~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


I shook my head, locking my ankles together to keep his legs trapped. "Not until you calm down, Kas. You can do it the hard way or the easy way." I wasn't a lightweight. I could hold him still like this until someone arrived with a sedative, easy.

"ARE YOU THICK OR SOMETHING!? HOLDING ME LIKE THIS ISNT GOING TO CALM ME DOWN!!" I yelled. I stayed still, not even able to move.
((I'm just bored. Sorry xD ))


I was approached by a nurse, who looked apprehensive at the sight of me.

"Hey- you!" I called to her. She brushed her hair back, looking at me nervously. She looked a little familiar. "Please help me. I just want to go back to my room." She looked at her clipboard.

"I'm supposed to find Nicolai for you. Is that alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's fine." I said, looking back up at the ceiling. She sent someone off to find him.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, Cyrus. You just sit down." He was carrying himself in a strange way and I didn't know what damage Kas had done to him before I got here. "You have two choices, Kas. Realize you're stuck and stop shouting and fighting, or just wait here with me until someone arrives to sedate you."

I sighed angrily, relaxing my muscles. I didnt like this... I didnt like being touched- but then no one did when they were being heald like this. My breaths were sharp and quick.

"Are we better now, Kas?" I asked, wary and not yet loosening my grip. "I want to check on Cyrus' injuries. If I let you go, will you stay calm?"

"Have a guess." I muttered under my breath, smirking a little.. Of course i wasnt..... 
(back in a min, switching to my phone))

I rolled my eyes. "Guess that means I'm not letting go. Cyrus, for your own health, sit down, shut up, and focus on breathing." I didn't want to be rude but he needed to stop doing things. I didn't want him making whatever injuries he had worse.
A nurse arrived at the room with tranquilizers.

"Sorry you had to wait. The nurses in the infirmary were too scared of DeTura to let me leave right away." She waited for Nicolai to order her on what to do. She knew not to make a move without consent- it could only make things worse if she did.
So I go ahead and do what nico says.. I mean.. I respect the guy, and he's one of my best friends.. So I do sit down, shut up.. And focous on breathing.. It just makes the pain in my chest worse..

I laughed slightly.

"Idiot. Did you just skip school to learn how to annoy people like me?!" I sneered- in one of my annoying, patronising moods.

I twisted my neck enough to look at the nurse in the doorway and just nodded at the patient currently pinned with his weight pushing uncomfortably on my own lungs. "Get a sedative ready, enough to knock him out a while." I reaffirmed my grip and just waited. "I've got him, but for his thigh, just in case. Gently." If she was careful enough it wouldn't hurt him much and he wouldn't be able to try and kick or grab her, not with the way I had him. 
((Which one is DeTura?))

"No...!" I yelled, not wanting to be knocked out AGAIN.

"Isn't there something else you can do.....?! Solitary or something?!" I begged.
She quickly screwed a needle onto a syringe, then cautiously came forward. She was careful enough, pushing down the stopper until he'd gotten the full dose.

"Right, then." She said, placing the now empty syringe in a bag.

"Kas-" I tightened my grip to keep him from flailing and gaining leverage. "Kas, calm down. I don't want to have to put you out either, but you're not working with me and you never do. If you started showing me you would behave, we wouldn't have to." I shook my head. "And yes. This was your last strike, and you're going to solitary.

I listened to what he was saying as the nurse injected the liquid into me... Why me?! Why did I have to mess up my life so badly.

I waited, counting silently in my head, until it was safe, then carefully rolled Kas off of me onto the bed. "Thank you," I said to the nurse that had helped. "Do me a favor and bring a gurney, and two guards." This was Kas' last straw. He was going into a padded room with a straight jacket now, and being black-listed as extremely dangerous. If he had one more incident, he was going to be sent to a criminal prison, rather than just an asylum.
(If I don't reply quick, I'm watching rude tube, but I will be on all night, because I'm doing the 48 hour challenge )))


I listened to what they were saying. I knew there were things wrong with me, but keeping me here wasn't going to help.

"What did I say about shutting up?" I reprimanded as I got down and crouched next to him. "Stop talking and let me have a look at you, all right? I'll take you to the infirmary and make sure you're all right, then get an ambulance here if you need more help than we can give."

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