~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

((Gahh, I feel so out of the loop..!! >.<))


I stared blankly at the wall of my personal prison. It was just me and my three morons again. "Why did you do that..?!" Timmy exclaimed. I glanced over at him to note his angry stance. "You should have listened to us and not him!!"

I shrugged. It was none of his business what I decided to do with myself. If I wanted to stay with a friend, then I was going to and there wasn't anything that he could do to change that."Yeah, Lil'. What the heck were you thinking..?!" Trenton called. Again I shrugged. It was really none of their business.

"You like him. Don't you...?" Edward asked, freezing my train of thought. He smirked as I froze. "I knew it."

I hurried over, giving Cyrus an apologetic look and then finding out what they'd done so far and what was wrong. Kasabian had done serious damage, and it wasn't safe to do everything here. We had to get him somewhere safe. "I'll cal the ambulance," I said, already dialing the number for the local hospital that was reserved solely for us. "We're gonna have to get you to the hospital, Cyrus. Just in case there's something we can't see. They'll do some. X-rays and a few scans and you'll be right as rain."

((Should nic be his second in command and take over paperwork, or just stay as he is and maybe deliver it to Cyrus in the hospital?))
((Ive had this idea floating around my head that, since some of the patients like Nico a lot, it would cause turmoil and drama if he were to be stabbed somehow. . . I'm so cruel to my own characters xD ))
((Hmmm. Kas maybe? No cuz he's in solitary in this one right? Maybe marylin gets a tiny bit hurt and gets sent to the infirmary where she gets left alone long enough to find a scalpel))
((and I'm here too.. I just can't do much because Lilith is just alone with her morons..))

There were times, because of my schooling, that I helped fill in for the doctor in the infirmary. There were usually two or three people there at all times, but two were dealing with a more troublesome patient and marylin only had a few minor scrapes, something I wondered if she'd done to herself in one of her fits, so I volunteered.

"All right, Marylin." I said, getting out a bottle of antiseptic and some cotton swabs. "I'm just going to clean those cuts so we can get them bandaged up, all right?" I gave a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, but it stings a little. Bear with me, and ill see if I can get you something you like after." I could find some sort of treat for her, surely.

((He'll walk away in the next post and then she can find the scalpel))

I smiled a little tentatively, trying not to let her irritate me. "All right," I said simply, and started dabbing gently at the scratch on her arm, holding her elbow loosely in my other hand. There was a commotion from the other stall and I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Marylin. Please wait just a moment and ill be right back. It sounds like they need some help over there." I hurried up and out after that, closing the door behind me so she wouldn't walk out. I wasn't sure who it could be that required more than two people to be restrained, but I would help anyway.

I winced a little as i fealt my arm begin to sting..

When i heard him say he needed to leave, i smiled a little. I waited till he was definatly out of the room and gone before i got up of the bed... A great idea struck me...
((He's already got broken ribs xD and who's gonna help them both after that? Lol))


It took a minute or two, getting everything settled in the other room before I could go back, a little more rumpled but no worse for wear. I smiled a little as I opened Marylins door. "Sorry about that. There was -" She was there, before I could think of much else to say, and collided so hard my back hit the wall. Normally, I could handle something like that and get her restrained, but the sharp pain that followed stopped me. I knew the dangers of this job when I'd taken it, and I'd accepted them of course - but there was just something . . . jarring about looking down and seeing a pristine stainless steel handle sticking out of your own stomach. My legs felt weak and I slid down the wall to the ground, looking up at her with wide eyes, and found myself unable to form words. Why . . . Why had she done that? I'd been trying to help. I always tried so hard to help.

I thrust it into his flesh before he could do anything. The whole time, the same twisted smile remained of my face... I was pleased with myself for this. I'd never been able to get close enough, or have the time, but today i managed tto do it... I laughed a little, moving my blood covered hands away...

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