt, even with me - that much I could simply brush off. But his hot-tempered personality wasn't one easily dealt with, and that was the one he needed to be rid of most, so he wouldn't have to be put in a place that made him 'feel like a madman.'

I nodded, giving hims a small smile. For some reason I couldn't speak right away, and when I did my voice cracked.

"Thanks for believing in me. Really, it means a lot. And, uh, sorry again for all the... weird crap earlier." I said, sitting on my bed and looking at my feet. I waited for him to leave, not that I wanted him to. the fact was, he was a better therapist than the one they hired for me.

Oh, don't tell me this.

You... don't want us around?

He never did, don't you see?

Shut up. He has to figure this out on his own.

I stayed for a little while, standing in the doorway with a hand braced on the frame just so if anyone passed by we wouldn't be yelled at for leaving the door open. "It's all right, Max. I know sometimes it just slips out of your control, but that's why you're here, working to fix that." I stepped back a bit, ready to leave, and just smiled for him. "You've been doing better lately, and I'm proud of you. I just wanted you to know that."

I gave him a grin. It was nice. I rarely had bad days anyways, so it was nice to know that I was getting better.

"Thanks, Nic. You better get back or you'll get in trouble." Today- minus the huge obvious problem, was actually nice.

What did you mean earlier, I have to figure it out on my own?

That's exactly what you need to figure.

Don't help him! Things are bad enough as is.

You know, Nicolai's actually pretty cute.

Shut up, Scott.
((lol Scott makes me laugh))


I just smiled and gave a mock-conspiratory wink. "Oh, I'm always in trouble." I laughed quietly after that and just waved. "Get some rest, Max. I'll check on you tomorrow." I had to close the door after that, and get back to where Cyrus was. I wanted to make sure he was all right and didn't need a hospital. We didn't do surgery here.
((I'm glad XP))


I looked at the door unil it closed, then looked down at my hands.


My rounds were done, and I had no further orders yet. I had already stopped to have a nice conversation with a Purpleshirt that needed help. Then I was back in the hallway, looking for something to help with.
(Sorry xD fell asleep)

I looked up at nico walked in.. They were in the middle of something, and let's just say I wasn't best please about it.. I wanted them to let me go, I had work to be getting on with, paperwork... I was getting a little frustrated, you could tell by my tone.. 
The guards grabbed kasabian.. Strapping him into a straightjacket

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